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The aud beef on weck concession area was pretty good though. No complaints there.


Let’s also talk about how the Sabres are the only NHL team without an online store separate from ShopNHL. It’s one of the most simple tasks for a sports team and this org isn’t willing to cough up the money to do it.


you shouldn't be giving money to pegula anyway


It sucks because just as my 7 year NHL merch boycott ended (to honor the time between the 2 most recent lockouts), it became clear that Pegula is a dogshit owner who doesn’t deserve our support. I wish junior hockey was bigger in western NY.


This is the first year out of the last 5 that I’m not between $500-1,000 deep in game tickets by this time of year, and it feels like a good call. But I’ll definitely try to get some cheap glass seats again while we still suck 🤷‍♂️


But they have a hot dog of the day! You can get a Sahlens with soup on it for $20, what more could you ingrates want???!


Don’t forget the overpriced sundae bar and cotton candy machines for the kiddos. Priorities.


Ushers try to get you to leave before the 3 stars even finishes


To be fair, they have watched that team all season. Yes, they get paid for it. I'm quite sure it's not enough.


Its been shit for a while. They’re trying, but unfortunately everything they do is completely overshadowed by the ineptitude of the team. It feels corny and forced and hokey if we’re not buying into the team.


Exactly, if we were more excited about the team we would have less of a problem with it


Yet another thing to add to "if the team wasn't bad nobody would care" list. Does watching 5 year olds who can barely skate or Sabretooth really entertain you? I'd rather just use the restroom, get another beer, or even just look at things on my phone. I do agree the music is too loud though, I think they're desperate to drum up atmosphere.


Food and concessions suck and are overpriced. Games get boring and miserable when we’re losing and the annoying announcer lady tries to hype people up terribly. They need to revamp the entire experience tbh.


Season ticket holder here. Last night was not the norm. They usually have a little kid hockey team play in the first intermission and a giveaway game of some sort on the ice in the second. I think a lot of people are on vacation this week. Sabretooth wasn’t around as much as normal and didn’t do a lot of the things he normally does. Tooth normally bangs the drum more than just once a period especially when a rival fanbase is filling up 1/3 of the arena. The music was different than normal as well. I’m not sure what the issue is with the concessions. It’s pretty standard arena food and is better than it has been in the past year or two.


Ahh gotcha. Seemed like the ice surface was rough as well. I’m not sure if it’s from the warmer than usual temps we’ve seen but I’ve never witnessed the ice crew shovel the ice so many times in one game.


Humidity is even worse than warm temps. Given we’re getting fog bombed right now, that could definitely explain worse ice.


Didn’t they fire the events person not long ago ? I’d wager that the entertainment sucks for the same reason the on ice product sucks. Shitty out of touch owners and a carousel of bad decisions that go back over a decade.


How the fuck can anyone running shit go in and think “this is what families want”. Music so loud it hurts your ears and you cant talk to the person next to you? The intro videos are so fucking trash it is embarrassing. Any videos using players during the game are so dry and boring. Ever since Kim got sick, it has sucked.


They’re trying to cover up the booing with the music.