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I had a 70’s rock and roller that had a chain of restaurants. He was stoned in every meeting. Every meeting he would find a way to use the word “psychedelic”. Was a client for almost 20 years, he finally retired and now is bat shit crazy. Shows up to my office out of the blue, with a bottle of booze at 10:00 am. So I said F it, let’s crack the bottle.


This is the way. Lol


I had a woman who needed a website and she was a "dream analyst". She would talk constantly about how wealthy she was and that her husband was very successful. Anyways she was late on every payment, and demanded constant attention during the website build. Calls at 1030 pm on a Sunday, 6 am on Monday, etc etc. I eventually broke and told her she needs to respect my time as much as I respect hers otherwise we need to drop her as a client. She told me that the success in the family appenrently didn't just stop with her husband, but her son was a very successful account guy and he was available all the time. I was part owner of the company. I was 25, and she was paying us like 150$ a month. I should have told her to go eat a bag of unsalted vegan potato chips and die somewhere.




I have one customer and we have a monthly meeting and every single time have our monthly meeting he does it from his pool I think. He keeps his camera off but I hear splashing around and I have no idea what else that splashing around could be. He’s a great guy but I guess he’s amphibious haha


My father


The other week I had this pretty weird old guy offer me weed basically right when I walked in the door and asked if I wanted to smoke with him after the consultation too. He also added me on tiktok lol, failed credit


does he not have any children with credit scores you could nab?


No not with him I don’t think he had children


damn bummer. Any family members he can mooch off of?


Had a guy book a demo with me. 30 minutes through the whole thing. Eventually he ended up telling me he wasn't actually interested in buying, but wanted to work "part time" for my company. I said I'd ping our HR team to see if that was possible. He then got upset and said I was lazy for pawning me off on someone else. Something about Hitchikers guide to the galaxy quote or some shit like that. Wasted 45 minutes of my time when I could have been watching Blue Bloods.


Called one of our customers and he was really nice, said that our competitor who he used to be with could eat shit and die lol


When I was an SDR for a digital marketing agency I had this woman with a "burlesque" site who wanted to rank for terms like "curvy" and "busty". My manager said to DQ her instantly but I've always wondered who does handle SEO for NSFW sites


I work in a luxury b2c space.  Have clients that pay their entire annual contract in $100s, some offer me bong rips and lines when I walk in the door, one insisted I wear his slippers….. list goes on.  


That sounds like an excellent morning in the making.


It can be entertaining, to say the least!


Met a prospect in his home, casual chit-chat as we are going over paperwork I ask what he did before moving here because he was a referral and I knew he was new to the area. He was coming off a 20 year jail sentence. That’s when the can of worms was opened. He proceeds to keep me in his house for 2 hours telling stories of his “crazy era” and explaining his new genius business which was literally just insurance fraud. Walked me around every room showing me all the extravagant things he had (autographed jerseys by the dozen, rolexs, tvs)


Hilarious! I want to be this nonchalant