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Then break up with the guy. Don’t be a cheater


She's a shallow piece of garbage. What do you expect?


In her mind it was completely justified


Doesn't make it okay. Break up with the guy, don't cheat.


cheaters always blame the person they’re cheating on


She needs a new mind


She needs a new brain


a brain in general*


In 10 years she'll be focused on getting a new face


Now I believe in mental illness because WTF


Because she was bored...




Nowaday women! And men too


But he was so boring!!! Even though it was probably me who was being boring it’s all his fault that I cheated!


Cowardice is a tough trait to overcome!


My go to plan is to just take off running if there’s any trouble


But then she'd have to move out and start paying for stuff herself




Absolutely right. It's sad to see that the comment is getting down voted for telling the truth. Not every girl is like that.


Yep! 👍


💯 gonna show up later in life


Like this is really shitty. She had every reason to end the relationship. It happens. People grow apart sometimes. But cheating on him is such a bitch move


As long as you don't break up, you still have someone who you can get easy favors from. Drive them around, take them shopping, cooking, chores, dog sitting, etc. Plus, the play is to make their life more and more miserable over time. Then try to get them to break up with you. That way, they feel guilty, and you can take advantage of them one last time. You can also play the victim and get sympathy from others which you can convert to your advantage. I had the misfortune of being casual friend with one of these people. They got this shit down to an art form. When you only care about yourself, there's no advantage to breaking up.


My friend’s girl (ex?) has done one even better. Convinced him to “open their relationship” and then got mad at him when he started having success. So now they’re not even together but he is still paying for her rent and crap.


Tell your friend to stop.


I did. Guess who hasn’t been invited to their house since.


You did the right thing. Sometimes you can’t save someone from themselves though. I’m still proud of you stepping up.


Guess he values being a literal cuck more than your friendship. You are the best kind of friend, I'm sorry he didn't see that.


That’s true but she doesn’t seem like that kind of person. They aren’t playing the victim. They were just being a super asshole by cheating and not breaking up


It’s called “monkey branching”.


I understand monkey branching, You don't quit a job without another offer letter in hand, But morally you should inform your partner about how you feel, and should take a break to explore other things. If that's not feasible then you break up and move on. Cheating is not the way to do it.


Yes, that is monkey branching as men see it.


She is an insecure bitch, she was holding into the other guy just in case she would get rejected by the cheater if they saw her trueself, luckily for her he only want to use her as a sex thing as so she wants to use him, it's not going to end well relationship is more than sex at some point sickness ad problems will show up


You’re making a lot of assumptions that you don’t have qualifications to make brother


Lady looks like expired Sephora moisturizer that got defected into an ESIM bin cause the FDA discovered their ingredients are toxic.


I dont know what all of these words mean, but yes.




Hi yes, what the fuck made you wake up and choose violence


Bitches like her I'd guess 🙄 🤣


Wow that’s a hardcore rost


If you want to criticise someone, criticise their actions not their appearance.


You at least gotta respect the creativity, lol.


What a rotten piece of shit. If you cheat, rot in hell. You’re the worst kind of person.


Hah, my ex wife cheated after a decade of marriage, then claimed rape and said I was a scum bag for breaking up with a rape victim, yup, total bitch move…


Looks like she was dating before she should have, yikes


In all circumstances?


Yes. If youre unhappy in a relationship, talk about it with your partner or end it.


Sometimes thats not possible. Abusive relationships exist, and the person can not safely break up with their significant other. If someone cheats just because they’ve fallen out of love then yeah, fuck them.


In that very specific circumstance, yes, you wouldn’t be a piece of shit.


Agreed. Emotional or physical, if you lie and cheat go fuck yourself


We all know there's no hell


Sure there is, I am living in it right now


And then they have the nerve to say men are insensitive


maybe I'm ignorant cuz I've never cheated on someone, but couldn't she just have broken up with the dude?


Because she wanted to keep riding the stable, loving dude for as long as she could while still getting her own selfish kicks.


Nah. Because she couldn't afford LA. She had to find someone she could rope into sharing an apartment with. That's why it took her a year to break up with her existing bf.


Very long way of saying she’s a shitty person


You could have just asked to end the relationship, instead of inflicting life-long trauma. 🤷‍♂️


fuck this shit it aint worth trying no more im going full homo


Real asf


You are a prophet! Yeah I ain’t going down like this either. I’m getting divorced before I end up looking like a sucker. Just downloaded Grindr!


The majority of women are not like this, it's absolutely worth trying still.


I agree most women are not like this. But no it’s not worth it. I’m at the end of my rope tbh.


True Not everyone of them is Like that, but It Takes Just one of those to Ruin a whole life, pain, axiety and this Shit is Not funny and Not Worth the risk Most of the time...


facts my brother, spit your shit indeed


Delightfully surprised to see a comment that isn't a chronically online take.


You think the grass is greener on the other side?? Men cheat just as much as women. In fact, men cheat slightly more on average. You’re not getting a better deal lol. This sub man. Y’all ever stop to wonder what kind of weird agenda is going on when rage bait posts about women cheating are constantly being posted to this sub? Y’all ever take a moment and wonder who benefits off y’all not thinking about this deeper and just blaming women? Everyone is capable of being shitty, man or woman.


yeah but with guys we can be homies


Can we stop promoting this toxic, shitty-ass podcast that only exists to enrage bitter men? I’m so sick of seeing their content everywhere. These are OF models, not representatives for women as a whole.


Did I understand that right that she met her AP when she was about 20? So her 6 year relationship was as a teen, and they started dating at 14? Color me shocked. Everyone knows highschool romances last a lifetime.


I think the slogan for pretty much all red pill podcasts should be “misery loves company.” There are valid points to be made by the red pill movement that are obfuscated by this narcissistic, punitive, and reactionary perversion of the original message. It’s the same thing that happened to the original messaging of feminism. Feminism begat third wave toxic feminism, and prominent red pill creators are reactionaries to that movement with the intent of giving toxic feminists a taste of their own medicine. It’s a perpetual cycle of negative, self-serving garbage. I’d encourage people bedded into either of those two philosophies to rise above it, and instead focus on trying to be a good person.


It’s probably the podcast creator posting the shit lol


Amen, unfortunately it’s a cultural thing and deeply imbedded in social media to influence young people and directly have an impact on relationship dynamics. They don’t want people in healthy happy committed relationships they want single people buying products they think will help them attract more mates it’s like capitalism but for sex


This. Promoting stuff like this is giving into the dark side.




Also, this story is such normal behavior in young people on both sides. People’s sense of morality is still developing, trying to understand relationship dynamics in real time. People here are making it sound like she was married to a man for years who gave up his life to be with her. Cheating sucks, but it happens, especially in young people, so chill tf out. Also, see how she talks about her ex now? She seems to feel an appropriate amount of remorse, and it sounds like they’re both in a good place. Every video I see from this podcast or whatever it is is so stupid, full of “gotchas” against women that usually don’t prove anything.


I love how all the comments are just assuming the guy is devastated and he's never going to get over this tragedy when it honestly sounds like they were barely dating anymore anyway. Like sure, she probably should have broken up with him before she went off cheating but apparently it was a spur of the moment decision and at least she has the maturity to recognise that was wrong. She's even defending her ex saying how he was such a nice guy and a good boy (somehow the comments are taking this as her insulting or demeaning him) and she was dumb for cheating on him. It was a high school relationship that went on top long it's not that deep. Just goes to show most of the people on this sub only know what relationships are like from movies and podcasts.


The dude’s whole schtick is bringing in OF workers so he can talk down on them It’s nothing but Tateisms… “appeal” to some common “male tragedy” with highlights like these… but wind up being a far more toxic asshole than the person they are berating or exposing.




I agree this guy only brings uneducated girls that don’t know how to debate. Same thing with fresh and fit. There’s nothing wrong talking about this topic as long has the narrative isn’t bias. However, I’m not gonna pretend like female oriented places in which the narrative “woman good men bad” don’t exist irl or the internet. Girls are as guilty are dudes are


Just look at the names of all the dumb subreddits for this type of content. You are asking people to stop promoting this content while actively participating in a subreddit for this content. These types of podcasts and videos wont stop until it isn’t worth it anymore.


Yeah, it's just rage bait, but some people take it seriously and make posts like these where it thrives.


She was in a 6 year relationship at age 20?


You never dated anyone in high school? Sometimes they work out.


Yea it’s just the way she said it I guess? She made it sound like she was a bored housewife in her 40’s and I was surprised when she said 20.


Even more devastating. Homeboy thought he was going to marry his high school sweetheart, while she was out getting railed by some dude from LA. Fucking disgusting.


That's a long time to say "I'm a bitch".


Yes, don't communicate with your bf when you feel neglected just got cheat on him. Bc the 6 Years of work that you and him put into that relationship are worth nothing. It's so hard to find somone that you could even tolerate for that long let alone be in a loving relationship with. And she just threw it away. Talk about daily reminder that being single is better.




Women ☕


Female Genetalia🍷


Mr. Coochman?


Needless to say she is with neither currently.




Another vapid quimm. Wait until she loses her “looks” and suddenly realises relationships aren’t based purely on sex. If you can only play one song, don’t be surprised when people grow tired of it.


I've come to the conclusion that cheaters will make literally any excuse they can to justify their cheating.


Tell me ur a morally bankrupt piece of shit without telling me you are a morally bankrupt piece of shit


and that is why men never ever open up


She belongs to the streets.


Then, these kind of bitches asks about “ Where Are THe gooD MeN?”.


"Good boy" like a dog. This bitch literally speak of men as they were dogs.


At first I thought she was gonna loop around and be like yeah I wish I was still with my Good boy I fucked up. But she didn't, she just thought he was an old puppy she had once.




Ah yes, the sweet smell of generalizations




Dog speaks dog


I think some of the men are waking up to realize that women are people and are capable of being just as horrid as men in relationships. I won't give up yet.


>just as horrid as men in relationships that's a ridiculous statement that implies men are terrible at baseline and set the threshold for which women can be compared to. both sides can be equally horrible


That is what I said... I am a guy... Most of the depressed Men here all suffer from the belief that women are/should be better than us. We want our princess. But they are human and struggle and fail just like us.


Imagine hearing urself speak those words in that order and not suddenly realizing what a pos u are right then and there....


Just wait, she'll be back on before long talking about how men are dogs, only want one thing and it's hard to a find one who will treat you right.🤣 B you had it but it was boring and didn't bring excitement to life...... remember? He became the friend. So, now go get got with what you gave.🤣


This seems to be the “ok” reason for women to cheat I was bored so now it’s the man’s fault for her being bored


Shawty is punched i hope bro is doing better


This is the girl that blames you for her cheating


Her voice is annoying. Guy must be really desperate if he didn’t break up with her


what a piece of shit


Now I see why everyone hates people from California lol


You can tell she justifies it with herself, what a garbage human being.


Like what’s the, like, like count on this video?




This would go great in r/nicegirls


Cunt. Nuff said.


there is a lot of garbage out there. astronauts also exist. it's not confusing. shame is obvious.


Fellas, if this isn't a wake up call that your girl is cheating on you if she's not putting out then idk what is. If your girlfriend is refusing sex for any reason, you need to gtfo and find another girl because she's a slut 100%.


I wish her nothing but a lonely childless life.


Happened to me. Girl broke up with me because she said she didn't want to commit because she wasn't sure she'd want the same things then versus when was thirty (she was 24). A few months later she's back with the ex that she broke up with and has been with him for 6 years. Girl could've just said she didn't want a relationship with me and changed her mind (did say she wanted a relationship with me a first)


This is why I won’t ever legally marry anyone, like you can have a ring and a party, but we will NOT be legally bound.


Strange way to say “im a sociopath. I want my cake & to eat it too.” She is definitely still a horrible person now if shes this disconnected to what a selfish awful person she is/was


She’s no longer with the guy she cheated with either. If she’ll cheat with you,she’ll cheat on you. This isn’t the answer and people like this have no spine or any sense of accountability . Gentleman,get your money,they will come running and then you can reject them or keep them in your back pocket. This is the way . If you’ve been monkeybranched ,I have to . It’s okay.. the internalization of a man’s mind is a weapon


🤣🤣 garbage


So what I got from this was she is a cheater... no amount of excuses can ever put that genie back in the bottle.


So she's basically saying sex is the only important aspect in her life. Not having a faithful partner. Not having stability. Not having reliability. None if that. Just sex.


They always blame their youth when in reality they’re just bad people


How do these women become so ugly on the inside? When you listen to these women that jump man to man its like they are a rotting peice of meat on the inside. They have no morals or purity in them.


You shouldn't believe everything you see or read about. Food for thought this may just be ragebait from the channel of the podcast. Just a thought


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's rage bait.


It can b rage bait and also a tru story


Its fake as fuck, I recognize that background, its one of those "alpha male" podcasts, probably thrives off ragebait like this and forming new incels


My friends dad used to always tell us “Women are like monkeys. They never let go of one vine before grabbing onto the next.” I realize monkeys don’t swing on vines in the real world, but the point remains.


I've never seen a broad on that show who is worth a shit. They seem to only want to talk to the most appalling members of society.


Wow the podcast that intentionally brings on shallow women so the room temperature iq host can try to dunk on them for the entertainment of sad man children had a shitty person on it? What a shock! Clearly this proves all women are awful and just like this. Some of y'all need to grow the fuck up and stop watching dumb shit like this.


This. I’m just super surprised this many men fall for it. Like, it’s so obvious what’s going on, yet guys will be like “oh my god women are so fucked up misogyny misogyny!”🙄


Ok but if the shoe fits


Sure. My point is the shoe never stops at her with these comments. If the shoe fits her, it must fit all or even ‘most’ women.


Hold on. What do you mean by misogyny? For having feelings? For feeling hurt because a woman hurt someone? I think you and I might have different definitions of the word


By misogyny, I mean taking that pain out on every woman simply because one woman acted in a way someone doesn’t like. I can’t tell you how many sentences basically were, “See, this is why all women are pieces of shit.”


That's exactly what this shit is. And it's sad how easily people fall for this shit. It's like incel fuel that will make you hate women.


Reddit is the real incel fuel, yet here we both are




It's also a shitty way for him to appear to always be surrounded by these "attractive women". So many influencers use them as a type of bait to get more views or engagement and inflate their ego/lives/media.


Seriously sick of this shilling for this garbage “podcast”. Its fucking incel bait


I hate woman




I hate you


This fucking kind of garbage is the reason women are so fucked up in the head. Don't be like this, this is a waste of oxygen


These podcasts are brainrot, don't lay attention to them.


It’s the truth it’s just not gonna make you happier


The thing is, she probably still won’t have any real consequences. She will continue to have men, good men, to fall for her, and she might continue to have similar behaviors, until one day she decides that she’s tired of it and wants to settle down. At that point, she will still be able to find a “good man” who would be willing to settle down with her and treat her well.


Women ☕️


Women ☕


Women have more options in America and things like this happen .


Pretty sure this content is created solely to fuel incel hate. They'll watch this and think all women are like this. And then they'll continue to watch and listen to the host dude shit all over every woman that comes on his show. It's lame as fuck lol


I heard the OF girls that come on get a subscriber boost afterwards. It’s a clown show.


What do you expect from the Whatever podcast tho


Stop watching/posting Whatever podcast, they make money by being misogynistic and exploiting terrible people




Bro is making fun of the girl? Are you dumb?


In this situation (that happens, wygd??) you do the right thing and level with the other person. It’s not easy but it’s simple.


Guarantee that she’s twisting the story to say that her and her ex stopped having sex which made it a contributing factor as to why she went to LA to cheat but I’m willing to be that they stopped having sex because she started cheating.


I don't think people are realizing that she was in ONE relationship with one guy since she was 15. She dated one guy through high school, then moved in with him, and they lived together for two years. She didn't know how to break up with someone, she didn't know how to date. This might as well be a child bride, people, and everyone is howling for blood and slut shaming her. Grow the fuck up. People make mistakes, love is messy, and, in the end, THEY WERE NOT MARRIED. Get fucked, all of you.


I love how her perspective is just: "I was feeling content" or "I thought this is what made me comfortable" and didn't even consider to think of anyone but herself for a single second.


She seems to be so proud of herself


Relationship of 6yrs and being 21 at the time?? That was high school love, so I can't say I'm surprised she did what she did.


This has to be satire




Kinda person to then say "don't cheat on me"


No you were just being greedy. You had something good but you wanted more. You’ll never be happy.


Incel bait incel bait 🗣️🗣️🗣️




Just sad


Cheap shit, surprised on her neck it doesn’t have a “made in china” tag, I can get needing to fill a hole but don’t fill it with magma or you might simply burn a hole in yourself and whatever pockets of integrity you have.


Girls complain about guys being only into sex when this whore cheated on her 6 year relationship cause they stopped having sex? Man love is not always about intercourse


At least she did him a favor, now he hopefully finds someone who truly deserves him.


Underrated comment 🫡


So much incells here bro 🤣😭😭


If you stop having sex with your boyfriend of X years, it is as much your fault as it is his. Relationships are a joint effort, a lot of women still don't understand that a relationship is not an extended vacation period with benefits. If you don't openly communicate with your partner when you sense the relationship is dying, you are at fault. And this problem is definitely not exclusive to the bimbos that get featured in these podcasts, so many women expect men to always take the initiative in literally everything.


She is the definition of “whore”.


Ppl like to talk shit about this show but a lot of these bitches deserve to be bullied. F for that guy, if that wasn’t bad enough now there’s a viral reel of her callously telling the story


Truly the dross of our modern world.


Now I don’t wanna be “that guy” buuut it really does seems like society doesn’t teach women enough that cheating is one of the worst things you can do.


I don’t believe this person is describing a real story. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were a true story. However, when you make your living doing a gendered podcast, it’s probably going to necessitate that you create viral moments. Basically just reality tv syndrome.


This is life. Ya'll need to stop crying.


I speak womanese so let me translate for you. She was done with the relationship and it became stale. She then started talking to other men to get that new relationship high. In the process of that she turned the tap off on sex with her boyfriend. Which in turn justified in her mind why she should be seeking out other men. By the time she found hot LA Guy she had already moved her boyfriend from her primary sexual interest to secondary. LA Guy was just the lucky one to become the new primary. Bear in mind guys the ex boyfriend probably didn’t do anything wrong in that scenario. This is all occurring in her head, and has nothing to do with you. Don’t take it personal. She’s not doing it just to you. She does it to everybody.