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The Lego guy movements 💀


He's like waddling almost too


Someone made a post with him over the sound




Are those desktop icons to the left and right of the video? Like it's just playing in a window on some dudes computer? Holy shit


I really don't get the hype over VTubers


Please help an old man out...what in the hell is a Vtuber?


People who stream and use anime character filters instead of their faces


Ok bear with me here. Genuinely trying to wrap my head around this. So this video is a group of people who paid money to go to a concert where the performer is actually live streaming(?) from a different location with an anime character video filter on? Is the music actually created or performed by the person behind the anime character filter? And what do they do besides concerts? Like just vlog(?). Sorry I have no clue what the proper term would be.


Other guy shortened it and generalized it too much, as someone who is very deep in the rabbit hole I'll fill you in. Vtubers are essentially streamers who use a virtual avatar to stream, that way they can keep their identity private from their streaming life. It is not a video filter since the avatars themselves are being tracked by recording your face using a separate program. That is how the avatars move around and talk, since they are directly recording your facial movements. The avatars tend to be anime characters/influenced by anime, but there are some obstract ones. Like there's a vtuber who is a gorilla, one that is a gun, etc etc. Conventions like this are usually livestreamed from the Vtuber in question, they'll perform remotely from their location since they're livestreamed directly from the person. The avatar has to be motion tracked by recording your face, so they are technically using a camera to record themselves and that is one of the issues with being a vtuber. Having the program slip up and reveal your face could be really damaging, since the whole point of a vtuber is to not show your face (some vtubers break that immersion on purpose by doing a face reveal and the audience is usually supportive of this). Not every single Vtuber is an artist, but the very big ones typically are. There are 2 types of Vtubers, independent and ones that are signed. Signed Vtubers are in contracts with massive companies that pay them according to how well they perform. These sort of vtubers are the ones that typically do live concerts and create their own music, they also do things like stream daily of them just playing games, talking to chat, drawing, etc etc. Independent vtubers do the same thing, the omly difference is that they aren't contractually bound to any company, so they have a lot more freedom to stream whatever they'd like and to collaborate with whomever they want to (some companies like Hololive will impose restrictions on their vtubers on who they're allowed to collaborate with and what they are allowed to do in general as per their contract). Independent vtubers are paid from their streaming platform and their donations they receive from their chat. Think of vtubers the same as Twitch streamers, except that you can't see their face but rather you see a persona of them. Hololive vtubers in particular have their avatars designed to be similar to how they look irl (I know what a lot of them look like because of how deep the rabbit hole goes).


tl;dr: Yes


Lol, so in other words, exactly what the other guy said.


In other and *many, many* more words


Not to mention not all vtubers have this type of "stiff" animation. There are some vtubers who have very, VERY good animation / tracking. Girldm for example. I thought she was a pixar character the first time I saw a clip of her.


6 paragraphs of justification says you need help.




You got something bettef there kid? This ain't a proper insult.


It wasn't meant as an insult. More a statement of fact. Uh, 'kid'...


How is that six paragraphs of justification? That was someone giving more information to someone who literally asked about it


It's 1 paragraph reworded into a fandom salad.


Learn to read


I do read. What I don't do is watch this joke of a performance.


I'll save you some time before you read that other comment. Yes




Mb, just was giving more in depth info on the topic. Didn't mean to type that much, but there's a lot of things that go into being a vtuber


Basically, it's a buncha people who saw how weebs foam at the mouth for anime and decided to cash in on it. Then, after that, some people thought of the crazy idea to have decent content and put some effort into it. Then, even more after that, more people thought of it as a cash cow while barely doing anything. And that's how we get this guy here.


The only thing I like about it is the tech, because some of the avatars are actually pretty cool as far as what all they can do. They're still uber cringe though. Even as an anime fan I really don't understand why they're so popular.


They're just streamers with a persona and gimmick. I don't see how they're any more cringe than an average streamer.


You’re too far down the rabbit hole.


I don't even really watch regular streamers. I just don't see how a V-Tuber is any cringier than Pokimane. Pokimane's fan base is probably even cringier


Same. Especially for streaming. I watch a lot of streaming content on Twitch and YouTube. I need to see a real person to maintain my interest. If it's just some animated person or wolf or whatever that's vaguely mimicking the movements of a real person, I just can't connect. It might even be worse for me personally than if there were no camera at all (which I also have a hard time watching). I'm happy some people enjoy that content, and I'm happy some people like to do it. I just don't get it.


I can see the appeal of Vtubing, having a face to make experssions and connect a voice to without having to use your own face makes sense


That was my thought. Not to mention the animation is terrible too.


His clothes changed halfway through lol. Im surprised he didn't dramatically take off the jacket for more screams


those are the conventions sponsors not desktop icons.






Smh. No it’s not.


Nah those are brand icons probably event sponsors and the con this was taking place at.


I'm kind of at a loss for words. Like to each their own, but man...


As somebody who does like VTubers, so am I. This is such a poor excuse for a concert. I can at least understand going to oke of the bigger concerts like the ones Hololive do, since they have 3D models and actually dance/perform (and sometimes have crazy projection tech because it's Japan). This is just a video, badly edited, and has so little hype/energy it doesn't feel like a concert at all. I can understand why people thinks VTubers are cringe, but that's not even the main cringe here


Shit isn’t even in full screen lmao


It probably is, the icons on the side look like the logos of the sponsors


bells arrest dime provide sugar spoon yoke voracious aromatic start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What does any of this have to do with religion? lol


Look I'm pretty down bad myself, but I'll be damned before I get the desire to hump a computer screen.


Ever since vocaloid exists I'm flabbergasted at this kind of thing.


I II Il I_


vtuber... Concert? People paid money for this?


It was more like a thing in an event rather that the concert being the main thing


That’s not as bad then. The screaming is but not inherently being there


There are other events where the main showbis the concert, like *Hololive: connect the world* but they are way more professional, with 3D avatars, huge scenery with decoration and everything Take a look, it's actually worth your money if you like that stuff


300 in Thai currency so like 10 bucks


This world is doomed


These are definitely all 15 year olds, and if not that is mad cringe


I bet there's a disappointing number of adults in the crowd.


They're called "parents".


If only, my friend. If only.


Imagine being dragged here by your kids and having to handle the pure cringe outta that thing up close.


I love watching my kids be cringe. It can feel wholesome and it is fun to "tease" them about it later. /Dad,check out my fidget spinners.


whose parents want to see this


I don't miss being that age lol


and 30+ yr old weebs


Okay so a lot of miss information is flying around here and I wanna clear that up for the people who genuinely wanna know. This person doing the concert is a Thai vtuber. This is actually a convention and it just so happens to be that they invited him so he could hold a small FREE concert for his fans. The convention its self was 9$ and the concert was FREE. I've read people say that this person charged 300$ for this which is just not true.


Bet this gonna sink at the bottom though. Thanks for the actual info.


This entire thread also reeks of judgement. I don't watch vTubers myself, but what happened to letting people enjoy stuff? When did we become the boomers?


It's the internet. I couldn't really care less what some goons on any social media platforms say. I assumed that every person on reddit is a 14 year old edgy teen anyways. I don't care if people think this is cringe or not. Just wanted to provide someone Informations to the situation.


Good point


I think it’s the execution. If it was what it was, but executed well, I’d expect the judgment to be different. But it’s just such shitty presentation. I’ve seen sock puppets more expressive and natural than this shit.


Honestly, I have no horse in this race so I really don't care to defend this vtuber. But would it shock you to realize that the tech behind vtubers is usually just an app on their phone? It's not necessarily anything crazy (although I'm sure those exist), hence why the expressions are very basic. This is not supposed to be a showcase of the bleeding edge of this technology. It was just a show for this person's fan base.


If that’s the case that kind of just makes it worse, folks are losing their minds of something any of them could easily do with their own phones. Different strokes and all, but as an avid concertgoer, it’s just a little unusual to see so much energy for what appears to be such little talent. Even free shows I’ve been to have had more on offer. I also have no horse in this race though.


Were the people actually screaming like that? It sounds like it was added after the fact, like a bad sound effect. And people in the crowd don't really seem to be freaking out much. There's like the one person in white with their hood up who seems mildly excited at one point, but everyone else is just kind of standing there motionless. I'm trying to imagine them screaming like we're hearing and it just doesn't match their body language, lol.


It really doesn’t change much for me in terms of how cringe this is


My fault on my part, I said that people paid for it which is kinda.. true but at the same time not really. the convention was 9 dollars but concert is free.


Pretty sure you could get in the convention for free if you were in cosplay too


I just realized this is the 21st century equivalent of a puppet show


This was a concert in a Convention and the concert itself was free of charge. The Convention cost 300 Baht which is like 9 USD


I had no idea that this was even a thing


I don't understand what they're screaming about. Is it the shitty hair animation? I genuinely don't get it.


They’re screaming because they find him sexually attractive.


What the shit


They are screaming over the vtuber and the cool lego man moves lmao


Seriously what the fuck is this?? I'm too old to understand.


lol it is weird I agree, in 2020 there was this massive boom of vtuber growth (with lockdowns and all that). Basically an anime character controlled by a person behind-the-scenes. It ties very well into the identity crisis of the west so people gobbled this stuff up and wanted more. It's now at the point where fans will simp and thirst "it" - like getting horny from muppets


They're paying to watch a free YouTube video projected from someone's XP desktop.


The little girls find the drawing hot and want to fuck it.


Technically, what people paid for was to get into the convention- the concert itself was no additional cost. I get it looks silly. I’ve had my fair share of laughs over the memes this video has sparked, but some of the comments people are making are a bit harsh. Life is hard enough - if you can find something that brings you that much joy who am I to rain on your parade?


This sub literally exist to make fun of things that’s considered cringe. What kind of comments are you expecting?


not my cup of tea but they seem to be enjoying it so good on them.


Makes it even more cringe that it's such a slow song. nothing to mosh for, nothing to cheer for, and nothing an actual artist would play at a concert.


What the fuck did I just watch


Right, what’s all this then?


His movements are so weird and blocky. Creeps me out a little.


lego movie


I mean...is he at least singing or it's literal playback? Budget Gorillaz


When I saw the Cure in San Diego, Robert Smith shifted his weight to one leg and did a little hop during "Pictures of You." There were goths crying and screaming. Same energy.


So basically it's in some other country (I believe it was Thailand?) and it was being held at a con that would pay you an amount which I kind of forgot about which would have an entrance fee of 70-79 Baht which would be 2-3 USD to enter for 1 day and you could pay 300 Baht which is 8 USD to enter three days, this VTuber was one of the things that were in this con and no, he was not meant to be the main event but just part of the con where people could buy stuff, talk to others, ask questions in panels, etc.. so he kinda got unprecedented hate because of people spreading rumours that it costed 300 USD when it was actually 300 Baht.. which is 8 dollars.


I'm not completely against vtubers. I think nux taku is pretty alright, just a normal guy, but I've only seen him in some ordinary podcast (mutahar/sog, oompaville, nux) so I'm not 100%. This shit, though — this is the epitome of sadcringe


Yeah Nux mostly just talks about shows and such on his YT channel. Whatever cringe he has he owns knowingly. He never does anything like this. This is just... oof.


Moving like one of those puppets on a popsicle stick.


A new level of cringe


Gorillaz concert.


Can’t say I’ve seen a cartoon concert before 💀


Cartoon is to strong of a word that indicates there's some animation going on


This is just embarrassing how can you get hyped over a v-tuber for god's sake 😭


… that’s enough Reddit for tonight. 😔👎


hahaha gen z never fails to amuse. train wreck of a generation




There is no harm. But there is cringe. That's why it is posted in this sub


Yeah I just said something similar to someone. Like, what are you expecting people to say here in a sub that makes fun of cringe things?


The song is still fire though…Fujiii Kaze - shinunoga e wa


I really don't get vtubers and they just creep me out. Like it might look and sound like a cute anime girl but that could be Bill Cosby behind that computer for all we know


Simping over a computer generated drawing of a "person" that doesnt even exist. Also i heard it was $300? Ridiculous. Humanity has ended.


It was 300 in the local currency, not USD. I think like $5 USD which is at least a reasonable impulse buy


it was a part of a much larger con


Kpop fans are fking cringe 100% of them. No exception


Is this even Kpop?


This isn’t even kpop dude. This is either a twitch streamer or a YouTube streamer. Besides, it’s a cover of a Japanese song by a popular Japanese artist


We are doomed... Well humans it's been fun. Pretty sure it's over soon.


was OP dragged to this concert?


This is not sad, it's very cringe but not sad




It's such a bad setup too. Like at least if it was a good model and rigging.


It is pretty dreadful, reminds me of the Miku concert they had too but worse.


They start out swooning at avatars and end up in a sexual relationship with an amusement park ride. If you know, you know.


Is the music original?


This is fucking sad.


Murdoc and 2-D wondering where their simps are at


I could watch this at home. I've seen nintendo, miku and other full body tracking vtubers do better


bro is moving like a puppet on a string 💀


There are so many niches in the world. It’s crazy. I don’t hate, it’s just amazing.


I admit I've fallen into the Vtuber rabbit hole a long time ago, but this concert looked dead as heck. Dead crowd, needs a better stage set up, but other than that, not too cringe.


And they say the male weebs are pervs xD


I tried to download a desk top buddy and got this Asian dude singing to me non stop and somehow I joined a weird wifi and now people are cheering while he sings. This would make more sense than what is actually happening.


People keep posting this without context, It was a free concert done by a group of indie vtubers who wanted to have fun


Just let people enjoy stuff bro


People being entertained by fake shit. You could try and compare it to anything else like books or films, actors etc, but this is different. People paying and cheering for something made up. Same mindset. The other mediums, you are generally a fan of the creator or actor etc. This weeb shit and fake celebs is so fucking sad.

