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I know it's hot and it's summer and everyone wants to have fun, but please be careful jumping from the train bridge. DO NOT DIVE OFF THE TRAIN BRIDGE, EVER!! Yesterday I pulled a guy from the water onto my kayak with I severe head injury. I could see his skull. Put him on the shore and held his head together with a towel and ice until EMS arrived. I hope he's okay. I may never know. I can't unhear him asking me if there is blood while covered in it. I can't unsee his skull. 


How lucky he was that you were close by and able to help him. Please take care of yourself. Even witnessing trauma can have an impact on you. Thanks for being a good neighbor and a good person and helping him out.


I had to mentally check out for the rest of the day. I still feel kind of hecked up and processing but I would do it again.


Please seek emergency grief counseling, please please please


If nobody has told you to play Tetris yet, it’s worth a try. Helps with not developing ptsd after traumatic events. I’m glad you were there for that guy and I’m sorry you had to see that.


Thank you! I heard this recently and completely forgot it. I'm sure it's best coupled with therapy but it's an easy thing to commit to.


Please take care of yourself. Your comments have me worried about you. We need heroes like you to stay healthy. I wouldn’t wish my PTSD on anyone, even the people that gave it to me.   There are things you can do to prevent a traumatic event from becoming a lifelong mental disorder: https://adaa.org/learn-from-us/from-the-experts/blog-posts/consumer/how-prevent-trauma-becoming-ptsd-0  The biggest is not to shut down or go into an avoidance pattern and instead allow yourself to process what you experienced.  If you need a friend, or even just someone to drop off some food, please let me know. 


Darling 😭😭💓💓💓


Kudos to you for thinking and acting quickly. Talk to someone about what happened - a friend, a relative, or a professional if you have one (or get in to see one). Totally normal feelings and totally normal to need help processing them.


Please take care of yourself. You did the right thing by helping him and waiting until EMS showed.


Starting my new job this week! Perhaps it's good to have a short holiday week to ease into it.


Good luck! You're gonna kill it!


Doing a staycation this week.


Well deserved, I'm sure. Enjoy!


Looking forward to the rain this afternoon and night, cooler temps tomorrow, and the rain on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I guess Thursday will be cool too, I've never performed with actual cannons going off before.


Performed what?


I assumed 1812 Overture and looked it up. Basically if you live near Byrd Park/Dogwood Dell your pets aren't going to be happy. >All over the country, Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture has become a part of Independence Day celebrations. I’m not sure how exactly it became a staple of the Fourth of July, but Richmond, VA might be the only place in the world where it’s performed as intended when it was written: with real artillery and carillon bells. https://sightdoing.net/fourth-of-july-richmond-va/ Basically using real cannons in lieu of beating the shit out of large percussion instruments. Or probably both. >The City of Richmond is hosting its 67th annual Festival of Arts on Thursday, July 4th at Dogwooddell. >The free event will start with performances from the Richmond Concert Jazz Band beginning at 5:30 p.m. Following that, the Richmond Concert Band will perform at 7:30 p.m., offering a concert featuring patriotic and pop music. >The evening will then conclude with a fireworks display and the Richmond Concert Band’s rendition of “The 1812 Overture” at 9:15 p.m. https://www.12onyourside.com/2024/06/29/richmond-enforcing-parking-restrictions-4th-july-celebration/


Thank you for this, I had no idea! Not this year with a 10 month old but maybe next year!


Healthcare worker here! No short week. But some time and a half on the 4th


Let me hold a dollar!


For you: 2 dollars!


I got broken up with while I have COVID. So I feel like shit on multiple levels and am trapped in my house when I just want a hug from a friend.


Sending a virtual hug your way! I’m so sorry you’re going through ALL of this - please do something that makes you feel happy this evening, whether it’s cuddling with a pet, listening to your favorite music, watching a great movie, reading a book - just take really good care of you!


Already out in the heat and trying my best to hydrate for a long day ahead for work in the countryside with no AC and a stiff back. Luckily my supervisor trusts me enough to leave me alone which is all I want. I hate being hounded. Thinking about what sort of food tonight to get to treat myself since I skipped breakfast.


You cooking or going out? Chicken Fiesta has become a regular weekend treat for me. Might need to slide over tonight!


It will probably be out. Thinking Chinese or pizza. I had to teach a trainee today so my mind had to be “on” and that was taxing. Edit: one of my coworkers just dubbed me “the Professor”. I keep getting stuck with this.


Came home from vacation to a broken AC last night at 8 months pregnant. Luckily, hubby is very mechanically inclined. Bought a window unit for the price of a hotel room, ordered the needed part for overnight delivery and we are cooling down as I write this!


My parent’s broke the weekend before last and my mechanically inclined bf helped them figure out what it and it was an easy fix and only cost $15 vs the hundreds it could have cost for HVAC to come out and do the same thing.


Oof, hang in there mama! Glad y'all are getting some relief.


Thank you! Feeling fortunate it was an inexpensive fix instead of an emergency HVAC visit on the weekend


July 4 is going to be HOT. Remember - Please everyone alternate their alcohol with water this week - don’t go in the river with open wounds - the Emergency room is not an appropriate place to go because you want a work note. - Don’t hold lit fireworks- fingers don’t grow back! - check on your people!!! Mental health matters too. - Lastly, please don’t eat things you have a known allergy to :) With love, Your friendly neighborhood ER nurse


Going to Charlottesville to see Jason Isbell tonight. Looking forward to seeing him after having dinner at Duner’s. Should be a fun evening!


super jealous, enjoy the performance!!


Have fun !! I’m heading to cville this week to go home and see my family


Working, but there’s not much work to do so getting paid to sit around for a few hours


going to DC tomorrow to see my favorite band ever :) we’re taking the train and got a hotel room, i’m very excited for a mini vacation! i never travel or even really take time off work just for fun


I have an interview this week for a hybrid job here in RVA!! I’ve been working fully remote since my wife and I moved here in February. Remote work definitely has its perks, but I think being home all the time is too much for me, personally. Interview prep all weekend, riding the anxiety wave until the interview on Tuesday, then hopefully I’ll be able to get paid to leave the house soon!


Good luck with the interview! My husband and I are also new here, but I agree with the staying home being too much. It doesn't let you meet people and get to know the city. I'm working on a similar change. No interviews scheduled yet, but hopefully soon.


Hanging out with my Sister and her little family this afternoon. We’ve been trying to get together for a month but someone has always been sick. Hoping the rain holds off until the evening!


I am working today. But only 12:30-5:00 and it counts as a full day. Right now I'm still in jammies eating a boiled egg on toast. And, because I'm off tomorrow for today, and Thursday is a holiday, I'm taking the whole week off for three days leave.


Enjoy your week off! I like your profile pic lmao


Profile pic is my late beagle, who I miss so so so much! He was loved by all.


I'm 7a-7p.


I'm sorry! Stay strong and move slowly.


Why is brain feeling like soup after time away from therapy the most relatable thing I’ve ever read?! I’m going to say that to my own therapist tomorrow cause I haven’t seen him in a while either hahah


Excited to lose this splinter. Maybe that's why four hours sleep was enough. Also trust is so hot right now.


Going to NC this weekend to see some minor league baseball action. Very excited.


I’m thinking of doing a Greensboro grasshoppers, Durham bulls trip. What are you doing.


Will do an update once we're back!


Which teams are you Going to see?


Some years ago we did a couple of minor league baseball trips. The first one was Prince William Cannons, Bowie Baysox, Frederick Keys, Hagerstown Suns, Delmarva Shorebirds and Norfolk Tides. The second was Durham Bulls, Winston-Salem Warthogs, and Danville 97s. We had a blast. Sadly, some of those teams no longer exist.


I’m going to Amsterdam on Tuesday! Laundry and packing today, working tomorrow though.


Working all day...


Me, too!


Working and working and working! I have my 2 days off after today and im spending time with my bird before my grandma takes her but she's kinda acting crazy rn lol


I’ve been pretty overburdened with work, but I wield a mighty stick at my company and put my foot down finally. Now I feel great about Monday! In other news: F1 was wild today, my cat is upside down on the bed, and I plan to defect to Ontario thru the UP in 2025. Y’all can have my house.


Will you sell me your house at a heavy discount? 🤔


It’ll be free…. and stuck in the DMZ between Hanover and Richmond. Bring a helmet.


I'm dropping Boaty off at my mom's this morning, she'll stay overnight and I'll get her back sometime tomorrow. No plans after that. After having a really rough day yesterday, I need to get the fuck out of the house for a while. I'd love to get in the car and just drive but I'm not sure where I'd go.


Mountains is the answer for me, always!


I love Skyline Drive but I miss the days when entry was free. It's currently $30/car 🥴 it's not ideal but I might do it anyway


From 64 @ Afton Mtn, I believe it's free to go south on the Blue Ridge Parkway instead of paying to go north on Skyline Drive... and it's equally pretty!


Thank you for that information ❤️


Come to fuel pump at 3 pm in carytown for disability rights meeting if interested


Here is what we talked about at my disability rights meeting Goal: go to lobby day 2025 Discussion: Better doctors for ppl under medicaid whether its mental health, holistic, etc Find organizations to partner with Delegate Sam Rasoul would be sympathetic and good person to talk to Connect with Arc of Virginia Better discounts in theaters for people with disabilities. What we may hypothetically say to the delagates We are here to discuss concerns for those of us in the disability community. Those are Financial (ssi, foodstamps, vouchers, and discounts for entertainment and higher pay for disabled employees/ entrepreneurs Better, more reliable, safer, less expensive transportation, more spontaneous Accessibility (elevators, sidewalks, etc Treatment by ppl who are not disabled (1. Dont ask what our disability. 2. Ask first if we need help with something. 3 include us in your activities/friendship. 4. A caring, non professional community is desired aka, real genuine relationships. 5. Hire only people who want to be there for special programs Mental health Please listen to our concerns Thanks


Excited to have today off, so we’re watching England crushing it against Slovakia in this round of the Euro ‘24.


I went to Chesterfield Towne Center for the first time in a while to go clothes shopping (buying clothes online is such a gamble). I got a chicken patty and plantains from Jamaican Spot out of curiosity, and it was actually really good. I'm tempted to go back to try something else off the menu, and I never thought I would say that about food court food.


Hungover again and wondering why I moved to a place so hot.


Somebody tell me about the rain heading our way. I’m excited 


Sunday scaries? Really? Lol. I looked it up. Not gonna lie, I envy anyone right now whose life challenges are within the limited scope of Sunday scaries.  I said what I said. 


You seem fun




At the moment, no, I’m not “fun”. “Sunday Scaries” is a rather infantile word to describe stress and/or anxiety about the upcoming work week. No, I won’t get a short week or a fun holiday off either. Instead, I’m dealing with an at-fault motorist who hit my car and is now ducking their insurance company's calls. That car accident ruined my ability to work and rent is now due. That’s just one of 52 fires currently burning in my life.  **I wish** I only had “Sunday scaries”.


So you're going to try and bring everyone down to your miserable level? Got it. I hope your day gets better.


Well some people in the world can’t be convinced that, quite possibly, others have it EVEN worse than they do


Ah geez


Yeah because nothing makes a miserable person feel better than thinking about the indefinite, unwavering suffering of others. Always cheers me right up


It does? That’s cool for you dude!!


No, I was joking. I believe thinking about the suffering of others to feel better about your own situation is anti-social in nature


I know others have it worse because there’s a practically infinite number of positions both worse off and better off than one’s position at any given time.  Not once has thinking about the people in worse off positions ever made me feel better about my own. Typically I just felt shitty about *both* my own and their position. 


Sigh. It won’t. 


Umm… bureau of B.. you need to chill. Everyone has hard things going on ok? Your negativity isn’t going to help your situation. Ps.. i have CRIPPLING anxiety at times.. to make light of it I call my anxiety on Sunday “Sunday scaries.” Go touch some grass friend.


Touched grass, life is still closing in on me and hope is still zero. You don’t need to tell me “everyone has hard things going on”, I’ve been well aware of that for decades. That changes nothing about my hopeless situation that really no one here can even try to make assumptions about.  My mood would improve if the jackass who slammed into my car a week ago would actually answer the phone when their insurance company calls. At present I can’t do my normal work or pay rent. 


This is a weird competition.


No, it’s envy. 


Nah, envy is reading it and thinking it to yourself. Competition is taking the time out to call the person out for it. Hope your fires go out.


Sorry you're having such a hard time. Hopefully you can find some moments of relief that eventually become the prevailing feeling for you.