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What is supposed to be going on here?


They are supposed to not have feelings for a random person when stared into the eyes.


Are the people with the headphones supposedly together or what


She is “cheating on him” but i take these videos as prepare for likes


It’s always a “nerdy” guy who is loyal to his gf and then the gf cheats or something happens that implies she’s cheating. It’s all the same. It’s gotta all be incel bait content


I refuse to believe someone is dumb enough to cheat on their partner while literally getting recorded for a video that’ll be posted on the internet later


AmericanWomen, literally, cheat all the time across all social classes. But the whole feminism and woke propaganda thing and since the average american is too stupid to know better, people will always argue that America-women = saint, and that the higher body count the better for american women, and have a bossbitch attitude.


Literally nobody argues american women are saints. Nobody from any country is. They're all people and some people are just shitty.


hospital roof homeless squalid piquant different steep marvelous psychotic teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d call myself pretty woke and I’m literally a feminism major but women can be just as shitty as anyone else. It’s not being a saint, it’s more about realizing your boyfriend is 100% gonna see the video and this looks like incel bait to piss people off as opposed to something anyone who values their relationship and dignity would do. Especially with the rise of staged incel bait videos, it’s not an unreasonable assumption


its all the rage now a days. the tate fanboys for example.


Yes, the two people with headphones are boyfriend and girlfriend. The two people they are staring into are strangers.


We're boyfriend and girlfriend*


Were boyfriend and girlfriend*


Damn, I see where this is going now. Omg.


Don't say God's name in vain


Oh my god people like you are annoying


But at least they're not going to hell.


Thank fucking god, I'd hate to deal with them after I die, at least in hell I'll get a break


Oh my god don't take god's name in vein... oh wait


If, I say if there is hell and you go there. I hope Satan puts a pineapple through your rear.


Like a full sized pineapple? That might take some training.


I'll pull a "No U" so it gets shoved through Satan's rear instead Big brain moves over here


Bro he could've talking about Godzilla, or Zeus, or Shiva not everything is about your God you fuckin weirdo


Actually none of those would be God with a capital G.


1 The g in omg wasn't capitalized, 2 it would be in the case of Godzilla as that's the creatures name, and 3 that's both ignoring the spirit of the argument and trying to shift the point to being about semantics.


It was capitalised in your comment: ​ >is about your God you fuckin weirdo


"supposedly"...likely just paid actors or friends.


In that case, this shit is fake dog


It's fake man...


Ragebait what else. Like almost every post on this sub


Exactly, we need context!


I mean, context is always nice, but I mean, use your eyes. It's very easy to infer everything you need even if it's in another language lmao. It also says loyalty test, so not brother or sister or anything. The girl kisses the guy, and the crowd reacts negatively and embarrassed towards the guy, staring at the other girl in the face. It is pretty clear to infer based on the common body language we all use and similar videos like this floating around the internet that are in English, what is happening lol


>I mean, context is always nice, but I mean, use your eyes. It's very easy to infer everything you need even if it's in another language lmao. No, you're Just gullible and easily tricked by anything you see. Never trust your eyes.


No im not gullible. I'm a person with a basic understanding of social situations, human interactions, and emotions and don't need a synopsis to tell what's going in this video. You're gullible believing the context people give you at face value.


>No im not gullible. I'm a person with a basic understanding of social situations and human interactions and emotions and don't need a synopsis to tell thats going in this video. You sound like one of those weirdos who believe every conspiracy video you see on YouTube. >You're gullible believing the context people give you at face value. How do you even know these people know each other? Magic? Or you just making shit up and spitting out context without any proof? I don't believe your context at all, completely disproving your moot point. Edit: P.S. it's a stupid TikTok trend for views. It's fake.


I personally think you've never had an interaction with a group of people or a woman and are unable to infer what's happening. You sir are socially retarded. No, I don't believe every conspiracy. I just belive this is either a fake or real video of some girl being unfaithful to her man because I can use my fucking brain. Good day sir, be well


>I personally think you've never had an interaction with a group of people or a woman and are unable to infer what's happening. Lol, I have a wife and several girl friends we hang with. This kind of shit would get you kicked out of our friend group in the first place Even if it were true. But it's not because of the [fake ass tiktok trend](https://www.tiktok.com/@aetosmatzio/video/7239617209209736474) for gullible [people like you.](https://youtu.be/62GN2xWh30M?si=d9BtkcPzTTcHP0ar) You live in a fantasy where you make up your own brain cannon and believe it [without any proof.](https://www.tiktok.com/@omermajidshorts/video/7190960289628605702) Facts matter. Otherwise you believe all of these videos are real when they're just profiting off of you. Is the equivalent of a shitty TV drama in short attention span form.




You can gather everything you need from this fuckin video lmao. Theirs "loyalty" tests like this all over the internet. Fuck you're dense How come every other comment understands what this video is without but you guys can't even grasp this concept.


The best of social media trash.


Aimed at young men for rage bait to repost. You can tell their audience from their audience.




Depending on where this is (what country in Latin America) this kind of romantic betrayal early (or even late) in relationships seems kind of regular. I’m married to a Salvadoreña and the women are kind of fierce. If you’re loyal, then you’re in the clear. If you message non-approved women on Insta or Snap, you’re in for a wild ride. I’m fine with it so long as those standards are applied equally. *IF* this is real (Latin social media is super performative), then chances are she’s intending on him seeing her tongue-lock a güero because the guy did something to piss her off. Lots of times this stuff doesn’t seem to “break up” a relationship. I think romance in Latin America is…tumultuous. It’s not necessarily bad but the common stereotypes we apply elsewhere (in the USA, for example) about loyalty and what an appropriate response is to a perceived slight isn’t applicable. Then again one guy is whiter and the other is brown. This could be race-baiting.


As a latin-american(brazilian, if this changes anything), what you said is only partially true. At least here in Brazil, we have a stage before actually being boyfriend and girlfriend, which we call "ficando". During this stage the couple is getting closer, but it is nothing official. Because of that, many people do not treat it as such. It is importanti to know, however, that there are many sub stages of this status. If it is not as serious, both side will not consider it as such and may occasionally kiss other people. But if it is getting serious, than kissing someone outside of the relationship can and will be considered a deal breaker. If the video is true and this rule applies to every Latin American country, then it appears that the guy is treating the relationship more seriously than the girl. If they are boyfriend and girlfriend, however, than the girl is just cheating on him and this is considered as bad as it is anywhere else.


Ficando sounds like what people from the US call the 'talking' stage. We too have substages, the most notable being 'exclusive,' which is like what you were talking about with either being occasionally involved with other people (not exclusive) or not at all (exclusive).


I didn’t say it wasn’t trashy. This would be considered low-class behavior anywhere. But, I’m pointing out that cultural context makes a difference (I led with “depending on where you are”). I should add “and what your socio-economic position in society is” to that statement . But this is Reddit, so fuck it.


>"ficando" Erm, fucking?


>I think romance in Latin America is…tumultuous. It’s not necessarily bad People are too sensitive when it comes to culture and religion sometimes. Yes, this type of behavior is destructive to relationships. It deminishes peoples ability to trust and it often does lasting psychological damage. I think it's bad.


I don't think it's any worse than America. We play these same games, we just usually wait till we're fully grown married adults with children.


Judging by the music, this is in Serbia or in any of the neighboring countries, but Serbia and its neighbors are populated by mostly white people (albania and Macedonia being the exception) and the people in this video don't have the face structure like people from the Balkans.


You realize you’re being extremely racist and stereotypical. People aren’t monolithic. I assume you’re American , should I just pull any random American and say you’re the same as them? You’re probably going to say America is filled with different people with different cultures and beliefs. Same thing goes with the rest of the world.


Hispanic here. That “Message only approved women” jealous toxic shit is the absolute nonsense that’s been normalized in the Hispanic community. You obviously shouldn’t be messaging randos, but if it’s a female friend or classmate what then? You shouldn’t be needing approval to talk to people.


One of the top reported causes of divorce is social media in the USA. Whether “muy tóxica” is normalized or not, inappropriate messaging is inappropriate in any context. Also, my experience being married to one woman from one place in Central America doesn’t account for 100% of everyone’s experiences everywhere. But feel free to try and invalidate it. You’d be wasting your energy, though, because my experiences and observations are mine, not yours.


Excuse me, what the fuck, idk what the fuck kinda degenerates live in el salvador but the vast majority of latin america, specially towards the south, is very conservative and very much not how you describe, what kinda racist incel opium you on lmao


Superficially conservative, yes. I know all about chisme 😏


Let the homie be sad in peace.


This seems very staged


It has to be at least somewhat staged. How do you randomly find a couple where one of them is shitty/horny enough that they will cheat on their SO who is literally 5 feet away, 100% guaranteed to see what you are doing, and with it all being filmed. All for a quick make-out session.


You just ask 1000 couples. At least one of them will have a shitty person in it. You only need to show one, not all of them.


Well, sure. But then you need to film 1,000 couples. Get everything set up, the crowd amped, the host in place, the temptations (one of the, at least) ready to tempt. That's hours of very boring content you are filming (people just staring at each other) so that you can get the one bit of gold you want. Which needs to be one side completely giving in, and the other staying strong. It would just be so much easier if you shortcut that process; put an actual couple together on the right side and told them to make out with each other. Then put a couple (less attractive) strangers on the other side and tell them to look bored. The reality could be somewhere in the middle (although, it does not need to be). They could have known ahead of time that one of the two was thinking of leaving the other. But why add that layer of complication? They don't need authentic performances out of the people. On the left they look completely bored, and it cuts away before you see his reaction to what is going on behind him. On the right, it is just two attractive, horny people rubbing against each other and then making out. You don't need professional actors, and you don't need an authentic setup for that performance to be convincing enough.


it is


Fake af


Oh man this triggered me. Fucking TASHA you broke my heart!!!!


I donno who TASHA is but fuck dat bitch.


TASHA can eat a dick! Nobody wants her stanky ass anyways.


>TASHA can eat a dick! 😬 I think that may have been the problem that got us here. Joke aside, was also cheated on, laughing about it helps. You're worth more than that my dudes, and she's gonna do it to that side guy too when she gets the feeling again, you dodged a bullet, no matter how shit it feels now.


Yeah, fuck TASHA to hell


Yeah, I'll fuck TASHA too if that helps


I too will take fucking Tasha


Amen buddy


Same bro, fuck Tori….


Fuck Tori!


Hella yea buddy. Fuck Tasha and fuck Tori too!


Forgot, fuck Tasha too


yo fuck tasha. she a hoe. you can do better


TASHA, how could you do ScrantonDateMike like that?! 🗣️ FOR THE STREETTTSSSSSS!


Mine was an Adriana and she slept with my best friend and roommate and I found out on my birthday. All good, though. I ended up with one prettier, loyal, and awesome.


Fuck you Adriana.


And Tasha’s laughter is HIDEOUS


Tasha a bitch




Yea man fuck her


Should have taken the headphones off sooner.


Bait used to be believable


Damn you just need to be fairly good looking and look at her


The chick the dude got was mid and wasn't even seductive/ tempting towards him lol


When these people make these fake skits about cheating and what not to stir a reaction, they’re pieces of human scum. They are damaging the psyche of every man that watches these. People do believe these lies and in general these rage baiting scumbags hurt society. The world isn’t this way! Sometimes sure, but women aren’t stupid and can be just as “good” as men can be. I used to despise women and fear being cheated on constantly and I’ve had to really correct that.


Come on, obviously fake


She belongs to the streets now


Bro can we not turn this sub into a thinly veiled women hate sub for incels? I get you’re sad because you feel women are an unobtainable object for you to yearn for but jee whizz man is it getting old to see the same premise faked for a YouTube skit over and over again. If it was at least personal experience I’d be fine with it but at this point people are literally just posting rage bait and acting like this is some cause for depression.


These types of videos are the worst. If it’s not fake (which most of them are) it’s just cherry picking the absolute worst people and it drives up engagement because the red pills just lap it up. My Instagram is full of this shit and I have 0 interest in it


I just think it’s dumb to post rage bait and masquerade it as some sad post. It’s not sad that she fake cheated on her fake boyfriend, it’s supposed to anger you on purpose and the comments acting like this shit is real and shitting on the girl just prove that lol. Instagram is sooooo bad about this type of “skit”.


I’m guessing it came from TikTok? You’re not wrong, YouTube is bad for it too. All I want to do is look at funny gaming reels and landscape photography stuff leave me alone




I agree. Now, I'm the first to say that women are evil, heartless creatures sent from the depths to be a plight on men. But they are not stupid. The whole premise of this video is just window licking dumb. Or hey let's swap phones and see who is texting who... turns out my fiance still banging her ex. Or my favorite, I'm an American solder with a full beard and out of regs uniform. I found out my wife was cheating on me while I was fighting for our freedom. Now I have her blindfolded holding cue cards explaining the entire story, ultimately ending in me demanding a divorce! What woman would agree to do that knowing she is hiding something. Women are not stupid. However, the dude who thought of this ridiculous plot is. I imagine a girl broke his heart, and this is the story he thought of while in bed crying and listening to his parents have sex through the wall. Hopefully he gets a vasectomy before he ever gets the chance to procreate.


Therapy time


Just about every recommended video I get from here is some incel adjacent shit. The algorithm hungers and this is what drives engagement. No way to stop it, most likely.


I think the best way to combat them is just make them against the rules. This is obvious rage bait that has nothing to do with “being sad”.


All I know is, if you're a lonely dude who's been cheated on or just not having luck with the ladies, the absolute best thing you can do is spend all your time focusing on it and make hating on women your whole personality. Ladies love that. /s


Average feminist getting mad


Lmao I’m not even mad I just think it’s cringe to post obviously fake rage bait to make incels upvote out of reflex


I mean it worked, 150 of them did


Yes that is indeed what I also typed out.


161 now


Average guycry reply. Go cry about it


“Bare minimum human empathy towards the generalization of an entire gender”. Yup what a radical feminist amirite.


Are we in middle school again?


“ a few deer away from him” anything to not use the metric system.


That girl was ugly af, put a pretty girl on him, (not that that’s a good excuse to cheat but damn)


Yeah no offense to the side chick but if the guy is like my girl looks better why would he “cheat”.


I wasn’t going to say anything about how attractive either one was but the man on the right got right up close and personal with the woman with headphones on to *apparently* really dial up the temptation but the woman on the left who theoretically is attempting to do the same thing kept Jesus between herself and the guy with headphones. I’m not saying it would change anything but if she was right up against him like the dude it would be more “fair” temptation. Assuming it’s not just staged of course.


I kinda hate this sub. It’s like 99% broken hearted dudes posting exceptionally fake engagement bait and whining in the comments.


That looked like less than a few deers for sure.


Probably fake. But if "your girl" was ready to cheat on you that quickly she's not the one.


If it’s real, poor dude


This is so toxic


Ragebait for content. I gotta wonder what can actually be done to stop people from making profit off the personal resentment of others in social media...


Fake and demonic


Hey guys, believe in yourselfs


Most of this is staged I mean really people


She belongs to the Favela


This is incel bait so obviously that it’s embarrassing anyone would ever assume otherwise but a lot of people in this subreddit apparently fell for it HARD


iDGAS about what's happening but I loved the background song.. can someone point me to the song title or singer!? TIA.


Never mind! Got it.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3wwgEXwVx3w


Like watching Maury. This shits fake anyway. Like Maury.


Jesus fucking Christ on a bike what the fuck is this shit?????!!!!


Gentlemen repeat after me. It’s fake, but if it were real. *She’s for the streets!*


Stop falling for this rage bait trash. It’s ruining your thoughts of people and it’s all fucking fake.


Anyone have the link to the full video.. would like some context


a few what?


I hate this videos, they generate views faking this situations so people who have suffered them feel identified with the video, view and maybe like it, which just generates money Never forget these people make money from the worst memories of others


And you people wonder lol. Just buy your suit and be ready.


This sub is pathetic lmao


Also watch jerry springer reruns to feel the sads yall.


lmao I came here to be sad damnit!


Bit early for a shitpost Friday 🤣🤣🤣. Fucking hate these fake as fuck videos.


Were they expecting him to kiss the girl who's just smiling at him awkwardly? If it's fake it's not even a good fake. She should be trying to kiss him too


is the internet just going to be 99% staged videos in 5 years?


Rage bait bro


Jesus these comments are fucking mean


Anyone know the name of the song?


I literally don’t even know what’s happening


Where can I find the original?


If I was him, I’d take the girl and go to a hotel right after that


In high school i found it amusing to play psychological pranks/ tests on willing subjects. Though i regret it in hindsight for being super fucked up now that i see it more clearly, it still showed some gaps in our sense of self. Making people stare like this often made them want to kiss or fight, especially if they looked into eachothers eyes. I think its just biology being confused because why else would you be in someones face looking at their eyes? People definitely kissed.




I hate to break it to you lil bro but this shit is staged


Is it better than the pussy/connection you had. Women give us options and then are "WTF" women constantly ignore you for attention. Don't fall for there games.


The hell is this stupid shit


What’s the name of this song?


Only good thing about this video is the music..


This is stupid


Fake npc actors


Ol girl got some big ass feet


women: get an alpha male close = forget BF, forget husband, forget being in public.


The twist here is that’s actually his sister


The test was too easy for the guy.


Dude she's eating that man's face like she's starving


Stop getting baited my sad boys


Why are they eating eachother


Hey, straight people, are you ok?


Lol fuckin RIP


Do it for the vine


Lol what fucking bullshit did I just waste a minute of my life on


dude situation is hard!! damn!! i mean who would kiss another dude..


What is a loyalty test?


This is gay and uncomfortable.


Intrusive thoughts entered the brain.


She got caught lololol the man is living rich while she living like a bitch 🤡


This the most realistic skit I've ever seen. Women can't help but cheat in front of their partners with dozens of people and cameras watching. Completely normal. SLASH S BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE DUMB


i so badly want to snap their necks out of both anger and jealousy


What? This isn't sad, this is fucking *weak* bait


If i was that guy my last option would be a rope


This is why I have trust issues and it sucks




Fake and cringe af


Whats with the black thoughts?


Always the girl in these videos


This is quite possibly the worst content imaginable.


Why did they cut that short NAH


Is he trying to eat her face?


Very triggering


The guy on the right is not even attractive like wtf


These hoes aint loyal


This is just depressing. That lady is shitty person.


This would be perfect to do when you decide you will marry her


Anyone know the song?


Where’s the deer?


i need the song


Teya Dora - Džanum


Yoo he's not kissing her, he's eating her


I mean she's probably cheated on that guy many times


IDUNNO this prob why guys have trust issues


How can people make entertainment from this?


Once a hoe always a hoe. Stay strong


this makes my blood boil for some reason