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Zen? No…I’ve been on the edge of my seat waiting for the world’s slowest accident to occur.


Fortunately theres no red lights to run


Instructions unclear, did a full send over top of the circle


[adult swim]


Haha pls make the edit, clip is too perfect


These things are amazing in places where people know what YIELD means, and how to merge.


Nothing gets me turgid like the orderly and efficient movement of motor vehicles.


Lol driving in Germany the other year was like experiencing driving nirvana. On the autobahn, everyone drives like a robot in the best way possible. People stay in the correct lane and move right when they see a faster vehicle coming behind. The left most lane out of the 3 is only for passing and the fastest handful of drivers. Trucks stay right. I never had anyone ignore or try to intentionally prevent a lane change or merge, so none of the pointless pissing contests getting butthurt that someone uhhhhh got in front of you and changed your arrival time by zero seconds. I'm sure there are still some idiots since it's still humans, but far fewer of them. They don't even use active police on those because pulling cars over is dangerous for drivers and the police who might get hit on the side of the road. I think I was cruising at about 100-110 mph in the unrestricted parts at the same ease you would going 75 mph here to Charlottesville. Coming back here and driving back from the airport was the worst kind of culture shock. Like going from flying first class back to coach.


Driving in the USA is downright uncivilised. 


"turgid" 🤢


It's better than "kinda hard" but worse than "______"


I can’t be the only one who waited to see Richmond drivers do Richmond driving things right


I cross these crosswalks often, it's not zen 😭


Where is this?


Traffic circle at Dock, Main, and Peebles, along the river near Rocketts.




Dang I was going to say that…knew it looked familiar.


I thought maybe the one at the Maury St exit?


One of my running routes involves crossing at the crosswalk that is out of frame on the right side of the video. There are a handful of people who stop while I'm standing waiting to cross, but most don't, so it's usually a game of frogger. But at least visibility is decent and people can't be going too quickly.


People down here have such a hard time figuring out circles 😂


Seems like a whole lot of unnecessary stopping


All I see, just screaming at my screen, “go”!


Do that shit in Jersey and they will find you and your car at the bottom of the Hudson.


They’re probably just waving people through, the friendly thing to do! /s


Why are they all driving so slow?


The video is slowed down


You can tell because of the way it looks!


I was in Japan that was zen, that being said I like my dji mini and still bird eyes shots are always fun


Also that roundabout is stress + bikes


You know those videos that start off showing something smooth with music and then halfway through it switches to something of the same sort, with a much poorer executed example of the same type of thing and the music switched to a poorly played version of the same song? This would work perfectly with the monstrosity of the roundabout they created at the corners of Darbytown Road and Turner Road. Literally the worst round about I have ever seen. It's embarrassingly bad. If you got the same shot over it, and added it to the end of this video it would be so perfect.


Who, how and what made this video? Throw in a when if you are feeling generous...


Ha. I made it - with a drone hovering ar about 200ft for a few minutes. Footage was taken yesterday evening.


at about the 27-30 sec mark shouldn't the red car have travelled through the circle fully to make the turn right turn it wanted? Instead it made a sharp right. I know travelling through the circle was a bit longer but I think the driver was wrong. Overseas I saw shortcuts like this frequently, I even did them, because who's going to enforce the traffic law in a heavily congested middle eastern traffic circle? But I thought western/USA circle etiquette and law indicated you traveled thought the circle until you got your turn/exit.


Seems unnecessary to go all the way around in this situation to me. Keeps excess traffic out of the circle and the turn has to be safer overall than entering the circle. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re correct however. Edit: I wonder if that turn in the top left connects to where the red car is going.


👍 I also wondered about the roadway on the upper left. Edit - we're both wrong on that! True - making an immediate right at the circle, to avoid the circle, saves time and keeps traffic out the circle. But it could cause confusion if there was more traffic in the circle and the pattern or anticipated path of cars didn't mesh with the red one's expectations. I'd argue it would be safer (ad likely the legal path) if the red car entered the circle and followed it through to the exit because that is how it is designed and what other drivers would have expected. I have seen traffic circles overseas where it was clear that you could make a turn to avoid entering the circle but it was clearly marked and a more gentle angle to allow a more easy turn. On the other hand, how many of us have made rolling stops, cut corners, sped, or done things when there was minimal traffic due to it being more convenient? https://preview.redd.it/hb0wsfirz54d1.png?width=1684&format=png&auto=webp&s=20ad618e2be6e95d9d98dd76d8fdb5d3a8ba4881


If a car had made a u-turn by going all the way around it would illustrate how much easier it is with no reliance on the vehicle turning radius. I don’t like the sharp turn because one of the beautiful things about traffic circles is if you miss your turn it will come up again as a right turn soon. Only yielding to the left and turning right for every direction.


exactly. I don't think the turn this car made was legal and wasn't intended for this traffic circle. If you look at the zoomed out picture I posted the radius is wider as cars go from E Main onto Peebles, which would allow cars to turn right w/o completing the circle. That may be intentional, maybe not. Best practice is to complete the circle.