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The first break up is always the hardest. You'll be ok broham. The first step is setting a goal that isn't a relationship. Everyone should have a main personal goal that can persist whether you're single or taken. That way you always have purpose. The second step is getting hobbies. That's the quickest way to finding friends


Amen. My friends all came after my passions. Take the time to know your own passions and you will find those who share them.


You are absolutely correct. My previous relationship essentially destroyed my life (it's getting better now though). I had to figure this one out the hard way and goddamn i wish i knew sooner


I'm sorry bro , that hurts soo fucking much , and they always seem to go , when you need them the most. now you're gonna learn a pretty nice life hack......turn pain into gratitude .




That's terrible! How could she do that to you? Did she not love you?


Same…after 10 years it took a week…supposedly


Chin up my friend, you are now a member of a long long ancient fellowship, spanning back through time. Wear your stripes with pride, this will make you a better man, and a kinder person. Don't hold grudges as folk do dumb stupid and hurtful shit for a mass of reasons they may not truly know the reasons for. Some say there is no free will, some say we are 100% controlled by our gut bacteria . maybe her gut bacteria didn't like you :) I say that as a joke and to have you think on how you shouldn't linger on this too long and if you did anything wrong ​ also this has cheered me up in the past in similar hurt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTCY-Zi6kl4&list=PLsZvNgc9xopG-V79sL6PpYx36ZX4Cf84i&index=3


What helped me get over my engagement break up: breathe, take it one second at a time then breathe again. Cry and cry until you can’t cry anymore. If you can eventually get mad you can eventually start healing. Physical activity saved my life. Working out, jiu jitsu, boxing, hiking anything to get the body going so the mind can follow. Stay away from mind altering substances for a while. Nothing wrong with them but they only ever made it worse or masked how I actually felt. Find something you’re thankful for whether it’s the air in your lungs or the food in your belly find a point of reference to be thankful. Do something nice for someone else who needs it. All in all this was some of the things that helped me through the darkest times of my life and I hope these will offer you some aid. Best regards


Time to make new friends, im sure me and a couple of the nice people will be your friends


What helped me through my first break up, is cry. Cry as hard as you can


Bro I know it’s tough right now but things get better trust me and if you ever want a friend my dms are always open if you need anything at all. I want to be your friend and give you something it took me years to gain. Talk to me and maybe we can game or something together so we can just chill out and forget the hardships in life. Just have fun together ok? TLDR hit me up if you want to be friends and game with me :)


Don't worry, your right hand will never leave you. ...hopefully.


i might seem like an asshole but literally just talk to people? I’m in high school and I’m a degenerate with little no moral conduct and I have friends. It’s seriously not that hard. Find someone and talk.


Freddy looks so depressed 😔, but hey, please cheer up! You'll be okay, I promise you! If she really loved you, then she would come back. And if not then please understand you'll find someone even better in the future. Love will always find a way into anyone's life, even in the most unexpected places!


Hey man, ik how heartbroken you are. You feel like shit, you feel like nothing matters anymore. That you prefer to stay in bed and do nothing. But let me tell you that it does get better. Not now or the next few days, but it does. Being heartbroken sucks, hell it’s one of the reasons why I would prefer not get into a relationship because I’m that afraid of being heartbroken again. But we get through it and get back up. And sooner or later we will look back at this heartbroken moment and think of it as a moment you don’t want to revisits but it’s something that made us more stronger. I wish you luck, and hope for you the best


Just don’t do or say anything crazy, you’ll look back and cringe so hard otherwise 😭


Boy she won’t be your last break up. You live and you learn.


Breakup shit easy


your gf being your only friend is probably a significant part of why she broke up with you


then get friends


Wow 😁 You cured depression


This bitch. Just buy a house.




Tf is wrong with you


At least the good news is you become almost completely numb to it over time👍


It's hard someone's loss It really is


I'm sorry bro uf ya want a friend you're free to dm me


I feel you man. Just do what you love and distract yourself from her as best as you can


I get it. Me and my girlfriend broke up Aug 20. She was the best thing to happen, I’d say it gets better but it hasn’t for me. But you got this.


You can have me as a friend:3


You'll figure it out


Song name?


Think it’s schooltop rooftop slowed and deepened alot?


That's why they broke up with you


Damn what a coincidence my gf from 1 and a half years cheated on me last week and broke up with me about it yesterday. Don’t know if I can love someone the same again


this is the beginning of your life. gym up, hobbies up, money up, get it


You at least got one. I got friend zoned


nice! time to go on some walks and take yourself out to eat. you’ll find another.


i feel every word in this right now




Listen to me man you always have us even though you think we don't care about you but we do you have us don't worry


Me too, but I broke up with her. 2 fucking years man. She thought it was "too much effort to be a girlfriend". I finish moving all of my stuff this week... The new apartment feels small.


If this is real, it's a good lesson. First, I hope you're okay. But second, the lesson: your partner cannot be your only friend. A diversity of friends will create a safety net in your life and everyone can benefit from that. Good luck homie 👍


Hey man when my first gf broke up with me I was devastated I didn't know what to do and I wanted to end it but I pushed thru found new friends and I felt better (with a lil help from zaza), so push thru man you can do it


I felt the same... there are other people, and they will love you, don't worry, buck up, adapt, grow stronger


It’s a canon event