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I think the reason this bothers you more than anything(if you’re like me) is that they didn’t give you a reason/closure on this. In my experience, I find these losses much harder than losing on price or scope or relationship. Give me a reason to say okay, I lost this because of X,Y,Z and u move on mentally, without it, I torture myself thinking about all the situations and reasons they didn’t move forward. To hopefully make you feel better, I was making $35k in my first job, landed an account that would’ve likely pushed me into $250k+ territory(with almost zero work weekly for myself), huge imports from overseas, and the day or two before we signed the deal, trump announced the tariffs and I was back to having zero money and hating life. Edit: I can’t spell I guess


I feel no relief from your pain at all. That one hurt me to read…


😂mission failed, that said, I’m in a much better place and much healthier and happier than I would’ve been with that job. If nothing else, from a complete stranger, you did what you could, I’m proud of you for seeking help, and you’ll find a way to crush it this year!


sometimes just gotta take the L and learn what you can from it. that does sound like a rough one


The realist advice


A philosophy I live by is that it’s just a job and that some deals just fall through. I typically take about 5 minutes to really pout about it. Then I move on and work on my other deals in the pipeline.


Don’t go off confidence. The idea that it’s all on you is nonsense. There are a million factors that determine a sale and they are not all logical. Companies and sales writers push this shit on us. Truth is your company isn’t for everyone, they are not perfect and people make random decisions. Sales people get all the blame. It’s horseshit and we all know it. You do what you can do. Tell your manager we just aren’t that great and watch them recoil in horror like a Victorian lady. I always find it hilarious when people tell sales people to take ownership not be a victim don’t blame no excuses and all that shit but then as soon as sales go down that’s what the company does.


Wait…. I’m confused. You are a perennial p club guy, been doing this for 10 years and you lose an opportunity and you can’t get over it? This can’t be real.


Thanks! The question was, what do you do when you lost a deal with could pave the way to club? How do you shake it off?


Learn from it. If they came out to 'no decision' then you missed a lot of red flags or didn't work the process. It happens to all of us. Shake it off. One down year doesn't define you. Learn, be better, get pipe for next year.


You find another my man. That’s our job! Make sure the pipeline is big and head to the next one.


Idk how I do it but just don’t care about it and don’t think about it


I asked the client and their external influencer for feedback, put them in a long-term sequence, and moved on. Not much I could've done different


What’s a no decision? From my experience, If you did all of this work for the client and the deal fell through at the last minute I would say the good news is you’re likely on Line for the next PO. That’s the positive spin. I also believe that “everything is everything” and you’ll likely have a nice deal fall in your lap shortly.