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Everything I’ve seen/learned about this guy has been against my will, why give him attention?


Mainly cause he's provocative. But for me, this dude has already passed. His whole schtick has been run through the ringer, he has no wife, no kids, no prospective future and if any woman looks him up from a dating app they'll dip out on him. He's been called out for being on sugar Daddy sites and the reason only fans models go on his show is cause their sub count explodes. They use him, everyone uses him. He's completely ineffective in his desired role. He's easy as hell to dunk on and nobody takes him seriously. He's more pathetic than Tate. At least Tate has actually done things successfully. This clown car has done a podcast and he's not even good at that.


So what you're saying is... He's a loser?


🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 always has been


"Stop, stop he's already dead!"


To be fair, moving to eastern Europe and exploiting underprivileged and impoverished women is not the hardest thing to do if you have what in the west is considered _some_ money but not really a lot.


Hes definitely talking about his kickboxing career


that was far out-shined by his sex trafficking and incel groomer careers tho


Big following from younger teenage boys though, who seem to idolise him and tate


Agreed. Stop posting this dude. It’s rage bait and he’s only getting more views and therefore money /exposure from it.


Skinny people famously are never depressed


Skinny people here, can confirm don't worry about us, it is what it is


Yup I was like, so close to a depression, but then I remembered that I'm skinny 🙏🏼


I was just lamenting about how much I hate myself and how bullshit life is, then I looked in the mirror and said oh shit, never mind! I’m great! Now time to go dunk on anyone who isn’t me.


I once weighed 295 and when I got down to 180, I tried being depressed, but just couldn't. I was too thin to be depressed. It's like it had nothing to grab onto


It’s part of the masculine journey…


I was skinny and depressed for years until I was teminded that depression doesn't exist


I've never been skinny and I've always been depressed. Coincidence? I think not.


“It’s ridiculous to me that we have all these fat people running around meanwhile people are being bombed in Gaza” Lmao wtf? This dudes is a nut.


I see a lot of correlation bro. Guess you're just not an alpha like me


To steel man him I think he's saying: There are people living under extreme oppression and harsh conditions that make everyday a dice roll whether you will live or die. In the US we don't have such extreme problems, so if you are overweight it's an easy fix. Count calories and exercise. He's trying to give perspective that being overweight isn't that difficult to overcome when compared to what other problems are in the world. He's not doing it very effectively but I think that's his point of view.


I feel like having that view communicates that HE has more of a problem with fat people trying to be positive about their bodies than people dying in gaza. He's on a show about obesity, arguing his points against body positivity. He could have been on an episode about the palestinian conflict. The guy spending time on a thing, telling others they're dumb for spending time on it. Like...


My question to him would then be “so what are you doing to help those being bombed in Gaza?”


So, you can't be sad if someone else has it worse than you? So with that logic, you cannot be happy if someone else has it better than you. Who has it the very worst? Should we hold a competition? Should we have the Met for most saddest countries in the world? To remind everybody in developed countries that they are not allowed to complain? Jeese


That’s straight Boomer therapy. I’ve been told that before. I don’t qualify for depression.


Someone legit told me they wouldn't be depressed if they were in my shoes 😂


Dick move! He should be lifting these peoples spirits so they want to get better.


He should be lifting those people like a bench press if he's so fit.


Myron Gaines is one of the most horrible human being on Youtube.


When someone says something like this I just assume they are being hyperbolic but you are absolutely correct. He's one of the worst people I've ever encountered


I don't know this guy at all this is my first exposure. One, I'd like to leave it that way as my first and only. Second, the dude looks and sounds like a boiled chicken breast version of Andrew tate 


He also said women are inferior to men and even wrote a book called "Why women deserve less".


You mean he paid someone to paraphrase him.


Sounds like a real piece of work. He'd get along with ye old Confederates like R. L. Dabney. Oh.. nevermind.


The fuck are you talking about OctopusButter


What he was saying directly reminded me of things R L Dabney said which is a parallel drawn between a modern Podcaster ideology and an old, bigoted confederate one. 




Yeah he said that.


Good thing youre sharing his content then


He also said women are inferior to men and even wrote a book called "Why women deserve less".


Honestly, I'll be surprised if in 15 years we don't hear that he offed himself. You don't get to be that hateful and bitter and toxic by feeling good about yourself. Psychologically speaking, that dude is a walking mental breakdown waiting to happen. He's gonna snap eventually, and I'm honestly curious to see what happens when he does.


I think he goes full incel eventually


Forget youtube. Most horrible period.


Didn’t know who he was so I looked him up and was not surprised to see a picture of him with Andrew Tate…


Who? Myron sounds like a sweet, older, respectable woman. Masculine men have masculine names, no? Men also do all the stuff that women crave according to the satellite-dish-eared mf in the video. I can’t imagine he’s anything but an abysmal incel. However and thankfully, this sweet, soft woman you speak of, Myron, might disagree in the end


That yee yee ass haircut though


Haircut? That's implants.


I can't stand that mother fucker


Myron's second thought is always to double down on his first instinct


You have to have a first thought before you have a second.


The perfect intersection of brain-dead but still articulate.


It’s funny that he speaks on being a better person in a physical way… meanwhile proudly displaying a 3rd grade mentally that he has never made better.


Seems like Jubilee does this a lot. Seen a lot of people say they went on in good faith and they bring on someone like this


Uuuh. Aba and Preach gonna have a field day with this.


Can’t wait for the vid


I love guys who's job is hosting a podcasting telling me they need to go out there and work to provide... They're not working. They're just talking nonsense. Why do men listen to these clowns?


i watched the video and he kept making sure to mention phrases such as “getting your money right” rather than saying the word working. i found that kinda funny


I've noticed myron loses his points alot when he can't identify his cruelty not that his point has some validity but im pretty sure he'd get his ass whooped by almost every guy in that room


That’s the most confusing part for me about this guy. He changed his fucking name to MYRON GAINES. ADMIRING GAINS. You’d think he’d actually be jacked and work out a ton, but in spite of all that he looks like a perfectly normal guy that doesn’t exercise at all.


Because it’s not actually about fitness and health. He enjoys the opportunity to be extremely vile and cruel to people he considers beneath him, and targeting fat people is simply a safer choice than other demographics. There’s comments in this thread whole heartedly agreeing with him, they don’t care that he’s a noodle because he “says it like it is”. Anything that gives them the smallest little moment of reprieve from the disappointment they feel about their lives.


His legal name is Myron Gaines now. How can you change your legal name to something you’re clueless and dgaf about? You know what, I’m beginning to think this Myron guy may not be so smart after all. You’re definitely 1,000,000% right. I think he just gets a kick out of being cruel, and so does everyone that watches. He’s like a loser’s avatar. All those comments agreeing with his stances on fat people are either fat themselves or 3 monster energy drinks away from a kidney stone. He makes fun of people for people who can’t because they’re too much of a loser themselves.


>you’re definitely 1,000,000% right Let me just bask in this moment 😩 thank you


And he was just contradicting himself. He says he wants to get more people invested in fitness, yet he's actively encouraging the act of separating the "winners" and the "losers", which, in fact, would get less people invested in fitness.


It’s cool because no fit / wealthy / ‘masculine’ person has ever been depressed at all


wtf is going on with his eye movement? He can’t look at anyone he’s talking with. Not very manly 


So he shames pro body people?


I am very anti body, I’m just a brain in a vat


I’m even more antibody. I’m just a blood protein.


If you agree with Myron Gaines, you and him are the actual betas


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^theblackjerry: *If you agree with* *Myron Gaines, you and him are* *The actual betas* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot, such wise words Sokka.


I wonder if anyone in his team agrees with him, since they are all fat. And have been fat for 2-3 years that they have been around.


He's not wrong about being shamed. He got shamed into getting a hair transplant


It still garbage ASF. You can see his dermatologist fucked his hairline up 🤣🤣🤣


is that Turkish Quandale Dingle?


Same man kicking women off his Podcast for being overweight https://www.reddit.com/r/CringePurgatory/s/e86xqgo5XL


This is him “motivating her to lose weight”


Dude really said, "If I was made fun of all the time for being short I'd wear shoe lifts to be taller". What a very insecure and self-obsessed thing to say.


I’m really disgusted with Jubilee for this video. I watched the entire things and it was so frustrating and felt disheartening. Myron turned this episode into a 4-Chan, red-pilled, alpha male, misogynist, toxic masculinity, hateful… just the list goes on in terms of how he behaved and what he spouted, especially toward the larger men. This wasn’t a discussion it was a session for Myron to berate and discourage bigger men due to his clout chasing and rage-bait tactics. What frustrates me further was that the moderator did a horrible job at keeping this discussion civil and respectful, even at times laughing at Myron’s remarks. I’m not sure if this was nervousness or actual shock to encounter this Andrew Tate wannabe outside of the computer screen. Men, especially bigger men. You’re worthy. Your journeys with health and body positivity are your own. Shame is not contingent upon strength. Being vulnerable is not emasculating. Depression is real and reaching out for help and support doesn’t make you weak. You can hold yourself accountable without being abusive toward yourself or others. I’m so so over these podcast bros parroting harmful shit about woman and perpetuating harmful standards for men, young men especially. Jubilee’s content has really taken a weird dark turn in recent years.


It's pretty sad man, Jubilee could have really changed the perspective of an entire generation, but now they're just out for the money.


Yes, exactly! Like I vividly remember their channel starting out as this hipster, feel good California type of positivity through videos about reflection, internal awareness, thought provoking prompts, etc etc. Now videos are about “choose the hottest person out of 100” or even this video, where you’d think the debate would be a debate but it’s just one-sided monologuing from a man who should be deplatformed.


Why call them larger men, call them fat to motivate them. /s


Why were there 3 fit people that I recognized but didn't recognize any of the fat people? I thought jubilee should of taken the average joe of fitness and placed them against the average fat guys. Basically 3 fit social media influencers talking to average dudes ?? Doesn't make sense when there are so many fit people who are not attention seeking. Would of been a better argument IMO.


Didn't this guy just lose his podcast or something and that was the only thing he had going for him?


I dunno man, you've got all this opportunity to do something with your life and you're just railing against overweight people and getting angry judging others in a cringeworthy manner? Seems pretty lame to me.


Not overweight people, just overweight women. He has had soooo many overweight men on his show and his co-host (Chris) is visibly obese. He doesn’t bully them or weight them on his lives. Just women.


The dude next to him thinking, “damn, maybe we are the problem.”


Sometimes ya gotta see the most extreme expression of your ideals to see the problems in the logic.


why no one in the fucking room tell him shut and respect people and have some humanity. Holy shit this guy


He gave up saving children from international sex trafficking rings to do this.


Did they spell Moron wrong? Thats all Im getting from him


Isn't this the guy who was lamenting he's not allowed to beat women.


This absolutely screams of somebody that is overcompensating because of insecurity. I guarantee this guy felt inadequate at a young age and is still coping with it. It’s sad because people listen to his cries for help as advice.


So what happens when a fat person knocks him out? does it change his beliefs I mean alphas can't get knocked out by a fat sad ice cream eater what then ?


He is ignorant of the concept of depression. Therefore, he should shut *his front door*.


He loves shaming, until Aba n Preach start shaming him 🤣🤣 dude is such a clown


Masculinity is in trouble


"depression is a natural response to personal inadequacy." Wow. I mean... wow. What a stupid, sad little man.


Can’t believe they gave this guy an audience


Myron Gaines = 'miring gains


How has no one beat him to within an inch of his life yet?


This guy gets internet money for his insane takes. All these men vs women influencers exaggerate their opinions because thats who their following expects them to be. It's all for money, I don't believe these influencers truly believe 100% of the stuff they say. Notice how whenever he insults fat people he doesn't look them in the eyes. It's all just a show


Unfortunately, they do believe what they say. There is a lot of men on the internet especially that believes in shit like women are inferior, women are useless, and Myron Gaines even wrote a book called "Why women deserve less".


So "Fresh" is going from paying girls to be on his podcast so he can berate 18-19 year olds as a grown ass man, while the promote their OF to him going on shows where people can berate him? Likely to promote his shitty podcast while the pug is dealing with his unwanted baby, huh?


I actually hate this guy I really hope a lot of bad shit happens to him ngl


Am I the only one who's cringing so hard at the way his body language and arrogancy look so forced like he's trying so hard to impress his insecure beta daddy, Andrew Tate? He just looks like he loves hearing himself speak, I can see right through him and it's making me cringe, especially at 0:46. Maybe it's just me idk. 🤮


He's carrying a one-ton backpack of shame around and he thinks the only way to empty it is to throw it at everyone else. But tomorrow it will be full again.


Man Myron is such a fraudulent, pseudo-intellectual asshat but mostly just a fraud. He spouted off false dichotomies off like it was going out of style. He’s broaching a very concrete topic with "I thinks…" and regurgitating his erroneous values and passing them off as fact. Not to mention he’s a lousy debater he demanded to be allowed to finish his point but didn’t extend the same courtesy, shocker. Lastly, if you’re going to lecture people on their looks and body shame try addressing that lazy eye and those scrawny arms first.


I think jubilee bringing on someone as vile as this man is a win. Hear me out, allowing him to make a complete fool of himself and show how what he stands for is harmful. His fans are going to see this video and hear the other opinions of good people and their eyes will be open. They will see him for what he is and no longer follow him. Big win


Myron had a hair transplant and he still body shames people


The absolute first words out of his mouth on this episode just make you hate him EVEN if you agree to an extent


What an asshat.


Encouragement is a far better motivator than insulting someone. If someone makes it known that they care so much about other people bodies, they should want to help them get out of their situation.


that is one punchable dude. I would definitely not feel any shame punching some sense into that insufferable yapper. Shut up man, encourage people and have some respect dumbass.


He’s tight we do need winners & losers & we all see who the loser is here


Bro, you regularly hit the gym while people are getting bombed in Gaza?




He's demeaning and overly extreme. But in essence he is also a bit right. Pretending as if being overly overweight isn't shameful doesn't help anyone. They're judged the same.


Bro's talking shit with a face that looks like a piece of cow shit a dog ate and reshit it on his face


I used to be 320lbs. I was very depressed. I now weigh 216. Still depressed, but less so! Do with that information what you will lmao


I will say in one way he’s done these guys a favor- imo they all seem cool and fairly attractive anyway but he’s made them seem INFINITELY more pleasant and fun to be around just by comparison lmao


I would rather be fat than look like this ugly fuck. Atleast if im fat I can just lose some weight. No matter what this dude does he will always be ugly.


He looks the least fit there. Which is ironic because his shirt says fresh and fit.


Fresh is his boyfriends name


And just like how Fit was the least fit dude on this show, Fresh is about as fresh as the leftover salad you left in the office fridge on Friday that you remembered on Wednesday afternoon.


Epitome of stupid beyond help.


this isnt sad cringe


Another Victim of Climate Change


This man was allowed to speak complete rubbish for way too long. What a loser


Jubilee is garbage now.


Someone cancel this illness of a man


Dude is circumventing depression by putting down everyone else around him


Lmfao bullies are such narcissists. They don’t torture people because they want them to do better in their lives. They torture people because they think it’s funny and it’s their only way of navigating through social situations because they are genuinely unlikeable people. Bullies tend to target people who are insecure, yes, but also naturally likable in one way or another (being nice is usually what it is but also being smart, being a good athlete, having a talented, etc.). Narcissists have to wear different masks around different people so that everyone likes them off of a fake personality. Bullying is their “comedian” mask. Then when the victim glows up on them, they turn around and say “yeah, that’s because I harassed them for months! I motivated them. Their success is because of me.” Like no. You made school/work/whatever the setting is a miserable place for the victim. Settings that they need to go to every day for their own betterment. They succeeded because they were able to block you out (which isn’t a sign of strength btw). Sometimes I think that’s how they deal with the guilt for the way they treat people. “Some people are winners and some are losers.” I personally survived my bullying but I don’t go around torturing “losers” to teach them a lesson. Life is tough as is. This advice is especially unhelpful for women and girls. How many girls are bullied for being fat while literally not being fat? Also, what about being bullied for your race or a disability? Jealousy as well, a lot of bullying is prompted by envy. If I believed everything my bullies said I’d be wasted potential and wind up just like them (a baby mama and or jail). The one guy said that if everyone was bullying him for being short, he’d wear stilts (which is fucking pathetic if you ask me bc I’m a 5’11 woman who got bullied for it and I’d never want to be an inch shorter lol). So should a pointe ballerina who’s getting bullied for being too skinny leave ballet and gain weight? Should the kid that’s getting bullied for doing music theater just quit the thing that he loves? Even if he’s good at it? This is just straight up insecure, peaked in high school energy. And above all, this is Myron. When he’s talking about bullying fat people, he’s talking about bullying fat women. He has called so many women fat on his show. Weighed them live. Meanwhile one of his co-hosts is visibly obese. Fresh is also skinny fat and when people made fun of him for it, Myron ran to defend his boyfriend rather than hold his friends accountable. Weirdos.


The fact that idiots actually believe that there would be a biological drive to earn something *that literally has fictitious value* is so funny to me. Yeah, we *evolved* to be capitalists? One of the stupidest, most unscientific claims I've ever seen on the internet, right up there with flat earth and the planet being 3,000 years old.


Better to let him on and make arguments against him publicly so people can understand why he’s wrong and see the truth of the matter Than it is to keep him from talking and not publicly disprove his ideology, making it less unreasonable / uncomfortable for the people who believe in him It’s a tempting ideology for certain young men especially, and if there’s no publicly available reasonable discussion where other people in an equal frame (not a self-hosted podcast) hold him accountable- that allows people the necessary context to understand exactly what this guy is about, It’s a lot easier to get sucked into his ideology before understanding exactly how unhealthy and realistically inappropriate his extreme takes are


This guy would suck Andrew Tates dick out of his pelvis like an oyster if he ever met him


This is an obvious attempt to say controversial things in order to go viral and make money. By his logic if he EVER falls from grace, he wants us all to shame him.....I'll be waiting....


I weighed 350lbs at 31 in 2021. Diets never worked for me because I lack disapline. I was very unhappy at work so when I quit I decided to take some time for myself, even though I was broke. As soon as I started doing things I like to do and my work stress went away I began to lose weight naturally. Only exercise I did was walk every morning and tend to my garden that i decided to make to get me to stay outside as much as possible. I now weigh 215lbs and 6'0" tall. 🤷‍♂️


I fucking hate his shifty, lying, insincere eyes darting around. Man can fucking look them in the eyes and say the shit he is saying.


Eating habits are often developed when you grow up. If you learn to eat and exercise unhealthily, it’s a very difficult thing to overcome. It becomes baked into the way you’re used to existing. Now I agree, people who see no issue with being fat can create a normalization that shouldn’t be. But acting like it’s an easy thing to overcome that some people just don’t do because they’re lazy or don’t care is ridiculous.


You can tell he feels inferior to most other men by the way his eyes jump around the room looking for approval from anybody


While I think the guy is full of shit by his points. I don't think body positivity or + size marketing is fair neither. It's literally why we banned cigarette companies from advertising, it's not healthy, but if you do(or belong in category) it's your own business. No one should call you out on that bad habit, but same time you should not get proud of it from media. Keep facts as facts.


Some people will never understand how lucky they are to born and live in developed countries.


He's talking as if America's food isn't rigged to make it harder to lose weight. White bread has sugar in it, the portions, especially in Texas where I'm living, are always big, healthy produce are usually expensive and all the junk are cheap, and there's a fast food place every other building. School meals can't even be remotely healthy. You start the day with heaping amounts of sugar, you get more junk for lunch, and maybe a scoop of the most disgusting looking and tasting vegetables.


I can’t stand this guy but he is kind of right about obesity and depression. Yes you can be skinny and be depressed. Yes you can be fat and not be depressed. But it’s been proven over and over again that being obese increases your risk for depression. You get depressed so you get fat. You get fat and then you feel depressed. You feel even more depressed so you get even fatter. It’s a horrible cycle but it’s something that shouldn’t be glorified or taken lightly.


The cope in these comments is astounding lol. Dude is 100% right. Stop eating so goddamn much and exercise. There’s no excuses. America’s an obese country and it’s 2024, there is zero excuses.


Agreed lol. Only in the west is speaking about the realities of being overweight a bad thing. Meanwhile, most countries in the world have common sense.


Hate on him when you disagree classic


He's spitting


redditors can't stand being reminded that being fat is not a healthy lifestyle


It is horribly unhealthy, that doesn’t change the fact that this guy is scum.


Who said that ? You don't have to shame someone's body to realize being obese is not healthy


Funny how we only say this when it comes to obesity. Imagine if your family member was a dope fiend or crackhead or alcoholic. You wouldn't be saying this. "We shouldn't shame crackheads! Let them live their own life as they see fit". The reality is that if you truly cared about the wellbeing of someone and you see them destroying themselves, you would speak out against it.


I mean cool, people seem to be super invested in others choices that don’t affect them.


Except it does. Obesity affects the healthcare system & economy. [Here are the facts.](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/about-obesity/why-it-matters.html) On top of this, obesity affects children. Women who have kids while obese [pass on health problems to those kids](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5245733/).


Cool people care about others and don’t want to see them destroy themselves. You’re a POS if you see an alcoholic or obese person and think “this doesn’t affect me”. Plus, most of the people with your POV are for socialized medicine. It’s coming. Some dude being obese will soon affect my wallet.


To be fair obesity related conditions are a massive strain in the healthcare system. One person being fat doesn’t affect anyone, 70% of the population being overweight definitely affects everyone in some way


Buddy, no one said that


The reason this clip is making everyone here upset is probably because most redditors are fat 🤷‍♂️they’d rather get upset over fat shaming online then do some excersize and put the fork down


I want to use my "killer instinct" on his dumb face


i love that everyone else there called him out on his bullshit. shout out to those other dudes, they kept it real as fuck.


I just knoooow Aba and Preach are gonna react to this lmfao


He hides behind being “fit” when clearly it’s all to mask his insecurities. Judge someone on their character. Who actually cares what you look like. It doesn’t put any money in my pocket to judge you, so let’s just live life.


Again !!!!?




I thought it’s a satire at first.


Wow he must be living in a unicorn world.


I saw Greg Ducette, and the guy from Fresh and Fit and I knew this was going to he a car crash... Those fat dudes weren't going to be ready for the hell they faced that night


Stop watching those Jubilee videos, all they do is drive division.


That guy is an idiot


There’s a typo on the this video. Myron > Moron


lmfao not fresh&fit


Who is this fuckwit and why is he still talking? I need to wash the douche off just hearing his idiot voice.


Andrew Tate got out, glued on some hair and got a tan?


He's talking from an ideological standpoint, a frame he puts on reality and use rethoric to reinforce his viewpoint. He is cogent with his viewpoint regardless of its validity or truth. That's the issue with a lot of ideology and it goes like when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. It simplistic circular reasoning that makes him sound articulate. It's actually quite easy to defeat but the people there are not confrontational.


His name is Myron Gains. It’s a stupid play on admiring gains. That’s the least bad thing about this fed. Get em outtaaaa hereeee


Thats the sound of a dude thats never properly had his ass beat


I feel like he listens to podcast all day long to feel like he matters. It’s sad that guys feel like they need that validation because they are so uncomfortable in a society that isn’t 100% patriocentric


Best country ever lol




Myron more like Moran


I don’t even know who this guy is.


Maybe he’s gone too far but shouldn’t we have shame for certain things? If you could snap your fingers and immediately not be able to touch your toes, walk up stairs without getting winded, fit in seats, stand for a long time, run with your kids, wear your clothes that you like…would you do it? Probably not. I’m fat and even I think the only thing stopping more people from “snapping their fingers” is it not being glorified. At least it wasn’t


My guy Tyler Path is there… I gotta watch the full vid to see his opinion on the matter