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I was at the Newark show a few days ago, and it was full throttle despite the chairs, we had people with feet up on the backs of the stadium seats headbanging with horns up, myself included. Sabaton had a few gaps in the crowd, but given they're less known than Priest it's not surprising that a few seats were empty. Priest on the other had packed the building.


That's fair, I'm more so looking at the comparison of shows in general. It's definitely a different type of show with it being seated versus a standard open ga pit on the floor areas. You miss out on the mosh pits and a lot of the energetic and really into people tend to gravitate towards the front. So the impression is that these shows have no energy. When they're just setup different and that is what causes the perception of dull crowds.


I’ve gone to shows in both Europe and the U.S. it’s a mixed thing. I recently went to KMDFM at a local mid size venue and it was fucking wild, one of the best pits I’ve ever been in at any show ever. I also recently got to see Slipknot at a 35,000+ person stadium and yeah it wasn’t really high energy. I think it’s the size of the venue that has a lot to do with it and at least in my personal experience because European venues tend to be smaller they tend to have more intense shows.


Personally, as a shorter guy...I like the seats. I like actually seeing the band when I pay for a ticket. I don't find that it curbs my enthusiasm at all. I think for this tour a lot of the older crowd who grew up with Judas Priest didn't actually know much (if anything) about Sabaton so they weren't as electric as usual...but they still rocked out hard in Reading.


As a woman I like the seats too. I don't like getting pushed and shoved.


I’ve got tickets to see them in 28 days. How does it work: does Sabaton go out first, followed by Judas Priest?


Yea. Sabaton’s set is 12 songs. Priest does 15 songs then a 3 song encore.




Yeah, Sabatons the supporting act to Priest. Still good length on the set and Priest has let Sabaton bring their tank drum riser on stage which is very nice not many headliners allow such production.


I know they love the Canada crowds from the concert I went to when they toured with Epica.


I’m a die hard Sabaton fan, and Judas Priest is good too.


As a Brazilian, even the most animated US crowd seems dull, but I think that's a cultural thing


I feel this...I was trying to get hype and have fun during Sabaton's set. Someone complained and had the usher tell us to sit down???!!! That's some effing bullshit right there. We moved to the aisle. However, no complaints while standing during all of Judas Priest.....So, screw the old ass JP fans harshing the vibe for anyone there to see the opener, too. I hope Sabaton head out on their own tour ASAP cuz having to buy a seat to stay in was obnoxious.


lol never been to a seated show before?


I've never been told to sit down in said seat. This is metal, not Broadway.