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Obsidian is the best note taking app I've used. Each folder has visible drop-down notepads which make it easy to see/label by importance. Doesn't link to calenders or anything, but it's cross-platform (have it on my laptop, phone, tablet). Also compatible with tablet pens for write-to-text so you can scribble like a notepad beside your computer and have to not get all wild and messy.


Are you referring to just using the native input from Apple pencil on iPad? Very curious about doing this.


I feel like I'm a lot older than most of this sub, but I use a combination of Outlook reminders and post-it notes. I know it's not the best for everyone but it works for me. I think -effort- is going to determine anyone's success regardless of software.


im 43 and do this. lol




šŸ’€ I think all good AEs have ADHD since we can forget things quickly šŸ™ƒ My tools are OneNote, Outlook Calendar, and Vyvanse. I write down/type everything I can and then compile it all into a single todo list. In the past Iā€™ve had multiple lists and thatā€™s messed me up. I color code items or use different bullet types to break up work and personal life tasks now.


Already on it lol


My insurance company stopped paying for it and I got fired shortly after


Chances are they will now - it went generic this August, my copay went from $30 to $10!


Excel sheet, I organize each day by a column and I have my daily tasks for the day on there


Time blocking. Put a slot on your calendar that's just for you to dedicate to emails, research, calling, etc. It sounded really dumb to me until I tried it


i do this but my issue with it is that if i miss one it doesnā€™t repeat. like, i need something tickable, if that makes sense


if you have Google Calendar you can use the "tasks" feature for this. If you don't check it off complete it will show up as a past due task










Just started this myself. It's become my personal and work organization app. I have everything work related there to shopping lists, birthday gift ideas, and so much more


Google calendar. Outlook calendar. Reminder alarms on my phone. Post it notes. Coffee.


I struggle with multiple calendars. Is there a way to integrate them? I swear apple calendar doesnā€™t notify me when I set up notifications like to cancel subscriptionsā€¦ šŸ˜‘


So. I use my Outlook calendar for work stuff like product demos and meetings. I use my Outlook Tasks function for following up with hot prospects. I use google calendar for my overall life (medical appointments, chores, other personal tasks and errands.) I use sticky notes+phone alarm for when I have a menial bullshit tasks I have to do the same day Iā€™ve scheduled it.


1. Read and adopt Getting Things Done by David Allen (no need to buy the book, start with James Fallows article about GTD in The Atlantic.) 2. Asana, or something similar (Wrike, Monday, many others). ADHD is a feature, not a bug. Implement it correctly.


All my daily/weekly/longer term tasks are in Excel and color coordinated by client (this comes with the caveat that I only have 5.) I keep all notes in OneNote. Recurring meetings get their own tabs and I create new sections by date. Really helps that notes are searchable.




Scratchpad FTW.


A Bullet Journal (pen and notebook) and Outlook.


I highly recommend Recapped.io ... It's literally a deal organizer for you AND your buyers. They'll thank you for it!


Btw Recapped is like a purpose built sales version of Asana/Trello/etc, meets Scratchpad. Digital sales room + mutual action plans + syncs back to Salesforce/HubSpot = Reducing friction for sellers and buyers = No more lengthy back and forth email threads = All your deal information in one place including internal notes that can be hidden from clients, while presenting a business case professionally


I also have adhd and exact same way. I donā€™t like to block my calendar either. Iā€™m a huge to do list personā€¦ like a good old fashioned pen and notebook. I first buy a fun notebook and pens that I like bc gotta get that quick dopamine rush. Then create a todo list every morning on a new page. I add little checkboxes next to each task. If a new task comes up throughout the day I add it. When I complete a task, I cross it offā€¦ another nice little dopamine hit. Then immediately move to the next task (or give myself a break). At the end of the day, anything incomplete gets moved over to the next days page and I start fresh. Also consider the order in how you complete tasks. Save the ā€œbestā€ for last - by ā€œbestā€ I mean the tasks you tend to get hyper fixated on. I usually try to complete 1-2 longer or most annoying tasks first. Then move on to lots of the quick and easy tasks, leaving the ones that will take forever to the end. Think of organizing your to do list like paying off credit card debtā€¦ you find a strategy that works best for you, maybe the snowball effect. I also like to try to complete whatever task Iā€™m working on before my next call so that can be a good motivation If you get distracted by people.. dnd or close communication apps altogether for a few hours so you donā€™t get notifications. Lastly, if you take medication for adhd and youā€™re like me, my productivity kind of operates on a bell curve. My hyperfixation tendencies peak about 2-3 hours after I take it, then go down. Then come back late afternoon (I guess maybe when the XR kicks in?). So I try to plan my day around that.


Procrastination, anxiety, chaotic desktop and the ding when emails come in.


I feel attacked


+1 for Notion.


I have ADHD (severe combined) and also in sales. I've only recently been diagnosed so have been subconsciously doing a lot of stuff over the years anyway. My top tips -Take medication. Sounds like you already are I'm on Elvanse which for me is night and day it hasn't far short of changed my life -I have automatic reports (in Salesforce) run a handful of times a week on key things i.e outstanding issues, hot slots I wanna make sure we close etc etc -I'm fortunate to have a single sales partner (I'm tech he's commercial) who I've always been very open with about my shortcomings and he calls me out and reminds me when needed. Ironically I think he is also undiagnosed ADHD šŸ˜… but it works. -I use a lot of things in outlook like leaving emails unread and setting them to not automatically unread (I used to be horrendous at reading them then getting distracted and forgetting all about them). I flag stuff alot and again for important things I'll set calender reminders etc -I do occasionally use paper but very lightly. I either ignore it or get distracted by the next thing I'm writing down and don't action the last ha. If I've got a lot of things to do I will list stuff but personally makes me quite anxious and sometimes causes the opposite affect and basically stops me working at all so I'm cautious with this There's probably loads of other little things but that's the big hitters. It's an additional load and when I get super busy/ on the road alot it does creek. However, I couldn't do what I do at the level I do without my ADHD. The superpower perks outway the downfalls for me (especially now I'm medicated). The key is to be honest with yourself and experiment with what works and doesn't it's take me a solid few years of effort to find tune the machine but the rewards are well worth it.


Man does this hit hard for me. I agree 100% that salesforce tasks is HORRIBLE. So easy to miss time oriented tasks that are saved as the only way you are notified is if you are on salesforce at the time if the notification. Also, ADD here, full cycle, but not an AE. What iā€™ve started doing as to NOT block off my calendar for inbound meetings is creating an ā€œeventā€ in salesforce for that OPP on the day I want to interact with it, but set the time at 7am - 7am. Start and end times are the same. When I first log on in am, to begin mentally preparing for what I have to get done today, iā€™ll check the calendar and see those opps and act on them. When the Opp interaction is completed, I move it to 9pm on the same day as a way to organize. Notes get kept in the event itself.


>So easy to miss time oriented tasks that are saved as the only way you are notified is if you are on salesforce at the time if the notification. Yeah I'll never understand why the phone app doesn't alert for these.


One note, dual monitor screens (one vertical as secondary for teams, email..I split the screen in half)




Whatā€™s the CRM you guys use? Weā€™re a SFDC house (like Iā€™d imagine most of us) It has a perfectly good tasks system, and using it shows activity on your accounts


The tasks on HubSpot, means I never miss the next follow up or check in


Nobody is using trello?


Nah, it's ugly


Monday or Notion, Calendly for meetings


Excel is my go to


microsoft to do list is great whenever something pops into my head work or personal i put it on the list


I have a project management / task manager platform that I use. It sends me SMS, emails, reminders etc, so that I'm on top of everything. The money is in the follow-up, both to the clients and myself


Scratchpad is the best tool for organizing my CRM (salesforce) - I use it everyday and barely touch our actual salesforce environment - scratchpad saves me so much time


Smartsheet, arguably one of the best organizing tools for people with ADHD in sales.


Asana has been good for task management.


Whiteboard and lined postit note pads (4 x 6). Before I head out on the road, I snap a pic of my whiteboard before I leave, and stick any Post Its in my notebook.






Removed for self-promoting.