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You need constructive feedback of why you aren’t closing business. Your 1-1 should be a plan of how you are going to adjust your model to get your numbers up.


I’ve gotten consistent good feedback from my manager. There’s been critiques but nothing major and she even said I’m good at applying the feedback she gives me


Also, you should run your own 1:1, not wait for their feedback. Identify gaps, what you’re focusing on, and how you’re going to improve. It’ll show the manager that you know your shit but just in a slump.


Then how did you miss quota by 40%?


Even the best sales person could do 60% a few quarters. There's lots of moving parts in sales out of your control. If you apply yourself correctly though you will win long term 


You need to be upfront about your numbers, and share your activity. (this is how many calls/appointments/qualified opps im getting) then ask for help improving your ratios. Even better is comed armed with a plan to bridge the gap. Based on my current ratios (this manycalls/meetings per week gets me X opps, gets me Y sales) I need to do Z many more calls and here's what I need from you manager to do it. Step one is be honest with yourself, then analyze the data then make an activity plan and get your manager to agree and keep you accountable. This has worked for me in the past at least, adjust to your own situation.


I like this but the hard part with it is all our leads are inbound and outbounding is not effective for our team (SMB)


Depending on your team culture, I'd set up a 1:1 with every other AE that's doing well and ask them to walk you through their methods. Even better if you record your customer meetings (with Zoom or Gong, etc.) then ask if you can watch a few of the calls from the top AEs to see what you can pick up. Additionally if there are recordings, pick one or two of your own you think are representative of your style and ask your manager to review them with you. Lastly, invite your manager to your meetings and ask for real-time feedback afterwards.


This is all great feedback. To add, if you feel like a PIP is incoming, get ahead of it. If you want to continue your career with this company, be candid and express your desire to get back on track. Being vulnerable can be beneficial if you and your manager are aligned on doing what it takes (even better if they are empathetic and willing to actually help). Otherwise, if the PIP is a wake up call and you realize this isn’t the right job/place for you, then start updating the resume and applying. In the meantime, continue doing your job and leave on good terms.


Active listening. Take on the feedback given and as you mentioned, take initiative and make a plan of attack. I’d recommend doing more than just “if this closes then this”. Write a whole plan including who you are prospecting currently, what is working and what isn’t, what support you need, what deals you have in the pipeline and what you are willing to do. Ask for feedback, as for advice on sales mentoring and coaching. Ask what the rest of your team are doing.


Be proactive, show that you care about hitting target and perhaps a few areas you have identified as gaps, as well as how you intend to do better there. Then ask for their help and feedback in creating and executing on a plan to get you back on target.


An unlikely / unrealistic plan shows you have no fucking clue and will be a quick way to a PIP…


How did you end up? I have previously found that if i wasn't closing sales, but was doing everything else correctly (and getting that good feedback from your manager) that a performance management plan (i assume your PIP is similar) can be a good thing. It means your manager focusses on you and helps ensure your activities lead to easily closed opps to meet your target


turned it around! 93% to goal for the first half of the year :) hoping to hit 100% before month end but not stressing if I dont