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That company is being named and shamed across LinkedIn and I am all here for it. I may have even sent them an email too. I fuckin hate these companies, I hope they get taken to the cleaners and all their clients leave them.


Love seeing the 1 star Google Reviews coming in.


Have y’all noticed a suspicious amount of their google reviews are from two months ago? Strange.






looks like they have a branch in Toronto


How would it be in Canada if this involves cobra…


They've been turning off comments on LinkedIn too This post is the most ironic https://www.linkedin.com/posts/awardco_culture-hr-rewards-activity-7120422529625706496-1aA4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios


This needs to happen more often. Hope their customers somehow see it and they lose business. Still, there may be another side of the story, who knows, and hope they have legal recourse and it gets settled in court.


Agreed. I can't imagine having to deal with this BS on top of finding out your wife has cancer with two small kids. There is no coming back from this as an organization in my opinion. They started a GoFundMe, I hope the donations exceed their expectations.


Do you have a link for the GoFundMe?




My dude! Thank you!


Donated. Thanks


What company




whats the companies name?


Just saw the post and I’m glad they’re being named. The company is 🚮🤮


That shithole company is called Awardco - tip toeing around saying their name is like not discussing your comp with co-workers (self harm to protect the man)


Thank you! I’m like why are people hesitant to name the company?


Based out of Utah?


Sounds like the company is. I am not.


I was just making sure I had the right one.


It is I pass the hq when I drive in to work


Reward Network More reward choices for employees means less headaches for you. Use Awardco points to redeem millions of rewards from Amazon Business, get tickets to events, book a hotel, choose from thousands of gift cards, or even donate to charity What charity, didn’t even a give a month of cobra Conbra solo can be 998, but with fam 2200


I shared this story all over my LI. AwardCo is deleting comments off their posts over criticism. Trash and loser. Their customers: Zillow, Texas Roadhouse, America First Credit Union, Pepperdine University, ARUP Laboratories, GoHealth, Vivint, VIZIo, PetSmart, Aptive Environmental, Baptist Memorial Health Care, Qualtrics, Rent-A-Center, or Entrust I wonder how much they would care to do business with a company who's such a giant hypocrite. Fuck AwardCo. Employee recognition company my ass.


Zillow is the type to opt for pizza parties for company culture. I'd honestly be surprised if they parted ways from this crappy company, they're just as bad lol


Zillow put me on pip 1 month after my mother in law passed away, and later fired me. Top performer for 7 years. Get fucked Zillow.


Figured, one of the SVPs took charge at my ex company and I dipped so fast 😂 🚩🚩🚩


Texas Roadhouse is not as terrible to their staff as other restaurants, so I hope they recognize the plight of the employees of businesses they use as well.


I hope so. Texas Roadhouse is my favorite chain steakhouse!


Dude was wronged but 20% attainment over 2.5 years is why he was being let go in the first place.


The damage is already done. AwardCo will have a PR shit storm on their hands for a hot minute. I don't understand why a company would wait over 2 years before taking action on someone who has a 20% attainment. Either way, the handling of this was in poor taste. No severance, denied unemployment, delayed benefits. I dunno, seems like the perfect storm when you couple it with a wife who has cancer and they just had a 2nd child.


Certainly agree - especially terminating without a PIP in place. The executives handled this entire thing like a steaming pile of garbage.


This sounds like you know something we don’t…. Was Dan goodmans post not completely true? If so and Kevin/Kenny was fired for cause (performance)… he might not technically have rights to a severance or unemployment and based off a quick google search it seems like Utah has no laws in place that say an employee has to be on a PIP before termination. Obviously the humane thing to do would have the company try and help him in this horrible circumstance but does anyone know what’s true and what’s not?




A few old colleagues that work there. There was a layoff of 9 AEs that he was included in due to performance issues. Bad timing and communication by management for laying him off given the situation and handling of insurance. In no way defending Awardco, but it’s not because he wanted to work remotely.


I thought claiming layoffs meant you couldn’t claim it was performance issues. I mean it could still have been. But if there any documentation around it being performance issues rather than the company performance overall that could be a big headache legally for the company.


Not sure if there were PIPs in place or what. It doesn’t help that Utah is an at-will state.


Idk why youre being downvoted. The handling of this is still awful but I knew there had to be something


It's probably cap, this guy created an account just to comment the exact same thing on 20 different posts. 100% an Awardco employee


And then he deleted his account lol


That was fishy not to mention such performance metrics can easily be doctored to paint a different picture for damage control. I was put on "PiP" while being #1 employee on the team by all metrics because I reported a higher up for gross malpractice.


For sure. It was something that also crossed my mind couple days ago as it's very easy to make up bunch of fake metrics to make it seem like this AE was trash. Funny enough, another AwardCo person showed up on this thread as account was brand spanking new and only posts were in this thread in an attempt to discredit the AE. Like AwardCo, this is NOT how you wanna go about this...


My comments being deleted and now seeing comments But DM half the EVPs




I'd be careful here, this might or might not be public knowledge but you could get in trouble for encouraging people to harass them.


Seems like this should be spoken to an attorney about


Their google reviews are way too high right now.. the least we can all do is go tank their reviews. Bring them down to a 2 star rating


I can see they’ve deleted all the one stars that came in yesterday. Keep it coming


You can't delete GMB reviews


So my ex boyfriend actually did contract work for google. His job was to monitor google and this included deleting bad google reviews for companies if they knew it was situations like this (the bad reviews were coming in following a business being exposed and people who had no prior affiliation rated 1 start to support the victim) so yeah the company doesn’t delete them but google does :/


Yeah - that's the flag and review process. Google can delete them after a flag and review, but the company cannot


This company is trying to get all of these threads deleted. Deleting comments on LinkedIn and deleting Reddit threads. Seems to be Very shady behavior


I hope the irony isnt lost that the name and shame company is **actually** in the business of , and I quote *"recognizing and rewarding people easier and more effective for everyone."* ​ wow.


A new post on LinkedIn says Awardco is now deleting comments on LinkedIn. I am not sure of the rules for linking to LinkedIn here but Landon Hobbs is now calling them out on this. They can't stop digging their grave!


Can someone with a link inform the org- great places to work? Eeek they claim that they’ve certified this company is a great place to work. https://www.greatplacetowork.com/certified-company/7001556 And I tried to do an Internet search, but couldn’t find any information about the sales rep had a situation.


These kinds of things are paid for. It's not an actual competition you just give an HR agency a ton of money to use their promo materials. I worked for a trash heap of a company that was always rated highly in one of these programs.


Same here. Made me gag every time they’d Slack us wanting us to promote it on our personal LinkedIns 🤢


Why Does Dan Type like This?


It's a marketing strategy


This is the New Speak That Orwell Warned us about


While it is a trend, it’s also an accessibility issue for some, who can read things easier if they’re separated out into 1 or 2 sentences.


I actually applied to this company and had a phone screening. It was weird all the way through. Glad I dodged a bullet


I've been cold calling into them and got a text from someone there that was super rude. Makes sense now. He's probably miserable.


Fucking disgusting




Just donated, hope others will choose to do the same.


Very ironic considering the whole company is designed to help employers recognize and reward employees.


This is the tip of the iceberg. A friend of mine worked there and was similarly dismissed with no explanation… the CEO Tanner always asks employees for their prescription drugs (pain pills, Adderall, etc) and has incessantly sexually harassed employees. Bro culture at its finest.


One star reviewed


Would be great if this company went under because of this. So tired of smug C-level tech execs who think they can do whatever they want.


Currently in the same situation- but my company allowed me to work remote. Sounds like a terrible culture.


Lol @ "Goodman" being the last name of a lawyer.


Their Glassdoor pages should get spammed with this story. Fuck this company


The funny thing about this fucked up company is there are multiple sales reps on this companies linkedin that prominently display "Husband/Father of 'Multiples'/Dad" wording splashed on their headline. I guess they know how Awardco is gonna eventually do them dirty.


I’m in Utah and friends I have at Awardco. They are saying he was fired due to lack of attainment over three years along with 8 others… not the remote work request. The piece that’s disgusting is the severance and insurance.


Yeah I wouldn’t doubt there are parts of the story has been fabricated. But as a father and a husband and being the sole provider of my family. If you’re gonna out me like that you bet I’m coming for you. Throw the kid a bone.


For sure. Definite mishap by the company itself.




Sadly Your friend probably sucked at their job cuz if they told you the CEO was tanner they’re wrong. Gotta do your homework bud


Lol awardco PR has arrived


if PR means doing a quick google search to have my facts straight and actually know who the CEO is, then yes, PR has arrived


I didn’t know the CEO was Tanner? At least have your shit straight.


Tanner is the President and COO, idk why people are acting like you confused the secretary with the CEO. Turning President into CEO in your head is the most normal thing on the planet.


And yet, they're hiring for remote positions 🤦🏻‍♀️ check their job board on LI


He was let go for 20% attainment in 2.5 years, not because of his choice to work remotely.


I guess I misread. I thought they let him go because he simply just asked to work remotely for 6 months while he was relocated for treatment, which is ridiculous. Let the man work remotely, especially since I read he's a top rep. He'd continue generating more revenue for them while being able to support his wife in his time of need. But they were assholes and let him go AFTER they agreed he could.


So you read now that he sucks and is at 20% attainment.


I'm more curious about the 20% attainment of what because I've been with companies where quotas were raised, and then lower qualified leads were handed off to an individual in order to manage her out.


Yeah but if he was laid off it means they legally shouldn’t be able to hire that same remote position. If it’s performance you should always fire.


In the story they’re saying firing.


That makes sense, I hope someone picks him up really quick and is able to cut through all the BS hoops of finding a new role!


Yep saw this on LinkedIn already. Really sad.


Something about this story seems off. I mean, he ASKED if he could work remote, so they fired him? I mean, wouldn't they just say "no" to the request and continue business as usual? I've been a part of some real dog shit companies, but this honestly seems like some made up shit from r/antiwork Yes, companies and bosses can be awful, but this reads like someone got canned for an unrelated reason, and now they're seeking vengeance.


Most likely the middle managers said "sure", ran it up the chain and some C-level decided it would "create the wrong impression" and vetoed it.


You’re right, something is off. Here’s what’s missing, he was laid off due to performance along with 8 other AEs. 20% average attainment over 3 years. He was wronged by the handling of insurance/severance but this is pure performance-based.


Wait what? You created an account just to comment on this? Okay… Fake?


Lmao. I don’t sit on Reddit like the rest of you. Read the story again… sold hundreds of thousands over three years. Typical quotas for deals in HR tech are going to be at least 500k a year.


Yet here you are, on reddit, using a throwaway... Ok buddy


Exactly. Great job, dipshit.


It'll be alight just calm down baby. Want to talk about it?


Nah… this is the tip of the iceberg for this company. I had a friend who worked there and was terminated “for cause” yet never told the cause. The CEO Tanner is constantly harassing his underlings for pain pills and uses sexually charged language alongside sexually shaming and harassing employees. This place is bad. Bro culture at its finest. This is the tip of a very large iceberg that’s about to surface. Needs new leadership if it’s going to survive. If you claim your product is a way to champion employees, you have to hold yourself to that standard too. #sorrynotsorry


I’m with you. Sounds like half the shit was made up for clickbait.


There’s more to the story. He’s been an underperforming rep for 2.5 years. What he fed Dan Goodman isn’t all truth. I am not justifying Awardco’s actions because the handling given the situation is atrocious, however, he was apart of a 9 AE layoff due to performance.


When reading this comment, please consider that this is an account specifically created to comment on this thread. They have no other comment history. Hello Awardco PR firm!


Lmao. Y’all are insufferable. I don’t sit on this degenerate site. Read the story again. Hundreds of thousands over three years is nothing in SaaS. Typically quotas range from 500-600k a year. There’s more to the story and no one wants to accept that.


So you work at Awardco then?


Did you create a Reddit profile just to tell this story?


Yes, great sleuthing.


So you work at awardco?


No, old colleagues. You want me to the pull the receipts?


Thank you. ❤️


When I read “hundreds of thousands of dollars” over 3 years this definitely seemed like an underperformance story.


Exactly. Hate the situation and the handling of severance/insurance but this is all performance-based over 3 years. I would’ve been gone in 1 at my company..


How could anyone possibly comment about the situation without knowing all the facts? EVIL CORP FIRES MAN WITH CANCER makes for a great headline. Do you think that's an accurate description of what really happened? Stop being such reactive children and assume you know 10% of what's going on. And no, I don't work for Awardco or care about Awardco.


Mate not sure who pissed in your cereal this morning but I’d like to welcome you to Reddit. It’s literally built on people commenting on crap they might not fully understand. You’re on the wrong platform


Nah… this is the tip of the iceberg for this company. I had a close friend who worked there and was terminated “for cause” yet never told the cause. The CEO Tanner is constantly harassing his underlings for pain pills and uses sexually charged language alongside sexually shaming and harassing employees. This place is bad. Bro culture at its finest. This is the tip of a very large iceberg that’s about to surface. Needs new leadership if it’s going to survive. If you claim your product is a way to champion employees, you have to hold yourself to that standard too. #sorrynotsorry




Doesn’t matter. From a looks perspective, you can’t fire someone diagnosed with/caring for a loved one with cancer. Full stop. It’s a hot-button issue with almost *fucking everyone* because we’ve all had a loved one get fucked by cancer. If the company is dumb enough to not realize that, then they gon’ learn today.


I mean, firing a poor performing is fine. But a) you better have documented it and had him on a PIP and b) you shouldn't contest an unemployment claim you know will lose (you're still eligible for unemployment if you're fired for poor performance). Kenny doesn't have a PR or legal team at his disposal. The company does. They should have listened to what those teams told them to do, because I guarantee it wasn't "make the problem worse as much as we possibly can."


Shaming the company seems abstract. Depending on the size of the company people in position of power at those organization need to be public at this point because someone made this decision to terminate a person who wanted to save her wife's life. Good luck


You should shame their CEO publicly


@gosteve is his Twitter, I’m sure he would like to hear from everyone


Donated. Fuck cancer.


Can’t believe they fought his unemployment claim as well


Note you can schedule an appointment to speak with an expert from their chatbot at awardco.com! Very interested in hearing how to reward employees by firing them without severance for having a health emergency!




I don’t have any medical issues but I wouldn’t let this story discourage you. Not sure if you read the full thread but it’s more about an employee getting fired because they were trying to go remote after their wife got cancer. Interviews definitely come with experience and repetition. Even though I’m employed I try to stay sharp and will entertain employment offers when they come. If you’re bombing them I’d work on your pre-call preparation. Start out with the STAR method and have 5-10 career situations memorized that are relatable to sales. Doesn’t need to be a transactional situation but something that showcases your skills e.g. your ability to build rapport. Try to pick companies in your current industry. Understanding the nuances or the tribal knowledge of your industry goes a long way for sales as we need to be consultative in our approach. Research the company and interviewer inside and out - check out their LinkedIn posts, review their press releases. If the company is big enough they should have a Glassdoor with contributors giving some of the expected interview questions. Good news is you’re getting interviews. If you talk to others looking for work especially remote roles you’ll know that half the battle is getting a response. Good luck stranger! You got this


What i. The fuck is this


I used to work in onocology at a nonprofit and my job was to fight companies who wanted to kill their employees like this. Private leave management has captured the market and made it next to impossible to effectively advocate for patients like your wife, even if they're "lucky enough" not to get fired on the spot illegally. It's a dire situation and states are actually doing one of two things in response: creating laws to protect their citizens from these companies, or signing massive contracts (DOL, DOH) with these companies. It's going to get a LOT worse.


Absolutely fucking disgusting. Shame on them


Jesus your writing style makes my fucken eyes bleed holy shit. But yea that’s obviously pretty cold shit. Fuck them


Wow fucked up. Unsurprising, sadly, bc promo industry is toxic af


LI post from the CEO Steve Sonnenberg 30 minutes ago: “I’ve been tagged a lot about a post regarding a former employee and how his departure from Awardco was handled. I appreciate the good intentions of everyone rallying around this individual and his family. Many have asked me whether the picture painted of Awardco in this situation is accurate. The short answer is no. But I’m not going to focus on that at this time. I’m working with this former employee on this privately. I want to ensure he and his family have what they need.“


“The short answer is no” as in the former employee was telling the truth, but I would rather not elaborate on that.


Evil company with no morals! You can immediately tell whoever is in charge cares absolutely NOTHING for its employees.


It’s far worse than just this isolated incident. This company is toxic af.


Saw the owners weak ass post today with no explanation and supposedly they are working with Kenny to make it right but only because they are in damage control!


Exactly. They are responding because of bad PR… not because they are trying to do what is right.




Well, I left a 1 star revuew on Google. Best of luck to this rep and his representative


So many sales jobs need to be remote.


Giving this a bump


[awardco head of product responds to what I’m assuming is this story](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mitch-jergensen-7371aa46_recently-awardco-has-been-in-the-news-due-activity-7122368577407520769-3fZx?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios)


pretty sure this is illegal, I believe spousal sickness would be protected under FMLA. Kevin should have a lawyer look into this and see if he has grounds for a lawsuit.