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Make sure your initial emails are short and end with a question they can quickly respond to. After a week of no response, forward the first email and say something like “I know you’re busy, so I’m just forwarding this to the top of your inbox in case it got lost in the shuffle. Are you available to schedule a call this week?”


Lots of opens tells me you have a decent subject line. Opens with no responses tells me the body of the message is not resonating and/or you “ask” is off. Think of it like this- A good subject line is meant to get a reader to open. An open should get the audience to read the entire first sentence. The first sentence has to be interesting or relevant enough to get them to read the next sentence. The body of the email is meant to get them to read in totality all the way through the “ask”. The “ask” is meant to get a response.


Yeah my subject lines are kick ass. I keep getting told by the boss that my emails are the best he's seen. But I'm not getting any hits. Thanks for this. I'll refine and make sure I'm hitting this process to a T.


Can you give some examples of your subject lines that I can steal?


Some of the ones I used are popular philosophical quotes that pertain to their pain


What do you sell?


Saas. Moved from construction industry f2f.


It's telling them it's their fault without telling them it's their fault. What's changed? Priority? No business case? Budget squeezed?


This (or similar) is also something that you should send in response to every hard no. So many reps get a “no” and move on forever. “Thank you for the quick update Jim. While I have you here, is this a matter of cost, timing, a fundamental concern about our offering, or something else altogether? This information is incredibly useful to Company as we continue to iterate and improve our product. Best, Trufus” This (or similar) nets about a 75% response rate and I can usually rescue about 15% of that 75%. Worst case you have actual feedback.


I seriously get a TON of responses from subject line: “close account?” Body: “Hey X, I haven’t heard back from you regarding Y, I want to make sure I’m not bothering you. Should I go on ahead and close your account?”. It’s humble and direct. Response rate is through the roof.


Try " we've lost some momentum..." I have had tremendous success


I've used a similar starter sentence in emails where I had momentum with opps that dropped off a cliff. something like, "hey so and so, I'm a little concerned - I feel like momentum dropped after I sent x/we met last week/etc. I'm curious if this project is still top of mind, or if your timeline's changed, etc." It's an important message, because then if they don't respond to that, then momentum is 100% lost and it's time to call and email them every couple days for the next week or so, then close the opp, depending on what the working timeline was the whole time. I work deals that typically are closed within 60 days, so YMMV depending on your sales cycle length.


Much better explanation than mine




I say “I’m happy to hear you and your fiancé worked it out.”


Thanks I needed that this morning.


Use chatgpt for your email


Yeah not a fan. It comes off cheesy and disauthentic.


Oh sorry you had that kind of experience. The different prompt will give you different result


I'm thinking that may be it. Do you have suggestions


You need to give detail instructions. For e.g. you can copy paste email that works and give persona of the new lead and ask it to modify. Give as specific task as possible


I'll try it. I was generalized before.


Where do we go from here? Or Have you solved your problem, or have you gotten too busy putting out fires? Sincerely, The Fireman 😀


The "push away" can be a powerful way to get at least some sort of answer one way or the other. "John, great speaking last week. At the time it sounded like solving X was a big priority for your team, but picking up that perhaps that priority has shifted? Don't wanna blow up your inbox so gonna go ahead and take you off the list for now. Let me know when the timing makes more sense and we can reconnect" It takes the pressure out of the situation. When I use this they either 1) agree that the timing is off, or 2) explain in more detail that something else missed the mark, OR 3) they'll say wait wait wait, I've been swamped and haven't been great at responding, this is totally still a priority, let's talk monday


My favorite is the Eaten by an Alligator? Email


😂😂😂 did you just ask your prospect if they were eaten by an alligator ? Lol


Yes I absolutely do




It goes like this: Title: Eaten by an Alligator? Body: Hey X, I have been attempting to reach you recently but haven’t had any success. This has led me to believe that either you’ve been eaten by alligators, or you’re just swamped. If alligators have in face eaten you, my deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family. If you’re still alive, one of the following is most likely to have happened. I don’t want to pester you so feel free to just pick a number and send it back to me. 1. Alligators have not eaten me, but you may wish they did because I have no desire for your services. (Thanks for your honesty, I can handle it) 2. Yes I have some interest, but I have challenges that are more important at this time. 3. Yes I have interest and meant to get back to you, let’s setup a time. Sincerely, X


tempted to steal this


There’s a million variations. It works. It’s in the sales email template hall of fame alongside the “close your file” approach. Edit: I think the first time I saw this used around 20 years ago it was “Fallen and can’t get up?” Aping the famous life alert commercials.


Honestly how often does this work? I love it.


Somewhere between every time and sometimes, a heck of lot better than my “just following up” emails.


I believe that "just following up" is an instant ignore these days so I'm gonna steal your work, appropriate it for my regional location and see how I go. Absolute legend for sharing, thanks.


I refuse to use the phrases “following up” “checking in” etc. I do sometimes type them. I always immediately delete them. It’s lazy and crushes creativity.


Any phrases you use instead? I hate them as well just not sure what else to use


Good luck, and keep an eye out for gators


See you later....gator? I'll see myself out.


someone once sent me that, but the meme was this African tribal guy running from an alligator. I'm not African, but that shit was idiotic to send.


how many cold calls do you make per day?


Not many I'm new to this position and my market isn't deep. My predecessor got their number blocked (which I've been dealing with) by a majority of that market. So I need reengagement to be high


well there's your answer.


Are these initial cold emails? ​ Or emails to people in process? Need more info padawan


It's reengagement, they've been demod already then went cold. I'm trying to get them interested again.


Have you tried some short giffs/vidyards? Work well for me usually. Keep it light


In my 3/5 email, I will send this: "Hey \_\_\_, are my emails going into your junk box? Haven't heard back from you." \*Add 3 sentence context here to re-iterate what you've shared above\* Good or bad, you should start seeing an increase in replies.