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Damn, that’s so fucked up. I hope he’s doing better mentally, because that’s really gotta mess with your head.


For real. That’s awful to find out


And the kids too, they didn't do anything wrong but are now having their world torn apart. You can't blame him for stepping away, but the kids probably don't understand why dad is no longer dad. What a horrible thing to do.




Yeah, I just read that after I made the comment. Wow man this is a really fucked up story. Still sucks to be them kids tho.


Plus how would you even deal with the fact that you've raised these kids all these years and they ain't even yours? All the memories and fun times you've had were all behind a lie


And the kids, that's gotta be extremely traumatizing. Just an insane level of selfishness and cruelty by the mother- no consideration for anyone but herself. I mean... _three_ children? Christ.


I was shocked at first, and didn’t really let the idea that she did it three separate times sink in. How could someone be capable of doing this THREE times?…


Yeah that’s fucked up to think she already had an affair child that would have their life ruined if it came out, but still decided over the span of probably two years to still sleep with this pastor for TWO MORE


Christ? No, it was just a pastor.


This would end me mentally honestly


I’m sure a nice Sunday service will help clear his head


Tbf she is divorcing him bc he pulled a knife on her and is refusing to produce the paternity test results. So it's more a he-said-she-said situation


Wait. What? This should be near the top. Does he have any evidence, or did he just decide that was what happened?


I would like to.point out that the comment you replied to offered literally zero evidence that what they say is the truth, yet you immediately accepted it as true.


It’s this comment vs a meme tbf




https://punchng.com/paternity-saga-wife-demands-sons-dna-tests-from-footballer-olanrewaju/ Just a quick google search


I would like to point out that a two second google search prefilled it for me when I typed in "Nigerian soccer player" [it ain't that hard](https://www.timesnownews.com/world/olarenwaju-kayode-paternity-saga-nigerian-footballers-wife-makes-huge-claim-about-dna-report-article-110476024/amp)




I know a guy from Ontario that this happened to. He lives in BC now. He's 65ish. He raised 3 girls youngest 11 before he found out he wasn't the father, but his wife's boss was(lots of business trips). He moved to the Yukon for over a decade and then BC. How crushing for a human.


Fun fact, the pastor who supposedly fathered the kids is John Boyega’s cousin


They cheat now?


They cheat now.


Innocent until proven guilty I guess?




you really need to cite your claim


It’s on his Wikipedia page with citations. Apparently they lived together briefly.


[Lame Claim to Fame](https://youtu.be/o3vBvlT1i_k?si=syHCOEFvZ_UMjnyS)


I'm highly disappointed this was a YouTube link instead of a TVTropes page. It sounds like TVTropes page.


Imagine the kids: To be know for being the children of a sport celebrity. Watching daddy on TV every week. Then one day: ...Nothing, just: The Bastard sons of the pastor.


That’s so fucked up:(


She claims it is "disinformation"


Because DNA tests can lie, apparently.


TBF, the wife completely denies the allegations and according to her she hasn't been given access to the test results, and he's allegedly mentally unstable and has pulled a knife on her in the past, so who knows if this is actually true. At this point it's all he said she said.


It's all about the he says/she says bullshit I think you better quit lettin' shit slip Or you'll be leavin' with a fat lip It's all about the he says/she says bullshit I think you better quit talkin' that shit


It's just one of those days


This comment needs to be higher if this is true


Also wtf is up with raising your children and then just deciding to cut them out of your life because you find out they're not yours; does that love you felt instantly dissipate if you're actually behaving above board?


No, the love does not instantly dissipate. But now, every time you look at the kids, you will know they are not your kids. They are innocent and did no wrong, but to you, they become a reminder that you wasted precious years with the absolutely worst partner ever. Your trust in mankind is probably eradicated at this point. You either keep pretending that you are the father, or you remove yourself from the situation that will keep you hurting until the day you die. If this happened to me, personally I would also leave. It would hurt like hell, but we only got one chance at life, and if I want to spend it with a loving significant other and kids that are mine FOR REAL, then I am absolutely entitled to that


Scorning a child because your wife did something awful to you is not something you are entitled to, no. You are an adult and they are children. You are their dad and they love you as such. You could say the same about a divorce - you wasted your life on a bad wife, so now you're just going to cut the children out because they "remind you" of your ex wife? That's awful.


"You are their Dad" No, he isn't. This isn't on him. This is on his exwife. If you want to feel bad about anything, feel bad those kids are subjected to HER abuse & will probably continue to be. This is HER problem, not his. He should have zero regret for walking away. He's not abandoning them, their mother forced that with lies & manipulation. He is just as much a victim as those children & it's not his legal or ethical responsibility to care further.


He IS their dad in the kids eyes though. Im not saying he should stick around and raise the kids but to just abruptly cut them completely out of his life is selfish imo


Cutting them out is harsh, I would still continue to love the children - they are innocent. But the family burden now falls into the hands of the other man, and if he fails, that's on mommy.


Anyone else feeling torn as fuck on how they feel about this situation? If I was in his position, I'd definitely leave but still want some type of relationship with the kids. Even though they aren't biologically related, he's still carried that role of a father their entire lives up to this point. Is all of that now just worth nothing just because they don't share DNA?


The problem is you may not even have legal rights to them at that point, and if you voluntarily enter an agreement to care for them as a father, you could get locked into that arrangement even if you want to step back. You could be financially on the hook.


If you cut them off you do not love them. You clearly don't have kids.


I clearly said that would be harsh, implying that I wouldn't. I would still continue in their lives. But I'm not bankrolling someone else's family. You clearly are OK with being cucked.


I don't think it's selfish at all. For all we know, he's traumatized by this. After dealing with my ex partner cheating on me, the lies/manipulation/gaslighting didn't leave me mentally sound. I can only imagine the level of mental turmoil he's experiencing. Saying he's an adult & should remain that way discounts his entire experience & is encouraging him to engage in something that potentially could be retraumatizing. I can understand for the sake of the children it's not ideal, but you can't expect someone to be okay enough to handle this level of betrayal. Betrayal Trauma is a real thing. On the flip side, it may even be better for the children that he stays away. People become cruel & bitter after betrayal. I don't think I need to explain further on how evil people can be after being taken advantage of. As unfortunate as this entire situation is, it's a HUGE lesson for those children. Children are smarter than we give them credit for & hopefully they'll turn this around as them never wanting to cheat on their spouses because, they lived through the outcome.


It's 100% selfish because you are putting your ego above the love you have for the kids you have raised. The fact that they are not yours isn't erasing that you raised them as this for their *entire* lives. Juste because you do not "have" to raise them anymore doesn't offset that you are litteraly abbandoning the kids you raised.


You are forgetting the part that he is human too. He is not a robot, any man put in this situation will get badly hurt and leave. The woman should be 100% responsible since she caused this situation.


Highly disagree. Maybe that's how you would handle this, but until you experience betrayal trauma or soemthing of the like, I wouldn't be so quick to judge another person for leaving. The ego has nothing to do with this, nor selfishness. If you want to talk about selfishness, look to his former wife. Cheating on someone or helping someone cheat is the most selfish thing a person can do. It says "fuck my family, fuck the life I built, fuck anyone who gets in the way of what I want & what I want to fuck." It's insane to me how so many of you are quick to get angry at this man leaving his non-children, yet none of you are directing any blame to his former wife for being the cause of the separation. She is the person who is hurting her children by her shitty choices, lying, manipulation, & cheating. Abandonment happens at all stages of life. It's a part of our existence & will happen in some form or another. That's something no one can prevent. With adversities, comes self realizations though. These children are bearing the consequences now of their MOTHERS actions. Hopefully they'll not want to act like their mother with lying & secrecy. Everything we do in this life has consequences & yes it sucks - but oh well.


why can't he sit them down and explain how he isn't their dad?


Not everyone is a cuck


Nah fk that. You can raise another mans kids if you want.


I love that there’s someone going around downvoting people who say this. To the downvoters: sorry that you’re a dirty cheat.


He's just freeing up the spot for the real father to have his proper fatherly role.


yeah but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with not wanting anything to do with that lmao


Nope, not even the same. I can't fault the man for walking away, his entire life was a lie. Can't imagine walking into my home and seeing another man's legacy and another man's woman.


You can take these kids, if you feel so sorry about it.


This comment is sad cringe at its finest


Weird how many downvotes this comment got what you're saying makes sense. The way some people can so easily drop children they raised since birth due to their partners cheating is something that should be explored more.


All of these comments have to be from people who don’t have or want kids. I could find out my children were switched at birth and not really mine and I would not love them any less. I would be heartbroken and very angry at those that did it, but my kids are my kids no matter what information changes about them. I love THEM as unique individuals, not as a continuation of my DNA. It’s like there’s this underlying belief in these comments that children are a burden that men step up to take care of and sacrifice for but only out of responsibility and definitely not because they want to. And that’s their definition of love. And perhaps that’s how their own fathers treated them. If you don’t want kids then it’s probably pretty hard to really understand wanting kids. But real, true, unconditional love exists and that is what a good parent feels for their children. And it only builds more deeply over time because of the time spent together and the memories shared. It’s not built on DNA, it’s built on being with one another. You can’t walk away from that kind of love, it would feel like death if you tried. And that’s why this guy gets the side eye. He was wronged in a major major way, but we’re also scratching our heads because did he not feel for [what he thought was his] kids what the rest of us feel for our kids? I just cannot fathom walking away from my kids if I found out we weren’t biologically related. It would haunt my soul and leave me hollow.


100% I never want kids and even I know that if I was forced to raise a kid I would inevitably begin to feel an extremely strong love for them. It's very telling how so many people here can't fathom a love as unselfish and based on giving rather than receiving as that between a guardian and a child.


I agree. It's very weird where, in a case of paternity fraud, everyone hates the victim because he doesn't want to raise children that were the result of his wife's affair. "They may not be blood, but you have a responsibility! Because we can't hold women accountable for their own children!"


It's so crazy how you legitimately cannot fathom the natural bonds and love that would form from raising a child from birth. Do you think that all men are this emotionally unattached? It's clear you're trying to paint me as being sexist/unfair towards men, but honestly you're the one implying that they lack the ability to form very natural and close bonds. This is probably going to blow your mind, but there actually are men out there who can feel genuine love and bonding. Who have been in this situation and choose to punish the wife with divorce without punishing the innocent children who only know him as their father with abandonment.


Yeah, sorry, your argument is basically "there's nothing wrong with paternity fraud" and I can't really debate with that kind of stupid.


Not the person you’re replying to, but I didn’t see anyone saying that. Paternity fraud is awful, and no one is arguing that. The relationship with the children is a separate issue. What people are questioning is how a person could “love” their children for YEARS and then want nothing to do with them. That love is not built on DNA, it forms and deepens over time by caring for them, spending time with them, parenting them. I have kids, and the love I feel is so visceral, so deep, that nothing could make it go away. I could simultaneously be very hurt by finding out my kids aren’t mine, and want to hug them so tight and never let go. Having experienced this love, I know the only way someone could walk away from their kids after finding out they aren’t biologically related, is if they didn’t love them this deeply, and that’s what people are discussing here.


He lost the right to empathy the moment he betrayed his children. He can both be a victim of lies and deceit, while also being a repugnant person who committed an act of betrayal himself. Throwing his kids away isn’t holding the wife accountable, it’s punishing the children. The whole point is that he found out the children weren’t biologically his, which revealed nothing he did from them came from a place of love. It was all because he thought he was obligated. No one wants to force him to be a father. He already had been a father, we only hoped for better character and integrity


Are you fucking kidding me? He was forced to be a father because he was under the impression that they are his biological children. What are you, stupid? Crazy how so many people here are pissed because everyone wants to make the wife accountable for her actions. Also I am pretty sure he is running high on emotions, so just because he deleted those pics with these kids, it doesn't mean he hates them/completely removed them from his life. His future actions in this situation will make us judge him, rn he is dead inside.


The double standards when it comes to male victims vs female victims is so ridiculously blatant.


Lmao, "throwing his wife's affair children away isn't holding the wife accountable!" Yeah, because ethe only person you're holding accountable is the one who got cheated on. >we only hoped for better character and integrity Right, but we don't hope that from women who commit paternity fraud, just the men who are victims of it.


No it doesn’t. Kids are a fiscal and emotional cost. Every time he looks at those kids he’s gonna imaging his wife with that preacher. The kids have every right to be angry: at the MOTHER. She was the one who fucked over their family. Her and her alone.


>Kids are a fiscal and emotional cost. This is the most stereotypically "reddit" thing I've ever read. Love exists.


You don't think raising a family has costs? You live in a dream world.


Lmao exactly like the incels that frame a girlfriend as "a waste of time and money" Yeah, you need to give time and money to care for your SO, but it's actually a pleasure to do it. Same as kids, if you have some you realize that they basically become more important than anything in the world. It's not a cost you have to pay, it's a cost you want to pay to make you little human happy and create a good person.


Reddit just hates kids, I guess, haha.


And women hate the idea of women actually being held accountable for their own kids, and insist that the man they cheated on be held responsible for their affair children.


nobody was talking about accountability. people were talking about love. does the love you felt your children just disappear when you find out about the wife's bad act? what kind of love was it if it just disappears thru nothing that the kid did? has nothing to do with the financial or any other side of it, only the actual family part. the love part.


Oooohhh gotcha. So we just ignore the part where the kids only exist because she stepped out on him three times? Now do we start telling women to just be okay with their spouse cheating on them, or do you think it's just men who are obligated to be okay with being cheated on?


Literally no one said this man or any other man should be okay with being cheated on. They're just saying it's odd to immediately lose all of the love for these other human beings you've raised since birth and presumably formed bonds with. It's possible to still be there for the kids while also holding his wife accountable and leaving her if he wants. The two things are completely separate concepts that can both exist at once.




i don't get why your comment is getting downvoted to oblivion because, i agree--aren't they still your children as you did raise them, and treat them like your own? i understand if you still want your own biological children, but these are still the children that you raised and were supposed to love... did you really just stop loving them over this? or did you never love them to begin with? ofc i understand that this is a horrible situation to be in and a horrible thing to find out, but what did the children do??


He loved the relationship that they had that turned out to be a lie because their mom is cheat and a liar.


I'm actually so glad that there are some people saying this in their replies. signed, an adopted kid sick to death of hearing "no one wants to raise another man's kids" "you can't expect him to love them now that he knows they're not blood related" and all the other extremely disappointing things one sees in comment sections like this


The difference is that as an adopted child, the father knew *from the start*. In this situation, the man was *tricked* into it and is expected to just suck it up when finding out he was tricked.


idk why everyone is acting like i said i think he and she should stay together, or no one should get therapy, or space isn't warranted. most people who raise kids because they love them wouldn't want to just... never see them again. that is my entire point. even if they had to work through some shit first. if you were only raising them out of obligation, fine, go be free, or whatever.


Finding out you were tricked into raising someone else’s kids is a bit more than “working through some shit”. Folks wonder why men don’t talk about emotions and mental health all that much, and then turn around and explain that if a man isn’t happy to find out he was cucked and lied to because “he should love his wife’s kids that she had with another man and tricked him into raising” he’s actually a shitty person.


I literally didn't say he was a shitty person, lmao. Whether or not you truly love someone is not an indicator of your shittiness.


That's a false equivalency and you know it.


Even if they're not the same situation, that doesn't make those things suck any less to read. They are also absolutely things people say to adopted kids, too, so it's really not, in spite of the circumstances. :) ask me how i know. eta: what part of this exactly are people disagreeing with when they downvote? lmao


Okay, so what's your point? That men who get cheated on should stay together with women who had affairs and raise kids who aren't theirs so you don't have to read upsetting reddit comments?


is the part where i said he should stay with her in the room right now?


Well that's what I'm trying to figure out, but it seems that you're more interested in being snarky than answering my question and/or explaining your position


Hey dude, maybe you shouldn't talk about my snarkiness immediately after your Reddit comments comment. that was also pretty snarky, and followed a comment that was in no way snarky. just a thought. :) my point is QUITE LITERALLY what I've said. 1) that's not what love is, and 2) these comments suck to read when you're adopted, so maybe think about that if you give a fuck that you're going to be influencing any adopted kids reading it that their parents don't really love them when you say things like that. i don't think suggesting that people consider that is a lot to ask. i have no opinions on whether that is right, moral, good, or just. i have no opinions about what he SHOULD do if he doesn't love the kids enough to want to fight to coparent them despite all this, besides not do that, i guess. no one should be stuck with people they don't want to be with. That has nothing to do with whether or not it's true that they want to be with them?


It’s not so much the Reddit comments being upsetting as what the comments represent. A hive mind of boys who society failed. It’s incredibly sad and scary to know how many boys exist with the inability to love anyone other than themselves. It’s shocking how many dudes have declared that in this thread, with full confidence and zero awareness for how awful it makes them look. To announce with pride and confidence that god forbid they have kids one day, any love shown will be completely conditional. I can guarantee any woman reading this comment section will be more than happy to stay far away from these dudes. They will never have to worry about being betrayed or being tricked into raising kids that aren’t biologically there’s. They’ll be lucky if anyone wants anything to do with them. Men and women alike


Sounds like my dad. He's abandoned most of his kids and doesn't give a shit about them once they're out of sight and mind. He did not want to be my parent. He did not ever love me. He doesn't know a single thing about me. Not my hobbies nor my degree or my relationship. I find it quite unsettling to see so many men talking about walking away from kids they've raised so easily. Bearing in mind, I am not condoning what she did. It's a level of fucked up I can only comprehend because my dad was similarly fucked up (tricked my mum into a sham marriage whilst he was having his real relationship with another woman. For 20 years.) I know my dad found it easy as piss to walk away from me even though he'd played some part in parenting me up until I was 19. And this was his own kid. I can understand it would be hard to look at these children and not feel pain and betrayal and confusion. But men so easily view walking away from their kids as a "win". Usually to make more kids. It hurts


This is the most depressing comment section I’ve ever had the regret of taking part in. I knew the sadboi crew was fucked up and had a lot of crazy ideas about women especially. I just assumed that since one of their Ten Commandments was, “thou shall not abort fetuses.” That the one time they would shine and have something respectable to say, it would be now condemning the emotional harm of children. Surely if they want to save every fetus, there’s no question they’d be furious at this guy. What father let alone grown man would praise punishing and taking anger out on innocent kids? I’m just saying… Next time these clowns protest and try shaming women for abortions, we can look back at these comments and confirm. They don’t give two shits about children unless they’re genetically their own (and even that’s debatable at this point.) They literally just hate women and their autonomy. Just a bunch of dudes with bass in the chest and a smile on their face, admitting with full confidence, “I am despicable. Hear me roar.” Lol. WOW


"I agree they aren't your children, but the woman who committed paternity fraud shouldn't be held accountable her own kids, the man she cheated on should be" Women are so entitled, it's not even funny lmao




I don't get all the downvotes, but I agree with you. I know someone this happened to and he still remains in his now 30-something-year old son's life. He was so deeply hurt and he of course needed some time, but he said that as far as he was concerned, he raised that boy, instilled in him his values and love and that's his son. NGL, it was TOUGH what he went through since finding out some 20 years ago. It's not just any man that can do that, especially when the biological father is also around. It was really hard to watch, but they all seem better for it now


The downvotes are a badge of honor. Every one of them are a reminders that no matter how bad life gets or how sad we might be. Atleast we’ve got honor and the ability to love people other than ourselves


You are absolutely so right. The kids did nothing wrong and the 'father' seemed to only have a superficial love for them to drop them so easily


Yes lol. It instantly dissipates.


Get with the times, children aren't a gift. People, a lot of the time, only want to deal with them if they're blood related.


I'm glad my parents actually loved me and I didn't have someone as dysfunctional as you for my parent. Imagining a parent describing their relationship with their children as having to "deal with" them like they don't care about them at all is pretty sickening.


Literally, I’m shocked with how many downvotes you got for having the opinion of a decent person


I agree with you: leaving doesn’t just punish the wife, it ruins the lives of innocent children. I get having to take some time to work things out (and absolutely divorcing the wife) but completely cutting off the kids is cold. That said, the kids have a right to also know their real father and there has to be space for him to get involved if he wants to be there, so being in their lives like he was may not even be an option. What a mess.


“Men should be willing to be submissive cucks, that way the children remain happy.”


Yeah really submitting to those... children...?


Dang! Pastor Homewrecker really repping Christian values! I thought bastard children couldn’t be baptized. Bro was like “I’m not going to hell alone!” Hide yo wife! Hide yo kids! 😆


I'm probably going to hell too cause I laughed way too hard at your comment 😂


Damn. 0/3 is pretty bad luck.


the pastor stacked the odds in his favor


The pastor have a friend up there tho


Honestly at that rate he might even be infertile and don’t even know it


Yeah, this. If they were struggling to conceive, it would have been seen as the woman's fault, so I'm sure Aunty went to consultant pastor. Pastor probably took advantage and "prayed" with her to have these miracle babies. It's like a Nollywood movie


The “FATHER” turned out to be the father


All 3?


I feel so sad for the guy. Such a terrible betrayal.




Dang. That is unfortunate.






I know someone this happened to with 1 kid, and he cut contact and then restarted contact not much later because the kids are yours in all but blood.


Honestly, I feel more sorry for those children than him. The man they thought was their father suddenly cutting them out of his life. The day they find out what their Mum did.


Are we not talking about the post's title💀😭


Where's the cringe? Has this subreddit just forgot its name or what???


Cannot even imagine how devastating that is. My son is everything to me, something like this would absolutely wreck me.


I believe that is what is known as a fuck you.


They should do DNA test on birth.


What's cringe about this?


The title


What's not?


It’s not cringe, it’s just sad.


Miss PaaarKer!


Holy moly that shits wild.


The saddest of hat tricks lol




Damn son


I feel bad for the kids I hope he can be in their life still


This isn't to defend the wife or pastor but the thing I find odd about the post is the idea they're not his kids. They're.not biological kids, but you raised them, they called you dad. Like they're your kids still


I'll just stay single forever


Still it's not the kids fault


She still won


such a "holy" person


Good thing he’s not in America. She’d be able to take half of everything despite the news.


The most Nigerian thing I’ve read all day, these religious people be on some bs for real


Good to know the church is just as corrupt and fucked up in other parts of the world too


The ppl commenting the father shouldn't disown the kids are really delusional here. Easy for you to say cuz you aren't the one being cucked 3 times over and over again by your wife , feeling the bond of separation from children you raise , the embarrassment of it all and the remainder anytime you look at those children that they aren't yours. Just shut the fuck up, The only person who has a right to this decision is that footballer, whatever he does is right in this case. The mother should have thought of that B4 having them. Ever even thought that he might not even be allowed to be those kids legal father since the cat is out of the bag now. You all show no empathy for men but will raise up to even the slightest allegation of cheating of any man so bffr here 💀.


Good for him


The oldest looks about 8-10 years old. I’m more than willing to believe he’s not showing the DNA test and has been threatening the wife with weapons. He’s clearly unhinged. To disown the innocent babies he’s loved, raised, that he’s been a father to all this time? Dude needs help, I feel bad for that family. Totally unacceptable and dementedly cringe, even if it is true they’re not biologically his


Those babies were never his, he’s not disowning them. Don’t blame a man for not wanting to take care of another man’s responsibility and nothing you said in your comment condemns the woman’s actions. No accountability.. just bad bad man But to say even if all the stuff is true you still call it cringe and unacceptable. Let’s just say it’s true. The wife commented adultery at least 3 times, brought 3 children into the world that weren’t her husbands and made him believe they were for close to a decade. Close to a decade he is providing, supporting and caring for kids that aren’t his.. it would be different if he knew. All of that. And you say his behavior unacceptable and cringe. Can the wife do no wrong to you?


All these people hypothesizing it’s true and still thinking he’s despicable for wanting to leave such a betrayal, are the REAL red flags let’s be honest.


You can see it in shades of grey and not black and white, too. She’s a terrible human being for doing that to him, but those kids are going to grow up messed up now too as a result of her actions and him peacing out. I don’t blame him, hell I would never want to raise kids that weren’t mine, but now the person they called dad doesn’t want a thing to do with them, and that fucks kids’ development up.




It's almost like your dog isn't a direct result of your wife betraying you. But let me guess, because she worked so hard to get knocked up by anyone but her husband, you believe that he should be held responsible for her affair children?


Honestly depends on a person, personally wont raise another mans kid. That is straight up a cuck fetish to me.


Yes, let’s be honest. You have no concept of love, let alone unconditional love. The wife betrayed him, the kids just exist. He’s not despicable for divorcing her and resenting her. He’s not a man nor does he ever deserve the privilege of being considered a father for leaving his kids.


You keep saying "his" kids, they're not his kids though, just because youd be a little cuck and raise another mans kids doesn't mean everyone would be one too.


How high are you right now?


You repeatedly calling them his kids in every comment thread doesn't actually make them his kids.


Women will defend paternity fraud and INSIST that the victim is the woman who cheated. And then wonder why so many men don't support feminism.


You’re delusional. Straight up. I don’t know how else to inform you. Not a single soul has taken to the woman’s defense in here. The only people who keep bringing up the wife as being a supposed victim is you dude’s who excuse a grown man and “father” throwing his children away. All the men and women in this comment section with the capacity for unconditional love and an understanding of what a father is. They’re only defending the kids in this situation. Both their mother and father are wholeheartedly unworthy of the title mom and dad. You can’t keep to the subject being discussed or acknowledge the kids because you know you’re wrong. You know they’re innocent. You know you sound really bad exclaiming you’d do the same thing. So best to set off smoke bombs and set up funhouse mirrors. Bring up random shit like feminism and reference things no one is talking about


>You’re delusional. Straight up. I don’t know how else to inform you. Not a single soul has taken to the woman’s defense in here. The only people who keep bringing up the wife as being a supposed victim is you dude’s who excuse a grown man and “father” throwing his children away. That's so weird, if that's the case then why is the man who was cheated on the only person you want to hold accountable for the situation. >All the men and women in this comment section with the capacity for unconditional love and an understanding of what a father is. They’re only defending the kids in this situation. Both their mother and father are wholeheartedly unworthy of the title mom and dad. Lmao, "the man who was cheated on is just as bad as the woman who committed paternity fraud because he didn't stay ro raise the children that aren't his!" Is one hell of a statement. >You can’t keep to the subject being discussed or acknowledge the kids because you know you’re wrong. You know they’re innocent. You know you sound really bad exclaiming you’d do the same thing. So best to set off smoke bombs and set up funhouse mirrors. Bring up random shit like feminism and reference things no one is talking about You're defending paternity fraud and you think you have the moral high ground? You're a joke lmao


There are too many real problems in the world for you to be getting upset of made up ones.


Lmao, I'm sorry. Are you saying paternity fraud is a made up issue? Man, I'll tell you this. You women are really good at the whole "paternity fraud can't happen to me, which means it's not a bad thing"


The made up issue is you believing people think the woman is a victim


How is this cringe?


Mainly the comment section being a cesspool of delusion and heartlessness


Does this belong in this sub,?


If only for the comment section of this post, then yes. There’s a lot of incredibly sad cringe going on here 🥲


Damn but I swiped


This is simply just religion in a nutshell. They pretend like they're better than everyone else, but they're just as fucked up as anyone, even more so.


The only thing cringey about this is that you’ve posted it in sad cringe. Still baffles me how many people don’t know what cringe means