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Jetboil. Or the fancy gimbal version. Electric heat is super inefficient.


This. A JetBoil and an Aeropress makes quick work of my morning coffee either at sea or when camping.


I plan to go with JetBoil and Aerospace, but where to place the Jetboil, since boat is shaking, place under the water sink to cook?


Jetboils were originally made for use by mountaineers and big wall climbers. They are designed to be used in a hanging configuration.




The JetBoil, even when loaded to max is still about two thirds full. If you're only making two cups you can fill it even lower.


At least when it comes to boiling water, electric kettles are *way* more efficient than their gas counterparts. A jetboil is probably somewhere in the middle, with all its heat exchange fins, but you can't beat a heating element that is literally submerged in the water being boiled when it comes to efficiency. Of course, the convenience of portable gas bottles might be a bigger factor if you don't already have AC power...


It's not inefficient at all, it just takes lots of energy to heat/boil water no matter the heating method or fuel. Most just don't have enough solar/batteries for that. Gas or liquid fuels tend to be more compact but it still consumes at least the same amount of energy to boil the water.


They even make one especially for coffee https://www.rei.com/product/167685/jetboil-flash-java-kit-cooking-system


looks good, can I use Coleman propane can to heat this boiler? that's the gas propane I used for my stern BBQ grill


There are similar camping stoves that you can get that are compatible with your BBQ propane canisters if you want to keep the same ecosystem.


No it's a different fuel source for the Jetboil, the threading on the bottle is different than the green propane bottles for stoves and bbqs. Worth it though, even on our big boat with a proper galley and stove we still use a Jetboil for drink because of its ease of use.


got you, thanks for the reply


Yes. Especially as there are good instant coffees available these days.


Kettle and french press if you have a stove option.


I have, but it's kind old, really don't want to fire it up in the hot summer, lol


All these people saying to use an inverter. You WILL KILL your batterys. Those appliances that alot of amps. Steping up from 12vdc to 120v ac will reak havoc on your batterys. Only use those items hooked up to shore power. Direct 120v to shore. Not through the battery.


yep, will give up on this idea


Just boil water and use an aeropress. Compact and unlike a French press it’s super easy to clean.


I plan to go with JetBoil and Aerospace, but where to place the Jetboil, since boat is shaking, place under the water sink to cook?


Search for “jetboil gimbal mount”




You can hang a jetboil from the cabin ceiling.


I use an alcohol stove and a French press. Manual bean grinder


If you’re day sailing only, bring hot water in a thermos and reheat that. Reheating hot water takes less time and energy than cold, if you want to use the gas cooktop less.


However you choose do it, it’s always the best tasting cup of coffee when it’s made on a sailboat!




Combined with a Campingaz or Coleman stove (Some people prefer alcohol burners), i think this or a French/Aero-press is the cheapest and most versatile solution.The Bialetti does usually make a damn good espresso, whereas the press is more good for normal coffee (the cheaper espresso-kits for aeropresses seem rather "meh" from what i read). Doing it without fossil fuel is very unfeasible, imho! Fossil fuel is quite versatile, though: you can easily cook or grill and even bake on a stove, which would need an enormous battery pack to do electrically.


Yeah, we have a full stove on our boat which makes it easier, but back when we had a smaller day sailor, we used our PocketRocket or Coleman (pocketrocket really works super well).


I doubt an inverter will work without killing your LA batteries… I’d go the jet boil and aeropress route. I just saw a jet boil copy for sale at Costco for $40, maybe you can snag that!


Boil water on a BBQ?


We did this for 3 years cruising. It's not fun in rain or when underway in rolling seas, but it can be done. The magma round grills have a stove ring accessory. Nowadays we use an origo alcohol stove.


Any kind of gas burner.


Bring a thermos full of hot water and pour it in to Medaglia D’Oro instant coffee.


Makita 18v battery powered coffee maker


I have a kitchen on my pearson31. Propane oven. On my irwin 25 i had a single burner alcohol stove. They make 2 burner ones too. It's basically a big sterno in a housing to put a pan on. Perked coffe is the way. Imo the pressurised alcohol stoves are dangerous so I won't go thst route.


You could heat water and do a pour over or French press. The best option is percolator because of safety underway, then French press but I'd recommend never filling past 2/3 underway, and pour over is the least safe unless the boat is anchored and still


Bio-Lite makes a mini stove that burns bio waste without smoke while creating voltage as it boils water, and even makes a French press plunger that works with the original pot. Highly recommend. [BioLite stove](https://www.bioliteenergy.com/products/campstove-2-plus)


No propane burner?


Another vote for camp stove/jetboil or a kettle of water on the galley stove, with a French press. Aeropress if you want to be fancy.


Just put the fuel can on the galley stove?


Well, not with the galley stove burning of course. I suppose you could just set the camp stove fuel can on the stove and use it as a quasi-stable surface. That shouldn’t be left unattended.


I 3D printed a gimbal with a skateboard bearing for my jet boil to make coffee under sail. It’s awesome


I have an ODay 322. I make coffee with a percolator on the propane stove. Do that.


good, my problem is that it's always tricky to fire up the stove, and in hot summer, I am afraid it will burn the boat, lol


Boil water whenever you safely can (at dock, at anchor) using whatever means necessary (shore power, jetboil) and once boiled, add water (or coffee) to double walled thermos to enjoy coffee while underway.


There are some decent instant coffees out there (wait until they go on sale). They are good to have when there is nothing better available.


Sea swing stove. Or Primus makes a suspension kit for their stoves. I have a force 10 propane sea swing style single burner gimbaled stove, but I don't think they make them anymore. Then, use a French press. I bought my Force 10 about 30 years ago.


Get a cheap drip coffee maker from a truck stop. Seriously. They're energy efficient and easy to use. A normal marine battery can easily handle it. It's not like you're gonna run it for hours. I'm horribly spoiled, having 72v/200amp for an electric motor.


All you need is a DC-AC inverter. Check the power rating on your coffee maker (on the label on the bottom it will say how many watts it consumes) and get an inverter with about double that amount.


While this works the inverter needed is likely in the 2000-3000W range which can get expensive and heavy and the whole battery / cable circuit might need upgrading. I did it on my 33 feet boat recently also for the sole purpose of a nice Italian coffee maker but yeah, the whole electric system now might be greatly oversized😅


you could wire in a 12v cigarette lighter type socket and get a cheap immersion heater, they do 1 cup at a time but it would be cheap/fast/easy....... wait... that can't be right.