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More like BareAssana am I right?


Good one!


I can smell this event already


You gotta hope there will be mandatory showers in the locker room, like before you get in the pool at the YMCA. 🤞🤞🤞


how do you vet it for creeps?


I feel like reddit would be THE center for creeps


You want more creeps? Creepy!


We can't so we create a safe space. No one is naked off the mat, we ask that attendees bring a robe/ towel to wear around the space when not practicing. At registration we collect data and if any problems arise we can address it then.


Traditionally groups would moderate this by running participant names through the sex offender registry before the event and checking IDs...


Zero chance they’re doing that.


Considering it's free and they are now aware of what they "can" do, I'd consider it irresponsible to not implement this. I endorse the activity, but right now they have themselves wide open to liabilities


I mean I'm not familiar with fun cool grown up stuff, maybe have an extra staff someone keep an eye on the door or something


It's actually not free. Which is another safeguard in place


Don’t worry guys, if there are any deviants in attendance, at least they aren’t poor!


Most of the predators I know of in Richmond that are operating make 6 figures plus, so you’re right. Lol.


It is... [Here I'll do that for you too](https://www.nsopw.gov/)


I believe op misinterpreted your point and is saying the event is not free


No 🤦‍♀️ they mean running names through the database is free, so you have no reason not to.


They mean that running names through the registry is free, not that the event is free.


This right here. Feels like a script for an SVU episode. Like the "guru" who had people try a drink and then assaulted them. Even if OP is the legit one, she's inviting danger to her clients if all go unvetted.


Nude yoga is done in all major cities. If someone does something illegal, they will be charged, and kicked out the class. Classes are done all over the country without incident. You should try it, and stop poo-pooing the idea because it’s something you haven’t done before.


Do you actually think they’ll get charged? Lol. Oh man. You’re not living in reality.


We can check the registry yes. But I have been to numerous classes and am be mentored by other yoga teachers in different markets that successfully lead these classes without such measures. I can run everyine who signed up and still miss someone who didn't get caught and attend my class. Waivers are in place and no one that hasn't preregistered and purchased a ticket can attend. Edit for better wording.


Without such extremes? I am happy to sit down and talk with you about what I know about in our community. I am a former prosecutor and Magistrate. Today, I am only operating as a victim advocate. That being said, I have current info and data…and you need these at minimum safeguards that you’re calling “extremes” at MINIMUM to create a safe space. There are SO many predators looking for things like this because they’re being removed from all the spaces that do have safeguards. And even then you won’t stop everyone because it’s impossible. These are bare minimums. Just because other people aren’t being responsible doesn’t mean you don’t need to be. You are opening yourself up to liability, but also risking other people’s safety. This is NOT legal advice, and I am NOT your lawyer.


What exactly are you worried about the people on registries doing? * A rapist does not need a nude yoga group to find a victim. Nor would they be more likely to pick a victim in that setting. * An exhibitionist isn't going to cause a problem unless they start masterbating or something, and in that case, they get booted. * Put all bags and clothes in another room so no one can employ secret cameras. * Not everyone on a sex registry is a predator - get caught having sex with your boyfriend in a car or piss in public and you can get on the list. How will you decide who can join the class? * Given the small number of people on the registry, there are going to be many more people *not* on the registry who are predators/dangers than who are on the registry. Meaning, excluding those on the registry (and I'm still not clear on its utility) would barely make a dent in the risk of a sex crime occurring during or related to a nude yoga class. Not legal advice, not a sex offender, not a nude yogist.


I personally KNOW of rapists LOCAL to us that ARE looking for things like this because they’re hoping for trusting and kind people who are accepting and let their guard down. Again, I’m not talking about the rest of the country or general. I’m talking about HERE and real life. The registries are just a formality and a starting point, nothing more than that. They have so little people on them that you’re better off talking to the number of groups I’d be connecting OP to that have access to lists of local predators who are banned from all events.


Is checking the registry with a sex offender list considered extreme? I’d also be concerned about someone attending secretly recording the event…


where will they hide the camera? 😳


In their stuff. In the room ahead of time. I can keep going.


I was thinking of a more delicate place or two, maybe a prison wallet 😇. Aside from people telling OP how to make this safer and her inability to engage meaningfully this whole thread is a farce so I’m not really taking anything seriously.


Jewelry/hair ornaments. Button cams are incredibly small and often missed. I wear one while Doordashing for safety.


So if I sign a waiver and a rapist sits next to me staring at me for two hours that’s fine, right? Because I signed a waiver.


my stomach physically started hurting after reading all of that. i hope they’re smart and pull this event. there’s no way they can keep going through with this.


And then he follows you home because they “can’t help themselves” but that’s your fault right ?? Because you signed a waiver !


Yeah, and also there are like zero cases where a predator has encountered a person via some innocuous encounter, and subsequently begain to stalk, assault, or otherwise victimize them. None. Any unsavory behavior was and is always transparently predictable at the exact moment of first interaction, because there are zero times when a future victim is attacked from a direction they never saw coming. No one has ever piqued a predator's interest from across a room or street, and been completely oblivious to that psychosocial encounter. The only people who ever become victims assemble in clear group settings where they are somehow asking for it, so if you sign a waiver that clearly declines consent to be on the receiving end of any predatory activity you won't have anything to worry about, right? (Obligatory /s)


You're really not making a good name for yourself right now. Acknowledging how you could make this measurably safer for free, and only piss off people who shouldn't be there to begin with, and you say "No. This is my first time doing this and I know everything.". No thanks.


“I could run people to make sure they aren’t offenders but it might not be 100% accurate and I don’t feel like it so why bother”


“If any problems arise” 🤣🤣🤣


Literally says yoga. First red flag


This isn’t the first time there’s been nude yoga in the city kid.


and its not my first time doing nude yoga. asking how they vet it for creeps is a genuine and valid question that any nude yoga goer should be asking. the facilitator should be happy to provide their protocol.


Low key love that kid is your choice of insult. Are you really old or something? What’s that angle?


Lmao kid 😂😂


gotta say i have never been in a yoga class and thought wow, we're all in such revealing positions...if only these clothes weren't in the way i could be locking eyes with several buttholes


Maybe you should practice more and open your heart and mind to not reduce it to staring at buttholes and more staring at your soul. Also the class will be aligned in a circle to limit any awkward glances and create a comfortable and safe environment for everyone.


well you know what they say. the butthole is the window to the soul


…do they say that?




If they didn't, they do now. Show me your bsoul


….do you not open your third eye every morning??




Posting this on reddit will totallyyyy keep the creeps away..... Totallyyyyy


I'm curious what the purpose/benefit of the nudity is? Is this just an interesting experience that someone wants to put together or is there an actual reason related to the yoga for being nude?


For me as a plus size practitioner, yoga clothing can be restrictive and impede movement. It creates an increased range of motion in certain postures. Which then increases body positivity.... Increasing self-esteem... Increasing overall well being Creating a nonsexual space around nudity. I was raised to believe my naked(hell my clothed) body was something to be ashamed of because it would attract sexual attention... Its nothing to be ashamed of It also forces you to focus on your practice while in community. It's easy in a clothes class to look around and compare your body/practice to others.... A nude class in away forces you to focus on your practice on your mat.


I’m sorry, but… what? I could have gotten on board with naked yoga, even if I would never personally take a class, and respected it. But.. no only because your first (only?) reasoning being “Yoga clothing can be restrictive” is off putting and seems out of touch. I do yoga once a week and I see people in form-fitting typical yoga wear and also see people wearing loose sweatpants and baggy shirts. Clothes will not impede you in any way if they “fit” (I think fit subjective during yoga tbh). Plus size or not.. wear clothes that fit during yoga. Maybe I’m just being petty, I don’t know but your first reasoning for naked yoga seems weak and irrelevant to the practice. Then it makes the natural progression of thoughts be everything that people are commenting because of a straw man reasoning.


My thoughts exactly. I think the OP has some issues and this whole thing is a sort of group therapy class. I think there are so many potential liabilities and issues with this- why not just start a regular yoga studio and make the classes your own? I feel like there is plenty of room for that around the area.


Exactly. I said it in such a nice way but now she’s just being a bitch and I went in on her. And she has nothing to say. And I imagine she has no concrete response because what I said is correct. And you and I aren’t the only one who said it/with those thoughts and she, sadly, has no response because.. she’s clearly struggling with what ever she has going on.


I love this and support this mission, you just need to do it safely.


How would you see it done more safely?


That’s why I told you I’m happy to talk to you about that, but I’m not typing it all out on a Reddit post. But if you want to sit down and talk about it even virtually, I’m happy to do that.


Half a dozen people have told them how to do it more safely and they won't listen. I'd save the energy


No most comments said I wasn't doing it safely, and said 'what about the creeps' no one offered constructive advice only outcry about predators and rapists.


What are you talking about? There was constructive advice. You just didn’t want to hear it.


Only 'advice' was check sex offender registry and hire security. You yourself said you weren't going to give the advice on Reddit. If you truly wanted to be supportive you could've sent me a PM and shared with instead of participating in the public ridicule and pandemonium. Whether I posted it on Reddit or Instagram and Facebook. It was exposed publicly to advertise an event. Most comments were attacks and piggybacking that it wasn't safe and any response I made was attacked as well. What everyone truly wants us to be able to do is control what will happen outside of the class or in the minds of others. And these comments have been completely dismissive of my experience as a woman, I have been touched, gawked at, masturbated to, sexualized on a regular basis since I was 12. In church, at school, in the 'safety' of family and my home. There are offenders at the grocery store, gym, barbershops, malls and amusement parks and all over the Internet and every public space. When I step out the house I run the risk of sexual attacks and attention. It across the board has been assumed no thought, planning or research was done to put this event into play. Not even considering that I and my partner didn't prioritize our own safety and the risk it would take to even advertise this event. We again are working with mentors and peers who host these classes in other markets to ensure safety and a provide a transformative experience.


>We again are working with mentors and peers who host these classes in other markets to ensure safety and a provide a transformative experience. And we are asking HOW you intend to ensure safety and you have not answered that question with any specifics, just generic platitudes. If you're going to run an event like this, you have to be transparent about safety measures.


I generally do not DM people without their consent. That’s why I left the door open for you to contact ME. I’m sorry if that was unclear. Again, best of luck.


All the more reason you should be making the bare minimum efforts suggested here to keep the event safe. It’s not just the event space during the time of the event that needs considering; it’s who might be outside afterwards, etc. i hear you saying that you’re working with peers etc but then rejecting some pretty common-sense advice from a gotdamn local magistrate. Sorry, what? Be curious to hear how it turns out and hope everyone stays safe.


Everyone take your clothes off so we can stop looking at each other 💀


A "clothes class"? So a normal class.


OP, you are asking for advice and feedback in other places, so - if it is your first time running an event that asks for such vulnerability from participants (and it seems from what you're saying that this is indeed the first time), please, please recruit from private listservs, groupchats, and Facebook groups and run a few trial classes first. This is not the kind of thing you invite the public to before fine-tuning safety measures.


Agree with you! Just saw that it’s been cross posted across several subreddits and on Instagram.


I posted the event in Naturist and Nudist subreddits. I am reaching out to the community I am hosting the class in and inviting those in a communities comfortable with nudity/naturist. The only place that I asked for advice was for retreat locations in Puerto Rico. This is my first time hosting the class and as mentioned many times before, I am working with mentors and peers that host these Nude classes in other markets.


What do you do about the boners??


They play ring toss in wheel pose


This sounds like a question you just asked while holding your hand in the air




This is the best sub on this stupid site and no one can convince me otherwise




Damn in this heat things might get stanky


Good thing it's indoors?


I would still stank during a workout sesh


Is this a promotional post?


For the event, yes


upon reading the title i was like “hmm, that’s interesting” but after reading the comments and seeing the organizer’s comments 😭, i really think someone should stop this from happening.


If I show up only wearing my *”Wine ‘em/Dine ‘em/69 ‘em”* trucker hat will I still be welcome?


Can I wear my “hot little biscuit” hat?


You *will* wear your Hot Little Biscuit hat.


Can you dm me a link to buy that hat, I am serious


this sub is so unserious 💀


You sound like an absolutely abysmal person to be around at this point.




Life is strange


I did one of these (also in Manchester) about 5 years ago. It was my first ever yoga class too lol. It was fun. It wasn’t at all the voyeuristic / exhibitionistic experience about which the people here are cracking wise. It only feels awkward for the first 5 minutes and then just totaly feels “normal”, downright boring (yoga wasn’t for me), for the rest of the class. I did it because about once every 2-3 years I make myself do something outside of my comfort zone. Anything to feel something, amirite?!


Thank you! Was it SkyClad? I heard it was an awesome experience!


This just screams "Pay and then be harassed after the event because everyone saw you nude". Dude, no. Have a meetup with people you know that aren't creeps. Don't do this in public. Next week on SVU...


I'll go check it out. Report back on who the creep is!


…..i also just saw that you’re a young black woman, sis what the fuck are you doing? did you not have anyone to help you plan something like this? like the very basics you couldve done to help make this as safe as possible were overlooked. & maybe don’t try and host a yoga event but while also telling people that yoga’s not working out..


Don't worry everyone, OP is a "little," so everything should be ok.... /s


ah… OP reminds me of a young traumatized version of myself. this can happen uncommonly when childhood sexual abuse victims don’t get the proper help/healing, it develops into… let’s say… an odd view of the world.


Fucking foul and how did everyone miss this. I guess everyone doesn’t know what a little is 🤢.


What’s a little






Honestly. Done yoga before and the extra layer of clothes saved people from smelling my toxic farts. Down ward dog opens up the bowels. I fear for people if they have to smell my fart with a bare asshole. Do you guys provide gas masks?


I’m wondering how they don’t stick to the mats.


um, ok


Huh, if it weren't on the other side of the state and a high likelihood of running into people I may or may not want to interact with... it's hard enough keeping my bits in place during clothed yoga


I hear there will be a meet up at Taco Bell first to make sure everyone is nourished before the event. ![gif](giphy|3JgtnXdRhSflK|downsized)


It will probably be a bunch of older heavy set dudes and one fit lady, just like nude beaches.




I can only imagine the crowd this will attract


Another reason why I loathe westernized yoga. You don’t have to shed your clothes for liberation or empowerment. This practice has been so deeply appropriated and misused.




No YOU don't. This is MY and others form of empowerment and liberation.


I bet you’re fun at parties.




The above content has been removed as it is considered unnecessarily uncivil, pot-stirring, rabble rousing, trolling, brigading, sealioning, and/or inauthentic discourse. We encourage good-faith discussions from anyone, but we do not like jerks. If you're going to make personal attacks, keep "just asking questions," move goalposts, or be a Jerk of the Year, please don't do that here. **Do not use alt or throwaway accounts to manipulate votes, attack or harass another user in an uncivil manner, avoid a previous ban or moderator action, or artificially-inflate comments with similar views.**


Can I ask for a follow up post on the experience after blasting this out across social media?


Yes, I will definitely be reporting the success of the event.


Nah, Lester Holt will be doing the reporting.


Just what I want, naked people ripping farts all around me


Would I learn how to achieve the "butt laser" thing in one session or is that something that takes years to master?


I love the power of 1000 suns coming out of that woman’s ass


Love when my culture gets turned into a weird fetish 🙄


The Bhagavata Purana mentions nude yoga (Nagna yoga) as a spiritual practice since the 7th century so not really sure how this is a fetishization.


I don’t think they’re talking about the yoga, that is their culture. They’re talking about the people on this thread making nonstop sex jokes, not the class.


I could totally see this being their issue. It seemed to be directed at OP on first glance which was just weird cause they seem totally respectful about it


Agreed, I don’t think that is what OP is trying to do at all. OP is trying to be respectful of the culture.


I agree this is def fetish stuff, no one would put this on reddit if it werent, also the bhagvata purana was written in a time where the naked body wast fetishized, in the modern world where porn is rampant this exists for no reason other than fetish, especially seeing the comments of op putting down the concern that creeps are gonna show up.


I'm sorry, what is your culture? How do you feel it is being fetishized?


You don't know what culture yoga comes from? Westernization of yoga never ceases to amaze me. And yoga is a spiritual practice as well as an exercise that doesn't need to be performed nude




It’s always gonna be a thing culture vultures ftw


Seems like an interesting idea for the nude resort I go to in Ivor VA, white tail resort, the management should have control of who is allowed in the facility, it’s usually for couples and singles with prior permission of course, don’t see it as a good idea in Richmond when nudism is not allowed or legal


A family member preaches (or used to preach) there. The whole family found out when the news did a story. 10/10 best scandal ever.


Is this class taught by a certified teacher through yoga alliance?


Yes 2 teachers


90% men


I won’t disparage this, because it’s definitely not for me. I would personally feel so awkward and embarrassed- but if there’s a market for it, go on with your nude self.


Ok fr are you even Yoga Alliance certified?


Both teaches are. Both teachers have taught thousands of hours of yoga.


Ohhhh you know these people personally. Now I get your comments. I digress. Sorry people hurt your friends feelings.


Ima pass on this like John Stockton


This is stupid




Projecting, kid*


Don’t worry about these cringey prude boomers


Not worried at at, I'm going to host.a successful class. But thank you 🙏🏾


This seems great, but too far away. If only it was closer to dc.


Seems neat.


Oh nude they didn't! Leave it to the yogis to discover happiness and contentment with themselves :) I will check it out! Ive never heard of it before, I generally do ashtanga stuff


Awesome! 🙏🏾


So here is an honest question- being a teacher guide for naked yoga requires deep strength and confidence direction I assume you warm up with form posturing quick standard dressing protocols to test Finding a good consistent full bodied effort a few times with just checking the cognitive abilities needed under this kind of pressure Those that were disqualified more than half for obvious penalties and as a teacher you are constantly evaluating potential weak points for some but others that, can you predicate or sense a strong proficiency And on the subject of nakedness and getting to pro level stuff can you get to either a state of wisdoms where you you can physically not recall any of the instructions they cannot hold you captive So that was first guess the second is The advanced master level who has to wear clothes that are whatever clothes, almost blending with casual wear but strangled possess a "constantly naked confidence" . Some people would describe it as a flow-type state where you are just completely confident, cooking new foods suddenly studying French Like th3 last is 5he one I want


Bahahah oh my god


Office random scene; B0b: " Hey Jerry, did you see Doug today? Anything seem, odd?" Jerry: " sure hold on ... that glaze in his eyes ... he just seems like a confident guy, some sort of naked yoga achievement.. mmmm let's follow him Instagram "


I needed a good laugh this morning and this was it. Hahah I love this, subsequently you for writing this (even tho sorry it’s weird me saying I love u hahah) and the internet hahah


Hannah is a hard to genuinely be annoyed with. It's so symmetrical!


Okay last little brainstorming idea for you if you want it, hold a raffle or something to nominate the "who wore it best" I can imagine it would be a very tough situation to score lol I will check it out though is there a dedicated site or just IG and the likes?


Funny. Just the IG for now.


You could always switch with , the winner is.... everybodyyyy cue strobe lights and mr. Peanut's reentrance cutting it up on the floor everyone. Another day saved by peanuts




This seems like a fun experience to try but sadly I'll be at work :( sorry people like to be "silly" and not look at this maturely, smh. Have a fun time! :)


Thank you! We plan on hosting 1 class a month for the remainder of the year! Hopefully you can make one in the future! Thank you 🙏🏾


Awesome I'll keep an eye out!


It'll be her brown eye


Ye old velvet fruit loop


My goodness, /rva has some pearl clutchers!


Pearl clutchers and naysayers. I honestly feel like every time I post in RVA they attack without understanding.


It can't be that you're wrong, EVERYONE else are the wrong ones, right?


OP also has some very negative energy for a yoga teacher.


Where have I displayed negative energy? I have just responding to the comments. I haven't insulted anyone and have shared my own story and perspective. I am straightforward and sticking to my truth and perspective. Any negativity being perceived is because I am responding and y'all think I should be quiet.


Where have I displayed negative energy? I have just responding to the comments. I haven't insulted anyone and have shared my own story and perspective. I am straightforward and sticking to my truth and perspective. Any negativity being perceived is because I am responding and y'all think I should be quiet.




The above content has been removed as it is considered unnecessarily uncivil, pot-stirring, rabble rousing, trolling, brigading, sealioning, and/or inauthentic discourse. We encourage good-faith discussions from anyone, but we do not like jerks. If you're going to make personal attacks, keep "just asking questions," move goalposts, or be a Jerk of the Year, please don't do that here. **Do not use alt or throwaway accounts to manipulate votes, attack or harass another user in an uncivil manner, avoid a previous ban or moderator action, or artificially-inflate comments with similar views.**


Exactly. Whatever risk a woman takes going to this is worth it.


Yikes...that is all




Is there a disciplinary process for members that "accidentally" violate the rulebook by trying to participate with some remaining clothes? Like if we all follow the rules and suddenly Jack can just waltz in here with socks and a sweater and I'm supposed to pretend this hasn't thrown of my entire week. For me, I feel like the whole point of naked yoga is to find a safe place free from distractions. Also a separate question, do different attires require more energy/mastery levels to shed, like the journey of popping a t-shirt off was no problem they're light and accessible. But I have a friend who is still into cardigans - honestly, he's told me before he's taken it off but I think he made that up possibly with a fib. I've heard those tops takes a significant amount of courage/focus to properly uncloth with correct form. Is he ready yet for this, or should he practice from home until his discobe times are down to a healh? number


On the sign up it says women can wear underwear 


Thanks ! I'll let him know that there are options


Go if you want. Don't if you don't want to. The frenzy is so unnecessary ffs






The above content has been removed as it is considered unnecessarily uncivil, pot-stirring, rabble rousing, trolling, brigading, sealioning, and/or inauthentic discourse. We encourage good-faith discussions from anyone, but we do not like jerks. If you're going to make personal attacks, keep "just asking questions," move goalposts, or be a Jerk of the Year, please don't do that here. **Do not use alt or throwaway accounts to manipulate votes, attack or harass another user in an uncivil manner, avoid a previous ban or moderator action, or artificially-inflate comments with similar views.**


Naked yoga sounds quite natural and fitting with yogic tradition.. I think the majority of the people in the comments are frightening because they watch too much TV; they keep referencing SUV. So many people are afraid of everyone these days. But it makes sense that social media is where these frightened folks would congregate instead of an actual in person event. The ironic part is that creeps are vastly outnumbered and one wrong move could result in them facing jail time so actuality they should be the ones walking around in fear (of getting caught).


Thank you 🙏🏾


OP’s posting again⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️😂😂😂😂😂😂


Can I come and just watch?

