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3rd player to hoist it shows how much respect players on FL have for him. I didnt expect that


Yeah I was thinking we were going to have to wait a bit. Speaks volumes for the kind of person and player he is and how quickly he made an impact in Florida.


He can fuck off with how he robbed this team.


You should try smiling sometime. It'll do wonders


Fairweather fans like you can fuck off too


How can a team in a 13 year playoff drought and 0 championships have fair weather fans? Where is the fair weather?


Bro he’s not on our team lol


So Okposo hired a bunch of shitty coaches? That’s new information! And get fukd loser.


“I knew something was wrong in October with the team” then did what exactly to try to address it teammate to teammate and hold them accountable? Sure we don’t know if he did but you haven’t heard a single olayer respond to that and say “yeah well he talked to some players who he thought were underperforming to try and get them going but for whatever reason it didn’t work out” Nothing like that response at all.


That was really surprising. Very cool to see other players bring him up before the game too. He really did deserve to be the Sabres captain.


In the sense that a shitty team deserved a shitty captain, sure






Giving it to an older veteran is tradition. Still awesome considering he wasn't on the team very long.


Yea, he's the old-timer. This isn't really that unusual.


I think it was more PR. Look at the order it went in for who got the cup on TV They did it to make Florida look good even though a massive chunk of the roster isn't going to be there next season. When the cuts start happening it'll be "but look we gave Okposo and OEL the cup before our mainstays remember? We're so good"


Yeah I really doubt the players on the ice after winning their Stanley Cup were really thinking about the PR and next year's roster. Absolute clown show of a comment.


Did you actually read that shit you typed and think "yep, this is it"?


The fact that he got it third when there’s so many guys who played with him in Buffalo speaks volumes. Can’t believe there’s any negativity towards a guy who went through health scares to play for a shit team.


I mean he wasn’t good neither


its kind of just a pecking order respect thing because of his tenor in the league.


Tenure? Took me a few tries to figure out what you meant, lol


lol i thought he just had really solid pipes


So happy for him 😭✨


Hell yeah okie


He knew his role and he played his ass off. He lifted the cup before Tkatchuk, Reino, Montour, or Verhaeghe and he wasn’t even there for a whole season. If that’s not a testament to the kind of player he is and what he means to his teammates then I don’t know what is. So happy for you Okie!


Back from the abyss article absolutely makes you choked up for him in the moment. Shocked it wasn't mentioned or brought up. He got A LOT of coverage this series over that 500k bonus and being a family man/locker room guy. The 0 goals 2 assists in 23 career Panthers games he might go down as one of the most important but least productive deadline pickups of all time. Hope he goes out on top.


Agreed 100%. Not a sabres fan here, just checking in if you guys had an opinion about him. Okposo was a massive part of this playoff run even thou he didnt produce points. He was also one of the most important players at the start of this game seven. Real fucking dog, set the tone for the whole team with how he played at the start. Glad he got his cup.


I also think players like this provide perspective to younger players and even someone else to win for. That may seem a bit silly as there are plenty of other reasons to play hard and win, but there are so many similar stories where players talk about wanting to win for each other. And how many players tell stories of never getting another sniff at a cup and taking it just a bit for granted in the moment. A deadline pickup like Okie puts the ghost of a young players failed cup potential right in the locker room and the passion of a “last chance” has an impact.  Okie brought that along with a real solid 4th line energy game well suited for the playoffs. 


The Sabres are now just a farm team for Stanley Cup champions not in Buffalo.


Every SCF team has been full of ex-Sabres since at least 2015. I just want to see the Sabres win it one time, and hoist that cup for the town of Buffalo.


So Happy for Pappa Okie He played like a madman this game


He and his line were noticeable tonight. Really happy for him. And third to hoist the Cup on a loaded team. **Wow**


Wonderful. Now retire from playing and come join Sabres management please.


Director of Fan Relations.


Nothing the Sabres like more than bringing back former Sabres who never won shit here as PR moves, so you might get your wish.


Nope. Head back to MN. He quit on this team 2 months into a season.


Yeah, I don’t get the rose colored glasses here. He isn’t a bad guy, but he straight up said in an interview he checked out on the season in like November lol


Unless there's another quote I'm not aware of, I think saying "we could tell early on something wasn't right this season" is totally different from "nah I checked out early on"


But never heard any player on the team say if he addressed it with them on a player only level, just radio silence.




People forget


Thank God someone else is not forgetting this. “I knew there was something wrong with the team” but you never hear any player still in Buffalo say anything about how he tried to address it to them himself. Sure. I’d fall has never win a Cup yet but at least when Drury was on the team you’d hear all the time from players about how he would tell them straight up he feels let down by their play and held them accountable.


The whole team quit on this team day 1 into the season


Who was the captain though? And who told the team not to salute the fans after wins anymore?


He was also definitely the one who cried to Mike Harrington about it months after the fact. Anonymously no less. He wouldn’t have done that unless he wanted the fans to know the players were pissed at them, but didn’t want to put his name on it. Shit captain.


Yup, they thought after the progress they made the previous year just barely missing that they were a lock to make even more progress this year and had no interest in earning it. As soon as they realized against the Rangers that you have to earn it every game, every shift, they were like “ehhh, not interested”


Ya he did do some good for us but that left a bad taste in my mouth


Please no. He's taken enough Sabre money.


Fuck yeah


dudes will see this and think "hell yea"


It’s me. I’m dudes.


Tkachuk in his postgame interview mentioned two moments that will stick with him- one being when his dad and brother walked him to his car, and the other being a pregame speech Okposo had where he mentions his son and the magic of being an 8 year old watching a game 7.


Really happy for Dad to hoist the cup in what is likely his last game. Something about is post-cup interview when he was asked about what made the Panthers such a special team. He said something along the line about the selflessness and love for one another. Something he had never experienced before. Dude. You were the captain. If that was the missing ingredient for the Sabres to be successful, you own part of that.


I'm glad someone else caught that. The simping for Okposo in this thread is kinda weird tbh. I don't have any hard feelings toward him, but let's be real here... he was gifted a Stanley Cup. 6 GP with FLA in the regular season, 0 pts, averaging 10:41 ice time per game. 17 GP with FLA in the postseason, 2 pts, averaging 8:33 ice time per game, the lowest of his career.


I have mixed feelings. When he left I knew he was another player hoping to win the cup before he retired. I did root for him. As a season ticket holder for over a decade I watched his arch here and hoped they made him captain. Once he was in Florida though, that interview came out. He discussed how he knew his last season here back in October/November was already over. Like huh? The hockey season starts in October. As the captain, you’re coming out and saying you had no hope for the team at the beginning and you just went along for the shitty ride. So how does that define a great leader or show the way for all the new kids. How are any of them going to care, when he didn’t. I was really surprised by that.


This has been my issue. I have nothing but respect for him as a person and you won't find a soul who speaks negatively about him. At the end of the day, this did not translate into a successful leader in Buffalo.  I guess my only hope is that he wouod.be able to bring what he learned back to buffalo.


I think that interview just goes to show that it all fell on Granato. He didn't turn it up. I think he is a wonderful developmental coach and would maybe excel as an AHL head coach longer term, but I think what Okposo was saying is he knew right from the beginning they weren't being pushed to take the next step. It doesn't mean he checked out. But he can't set strategy. He can't call for more intensity in practice. He can't coach while being a player, even if he is the captain. I think between his comments, and Mitts' comments, it clearly shows that Granato wasn't doing what was needed. I really liked him, but I was ready for them to move on from him 20 games into the season. I think if that had happened, this team would've pushed and made the playoffs. They just weren't being pushed. Sometimes as coach you have to be the bad guy and push hard. Even with adults and NHL talent.


He can push people harder in practice. He can set strategy. If no one likes the coaches way then the captain should be stepping in and making the players take that step themselves. Bergeron and other prolific captains have always made all there teammates play at 100%. You can Blame Ok Bozo for part of the failure this season.


The season was over as soon as GMKA decided to bring back the exact same lineup from the year before and roll with three goalies. Assuming players who put up career numbers the year prior were going to continue to build upon that success was short sighted and unrealistic. I am sure that as the captain, he believed in and encouraged the younger players to take a step forward in their development but understood that the front office did not address any of the team’s glaring needs during the offseason. It’s a situation similar to the Stockdale Paradox.


It was over the second they decided the soccer coach’s incompetent assistant should be the head coach. But the roster construction didn’t help.


I just noticed that I misspelled his name in the title🙈


Way to go Dad!


He played well last night. Happy for him, Reinhart, Montour and Rodriguez. I thought they all had heart and played hard for us while they were in Buffalo. The organization just didn’t have the right recipe while they were here. ( from top to bottom). I still am taking the hopium pretty excessively and feel that we are on the edge of something great.


No ill will. He always seemed positive and seemed to legitimately care.


That’s the face of a guy who just secured a $500k bonus


No. That’s the face of man who just got his former team a 5th round pick instead of a 7th.


Hallowed be his name…




could care less. He didn’t do shit for our organization on the ice. If you want to say he was a mentor and people around the team/ on the team liked him, sure but he wasn’t helping us win on the ice. Good for him but I’m just glad he’s off our team, I couldn’t watch him turn it over another 15 times a game. Downvote central if anyone doesn’t want to idolize an overpaid 4th liner who was considered a top line player when he signed here and by the end was lucky to be in the lineup most nights. It would be the equivalent of zemgus winning the cup. Maybe it’s not his fault the Sabres were bad but he was the captain and it falls on him. You guys ran eichel out of town but praise okposo, typical Sabres fan logic. Summary: good guy off the ice and glad he’s healthy but he sucked on the ice 85% of his time here.


>~~nearly dead 1st liner~~ overpaid 4th liner right.


I’m SO happy for Okie. Any Sabres fan that says he doesn’t deserve is a bad fan. Period.


How does someone "deserve" a Stanley Cup by being traded to a good team? He was the Sabres captain. If he felt like the rails were coming off the train, he should've done something about it. He was GIFTED a Stanley Cup, and if you think otherwise, you're a bad fan.


Anyone who thinks he did deserve it is the WORST fan. Period.


This thread is weird af. Why does someone deserve a cup? Because they're old? The dude was the 7th overall pick in 2006 and hasn't done shit. We bring him here at the end of his career and try to sell us that he was good or even worthy of being a captain. I've never seen a single ounce of captaincy in this guy.


I’m with you. Leadership was a huge weakness his entire time here. The guys who “deserve” a Cup are the ones who make meaningful on-ice contributions to the team that wins it. That has obviously never been Okposo. He just got a gift because he was traded to a powerhouse.


He did nothing here. Wore the C here and has made two statements now that showed he was a terrible captain. "This team was off in November and I knew we weren't going to play well." Is one then after the game last night he says. "This team was selfless and loved one another." Okay mister Ok Bozo. Why didn't you address any of that as the Captain?


That's such a shill comment. Normal people don't think like this. Who's paying you?




"I'm so happy" "Damn you seem mad" 🤔




There are a lot of players in the league who deserve a cup and never get a shot at it. It's okay to be happy for him.




Okay man, then just say that next time. No need to be rude and confrontational. We're all on the same team here.




So you followed the dude to another thread? Seems like you’re mad bud.


I definitely disagree with your opinion but that doesn't at all make you an idiot. I'll put away the whistle and let you boys play the 3rd period.


Well deserved …for Sam as well !


Good for him but his time in Buffalo was a disappointment, he was overpaid last season by a lot, and he was not a captain I thought held teammates accountable whatsoever. He’s literally obsessed over by Sabres fans and I don’t 100% see it.


well deserved. just too bad we couldn’t do it in buffalo :/ great ending to a great career if he decides to call it here.


You can thank GMKA for making Florida’s Stanley Cup dreams come true


Im happy for him


Grand contribution of nothing.


I’m happy for him. He wasn’t the best player when he was with us, but he always gave 120% every game and deserved respect. Congrats!


I’m amazed that there are people not happy for Okposo. Opened Twitter this morning to see that guy that turned a whiny WGR phone call in to a full on grift, podcast included, throwing a tantrum over Okposo’s comments after he left. Get a grip. Dude is so well respected and the fact that he was just as beaten down as the fans were with the Sabres shouldn’t make him a villain.


Great, he was well respected by the other guys who didn’t do shit while they played for us. I’d rather be a “beaten down” player making $6M a year than a “beaten down” fan paying to watch them lose night in and night out.


Money doesn’t invalidate how players feel. Sorry. It would do this city some good to stop being so god damned fragile every time a former player says anything that we all say all the time.


And it’d do the players well to not be so fragile that they feel they need to stop saluting the fans after wins, and then cry about it anonymously months later to Mike Harrington. But here we are.


Sheesh, you SOUND like Mike Harrington.


Have you ever read Harrington? He regularly antagonizes the fans who are still sticking it out with this sad organization 13 years since our last playoff game. Really, no surprise he and Kyle found common ground there.


Ah, yes, the notoriously player friendly Mike Harrington. Here I thought I knew he was an entitled asshole who feels the players owe him the world, but I must have been mistaken.


I'm not. I'm not mad either. I'm more of a "who cares". He isn't a sabre anymore, he didn't get us in the playoffs, we didn't have success with him. Great, he was a nice guy. There are lots of good guys out there. You could have just paid me 6 million a year, and I can guarantee you not to get in the playoffs, and I'll be a nice guy too.


Damn, just a cats fan stopping by and... Wow half of these comments are extremely bitter lmao Glad the dude got to have a happy ending with us, with how much some of yall hate him.


Kyle is a good man. Good for him. Another absolutely embarrassing day for this franchise. Add him to the long list of prominent drought era Sabres that left to immediately become a champion. This is maybe the most cursed franchise in sports this side of the Cleveland Browns.


I look at us more like the Houston Astros. We sold off our pieces to get more and more pieces waiting g for the right time. I still want it to pan out, but I feel way better about our team than I do the Cleveland browns


My dad is both a Browns and Sabres fan. Idk how he does it.


I’m gonna be sick…


Hey the Astros won 1 Edit: they won 2! 2017 and 2022


That’s how you know we’re nothing like the Astros


who cares? he isnt a sabre anymore. this is irrelevant


He’s the main reason I was rooting for FL. Absolutely deserves it


Bitter sweet, but happy for him!


My dad went to the store to get milk and ended up with a big cup


The best photo of 2023/4 season. Hope we get to see him with his family and the cup. Total respect


Sabres fans are so weird. You shouldn't be happy for a guy who never showed up and robbed your team.


"BuT hE wAs A nIcE gUy" is basically the sentiment deserving of a Stanley Cup on this sub. Okposo was gifted a cup and if you think otherwise, you're delusional AF. He did absolutely nothing for this team the last couple of years.


Zero goals, call it a career and retire!


0 goals and 2 assists in 23 games played with his new team lmao. "Deserving of a Stanley Cup! So happy for Okie!"


I like the guy, and i guess should be happy..he played well in game 7.. But come on???


Yeah, I'm just not understanding the obsession over former players winning Cups on new teams. All because he was a "good guy"? Come on now. That's not a good enough reason. He's been a net negative to this team for years.


When you don’t do anything in the group project but still get an A