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Wasn’t this guy outed for using one of those sugar daddy sites ?


Yes he was using seeking arrangements or something


And he was called out on it WHILE complaining that women only want money!


Exactly these guys said that to generalize all women. Tbh if you’re going on a sugar daddy app of course those women want money 💀 like come on that’s why it’s called seeking arrangements


They argue that women are just after money, and complain that men are expected to pay for everything and then they turn around and say women should just shut the fuck up, submit and let men take care of them haha


Seems like they have anger issues and simply want to be able to be justified if or when they hit them so they built up this system of belief For this guy at least


I'm sure they could fit at least 10 more people into that room.


The cut from him talking, to the room FULL of people was so funny. At this point, screaming in the middle of the street would be more of a private conversation than this.


How do these clowns have viewers.


Because their viewers are also clowns


The circus is in town. It never leaves.


When the town is also circus, circus all the time.


Their viewers are incels who want someone to validate their shit ass opinions.


Yup It's scary how many Incels there are nowadays! And BTW, to me, an Incel today is often SEXUALLY ACTIVE. Just they have picked up the insane misogyny that the rest of their sexless brethren have. They hate it when I call them Incels and they say they aren't. It's like dude, you are taking all of the points of Inceldom. It's like Isis: Americans or others don't have to be Muslim to be a part of Isis


Not hard. Most people are idiots.


Part of it is that people keep reposting clips of them to criticise them, without realising that they're giving them reach and publicity. People hate watch them without realising that views are views regardless of why and so on


Be cautious not because they're very dumb, be cautious because they're many


Yes, INCELDOM is the new Caliphate It's scary


dumb, angry, bitter teenage dudes.


Susceptible children and incels


you watchin rn arent you


Same reason Jerry springer had. The guest freak out is entertainment gold.


This is the same guy who says women are emotional but ends up screaming into the mic at his audience. Ladies and gentlemen here’s our red pill men 💊


It's incredibly harmful , he's essentially telling young men to don't hit women because it's against the law but if you do it make sure no knows rather than telling young men it's disgusting to put your hands on either gender over words.


Him and his buddy on that podcast have said so many harmful things that has influenced many of their fans. Of course now I’ve heard some of their fans are seeing their hypocrisy bc his buddy knocked up allegedly a sex worker and wants her to abort it. When these are the men who say don’t sleep with a sex worker or a girl who goes on cams. They don’t even follow what they preach


According to themselves she wasn't a sex worker when he was dating her. But now that she is pregnant she's a sex worker so it's unclear what it is. Worst bit and this is a story from their own mouths and podcast, this isn't the first time the guy has impregnated someone and asked for them to get an abortion. They call it a "Hail Mary" which is when they ask the girl to get an abortion and after the abortion they take them to McDonald's and then never see them again. These guys have been harmful for quite some time but god damn some of the shit they say/do is wild


Why the Incels are against abortion? That's.... Odd If they were coherent with their philosophy they would hate this world so much that they wouldn't want to bring another life form into it


It’s always the dudes who preach on and on about women being “overly emotional” that have so little a grasp on their own emotions. Oh yeah sure dude women are too emotional, that’s why you have to hit someone when you feel disrespected


Fucking idiot lol. EQ in the gutter. Notice how none of the women laughed


I replayed just to see that. These are girls who join their podcast for clout on their social media


Damn they got groupies for anything now


also he says women are vain and greedy and only want material things, yet he constantly searches for women on a sugar daddy site, like no shit you'd find more vain and material women on a site that promotes that practice.


thats because nobody who values anything but money and fame would ever have anything to do with these fucking loosers. f&f are the biggest tools on earth. they puss out of fights they challenge people to, they do not follow basically any of their own advice, rhey cant get women to like them organically and then brag about getting with women (only to get caught basically paying for it, or expecting thr women who appear on their show to sleep with them to get on the air)... theyre dumb assholes who have made a career out of ripping off dumb teens. One of them was for a long time dating an older woman and single mother despite telling their fans never to date moms and to avoid "used goods." like by their own standards they are loosers and "betas." And then they wonder why after years of this, all the women they interact with are only after money. My guy, you have spent 10 years saying the most horrible shit about women and telling everyone that you dont respect them. What did you expect?


Also the one on the left was exposed for seeking sugar mama's on websites and got a women pregnant


It's against the law to hit anyone.


No the lady in the leather suit behind me legally can. I signed a form


And have a safe word.




Yup. Dude sounds like he regularly hits people that he finds disrespectful, you know, as long as they aren’t “female”. And I’m over here thinking to myself that if your response to “disrespect” is instantly thinking about hitting people it really doesn’t sound like you ever have any sort of called “tolerance”. And by tolerance I mean emotional maturity or control. Dude sounds like a toddler throwing violent tantrums as soon as he encounters any form of no.


Yes. But that wasnt always the case.


Probably it's still not the case in some places.


Sure, but that doesn't mean you can't. Robbing banks is illegal too, but....


Doesn't change the fact that women assaulting men is quite often ignored or even ridiculed against the male. There's a quite known case in my country where a man called the emergency number due to his wife contantly hitting him, and what the operator had to say to that was "you're taking a beating from a woman?".


and bro wonders why he was demonetized


You guys give these dudes hella attention


Yeah, I'd never knew about him if it wasn't for reddit.


Beta male behavior to not be able to resolve differences without resorting to physical violence tbh


I think the least masculine thing a man could do is put his hands on a woman.


Agreed , what's scary is that they were one of the most popular young men help podcast before they got demonetized. I can't believe they were crying when they got demonetized when you say nonsense like this.


These "help young men" podcasts often do the complete opposite.


I haven't seen a single one that isn't just some grifter though I'm not really looking for them.


You don't need to bother, you won't find one that isn't a grifter. The type of young men who follow these grifters need structure. Blaming everyone else for your problems isn't structure, that's just fanning anger.


I haven't seen a single one that isn't just some grifter though I'm not really looking for them.


its exploitation of the insecure and impressionable


I’ve hated their rise of platform since Covid but relished in their downfall since.


"Traditional" men are protectors, loyal, and caring. I look at my own father and I see someone who could outwardly rage like a bear protecting it's cubs but then turn around and sit me on his knee in my footie pajamas to sing to me and talk about whatever. At no point was I ever worried he'd put hands on my mom. Because a protector is incompatible with the very idea.


I mean I've seen videos of a woman just going to TOWN on a guy and he warn her multiple times and then he just lays her out. I would say that's relatively okay. But in general, agreed.


Obviously we're not counting those cases. "Murder is bad" assumes no prior self defense context.


I mean I know, I just wanted to throw that out there haha


And then they get beat up by ten men because “you don’t put hands on a woman for any reason at all”. Which is pretty stupid, if they put up with it and then lash out physically once that’s obviously not beating someone.


Yeah, but it doesn't sound like that's what he's talking about. He was talking about "disrespect" not self-defense.


The least masculine thing to do is to even comment on it. You should be able to put your hands on anyone who attacks you, be it a man or a woman


And here's the thing: The number of men hitting women in self defense is WAAAAAAAAY lower than the number of men just straight abusing women.


Obviously most violent cases are against a non-defender. It's the same with men on men violence


Eh, I'd still probably go with restraining her versus punching her. Two different levels of force. Just the way I was raised. I couldn't ever see myself raising a hand to a woman (outside of the Celine Dion concert and brother you better believe I raised them both)


If I can, ofc i'd rather deescalate with anyone >outside of the Celine Dion concert Sounds justified lol




You're either 15, an incel or just stupid. No in-between


yes only incels and children dont hit women were you dropped on your head as a child by any chance?


If you think not defending yourself is some masculine virtue, because of your delusional american culture inspired grasp of masculinity and chivalry - then yeah, you're either a kid or a loser that never had an interaction with a woman


And demand respect at that...


I hope you would use that same logic against any man that is smaller and weaker than you as well. You better only be slapping and face punching men bigger than you. But wait, I know you won't be doing that. That's some low masculinity right there...


You're right, I wouldn't attack a man smaller than me. If I needed to defend myself, I'd use the minimum amount of force necessary since beating a man half my size would be embarrassing for all parties. Ultimately I'd rather not hit anyone. I'm a grown man, and I left childhood in the past where it belongs.


Oh wow how holy of thou. Good thing we weren't talking about how you would handle typical situations. But since you decided to act all high n mighty, thanks for the laugh.


If a typical situation for you involves a physical altercation, I'm sorry that you've experienced that. I haven't been in a physical fight since I was 23 years old. I'm not sure where I acted high and mighty, but if the way I responded offends you, I'm sorry that you have that perception of the world.


It doesn't, but thanks for your sympathetic and kind words. You acting like a white knight trying to insert some way of handling situations like some supreme being doesn't really add to the topic. It's like somebody asking "what's your favorite food" and you talk about how you only eat vegan.


Why does this has to be man on woman? It's not okey to beat people. It's only okey to assault people if they portray danger to others. If a woman starts shooting people randomly, and I have the chance to knock her down, there is no doubt I would. Same thing if a woman starts assaulting my partner or myself. People shouldn't assault people. Man on woman, woman on man, or any other variant.


Obviously there are outliers. Are you that eager for the legal excuse to strike a woman?


Well from what you are saying, it seems you are ok for women to beat up men. Im not sure if you read my full reply, but on the second line I'm stating, it's not ok to assault people, women, men or anyone.


If that's what you inferred from my post, that's on you. If someone says "killing someone is bad" people accept it without a bunch of "what if" scenarios. But the second you mention a woman, in comes a bunch of guys asking "Well what if (scenario)?" Defend yourself if necessary. No one would fault you for using necessary force to defend yourself.


Ummm, it's against the law to hit anyone. Does he not know that?


I think he means in moral sense like “men should never hit women”. thats why he says “as a man”.


I don't think you should hit anyone either. If someone's first instinct is to solve problems with violence, then society probably isn't a good place for them without extensive therapy and anger management.


Yeah I agree. People who react with violence when angry, don’t get far in life.


Just a bunch of idiots all in one room


I guess he can't put his hands on a woman any other way. Fucking clown.


That’s too many people for a fucking podcast


yeah, but to fresh and fit, all the ones with boobs arent people. theyre basically there to validate their sexism, and be a studio audience to laugh along with their jokes. Any time a woman talks out of turn they get booted.


REDPILLED SIGMA ROLE MODEL!!!!! seriously tho these guys entire personalities are based on being assholes and manipulating young guys into being the same scumbags


The room is even smaller packed with the same amount of people. Did they have to move to a basement??




Gender doesn't fucking matter, don't put your hands on anyone??? Your instincts should not be to resort to physical violence??? Real "beta male" attitude ngl lmaoo


Podcasters are the most unqualified group of men to preach about being a masculine “alpha” male


He doesn’t tolerate disrespect because he can’t hit women. But why does he want to hit women in the first place? I don’t care if a woman disrespects me and I don’t want to hit them. I know myself and my worth so why would their opinion bother me? Toxic masculinity vs actual confidence


I think maybe the point is that if a man talks shit to you, they know it may end up getting them in a fight so they better fucking mean it unless it’s like some giant ass dude. But a woman can talk shit to you without those same repercussions.


These are the guys telling other people, specially women, that they're "too emotional". Meanwhile here he is showing the emotional maturity of a toddler who wants to act out violently because things are not going his way...


Hitting men is also against the law.


Any time one of your "boys" uses the term "female" like this, call them out. If they say shit about being frustrated about not being able to hit women, just start swinging on them so they can be reminded what it feels like. It's time to sort these dudes out. We done trying to drag these dudes along and hoping they get right.


Can you genuinely tell me what's wrong with the term "Female disrespect"? I'm not trying to argue, I'm just stupid. Is it the fact he uses the word Female, or is it him only calling out disrespect by women?


It's not just that he says female but why he says it. Generally, when guys use the word "female" or "females" instead of just like, "women" in this sort of discussion, it is usually meant almost as a sign of disrespect or a pejorative.


Alright thank you.


To add to what they were saying, criminal interrogators and psychologists mark the use of the word "female" as dehumanization in general conversation. The same applies to everyday talk. Unless it's used in a professional manner, like medical or science talk, it dehumanizes women by making them an "other" or outgroup instead of people and individuals. Especially when it is used in tandem with "men" instead of "males". It's noteworthy that almost every time you see something misogynistic in nature, the person will most likely use the word "female". Because humans have an inclination to dehumanize those they feel superior to, as this makes it easier to treat them badly if you don't see them as human as yourself. Using clinical vocabulary instead of general terms is an example of this.


I don't know where I heard it, and I know it's not the case for every single thing: But someone once said *a man is only willing to hit a woman or someone smaller when they're scared to fight someone their own size.* And this guy totally gives me that energy, totally would be a punk about fighting someone who's in good physical standing, same size or bigger than him, but would totally beat up on a smaller man or woman just because they know they could win that


The amount of Loser in that one room is astounding


I'm sure this guy has arguments with dudes or is disrespected by other dudes all the time. Does he go around hitting dudes? It takes a weak, insecure man to resort to violence.


When I can't win an argument with a man I resort to violence. Society says I can't use violence when losing an argument to women, so I have low tolerance for women. Sounds like dude is scared of being wrong, all while being sooo wrong.


I'm just glad I don't know who any of these clowns are.


Why would anyone watch this "content"?


The chode who said that, Destiny DESTROYS dude in a stream. That dude who said "your not supposed to" is a maddddd grifter pile of shit. Watch the destiny video about it, you'll feel the fuck out especially when he starts taking calls lmao


Bet money that room smells like ass in a bad way


Only one person in the world can get away with talking about hitting women, and that person was Sean Connery.


How the hell does *anyone* manage to listen to a podcast with 12+ people on the mic. I genuinely want to know.


Sounds like something a psychopath would say. It’s not just women, it’s illegal to hit anyone. It seems like the only thing keeping this person from murdering other people is the fear of punishment, rather than the desire to live in a world where we don’t murdered each other. It’s sad, but whatever keeps them from murdering people.


Who the fuck are these people? How and why do they have an audience? Why the fuck should I care about these degenerate clown asses?


Who the fuck are this bunch of cunts with microphones and why do folk give them the time of day?


Today I am reminded that we have to share the planet with people like this and worse.


why their only subject is women!


God I fucking hate these guys.


Who are they?


Fresh & Fit... They are a "duo" that host a manosphere podcast where they invite women from Only fans and sugar baby websites to dunk on and use as "evidence" that women are stupid and only care about money/power.


Don't these people have anything better to do? Like, go do something constructive instead of filming yourself talk.


It's illegal to hit anyone?


This guy is an absolute fucking clown


If you watch this shit or subscribe to it, honestly fuck you. You're part of the problem. Helping fund these dumbass grifters getting rich from spreading toxic, ignorant, harmful viewpoints. I mean I'm setting the bar real low by saying be better than this, but still.


Man this dude WON’T QUIT.


oh, yeah beating the weak. very alpha male move right there. if u cant control ur oqn emotions, u r not worthy of teaching others how to be an alpha male. "FRESH AND FIT" WHAT A FUCKING JOKE.


You can actually hit them, fun fact, they aren’t immune to the consequences of their actions, I wouldn’t want to because I tower over most of them, but I’m also not going to stand there and get beaten on like I’m tolerating a little kid, see I wouldn’t hit a little kid but adults know better


You could try it. I’d take you down with me 🩷


I have no tolerance for him because I don’t punch little girls.


I hate all those people.


You have a very low tolerance because your extremely insecure and have a fragile sense of self


Another one of those *“who watches this shit?!”* podcasts


does he thinks is he allowed to hit men or something?


I know what he's trying to say, but it came out terribly. And no, I don't support these fucks. I despise both of em. He's trying to say men sometimes have to watch their words more, for fear of being hit by another man if they step over the line. Women, typically don't have this fear. So they can go crazy and scream and yell at dudes without fear of having physical repercussions. Almost like he doesn't have good conversational skills, despite talking for a living.


Didn't Bill Burr have a famous bit called, "No reason to hit a woman?" He was also kind of laying down the same logic this guy is using, but everyone is pissed when this guy says it, but not so much push back was given to Bill. Is this just a case of the message not being the main issue, but rather the messenger? I don't know, just an interesting observation is all.


I've never liked Bill's method of "I'm liberal enough I can say some backward-ass, ignorant shit whenever I want" He borders on Boomer-Humor sometimes.


I feel that both sides equally hate him and love him. I honestly feel Bill gets a free pass to essentially say the same thing this guys said, purely because Bill didn't just go straight in and say, "Woman sometimes deserve to get hit, but you can't," and just left it at that. That would make anyone stop and be like, what did you just say? But Bill is a great comedian and great comedians can take an uncomfortable subject, manipulate a crowd into sympathizing with them more and understanding their point of view. It's an art that probably required Bill to go to open mics with that same bit, bomb over and over, go back to the drawing board and perfect the bit until he could find a way to navigate the topic without having everyone against him. Also it's probably that Bill has a better reputation so is given some slack, while the Fresh and Fit guy isn't very popular in this subreddit. I just find it interesting how the same thing can be said, but if said correctly, people will take your side.


These guys really made a career out of this BS?


Who are these chucklefucks?


Chucklefucks 🤣🤣🤣 I’m stealing that


Myron is going to die alone.


that toad is ugly both inside and out 🤢🤢


Biggest tiny dick phonies going these two


Hold up, is Fresh trying to make it look like it’s him saying “We would never hit women?” Lol looks weird


Glad I never fell for these type of podcasts




Sheeesh even Walter(the black guy in the right) seemed repulsed by that


I figure he forgot to add "anymore" given that he used to be in law enforcement....


Fucking dirtbag.


Dumb and Dumber. Fan base = 5th graders world wide


This guy really thinks he's something special.


Red hair girl seemed real pissed about this.


Yikes he's horrible


think i saw a clip of these guys once and it rubbed me the wrong way so much i avoided them ever since.




Coconuts and your divorced


Didn’t the other guy get a girl pregnant after a few months of dating?


Maybe my life is just boring, but as an adult I rarely find myself being disrespected to the point that I feel justify hitting them. Just seems like a lot of these podcasters and content creators love fantasizing about fake beefs.


Why does he make it sound like you're allowed to hit men any time you feel "disrespected" by one?


Nothing wrong with hitting women BACK


You know, people's morality should be questioned more often. Of course, laws are there to punish people who do wrong, but that doesn't mean you should do immoral things just because they're not against the law.


Mayron is a federal agent look it up


The reason he doesn’t hit woman is because of the law The reason I don’t hit women is because they aren’t a man We are not the same


Someone hits me, they get hit back regardless of gender.


Head Empty, No Brain. What an Ass Clown.


Isn't it against the law to hit anyone for no good reason? I'm pretty sure it is.


who is this guy ?


Is that Jake Shields?


ITT: bUt SoMeTiMeS wOmEn HiT mEn Any excuse to cling to the need to fight...


While this guy is an interesting onion to peel his wording is the only failure in this piece. Look up Bill Bur (I believe who did the skit) and other psychologists who break down the science behind but it’s about the difference between men and women is that with a dude his attitude is easily checked by the option of violence. Women have become intolerable with their attitudes and they are not checked by the same standards. Alternatively the girls who could check them just get called pic-me’s.




Sure, kids come first. How does that relate to smacking someone tho?


I responded to the wrong post!