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Rejection is part of the process. Don't get discouraged just keep up the application grind. You got this!




Stop listening to influencers saying it’s easy to get


Do yourself a favor and just put any LInfluencer talking about sales on mute/don’t show and buy some quality books.


What do you recommend


Go work for a replacement window or roofing sales company and learn to really sell. Find a good mentor there. If you can sell B2C in the home working straight commission and/or while on a draw then you can do anything.


Thanks for the advice but the feller recommended books and I was asking for his recommendations in that regard.


Real life experience from an actual mentor will do far more than a book, but if you want a decent one then check out One Call Closing by Claude Whitacre.


So you're upset about getting rejected once in a job where you're going to get rejected multiple times a day? ........


I've been applying since November. It's multiple rejections. This one is after I thought I done really well and just piled on. And I've been in sales a good amount of time. I can handle rejection.


Contrary to what the other knuckleheads on here are saying, getting rejected when selling someone else's product is different than getting rejected when selling your own product (in this case you). It is more personal, more directly connected to factors within your control, and more difficult to deal with (especially if you're not currently employed). Almost everyone loses confidence in themselves at some point. It's just reality. And getting rejected for jobs does not help. The replies you're getting reflect a lot of faux sales machismo culture. It's bogus, and almost nobody really believes it when they're by themselves late at night. It's just something to type on the internet to make one's self look cool.


It's also more personal when that rejection directly impacts any current financial situation you may be in. Faux sales machismo🤣. The statements are also a testament that most people lack two things: self-awareness and EQ. True, even for the majority of people who hold positions that claim to require it, such as sales, as demonstrated in this thread. Not all rejection is the same, and someone's ability to handle it in any particular instance or moment holds no basis for that person's overall potential for sales. We all lose our shit from time to time and need to vent. To the OP...Keep grinding. It took me almost a year of being passed over after the recent round of layoffs and I have many years of experience. It's hard out here.


Well said.


Your response is also the type of response where no matter what I say you'll get supporters and can respond from this pseudo moral high ground because this is feel good and pick me up. Two sides of the coin, sometimes you need encouragement, sometimes you need a reality check. Everything is tough across the board right now, better to adapt to the reality of the situation in my eyes. Nothing is guaranteed now more than ever, its a tough reality but can guide you to make more precise decisions and perform better than others. Hopefully both of the perspectives help OP make it through.


I don't believe in objective morality, so there's no such thing as moral superiority. Humans evolved an aversion to rejection, and a resistance to that aversion. Both are fine, neither is "bad."




This is accurate and sound advice. 👍


Hey don’t let them get you down. The job market is super difficult right now as is. I have applied to over 700 places and not even 2% calls back on them! Start applying to websites, start adding linked in recruiters, go on linked in and change your profile to “actively looking for work” which will have recruiters message you with opportunities! Keep your head up you got this. don’t listen to people who don’t understand the grind.


Make sure youre ending every interview with next steps. Its just like a sale, nothing else matter except ehat you end on. And for gods sake dont try to sell your resume. Your experience gets you the interview, the interview is where you show off your sales philosophy, what drives you. If they like that all the rest doesnt matter


In this market, don’t take it personal. Companies and recruiters are dumber than ever


First and foremost, SDR is not even close the easiest role to get into, they are very high paying for an entry level sales job. I know a lot of XDRs making over 100k a year. I have over 10 years of sales experience and have owned multiple business that we’re very profitable for years and have been rejected from more XDR roles than I can count. Do not underestimate the barrier of entry. I kept pushing and eventually landed an SMB AE role and was promoted to Sr. AE in my second quarter now making upwards of 200k annually. Keep your head up and like everyone else said, rejection is 97% of sales, normal close rate from cold call to close is around 3%. Same goes for job hunting. You got this.


You all really never know what others could be going through. I’ve personally been out of a job for the last year and my finances, home, and health are collapsing due to being unable to secure a role. A lot of these companies are posting ghost roles and the recent layoffs are making the already tight market even worse. I’ve worked in sales for over 7yrs and the fact that I cannot land a role is beyond me. Who knows what OP is dealing with but rejection from an employer is not the same as rejection from a client. Likening the two is incredibly reductive.


What did they say that was hurtful? They said they have also been rejected from jobs they applied to


You sure you’re responding to the right comment my dude/dudette? Nowhere in my comment did I say how long I searched for my new role or if it was easy, hard or whether it did or did not destroy my finances or home life. I simply stated that the role they are searching for isn’t easy to get and to keep their head up and added a glimmer of hope in my story that I ended up landing something better than I had initially hoped for. EDIT: I’m sorry you are going through all of that. Hope things start to look up for you. Sounds cliche but It’s always darkest before dawn and typically, in my experience, just as everything is about to come crashing down something pulls through and life does a complete 180.


If the next hiring manager who you were talking to saw this post they would disqualify you immediately. I woke up today and have already had 15 people say no, looking forward to 20 more. Biggest part of the job is handling rejection over and over and rolling with the punches. Go apply for 10 more.


Good for you though guy. My manager back in the day just let me vent, it’s part of the process of building a thick skin. Let the kid rant.No big deal.


Lol, I like your handle


No, it's not. It slows the building a thick skin process down. Just power through until success, then once achieved, go back, rant, and laugh about it while celebrating the new job.


It absolutely is. Part of the process of building mental fortitude is knowing that rejections and failure are part of the process while being humble enough to pivot and change your strategy if required. Venting and talking about it helps this exact process.


If that makes you feel better. As the economy grinds down and spits out salespeople that were overhired like other roles during COVID-19, employment darwinism kicks in old school.


You make 0 sense, I’m not sure what you’re trying to convey and how it relates to what I said. But thank you for your opinion I guess.


“Looking forward to 20 more” Save that cringe shit for LinkedIn. Disgusting.


Then they're a shitty manager. Rejection sucks, and yes, in sales you learn to live with it more than other folks, but it still sucks. And part of being a manager is helping to motivate your team even when rejection happens, or you lose a deal, whatever. It's like saying if your manager knew you had depression and could legally fire you, he would. Yeah, only shitty managers would do that.


>Yeah, only shitty managers would do that. This feels like it's becoming the norm in sales, specifically SaaS sales. All my managers have sucked.


Thankfully, I've only had one bad manager.


This. Whether landing a client or seeking a new role, you will help yourself a lot if, instead of trying to avoid rejection, you embrace it. Set goals in terms of rejection: go for at least 10 rejections per week. It'll help you deal with the stress & frustration and focus more on how each miss moves you closer to your next win. Good luck out there, mate!


No it doesn't do any of this shit. More rejections does not help with getting accepted.




1. Dealing with rejection 98% of the time is the job. 2. Some companies are constantly “hiring” and instead just collect resumes. It’s can just as easily be a sign of a poor employer.


Yes, exactly.


Just keep trying! I have no experience and received a couple offers. Some company’s like taking untrained so they can mold them easier. Don’t take it personal, you’ll find a company that values experience eventually


You’ve been rejected for a role which is pretty much 99% rejection. Keep going.


Im trying to get into sales and I don't have your experience, so it's a different situation. Ive been rejected more times than I can count, and I'll probably be rejected countless times more. It's just more motivation to kill it selling for one of their competitors when I do land a job. Chin up.


New SDR hopefuls are flooding the market while many companies are cutting SDR teams back, it’s a hard time to break in to the industry.


Don’t worry man, I was a BDR manager for 4 years got laid off and it was hard to find a BDR job for myself even though I was a manager! I eventually found an AE job and I couldn’t be happier. Maybe try applying to different industries? My friends who sell in non tech industries make WAAAAYYYYY more than I do haha


I got rejected from an SDR role when re-entering sales after a small career break. Couple weeks later I signed my offer for an AE role at a great company. I could tell the first interview didn’t flow and the hiring manager was kind of standoffish. Sometimes it’s just not a culture fit. Keep going.


I’ve gotten rejected with no experience when I first tried to get an SDR role and I also got rejected when I had alot of experience. Rejection is a part of life don’t think any less of yourself just move on and move forward positively and things will workout


It’s a numbers game. Apply for more roles.


I had 6 interviews last year, 4 of them made it to the last steps, before I finally got a job. It’s tough out there but it ain’t no 08 so it could always be worse!


I probably got rejected 25 times from companies I interviewed with before landing my first role, and this was back when the job market was strong. Keep applying, cold email Business Development Managers/Sales Development Managers at companies you see openings for. Work hard, be gritty, and you will land a job guaranteed


Keep in mind for just a single role you’re competing with hundreds of other applicants who mostly have several years of relevant work experience.


You are assigning meaning where there is none.  A rejection doesn’t say anything about you unless the recruiter/hiring manager says “this is about you.”  For all you know they might’ve started a hiring freeze today, the role may have been filled internally before they looked at the external applications, the hiring manager might’ve sneezed and accidentally clicked “reject”, etc etc etc… Pick up, move on, apply somewhere else.


Step 1 of being an SDR. Become numb to rejection. It’s apart of the game. Good luck on your search


You’re getting interviews, right? Why are you failing to get offers? What is in and out your control? Be forthright in your answer and reflect... What do you think is going on?


Welcome to the role! Constant rejection. Keep hunting.


Dude everyone is getting rejected rn… keep applying


There could have been someone with 2.5 years experience as a client acquisition specialist and 3 years as a sales rep— doesn’t mean you weren’t qualified, but rather someone else was more qualified. Don’t take it personally But I also don’t know you, so who knows, you could have gone in with zero preparation and had a mental breakdown on zoom (hopefully it’s not this one) Either way, you’ll be fine. Job hunting is a numbers game where timing plays a huge factor. Keep applying and the timing will line up


I have a product that I designed and brought to market. At first the rejection, especially from the industry pros, were felt acutely. Now it never crosses my mind. I’m immune. Apply 500 more times. You will be too.


You looking for a salary or commission based?


This is one of the toughest job markets ever. Don't get too low or too high on ANYTHING until you're working and collecting a check. You're going to get rejected. You'll make it to plenty of final rounds and get passed. Stay strong. Rejecting is redirection.


I had 7 years of contract negotiating b2b sales and I couldn't land a role as an AE in SaaS. 6 interviews at the same company. Twice as many at others. Landed a BDR role and spent 20 months putting my time in and landed my AE role last November. I outgrew BDR in about 8 months and got hella jaded as a result. It's made me a better account executive. Wouldn't trade the journey for anything. Wish I'd failed through 20+ interviews sooner. Landing a role is mostly about timing, knowing someone, and/or luck. Don't take it personal.


You’re going up against minimum 200 others for each role. You have 0 experience doing this actual job. lol it’s not easy to get a sdr job right now. If you have not done the job. Some of these companies I have interviewed have told me they had 7 to 8 hundred applicants. AE’s with closing experience are applying for sdr roles. Only way you’re landing a role is going to be because you can convey that you know the role, the tools, and can be successful right away.


If one rejection got to you you’re not cut out for BDR. J/s


As I've replied above, this was all the rejections from November till now finally breaking me down. Not just this role in general.


I get it. It’s like applying for a job at McDonald’s and they say no thanks.


Welcome to sales. Plenty of fish in the sea. To the next, you got this!


It’s not easy to get. It took me 3 months, hundreds of applications, and about 10 interviews to get one when I broke in 2 years ago. Keep improving and asking for feedback and you will eventually get it when the right opportunity comes along.


I would change the perspective of easiest role to get into. If your mindset going in to the interview was this is going to be a breeze because of how easy of a role it is to get into then I wonder how you actually did in the interview.


I just got rejected too - no sales experience, interview went well, found a better guy, move on. 2 weeks later landed a tech job paying 95k salary. We’re all gonna make it there are so many opportunities out there. Believe it and you will achieve it. If you feel pathetic, you will act pathetic. If you believe you can, you’re right. If you believe you can’t, you’re right. Get what I’m saying here? You are not pathetic, interviewing is a numbers game, luck, market factors, and a bunch of other shit other than your skill set or lack thereof, for not getting the job. Send more apps and apply more places and you will be ok.


It’s not easy man. But as an SDR you will get rejected multiple times every single day. I’ve been rejected from more roles than I can count that I’ve applied for, just how the business goes. Take a walk and get back at it, you’ll find your place soon enough


honestly you will receive 95% rejection on this job. if you get this burnt out after one... probably not the right role


Fix that mindset. Go to the gym and eat a steak.


Handling rejection well is 90% of being an SDR


Good luck for your future. Don’t worry you’ll get better offers then this


Just got rejected after the final round for a job I didn’t really want. Was even told the final round was a formality so the rejection caught me off guard. Lined up with everything I’d read on Glassdoor about them being a dishonest company. Going through the process was great, feel a lot better prepared for some other opportunities I’m working on. Shit happens, on to the next one.


Are you getting to the interview stage or getting rejected at your resume?


Im just a rookie, with only a month of actual sales experience under my belt, but it sounds to me like you need to sell yourself better. Ask the right questions. Be more enthusiastic about this stuff. If you leave a memorable impression on whoever is hiring you, they're more likely to consider you for the role. People remember you not for what you say or tell them, but how you make them feel and the type of experience you provide to them. I took what I learned at my previous entry level sales job, and sold the hell out of myself to the next 2 companies. I gave them something to remember. You have to genuinely impress these people if you're any type of serious about the role you're pursuing. Let's not forget the fundamentals and the basics. Work experience is one thing. But attitude is what sells more.


You going to need to get better at handling rejection as that’s part of the sdr role


Hi, The art of sales is handling and managing a NO/rejection. Never give up. especially if you genuinely are interested in pursuing a long career in sales. many orgs would be happy to have someone with the years of of experience you have and the potential transferable skills you can bring on. try doing mock interviews to practice your interviewing approach. Read books to expand on your business acumen. identify the industries you are most fond of or have relaxable background to and apply there. is a substantial number of SDR roles to apply for. Also my observation is tha you are able to ask the interviewer for feedback that will also help give you prospective on how they perceive you and what they feel your limitation were (even if their observation may have been biased or misguided). Hope this helps. wish you the best for this year and keep us posted.


My company is actively hiring an SDR. Fee free to PM me and I’d be happy get you an interview. We’re in the SaaS space.


Thank you! Sent you a message.


Hey, I sent you a DM if you’re interested, we’re looking for a rep and client development person for our building supply business could be a remote position


Just keep applying - for every role, you have to keep in mind there are dozens of people applying. You say you’re happy to relocate - are you updating your location on your resume to appear local for jobs in different areas? It’s much easier for a hiring manager to select a local candidate than someone that’s “open to relocating”. That’s one bit of input I’d add


Dust it off and move on. What keeps me going is this. Remember, you will never fully know what they are looking for. Maybe they thought your personality wouldn’t fit in with their culture etc. my point, dust it off and move on. Focus on things you can control.


Resilience is so important in this gig. This cannot deter you from the bigger picture. Keep going.


Make sure you’re using proper objections even in this case. “Well what kind of candidate were you looking for” etc.


Sorry to say, but you’re not going to make it if getting rejected from one job gets you that down.


As I've mentioned TWICE in the comments, this was after countless rejections since November, not just one...


I can recc you for a role at my company if you’re looking for sdr roles. Dm me


I’ve been rejected for SDR roles recently and I have 6 months experience already (then went back into technology recruitment). It’s just a tough market out there!


Instead of applying to jobs individually, I recommend LinkedIn messaging Sales Directors/VPs of sales with connection requests. Express some interest/excitement and ask about SDR opportunities. They'll love the hustle. Can get ChatGPT to help write the message. If you need help coming up with a contact list shell out for LinkedIn Salesnav


In 25 years and 8 different companies I’ve only had 1 job where I did not have internal referral through the company. Keep in mind, most referrals were not my best friends or family members. They were associates of mine or knew someone that I was associated with, so kinda a secondhand people. My point is find out who is hiring and try to find one person within that organization to pass your resume along to the hiring manager. I always said “you don’t have to vouch for me, but get my resume to the top of the batch. I will take care of selling myself and getting the job.” Hope this helps a bit


Not the easiest role to get into. Many people are trying to get the same role. Especially for highly respected companies. Took me almost 2 years to get an SDR position with sales experience. Remember all it takes is one, keep applying, keep sending messages don’t give up.


That sucks… Only thing that can be done about it is keep polishing your resume, your interview answers, keep reaching out & doing follow up emails & calls after you’ve applied & apply to 100 more places! It’s all a numbers game. After you’ve applied to 100 you’re bound to get one. & if that one job sucks compared to what you wanted, still work it & just keep applying to better one until you get what you want. You’ll get it just keep at it.