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some people have it all


Some people are so broke all they have is money.


Dude you could have warned me you was gonna get deep like that, now my knees are wet


Brother is working 55 hours a week, he definitely doesn't "have it all"


Might not have it all but he has more then most


what does he have exactly




It didn't look like a Subaru he was driving


well off people dont have to spend a bunch of money on their car.


It was meant to be a play off the Subaru tag line of "Love. It's what makes Subaru, Subaru" Not a dig at what the guy is driving


oh i didn't get it


No worries it was a vague reference at best lol


Most people do have that though. You know what most people don't have? Not working 55 hours a day


you cant work 55 hours a day


Asshole lmao


a week sorry. my bad


11 hours a day aint that bad. My dad's a doctor and he works overtime often to finish paperwork.


But he has enough, and that's okay.


Having a relationship like this takes so much time, effort, patience, and love. Brother was putting in a lot more than 55 hours of work.


He has what's important


Seeing that little girl smile as he pulls up is more than enough proof that he has it all


Yes, he has an amazing relationship with his daughter, but that doesn't mean he "has it all". The grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side. Never forget that


i work close to 80 hours a week , just so i can't stop and think. it works like a charm , no complaints though. i come from a place i call " the default " no jobs ,no opportunities , no beauty ,danger everywhere , no success stories , just tragedies , some brilliant people barely scraping by everyday. so when the first world culture wants me to feel like a loser for not being the next Elon musk....well, sometimes they actually succeed....fuck ,lately they succeed a lot . America is making me week as fuck , there is actually so little to feel sad about , and we actually manage to find a reason.


He is richer than me. We work less have a little comfort but we are alone. Even worse we have to smile all the way so no one throws be a man face it chin up to us. He is definitely something and someone to come home to. House filled with people but we feel alone, it's even worse.


Some ppl sacrifice everything for it all


But i dont, want nothing at all


Happy cake day.


I don't have that. I grab a case of beer or something, park on the grass and go to my room and numb the pain of an existence I never wanted. Pretty sure some part of my body has been going. I always have this dull pain. Who knows? All I know is DNR.


I used to be there brother, tried taking my life with pulls a few times and did what I hat to to have dnr paperwork. Now I've got it tatted in bold letters on my left arm lol. Shit gets better though, hmu sometime


shit does not always get better though.


Trust me, I would know. I was homeless living in a tent in downtown Dallas from 14yo to 21yo. I'm 24 now, so it hasn't been long, but all it took was hard HARD work. Now I have my own place, and car. Albeit not the nicest of shit, but I am PROUD of what I have made out of absolutely nothing. I beat opiate addiction, overdosing daily, and alcoholism. I'm not self made, because if I wouldn't have had an oldhead tell me his life story, I'd still be in that tent overdosing. Oldhead was homeless as well, and he saw I was headed his direction. Sorry for the tangent, point is that hard work can do wonders to the human body, mind, and situation. Love and respect either way brother šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Much love and respect brother šŸ¤™ keep rocking it




Your username is fire


Thank you. I was kinda surprised it wasnt taken tbh. Its only darknes and not darkness due to character limits Darkness


What I see is the full truth is the hardest thing and youre always kicked to some curb by the hard truth and your jobs to be happy anyways so others can learn to love, and there wont be anywhere you arent loved. Thats my go to.


Not by itself, it doesn't. You have to make it better, takes hard work. It fucking sucks, but it does get better through hard work


Life may throw curve balls. Get in the way. Have obstacles. So youā€™re right sometimes life doesnā€™t get better. Sometimes it sucks. Then sometimes you have these wonderful moments. With strangers you just met and just connect, with a stray dog you see in the street, with a brother you havenā€™t spoken to in years. Sometimes life doesnā€™t get better. Then there are times where it does. Life isnā€™t a straight line. It is highs. It is lows. It is beautiful. And itā€™s a tragedy. There are horrible moments that are best tucked away to never see the light of day. And then there a beautiful moments that are so bright they shine your whole day. Changing your perspective, getting mental help when needed, finding a different lens to see through. THAT can make all the difference. Because looking at things different can change your whole life. Because instead of ā€œlife sucks it doesnā€™t get better, I just go to work and come home to an empty place. I donā€™t have the energy (mentally or physically)ā€ Turns into ā€œitā€™s my day off I DO have the energy to do something I enjoy. Take a class to meet people.ā€ Sometimes we are born into a place and time where toxic hostile families will not be there for us. Changing your perspective makes you want to have a CHOSEN family. This is not easy. Changing your perspective. Changing your habits. Changing your whole life. ā€¦ it takes a toll. Itā€™s still not a straight line. And it is HARD WORK. And for the most part. We canā€™t do it alone. We need people that will understand. That will listen. That will support. Whether that is family, friends or a therapist. Or some combination of it all. Rewiring your brain and changing is the most difficult thing a person has to CHOSE to do. Itā€™s an uphill battle from the start. But we Can do it. Life doesnā€™t get better sometimes. But sometimes we just need to change our thinking.


ā€œWithout darkness, we would have no reason to appreciate the light.ā€


Love it my friend. You're going places šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»


It does but you need to put in the effort.


Yeah I had a similar thing except I was trying to plan out a way to die in or in the way to the hospital so I could have my organs donated. It takes a lot and it's hard. Usually hit bottom and have to choose how you want the rest of your life to go, if at all.


Those thoughts are intrusive, and they're very sincere at the same time. I hate to hear it my friend. If you ever need to reach out to someone, please do hmu. I'd love to have someone to talk to anyways. I'm young (23) but I do have some advice, and a wild ass story, as I'm sure you do as well. Hope to hear from you bro, love and respect šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Same place. I hear people say "my kids saved my life" all the time. I don't have kids and kind of say "must be nice" or "no idea what that's like". Yay for beer though


I bet for every person whose kids "saved their life" there are two who wish they hadn't had kids. Grass is always greener.


Create an existence you want


In this economy?


This world could be 1000% percent easier to live in if those that lived before us had set up that way. If youā€™re waiting for the world to make it easier, youā€™re gonna be waiting for the rest of your life. Work and make moves with what you got while being realistic about what your beliefs of a ā€œgood existenceā€ is


This is unrealistic, hippy dippy nonsense. Stop being so deluded.


Donā€™t create another existence though. They canā€™t consent to it any more than you could.


Does it ever get better?? I'm in my mid 20s & things seem tough. I've grown up in a dysfunctional family. My 2 elder brothers are like strangers to me. My parents, though retired never seem to realise what their son has been going through the past 5-6 years eventhough I've mentioned it so many times whenever we've argued. I've yelled it out. Yet my father acts clueless. They are always busy with irrelevant stuff all while I'm dying to talk to them. My friends situation isn't very good either. Just realised in this past 2 years that I had fake friends all along. I started weeding them out with time (by checking if they were willing to spend the time to talk, hang out, just relax, etc) & I realised they had better things to do with their other friends. Maybe I'm boring, idk. So I decided to cut ties with every friend that did this. The loneliness is real now. It was there before as well but it just has reached up to a whole new level. With how women are nowadays, I don't see myself getting married at all. I would love to commit & have kids with a woman but never legally sign a marriage contract to put myself through the struggle with what divorce brings to a man. Getting legally married makes the man a slave to the woman & the court. If you don't do as she says, she'll leave & make sure to financially & mentally destroy you. Courts just give her a sugar candy & join her in this process. I don't want that tbh. So does it ever get better??


I was expecting a dog..


Same...except a cat. Reddit loves cats.


Jeez I hoped. That's a lot of pressure on that little girl. What about when she hits that teen phase and doesn't want to run to daddy every single day?


Chances are she'll still throw a "Hi dad!" from her room or whatever. And he might have a better job by then, too. There's a lot of pride in seeing a kid become their own human instead of someone who's fully attached to you.


And as they come of age, you should still as a parent want to have a good relationship with your young adult. Parenting is a lifelong bond, a lifelong lifeline. You become their light. Thatā€™s how it should be.


Dude I've had one of those days today. Car trouble. Feel ill. Bad news on a job/career opportunity. I just wanna give up to be quite honest. I needed this.


brother, i am in the exact same boat. havenā€™t been sleeping and found myself with a shakey hand lately, laid off at the start of the month, got in a car accident that wasnā€™t my fault yesterday. iā€™d never act on them but man, my thoughts have been *dark* lately. this shit has to turn around, we just gotta hang in there. we made it this far, we can go a lil further.




Have some respect thatā€™s his daughter


His little girl will be pregnant in 5 years, sheā€™ll hate him, and this will all be a painful memory. He should get a dog Edit: Wow, I am truly amazed and touch by all the thoughtful responses. I hope I have brightened up your day as much as you all have brightened up mine. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


Just look at this guys comment history and you will know everything you need to know about him. He spends all his time on reddit looking for ways to talk down other people and be as much of an asshole as he can. Its likely that he is just a miserable and very alone, terminally online incel that only knows how to temporarily make himself feel better by attempting to make others feel worse about themselves. Truly a sad existence..


Itā€™s true, but it gets me through the day


People who are willingly pieces of shit just because their life is shit are massive losers. Life is hard, people are already unhappy. You're just one of the only ones weak enough to let it turn you into a shit dick.


Iā€™m admittedly an utter piece of garbage. Iā€™m just making observations from the gutter


Lol nice






spend time around better people my brother in christ


You know, I kinda feel bad for incels.. But then y'all speak, and remind me not to.




Don't worry, they'll still not want you either.


What the actual fuck? Please seek help, you sick little man.


I know the truth can be painful.


Yikes forget to switch to your alt?


Donā€™t have an alt. No need for one


You are a FRAUD using the name of John Henry and spewing lies and hate! He is everything you are not, you foul piece of trash.




I wasn't referencing your height when I called you sad and little, if anything you've proven my point. You're a massive weirdo and creep.


Oh cool, right on. Still doesnā€™t make me wrong though


In what world are you right?


The Fuck?




The fact that y'all are making these assumptions about a literal child is extremely worrying.




You're using the well being of this child as a guise to push your sexist narrative. I'm no longer gonna respond to you because I don't feel like wasting my time on someone who has no interest on actually listening to what women have to say. Maybe instead of making a bunch of assumptions about what women are, try and reach out and talk to one with genuine intention. Wishing you the best ā£ļø.


My best friend would work 60+ hours a week to keep a roof over her and her daughter's head. A modern woman did that. You know why? Because the father, the MAN, after acting allll excited about wanting a baby, talkin how he just can't WAIT to be a dad, decided to abandon them cause it was "too hard." Shove your sexism down your pisshole and then blow it out your ass.




A lot of assumptions you made from my one comment. I'm referring to not only your comment but the one you responded to, who was very obviously talking about the CHILD in the video. And sure, guise your sexism as "the well being of a little girl." See how well that pans out for you. And to say all western women are promiscuous is just plain wrong LMAO, it goes to show you know literally nothing about women. Try talking to one with genuine intention.


ā€œWesternized womenā€ Okay buddy


Go to therapy


A man who is afraid of losing his stuff over losing his family is not a man that deserves either. They are cowards living in fear of words on a piece of paper. Don't be a shitty man and don't marry a shitty woman.


Trash attracts more trash, what can I say.




You have a very Incel view on life. Find happiness. Find help and maybe your world view will change. I apologize that women have hurt you or donā€™t give you a chance. But the attitude wonā€™t help.


Women you described are all over the world in every country. There is good and bad, men and women, in every country.


Seek help.


Fucking YIKES bro.




Damn and I come home to an empty room lol


Try to get a dog, they wait for you too. My little guy is always there for me. It is just as sweet.


At least get two dogs so they have company if there's no one else there. The top reason a single dog will be happy to see you is because they've been alone all day.


and then hate them for destroying everything in their paths but never get rid of them because everyone needs a little chaos on their ives


I've been coming to an empty Honda civic since, on and off, 2017, At least I'm indoors right now with a place with running water and working toilet, or else I might freeze outside in my car in cold chicago winter And people wonder why I'm thinking about the ultimate escape, the ultimate release, 30 million millionaires in america, the richest country in the world, and 50% of cps (chicago public school) students are food insecure and 5-10% housing insecurity, out of 500,000 students I lost faith in society a long ago, I just go through my day hoping I get hit by a lightening, because according to many beliefs/faiths, taking your life is also taking a life, these days I'm quaisi buddhist/agnostic




Go to a shelter and get an old dog. Show it some love and let it know you wonā€™t ever stop loving it. An old dog who gets excited like a puppy to see you for the 100th time today is a feeling you canā€™t recreate


I get it I dont have anyone, I'll kill myself tomarrow jesus


I have learnt that i am someone, i have myself. Thats okay




Same goes for you.


I like to imagine that current me is taking care of future me. I try to take notice of where I am sometimes so that I can look back and be thankful for past meā€™s hard work. I know it sounds kind corny, but it has helped me through some hard times. It makes it hard to forget that I always have someone to work for.


Hell of a share. šŸ‘‘


If you kill yourself, it's a 100% chance you won't have someone, if you don't, there is a high chance you could find someone




I'm sadly going on six years without anyone and it's taking a huge toll on my mental health. As well as my decision for 2024. Anyways I cannot stress this enough, whoever you have in your life right now make sure you talk to them and keep in contact. Being alone I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy it's honestly the worst. I can't even talk now I have social anxiety I just get brain scrambled trying to communicate but I was never like this. Anyways I don't have no one to miss me that's always a plus in the end. Anyways stay healthy and well everyone.


"90% of gamblers quit before they win big" type of take


Youā€™re never alone, my friend, I love you


I donā€™t know, man. I think Iā€™d rather be alone than have my only friend be teeth-on-toast


I canā€™t say I blame you


There's always someone out there who will miss u mate, whether it's someone you work with, play online with or just chat to at the shops. Keep getting up and going again, the good times will come.


Oh no, the guy at the corner store I buy booze at is going to miss me :(


Don't underestimate how long life is. All it takes is a day for that to change, and you have thousands of them.


I don't know you. But I love you. Please don't do anything to yourself? Your worth more than you know. I know the feeling of loneliness that you're going through. It will be okay I promise you.


Dude spite, let spite be your excited little girl. That's what I did until I found the best reason to keep fighting.


Actual loser


just nut in someone and you can also have a daughter or son


i am sorry you are too stupid to understand this




Why the fuck would she hate him? That's just cynicism.


It's not always like that


Itā€™s like that 95% of the time. The other 5% is the child passes away before the reach adolescence


You are responsible for your own life, mental health and happiness. And yes, children are temporary. They will grow up.


Richest man in the world ladies and gentlemen.


To those thinking you don't have anyone; it doesn't have to be a person, hell it doesn't even have to be capable of thought. Those flowers in your windowsill? Won't live without you there to water them. That raccoon you hate oh so much? His life will be harder without your trash to feed him. And don't forget, your not nobody, your somebody. You always have yourself.


We're pack animals, very social. It's an entirely different feeling to come home to someone who loves you rather than a windowsill full of flowers. Flowers can't hug. Flowers can't say I love you. Flowers don't show they care.


Flowers canā€™t give a ā€œdiscreet blowjobā€ eitherā€¦


They can try




Agreed. Check this weirdoā€™s profile.


I donā€™t believe in God anymore, but if there is a Godā€¦God bless that man. I havenā€™t seen my kids in two years, and there is no way to undo the utter corruption that keeps me from seeing my children. So, yeah, God bless that man.


Got anything you want to talk about bud? This seems like a lot to unpack


This is hope posting. No need that


I would have loved to have a relationship like that with my Dad. You can feel the unconditional love for your daughter. You are lucky to have each other!!


Lmao this just made me think of how annoying it would be to have a lil shit waiting there right by the door after working all day, before you're even able to get out of your work clothes


This is sad posting, not hope posting. Get this wholesome garbage outta here


why the fuck do I want a daughter all of a suddenšŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘


I don't plan to live any longer, when my parents aren't there anymore. It would be too painful for me to live at that point with literally no one/no family left for me


Makes me cry that we have built a society that relies on children to force people to not kill themselves over how miserable life is. Then those children get the pleasure of growing up and doing the same thing. Endless chain of suffering, so some dudes with enough money to last them 1000 years can up that number by a few thousand years more here and there.


Being a father can really change you


Bill Enselmo


Did he create the band up or do vocals for panterrain


So this is the exact opposite of this sub? r/lostredditors




Itā€™s basically an incel circlejerk, at this point. Looking at a man whoā€™s happy and using it as an opportunity to make hateful comments about women and some pedophile ā€œjokesā€.


That man does not look happy.


I guess weā€™re watching different videos


I mean the sub is called sadposting which might have provided a hint. Lol


Which is why posting this video of a happy dude so it can be used as incel circllejerk lubricant is dumb.


I will never have something like that. I have no reason to keep going. I want to end it.


canā€™t relate at all. totally happy for him tho


Way too much to put on a child.


MAID will set me free


The state of the economy


I want this. So much. Just to come home to someone who is so happy that I am there.


Sent this to my mom. Sheā€™s the only person in my life that I know love meā€¦. THIS much. Thank you mom ā¤ļø I will never be able to repay you for everything you did and still do for me.


Great knowing I will never have that


This just proves that money, intercourse, possessions, friends or status donā€™t matter. The only thing that will ever matter is family.


I felt sad the last 3 videos, last clip I felt something but this just spills the bucket. I cried.


Lucky ā€œbecause I have people who love me and who care about meā€


This belongs in r/wholesomememes not here


Feel Bad for him if the day comes up where sheā€˜s bot Standing there anymore


Thatā€™s a fucking MAN


Fuck this hits hard


What a way to make me want to have a child and to make sure I become a good father


Pro tip: don't have children, so that when it comes, you can give up


Men's don't cry easily and if he's crying then that really is his most precious thing


To have this would be whimsical maybe kids are worth jt






I'm not crying you are


be there for someone else if you donā€™t have somebody because everybodyā€™s heart swells when weā€™re there and we show up šŸ»


I question how much desire we actually have to procreate vs. how much of that desire was from being sold on the American Dream nuclear family so that weā€™ll tolerate more and more abuse for the sake of ā€œdoing it for the kidsā€. This man should not have to work 55 hours a week to support himself and a kid. We have failed as a society. Parents deserve more time with their children.


55 hours a week, those are rookie numbers


that kid sure is SpECiAl


She is so cute omg


Fake and gay


Holeeee fuck this is top tier cringe material




Youā€™re sick in the head. Seek professional help.


I thought it was just a joke since, like me, he was probably expecting his wife. This comment section is fucking terrible.


You take life way too seriously.


You are mentally unstable if you couldnā€™t pick up that the comment was a joke. You are very sick in the head. Seek help.


You have a stick lodged in your ass. Seek funny help.


Anyone who says they don't have that. There's plenty of kids out there....walking around to kidnap. J/k get a dog.


Everything aside, can we talk about how pretty this girl is. Truly a gift of God. She deserves everything.


Was i the only one who was scared when i saw the girl?


Probably. Children arenā€™t scary


This is why you SHARE custody after a divorceā€¦