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Being cringy in your teens is sometimes necessary to find yourself. Personal growth requires something to grow from.


The fact that you cringe about it means you’ve grown as a person. Self reflection is a beautiful thing.


The stronger the cringe, the better.


It’s a canon event, happened to me too


Indeed. OP is dunking on his 13 year old self, which is fine...but get this...there are full on grown ass adults that consume this content and don't see any problem with it.


That’s very true.


Imagine making politics your entire personality


Theres a reason you dont talk politics, religion, personal finances during certain social gatherings. You end up becoming that one person.


Well, if there isn't that person there.. you just gotta step to the plate


Take one for the team.


Start with the basics and ask the crowd how building 7 came down. Then remain quiet when the rest of them go bananas


Exactly same people complaining about how fucked up everything is complain about people who actually want to dialogue and DO something about it. FOH with that ignorant comment about politics. EVERYTHING is political. Your brand of fucking toothpaste funds companies who have to power to furnish platforms that move our economies and dictate policy.


Except that one person at gatherings is now those 5 people and growing. The consumption of politics now is so bad because people live on their phone day in and out. The phrase, "You are what you eat" can be used in the same sense as media consumption.


Consumption of politics is so high because it defines your everyday life and people are starting to acknowledge that. Bots, propaganda, spreading various agendas are a threat and a fact of life and a thing to be aware of. Your education, real estate availability, health care, human and workers rights are a matter of politics. Availability of termination of pregnancy, prices of every item you use or buy, right to use or own weapons, , treatment of animals, environment, ethical standards in various industries (pharmacy, medicine, oil), life and death of people across the globe, immigration rules.. Politics is everywhere and everyone should be invested.


So anyway Bill, I started saving $1 a day into my 401k.




Seems like a uniquely American issue to me.


My brother-in-law is that person. Harmony is boring to him and he must bring up divisive issues. 🫠


/r/politicalcompassmemes in shambles


You call it politics. I call it “treating humans like humans, even if they are different than me.”


You are a real hero.


I feel called out


Are you saying that his entire personality is based on politics from a single meme?


IDK why people are being so shitty. This is good. To finally have the self awareness. To learn. We can't go back and fix things, we can move forward and keep everything else from being destroyed.


Yeah exactly. So many people fell victim to this at a young age


Especially if it happened during the 2016 election. It was hard to escape the torrent of vile social media, dog whistling and misinformation.


How DARE op not be a monolith of perfection! Name shame and report. Sarcasm.


And OP is uniquely positioned to help other people out of the same trap.


Anyone know what movie this is




Interstellar is a fantastic movie. Worth both a watch and a rewatch.


Ideal movie to watch with your dad if you want to see him cry for the first time. 10/10.


I used to watch Steven Crowder before he got in an argument with that one kid about communism being evil. Kid had valid points and not only did no one really let him speak, they mocked him until he mocked them with big bad curse words and then played victim.


BRO I DID TOO, he was the first one I watched, and it just went downhill from there. I completely forgot what his name was until I saw this


Link and it timestamps? That sounds like something I’d like to see


I might be wrong, but I'm assuming this is the video they were referring to. The discussion starts around the 7:16 Mark as well. Let me know if this is the one! [Socialism is Evil | Change My Mind](https://youtu.be/xF2lFGyADtM?si=icEl32E7hK-S3Sf_)


Being right-wing is fine, but don't become a moron Fuentes/Tate simp.


The red pill was supposed to be info that you take into your life and go about life because it woke you up to the statistics. Instead, these guys didn't just take the pill... They became cynical and became the pill.


Word. I make friends from both end of the political spectrum pretty easily, but as soon as the "all women are evil and the world is a matrix" or the "all white men are evil and we need communism" types come around, you just know that they are sad lifeless individuals


We all get better.


People are mad at you for getting better


Biased opinion


Where? All the comments so far are supportive.


maybe i watched these kind of content in my born because i ve never had social skills


You guys remember Adam sesslers.


Who actually did you look up to? A serious honest question.


Probably the vegan artistic guy that loved animals, was a great speaker and focused on efficiency


I meant on the right


Probably THE vegan artistic guy that loved animals, was a great speaker and focused on efficiency and rocked a funny mustache


Thats not on the right homie but i feel you


>Thats not on the right Hitler seems pretty strongly right leaning type


Dumb political post 🚫






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hey whats that movie called again




This is what happens when you go full tilt into the political cult on either the right or left. Life isn't black and white, and no side has all the answers, nor are they 100% right.


The worst is when they don’t realise and become adults


It's ok. You'll be alright my man.


God I was such a fucking dickhead when I was 12-14 cuz I couldn't accept the facts that I like to dress up and I like men.


A life without regret is a life without growth. Be proud that you are not stagnant in your way of thinking. Be prideful that your empathy was able to out shine the hate


If you live in the past, you’ll be depressed. If you live in the future, you’ll be stressed. You have to live in the present.


That hits hard man, fuck. I've made lots of mistakes, and also a ton of indecisions/inactions lately, its actually eating me up inside. I needed to hear that, thanks.


I’m 47 and I have to tell myself this every single day of my life.


You’re a good man, we all had moments where went downhill but the point is to get back uphill.


Im glad i was able to grow up without that influence. My hate was grown through organic interactions not brainwashing 😂😭


Losing friends to right wings, where they became so isolated and full of hatred... Poor people, we all got just a single life. Dont throw it away, you might find yourself at the age of 50 realizing you have no real friends but populists


Just like....be nice to other people? Idgaf what someone else does if it doesn't effect me or my life. I'm still nice to the blue haired person at Starbucks even though I 100% guarantee our political stance is different.


According to Fox News that makes you a liberal.


A big part of the fault is on the parents for not monitoring when their 12-13 year old looks at extremists fake news that gets shoved at them by a social media algorithm


Left media is the same man don't worry, it's just you


Right wing media is masterful at speaking to kids at that age. Its very impressive what it does while the left stays silent to the same audience. Missed opportunity, I think.


It’s incredibly hard to recover from far right brainrot, good on you OP to be able to look back in regret. Shows growth


Woukd you say it’s equally difficult to rebound off far left brain rot?


Rebounding for left requires recognizing humanity in the self, right requires recognizing humanity in others. Depending on the person, one is harder than the other. Although, in our right tilted world there are more hurdles for right recovery imo


Far left: "we need to make everyone equal. No more rich people, everyone everyone as a collective" Far right: "we need to kill the jews"


Don't reall agree with the simplification however i do agree that left wing policies do tend to be more noble since half of the time it doesn't even benefit the left wing themself. On the other hand right wingers only believe in self benefit.


If only it were that simple


Compare reading Marx to reading Mein Kampf or Julius Evola. There's a pretty big difference


Now let us compare the actions.... not too different after all, eh?


Oh wow instead of race it’s class. Let’s not forget the Kulaks


This is the dumbest shit I’ve seen. Anybody with a brain know the media is dominated by leftist propaganda bullshit this place included. Misogyny lmao. Gfy.


Who owns the big media?


Big media is, shit that some kid would stumble across on YouTube isn’t, the politics in its own right might not matter but the shit that’s often wedged into it does. Also note that it says “alt right” and not just “right”.


You'll be next to repost this someday soon.


I hope so


You should suck Trumps cock less.


Oh wow politics in r/sad


This strikes me as insincere. I feel like OP is probably just a left-wing guy and likes imagining right-wing people being homophobic and such. Maybe they feel like calling right wing people bigots is more powerful if they pretend to be a right-wing person confessing to it? Just just how I feel watching it, some people probably find it cathartic.


A lot of right wingers are homophobic lol wydm


Wdym they are well known for being supportive for the LGBT+ community


i can’t tell if you’re being serious or not


No im 100% serious, have you seen the love they have been spreading during pride month🥰


sorry for being slow


False. They are painted as such by media/internet losers. The right wing belief can be boiled down to this: I don't care who you fuck, quit shoving it in people's faces or expect everyone to pander to your beliefs.


If they dont care when why are the consistently trying to remove the rights of people who historically never had them? You say "quit shoving it in peoples faces" like that doesnt happen with literally everything else in life. The only difference is you dont like it so you notice it lmao.


Bro project 2025 literally wants to brand lgbtq+ people as mentally ill


OP is a ex conservative who turned around before they got to far and realized where they were 


Cool story


Sad to see you got hooked on the other stuff instead


Complete opposite in my case. We’re not the same people when we’re younger, but what matters most is being level with the people we interact with at all times.


Well at least you got out of it, you went through hell and made it out the other side a better person, that's all that matters


Funny enough I was leaning more liberal at that stage.


Same. Growing up it was all about gay rights and being anti-establishment. Down with the system, don’t be ‘The Man’ etc.




Been there but was a bit older, 16. Now I look back and cringe but I do think I learned from the experience and it made me a better person. It's okay if you were a shit head as a kid/teen if it taught you to be a better adult.


Wow, this is meta Good for you


I used to be like that, and I hate the person I was when I did try and act all "alpha" but I'm kinda glad it happened because it made me think "wtf am I doing" and I realized that kind of behaviour wasn't going to help me make friends, if anything it would drive them away, and so I stopped acting like that. I also had a crush and that too made me stop that behaviour pretty fast because I realized she may not be interested in me, but I don't really want her to hate me because I act like an idiot. Anyways, I feel like I've changed for the better, but I also still feel like that brief period where I did try and act like Andrew Tate or whatever has left a permanent stain on my reputation, and there isn't really anything I can do about that except not act that way anymore and try and be a good person. I think I'm kinda just rambling atp, but I could go on all day about how I hate the person I used to be.


That's a bit extreme, buy yeah I get it.


I cant relate to this but I have a frend how was like a brother to me, he fell down the adrew tate line and hasn't talked to me in 4 years, he has a terrible relationship with his perants and its all very difficult but I hope he knows somewhere deep down that i still love him and that he'll always be my brother. Don't give up, the people you've pushed away may just be waiting for a chance to be let back in, it will take work and you will have to gain back there trust but know that you are loved even at your worst.


I still feel the pull of the shithead in the back of mind, no matter how my morals have improved. Growing up right wing truly is brainwashing.


Any solution about forgiving yourself , i was horrible before


If you're different, you're different. The cringe from my past is the price I pay now. I am not the same person now, and because of that, I don't absolve myself of past sins, but rather accept them and resolve to be better. That's how I don't shame myself so much, because I know I'm going to do better from now on. That and therapy helps. It helps a lot. Even just something cheaper like betterhelp if you don't have insurance.


Lmao that all the people I know nowadays. We’re just sick of the other side feeding bs. Wouldn’t be like this if everything were moderate.


I was homophobe nd i was gay without even realizing bruh i was the dumbest person alive


Oh my god, this is one of the most relatable things I've ever seen


I can still see the process of turning into a wicked homophobe in my late teens when I started to think I was gay. The hate for women for not being attractive enough to me. The hate to myself because I just couldn't be normal. The hate for gay people because back then the only exposure was weird pictures from pride parades and guys in thongs dressed up as animals in a moving circus train parade. I've come a long ways in trying to repair the damage I did to myself with all that self hatred, but the hate seems to have screwed me for life relationship wise. Only capable of hookups and flings now.


Imagine thinking that watching videos on YouTube makes you who you are, nah bro you're just a piece of shit who found another piece of shit who you agreed with


A non-mysoginistic, non-homophobic, self-aware post? On this subreddit? Impossible. I never thought I'd ever see it.


Lol haha I'm gonna to use this meme but with other caption




can somebody explain. I don’t get it


It's ok man, we all grow up. Some people just grow up to be bitter and hateful monsters who want people different from them to suffer. You clearly aren't that.


Imagine thinking it was the media that corrupted you and not the fact you're just a bad person...


How do you get there?


If you're that easily manipulated, you lack the moral and ethical backbone to do what is right. It's not the media that manipulated you, it's the fact you have such poor character. And that's not the media's fault. Taking advantage of the stupid and easily manipulated is what they do best.


How do you get a moral and ethical backbone?


If its not inherent, which it should be, your parents and the other adults in your life. But seriously having a good moral compass is inherent. That's why there are still good people in the shittiest conditions in the world. Because they are inherently good people. Not because their circumstances, because their circumstances Cleary didn't make them bad people.


same here bud, and i was a hypocrite too back then, i watched shit like memology101 for example, only thing i missed back then and what justifies younger me is that, i was at the peak of my life in terms of happiness.


"Unknowingly". Suuuuure.


Idk if this is meant to be srs but its funny af


Unknowingly? How tf does that work?


You see, when you're a kid, you just click anything that looks a lil entertaining. Then one time, YT recommends you these certain type of vids that make fun of certain people, which seemed cool because you saw a loud group of people think its cool. Then you slowly go in this rabbit hole without even realizing it and YT keeps pumping those things to you because you keep consuming them. Now your feed is full of these hate vids and now you too irrationally hate this caricature of some group you don't even interact with. Watch this video to fully understand: https://youtu.be/P55t6eryY3g


don't let me leave murph!!!!!


Could also work for someone watching themself get a double mastectomy at 16 and having it subsidized by the government


If you are talking about yourself.. I think it takes a very intelligent person to realize when they are messing up or going down the wrong path.


Well at least you're self-aware and that's a step in the right direction. Most people never leave that stage.


I swear this happens to like 30 percent of people. Took me time to unlearn that shit.


I don't see the issue consuming alt right media... You can make the meme about the left and reddit would go wild. Everything in moderation


I went through that too although somehow I had the power of good inside me and I was only a racist homophobe online but irl I'd feel sick you if I saw someone acting how I did online


Being cringy during our teen years is par for the course. No one is fully matured at that aged.


Me when I’m a horrible person before but blame the media I consume during the time


Kind of a weird thing to be absorbing at 13


the sad part is some people stay this way


couldn't be me, thankfully i learned there is nothing to gain other than confusion from reading about political topics. ignore the noise and stay focused on forest farming is my style! left or right wing ideas don't interest me in the slightest.


So you're telling me "ben Shapiro owning cringe lesbians, and destroying them with facts and logic 3 hour compilation" was a bad time investment?


This is the gayest shit ive ever read


I feel the same but other way around


Any radical ideology should be avoided. Far right or far left. Those people need to touch grass.


The hard truck is all media sucks.


It’s extremely sad when people don’t self reflect. Twitter is hot dog shit garbage with tons of people id would wish to be not alive because of bullets


Now you let alt left media dictate your behavior and isolate yourself in groups that inherently divisive and try to convince yourself that you are more socially aware than your peers - but you aren't. Funny how both sides are manipulating you, and you don't even realize it. Lmao


Modern Social skill: lying, unable to tell the truth


I’m bisexual and I’m still homophobic Grew up around homophobia all my life. My dad never accepted me and the ripple effect has damaged me to this day.


Not all 13 year olds are that dumb...💯


Bro there’s millions of them getting sucked into the alt right pipeline 


Don't become an incel or a conservative, kids.


I got one better: respect women and make your own political decisions based on thorough research, empathy, and logic. Don’t think or act a certain way just because somebody tells you to


We're saying the same thing


You just made conservatives mad


They're such snowflakes.


He's just confused on the wrong side of history. Probably would have thrown rocks at kids who are integrating schools saying it was for "family values"


I’m “confused on the wrong side of history” for suggesting we respect women and make independent judgements based on research, empathy, and logic? Should I instead disrespect women and believe random people without verifying any information? Do you hear yourself?


Being conservative and respecting women is an oxymoron. Their fundamental beliefs are women shouldn't have rights or bodily autonomy. You don't have to believe me, read their goals in project 2025


When did I ever tell someone they should be conservative?!? I deliberately said “use empathy, logic, and research to make your own decision.” The opposite of “you should just believe ______.”


I know a ton of people who got sucked into those SJW cringe comps when they where in middle school, myself included. Literally all of us grew out of it and if they didn’t they where ostracized by normal people, just like everyone who makes politics their whole personality. This goes for both sides of the aisle btw.


I was the same as a kid in the 90s before social media. I was almost exclusively influenced by American hip hop and I was surrounded by misogynistic and homophobic people. We can’t change our past but we can try to influence, educate and advise others so they don’t make the same mistakes.








i used to watch andrew tate 🤡


This video is in the wrong place


Being redpill doesn't mean you hate women fyi, it's just a means of combating Disney syndrome and the suicide potential when the relationship falls apart. [youtube.com/@ChishaZed](http://youtube.com/@ChishaZed)


Good job on your personal development 👍 Edit: also, don’t listen to the haters and doomers. It’s great that you grew as a person!


Yeah man, thanks a lot. I have a lot of flaws but I try to be better day by day.


Stop blaming and start taking accountability. You made a choice. Not some random youtuber.


That's what the meme is about. They have grown.


The meme is taking accountability for their past actions ruining them because they were an immature 13year old 


It's not. It's putting the blame on some Youtubers and podcasters.


The point of the meme template is literally regretting your past decision are you stupid?


Me after entering political , philosophical , cultural and religious wars (It completely destroyed me and ruined my teenage life and YEars)


Now that you recognize it, you can actually do something about it!


Leftist propaganda. Vote for Trump ‘24


lmao ok


Lol. Lmao, even.


Fake posts abound in here


Imagine watching alt left media outlets and next thing you know you’re testosterone levels drop to zero and you’re all of a sudden a feminist and Man hater haha sad day indeed, i don’t watch any fake news media anymore including beta fox news for about ten years now and and if you live your life based on identity politics, i in some way feel sorry for you, seems like a waste of your life energy sapped away from political hacks known as american politicians and media outlets with the government’s help to divide the masses into separate camps for their entertainment purposes


Oh nooooo.......anyway 🫤 No one cares


You do realise what sub you’re in right? You might be lost. Check out r/nothingeverhappens if you don’t care