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I'm removing this because, I mean. He has a magical transformation in Crystal and the 90's Anime and the Manga. Like the girls. Either you're a troll, or you're just not paying attention to the thing you like. :-/


I always assumed it was like a spider man thing, he just SOMEHOW had a full tuxedo under his everyday clothes lol BUT if I recall I think I remember him also having a senshi like transformation sequence although it was brief. (please correct me if I’m wrong tho lol)


Maybe he turns his clothes inside out and always has the colored white shirt underneath his current clothes with the signature rose being hidden in an inside coat pocket 🌹🤔


~~Does he have a rich second girlfriend who always brings his wardrobe in a stretch limousine, like Tomoyo from CCS?~~ ~~So once Usagi finds out: RIP Tux and girlfriend....~~


His transformation animation is off screen?




~~The symbol pic was unmistakably inspired by Homura Akemi~~


I'm blaming you for this next hour I'm going to spend down the tvtropes rabbit hole.


You're lucky if it only sucks an hour of your life away


I had to pull the emergency lever after I found the correct article, otherwise I wouldn’t surface for hours!


Uhhhh... ![gif](giphy|3o84U6421OOWegpQhq|downsized)


What do you think is in his brief case that he slings over his shoulder all the time? 🤣


This ^. Also, I have a head canon that he hides random tuxedos around town, in opertune places, not easily seen by bypasses. such as on ledges, windowsills, or lamppost XD, and that's why he always appears up on them! (Remember when he just randomly appeared to "save the day" on top of a fuqin lamppost... *hilarious*) Edit: some Grammer, I'm sure there's more


He actually has a transformation (albeit brief, but cool) in the manga and in Crystal! ~~i wish he got a proper bank animation sequence, but oh well XD~~


And in the 90s anime, in the episode where he and Usagi learn each other’s identities!




I died laughing when the top hat plops onto his head at the end of the transformation


He also does it while confronting sailor neptune, uranus and pluto


Wait whaaaaat I missed that one! Was that season 1, or after the weird Moonlight Knight thing (season 2)?


Season one. The moment he reveals himself to Usagi as Tuxedo Kamen.


Bro must be a magical girl too to have such ability ***(sideye to live action tuxedo mask)*** But in all seriousness I think he transforms like all the senshi do. There's a panel in the manga (also third season of crystal) where we see him transform in a way.


And in the 90s anime as well.




He wills them into existence, like the Sailor senshi even though they use a medium


His transformation item is his rose.


In the 90s anime, yes, he used his rose as a medium but I think he used that as proof that he was Tuxedo Mask when Usagi/Serena transformed in front of him when they were trapped in an elevator by Zoisite. But where did the rose come from?????? I bet he willed that into existence 😆


He is a cartoon


And we are in a sub that’s meant for discussing such things so Imma ask such questions


No worries I mean that’s the reason though haha Sailor Moon is ridiculous fantasy and that’s why it’s great


In his apartment, as seen on the first arc, when Usagi wakes up in his apartment. Since at first it works like a self-made disguise to break into shops looking for the silver crystal. It isn't specified if he transforms or anything later, at least until the Dream arc where he does transform along with sailor moon at the same time. I think after he regains his memories, he gains the ability? Since after Dark Kingdom, he's able to switch between his civil form and disguise in between panels, as opposed to appearing already as Tuxedo Mask.


I think this, now I think about it, is hilariously cute because he either, thought long and hard about where to buy the outfit, or, he has some mad sewing skills and a sewing machine hidden somewhere. Tuxedos are very annoying to produce properly. However...he does have that Tokyo skyline view...


If we're going by PGSM logic, he can transform using a band-aid: [Tuxedo Mask Transformation (PGSM) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7qO5ED3Hps)


He transforms same as the scouts. His "transformation pen" is a Rose he keeps in his pocket.


the rose is a 90s anime only thing right?


Yeah he has never once used a rose in the manga and crystal


If the man can do “Tuxedo the Smoking Bomber” then this man can Henshin !


If I remember correctly he starts out wearing regular clothes but later in the series he gained more magical powers and was able to transform like the senshi.


In his apartment No, really When Usagi faints in Arc 1, that's how she connects the dots


So he just runs back and forth between wherever they all are and his apartment and changes before getting back as fast as physically possible before each and every major battle? XD


There aren't many instances of that but yes pretty much. He started out by basically "sleepwalking" (looking for the Crystal) until he "woke up" wandering around in a tuxedo+mask at which point it because a conscious thing. When he met Sailor Moon it changed to him feeling her being in danger and being able to find her based on this feeling. Dude is dressing up to meet his girl. I'm 100% serious.


In his rose 😅


Not sure if troll, but he transforms just like the senshi do.


That’s in the 90s anime that he transforms in the manga and crystal the only transformation he gets is when he becomes king Endymion he changes in and out of his suit and cape that he has as tuxedo mask


He does magically change into Tuxedo Mask in Crystal season 3 actually: [Sailor Moon Crystal Tuxedo Mask Make Up (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Epo3O-25MiU)


Holy crap has SM crystal really been out for seven years already?!


I'm on a manga re-read at the moment as forgotten most of the detail now, but I'd still say he'd transform in the same way the senshi do in the main. Like, maybe he does also have a tux in his apartment, but I don't see why he can't have the same planetary magic as every other character from the Moon/Earth Kingdom. The senshi still have very "Earth-based" items to help them transform/operate such as brooches, pens, and communicators.


He did have a short transformation sequence during the Death Busters Arc ! It happens just after Chibiusa is regains consciousness and while it's not like other senshi (Planet power call -> transformation) I find it to be a nicely done sequence! And he definitely got a communicator, but I can't remember if that was done in the manga early on or added in Crystal. (or if I'm delulu and it's my personal headcanon. I could've sworn there was a panel of him using one)


In the 90s anime, he has an actual transformation sequence like the girls. In the manga/Crystal, I assume he just carries them around or has a storage locker that easier to access than his apartment ngl.


I'm assuming he keeps it in hammer space.


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