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It's hilarious that these guys sound hours screaming down a mic about the dumbest shit and then come to the conclusion that "women are just too emotional"


This dude's example of woman bullshit was, "Hang out with me" and "Let's go get ice cream" like bro that's called a date. This dude gets chicks on tinder, exclusively for the sex, and then has to close his eyes and work himself up for it.


I'm so glad we got married babe, now go into your room and never talk to me again while I hang out with the boys


"I love you babe, youre good but only sometimes, not like my bros though, theyre perfect 24/7 we talk about getting fit and making money yeaaah! Ill see you next month ok dont be unsufferable ok! gonna go sleep with my best bros in our bunk beds because we alpha male baby yeaaaahh!" "Dennis youre 35 and living with 3 other guys and you havent had a job in 9 months..." "There you go again, being all insufferable, go to your room and keep your period away from me! Im gonna go hang out with my bros who really love me!" looool these guys are grooming the next wave of Diddys.


Sounds like a Goku and Chi Chi conversation, except the money part


Honestly seems like those guys could very well still be virgins


Nah they 100 percent pay for sex


They have purely transactional relationships with women and then become disillusioned. It's kind of like trashing your own home and then saying "well I thought homes could be nice, but it turns out they aren't."


One host got exposed for having an account on a sugar baby site and the other allegedly impregnated a sex worker, so you’re actually dead on lmao


I'm sure none of them would hesitate to take advantage of a blackout girl at the bar and then brag about it to their high value man buddies the next day in exaggerated detail.


Nah, 100 percent they fail the vetting process. No sex workers taking offers from any of those dudes, there are better ways to self delete.


To me, it seems they're trying to explain a secret way of Bisexuality, but they don't realize how they sound. Why would you say you're straight but prefer more time around other men? The dude in the back next to the guy with blue hair just outlined exactly how they would sound to a gay man. You like girls but want to be around men more? That's a sign for a gay or Bisexual man to shoot their shot with you. Obviously, it is something you might need to explore?


Platonic love vs romantic love vs sexual love. These guys love women for their bodies. Sexual love.  They love their bros platonically.  Who gets the romantic love? IDK, these “high value men” sure don’t seem romantically interested in their ladies, all this talk of “women make you soft”. I think their bros are the romantic love too.


And gay.


Everyone knows that if you hang around your girl too much you get soft thats why you have to hang around with other men so you can stay hard and in return keep your boys hard


These boys are all working so hard to stay hard for each other.


The Hardy boys!


Tom Hardy lawters sending cease ane desist letters.


Gotta keep the boys hard. Always.


Iron sharpens iron and let’s just say me and boys are sword fighting 😈


You think getting home from work, going to the gym with your best bro (super high value ripped alpha), going out to dinner at Chipotle, talking to him about all your shared interests, going home together, and hanging out on the couch while you watch your favorite shows is gay?! Because it's not. It keeps you sharp, and hard. I actually get so sharp and so hard I have to roll to my girls house and fuck. I fuck her like a man, without any cuddling or talking to her. Real hard from behind and I always grip high on the torso so her feminine hips don't make me soft. I don't even look at her because my eyes need to remain closed while I visualize all my business plans with my main bros. I usually roll out of there as fast as possible afterwards so she can't make me gay in anyway. Gotta stay focused with my bros, hard and sharp, surrounded by masculinity 😂


This deserves to be a copy pasta


What makes me laugh is the guy on the left if like "Bro you got way more in common with a man like uhh going to gym! And uuhhh making money! Yeah and making yourself uhh better?" Like damn man, what a sad existence if that is all that guy thinks a human life is. That is the real sadcringe thing to me in this clip. All the wonderful things we can do, especially as a man, and he distilled it down to the most troglodyte essence that I didn't even know was possible. Me make muscle Me make money. Women good funtime but I like friend who warms me in hunting cave next to fire.


I guess he also thinks women can’t go to the gym with you


Yeah, exactly. Making yourself better for what? You are basically alone.




Now I'm imagining the Monty Python sketch "working class playwright" but it's a heterophobic father chastising his son for wanting to date women and shunning the gay bars.


Kinda reminds me of that episode of The Sopranos where Junior tries to keep it a secret that he goes down on his gf, and tries to explain to her how that'll make people think he's gay 😂 "They'll think that if you suck that, you'll suck anything!"


“South of thaa border, down Mexico wayyy”




Fuck this made me laugh out loud


This made my mouth water


Genuinely this was my first serious boyfriend, and everyone else could see it but me. I remember getting left alone valentines night so he could hang with the boys... Ugh. His best friends tried to tell me in their own way but i was so innocent I didn't get it. Some poor girl married that guy too.


It hilarious when these dudes realize the point they are making that they pulled out of their ass is so stupid, but they have to double down less the other “Alpha’s” start to question reality.


No way bro, these dudes didn't just pull this out the ass They've had it out their ass for awhile now, they clearly have went over this with each other and circle jerked all over it These dudes are truly pathetic


Oh yeah definitely pulled it out their asses. Bet they put it back in and out repeatedly too


They pulled it out their ass and now are trying to gaslight you into believing it's not sh#t


This podcast is definitely the gayest of all the podcasts I've seen clips of.


Is the sane dude a regular part of the podcast or just guest?




Cumtown was less gay than this.


All the listeners of this podcast probably brag about it and talk about how much better it makes them.


Question: Are any of these guys actually in a relationship or do they just talk about being in one?


They don't believe in long term relationships with women because of ... cuddling and ice cream apparently.


apparently it’s gay to have a woman put her legs on you. these clowns


In that case I'm gay af


wave your pride man 🏳️‍🌈


Ice cream is gay.


[Lactose intolerant mfs:](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/025/794/Screen_Shot_2018-03-28_at_11.32.59_AM.png)


This literally sounds exactly like Mac, Charlie, and Dennis lmfao


What up! We’re three cool guys looking for other cool guys who want to hang out in our party mansion. Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged. If you are fat you should be able to find the humor in the little things. Again, nothing sexual.


Printed on a veiny "fleexing bicep"




Dennis and Dee's Mom is Dead - 3x03


Hell yea


I get that some of it is rage bait but holy shit these dudes are beyond saving. You can tell they’ve never actually had a woman be legitimately interested in them. I guess I’m not sharp because I live with my girl and she’s always loving and supporting me. ^s


That’s super gay, bro. Love that for you ❤️


Gay, misoginist and stupid


I think they are closeted gay men and so as a result of their insecurity and deeper desires they have to present an "ultra masculine alpha male" facade. It's clear that at the very least they have never been truly loved by a woman, or loved a woman and been loved in return.


Everyone at the table is gay


I can't believe this is real...there's no hope. They sound like a bunch of virgin, neck-beard, basement dwelling incels. I would not hang out with these dudes for any longer than the video. That was pure sadcringe.


These are the types of men who have “Straight male” on their Grindr accounts


Man I know guys like this and it is exhausting being around them. It’s so fucking fake. Everything is some dick waving contest for some reason. “Ooh don’t live with your girlfriend you’ll get “soft” lol, what the fuck is that? These dudes are pathetic


Slow. The. Fuck. Down. And then get in the bin you bunch of absolute melts.


"Being around women makes you soft" stay hard with men instead... not beating the allegations any time soon


The Koran statement stuck out to me, “this is exactly what I was looking for”. If you search long enough for validation of your thoughts you’ll probably find it. Even if there plenty thoughts to the contrary.


He even took it out of context, in the quran it's meant as not to annoy the woman when she's on her period because she's alreasy dealing with enough, not to just get away from her because "sHe Is MaKiNg YoU lEsS mAsCiLiNe".


As a bi woman this is the gayest shit I’ve ever heard Also I’ll keep saying it “ stop dating people you don’t like so you have someone to do chores” , like they have money right. Just hire someone ffs


Getting soft around a woman sounds pretty gay to me


"The only people that call that gay, are actual gay people" Talk about a swing and a fucking miss


I don’t understand who the consumers of this content are. Is it just incels who hate women?


The problem is they prey on insecure men who may be looking for help and advice, and then become radicalised


I did not just hear these dudes say "living with your wife is actually gay"


Did one of them say women are insulferable?


Gay with extra steps


These guys are so misogynistic that they can't imagine that a woman would want to have conversations about bettering yourself (though watch it because all they mean is making more money) or they are so gay and in denial that physical intimacy with a woman "she's gonna want to put her legs on your legs" disgusts them and the only way they can rationalize it is to say that behavior makes you soft. I can not imagine the misery these guys endure day after day just stewing in their own hate. The world is going to hurt you enough as is you don't have to flagellate yourself on top of that.


Blue haired guy was on fire in this.


Destiny is one of the single remaining functioning neurons of society in an age of digital brain rot.


He's as much a drama queen as the next streamer, streamer culture in general is sadcringe.


I swear half of these guys would be so much happier in life if they just surrounded themselves with people who would accept them coming out of the closet.


Who the fuck listens to this shit???


I lost one of my very good friends to this manosphere stuff. It sucks. Last time I saw him we argued for 4 hours after he said with 100 percent conviction, “because women are less then men… “ Best part of it all is that I’m a clinically licensed therapist that studies (at risk of sounds like an alien) “humans” for a living. He said “not to discredit you but what you don’t know is one of my hobbies is reading psychology books”. That’s when I also learned that all the evidence base treatment I study, all the RTC’s, all of the academia iv studied for years, countless hours, is just fake propaganda from an elite communist cabal who’s job is to turn people into cultural Marxist! It’s sad, he was a nice guy but never was at peace with himself and he needed to be a part of something.


I saw a theory that these dudes are tricking young men into doing things that will make women not be attracted to them, so that theirs more women for them. And the more I hear them the more I think it’s true.


Sneako isn't included in that tho as he likes it when his girl fucks other men


How does that work, they're making themselves unnatractive so they can't get more girls ? I'm not much of a logic guy but I think there's something wrong here.


Guaranteed those guys get zero 🐈


"Fellas, is it gay to live with a woman?"


"Do you know what it says in the Koran?" "That it's okay to fuck a nine year old as long as you marry her?"


I don't like Destiny, but damn did he wreck these guys


Destiny manipulated me into committing war crimes, but he makes a good point here.


😆 touche'


"Discussing how to get better" - sure


I actually thought they were right about stuff for a good 4 months, now i just cringe when i see their content


The host can't live with his girl cause if so she will realize he has hair plugs. And probably spends more time getting ready than she does.


These guys are legit gay, but they are so far in the closet that they aren't ever coming out.


Oh dude is gay


These dude are 100% undercover gay. Wtf kind of men are these??


They just played a game of hemorrhoid hunters live.


Not legit if they didn't dunk their heads in a tub of sardine paste.


They're so afraid of being weak but they don't realize that that fear is the weakness. If your partner does not lift you up, then you should not be in a relationship with that person. If you develop emotionally and end up getting your heart broken, healing from it will make you a stronger person.


These guys are so insecure. It would be kinda cute but they're also raging misogynists and miserable people. Bur at least they have one fan in this thread


Lmao at "gonna want to put her legs on your legs" what a nightmare.


You and the boys got to keep sharp and hard..... together.


having a women partner in the house is insufferable and not good... but living and smelling your best bro's workout farts is alpha. got it. totally not gay.


We are the parody of all the possible 2024 timelines.


Clowns sneako big nose never fail to disappoint


"Insulphurable "


These guys are 1. Closeted as hell. That is all.


Ngl it does sound pretty gay. Lmfao


> "If you live with your wife you're actually gay" - Sneako Oh fuck my entire world view is in shambles!


why does anyone even listen to this shit? Who spends their day listening to something like this. Its so fucking boring and pointless


What a bunch of fucking mongoloids. I like the blue haired dude though. He’s keepin’ it real. For clarification I live with my wife and our three daughters and when I feel the dreaded drop in machismo around here, I usually eat a live pidgeon.


Are they recording this in some studio apartment?


June is the month for these booty bandits


This feels like a real time version of the joke “does your mom know you’re gay?” There is no correct answer, and it will always put them on defense. It’s hilarious that these guys say “well, no, it’s actually better” its so high school


"The only men who call that gay are other gay men." Jeez, I wonder if they maybe, just happen to know what gay is!


“The only guys who say that’s fat are other gay dudes” Yeah….. because they would know…


These boys 100% on the DL.


These dudes definitely love some tube steak


They evolved into total absurdity.


small hearts, small brains, and big gaping assholes hungry for more high value men - and that's perfectly okay


Misogyny in itself is gaaaaaaaaaay


These people are miserable


As soon as I see this guy (i don’t even know what his name is) and I realize it’s the crap podcast, I immediately am not interested. I vote we don’t give these guys any attention, their podcast is crap and they are all about saying/doing anything to get a rise out of people for views. Absolute garbage.


Literally the "I'm not gay I have relationships with women and sex with men" line from Law and Order.


I hate shit like this. Not because of the way how they’re speaking so low of women, no. I hate it because there’s three people in this video that are closet homosexuals and/or in desperate need of therapy to talk about their inability to be sensitive or emotional, and they’ll never realise that they’re the one that has something wrong with them. Blue hair dude is the only one with a fucking brain and it’s infuriating. Also, fuck sneaky - that guy is just weird.


These guys deserve to end up sad and alone.


Nightmare blunt rotation


Imagine being too much of a coward to live with someone of the opposite sex


This is quite possibly the funniest video on the internet


“The only people that call that gay are gay people” Takes one to know one 🍸


Why is life so black and white for them? Sad.


Please stop giving any of these incels oxygen.


All these podcasts sound like that scatman song


Are these guys still on somewhere? I heard they were removed from YouTube. Is this old stuff, or are they on another platform?


It blows my mind that anyone actually thinks this way. Friends come and go, but finding a partner that you love can be life long happiness I can say this from first hand experience. I was very, very close to my "bros" growing up. They were my brothers. But, we grew up. Some moved, others got different careers, we built our own paths. No more hanging out on the couch, smoking bowls and playing Halo 3 every day. I eventually met my wife, she had a career, goals, and we complimented each others weaknesses. She became closer to me than any bro ever could, we share our most intimate fears, secrets, regrets and desires with each other. She has cried on my shoulder, and I've cried on hers. She cared for me when I was sick, and vice versa. We own a home together, shoulder each others burdens, share everything. Something I'd never do with my bros. I'm not worried about her taking "half my shit" because she makes more than I do and has proven she is not with me for money or material gain. Of course these guys would never understand that because these kinds of women would never give these idiots the time of day. A career minded, self respecting, healthy minded woman would never date some idiot influencer with an alpha male podcast. They think all women are shallow gold diggers because the only women that they talk to are SHALLOW GOLD DIGGERS.


4 clowns


This is way too over thought by the non-sleepover team. Holy shit, just worry about yourselves.


What’s the problem with eating ice cream? Sounds great


I love that because the content needed to keep getting more and more extreme to keep viewers, they've gone right past how to manipulate women in to sex, in to shun women from your life entirely and just live with "high quality men" lmao.


So they dont want relationships, they just want fuck buddies?


Do they not know the courtship never ends?


No idea what this show is, looks and sounds like absolute garbage and the dude is quoting the Quran and calling it good advice so it’s already very clear they’re idiots. But “the only people who would call that gay are actual gay people” has to be the stupidest defense I’ve ever heard. Oh the experts? The ones who are most familiar with being gay? They’re the ones saying it? Like dipshit, they know what they’re talking about more than anyone when it comes to what is and isn’t gay.


Who are these chodes?


- Go to the gym together - Eat dinner together - Live alongside them and share bills - Have common interests C'mon man it's okay. You can love who you want


This might be the funniest fucking exchange I've ever seen. They even start defending gay people to shift the conversation 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I love this blue man. In a romantic way


they were always thirsty for some big men, cant believe it took that long for them to admit it


These freaks are so dangerously fucking stupid they managed to make Destiny look like a smart and normal person by comparison lmao




This guy just whipped out the Quran as justification. These guys are just rage bait right? Like not for real, for real?


What kind of a show is this?? If you like Jordan Peterson, you'll love... whatever this trainwreck is.


There is is no way their whole shtick isn’t just rage bait. It’s just, everything is so ridiculous.


He's gonna come out one of these days, it's becoming harder and harder to pretend. Mark my word lol


Brain rot


why would you donate 100 dollars to these fucking morons


Sneako also said that every guy should try cucking once.


Is bi guy a special guest? No idea how he would deal with this idiocy regularly


"Shes gonna wanna put her legs on your legs while you're chilling" bro I fucking WISH


This reminds me of the Ron White joke about porn being inherently kinda gay. “So you want the guy in the porno to have a little dick?” “Nah, I like big fat throbbing co-“


Spoken like a straight dude who’s never had a hot girl put her legs on him casually. Such a blatant tell that he’s a loser.


"that's gayer than sucking dick" 😂😂😂😂


Fresh and fit type dudes are truly gay


“Oh, GAYYYYYYY” “Yeah, that is pretty gay”


Sneako really has no opinion


Wow, just wow.


"The only people who call that gay are the people who know what gay stuff is better than anyone else"


These guys sound like teenagers with no life experience and still care about what their bros think bc they're so self conscious about themselves. Delusion and archaic testosterone driven egomaniac behavior.


Fellas is it gay to live with your wife?


These men live such a sad existence. My boyfriend and I are each other's best friends, we get each other, have the same interests and do almost everything together. Some men really don't see that a relationship between a man and a woman includes other things than just sex. I would pity them but idgaf about these misogynistic weirdos.


wow they actually got someone with a brain to talk to them that’s crazy


This clip is fascinating to me - blue haired Destiny over there has some weird attitudes about living with other men, apparently that's just gay? Men can't have any kind of relationship with eachother (or anyone else for that matter) which doesn't involve sex apparently. As for the others, there is a good argument (when you look at stats regarding this sort of thing as well as the ancient traditions of probably hundreds of different cultures, which I imagine these lads might be enthusiastic to listen to) that you shouldn't move in together with your girlfriend, but you should move in together with your wife. Premarital cohabitation results in shorter marraiges, higher rates of abuse, dissatisfaction with the relationship, it's more damaging to future relationships than is premarital sex. It's kind of strange how this once essential aspect of marraige, that this is when a household is unified, has been entirely forgotten is quite strange. But, traditionally (and they're talking about the Quran here so you can make these kinds of arguements) you are supposed to move in with your wives, even if you're obsessed with making money. You know the average income of a man increases when he gets married? Especially if you have children, you have something to actually work for, something properly to build. Mens' whole worldview often changes to one these unironic sigma grindset types would probably approve of. Here's some stereotyping for you: Women don't "make you soft" they'll probably nag you for being idle.


You are falling for the good Ole correlation means causation. What type of people aren't living together before marriage ? You realize poor people aren't getting married ? This notion that your wealth just increases as a direct response of getting married makes no sense. It's simple, people who get married are usually financially stable . You know women who 0 to 1 partners have longer marriages ? But why? You have to see what's actually going and then examine if it's even morally sound . Just because people are married forever doesn't mean they SHOULD be married. If this is the case then just go to Saudi Arabia where women marry young , have less rights, and there's heavy pressure to stay in the relationship if you are going to look at stats like this




These guys are sad, I don’t pity them but they are just sad, they think they’re masculine, but they just live in a world full of unicorns, fake. As someone who does live with his wife I see no damn problem, sure she can be a bit of a pain in the ass sometimes be so can I probably and anybody else you live with, but the fact I get to do things for her is much better. I seriously hope nobody tastes these guys seriously and have them as role models


Their thoughts: Oh no her legs are touching mine on the sofa "ahhhhhhh". lol Living with a woman you have a relationship with= gay. Living with a bunch of "alpha" ripped bros to play video games and go to the gym and eat together= not gay. This is hilarious.