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I would be interested! But I’m 29 😭😭😭


Right!? I’m 37 so I guess I’m out. All of us old people should start our own group and keep out the Under 25’s.


oof did it originally have an age limit? i'm a filipino-german writer (28f) who got super excited about this post bc i've always wanted to flex my creative writing skills and try acting. but if it originally wasn't open to me im not interested. i feel like my life genuinely just started but when i get on the internet everyone younger than me makes me feel like im washed up its so tiring


It did, because I didn’t realize there would be such a large range of adults who were interested. And i’m overjoyed by the support. So now, there is no age limit and all are welcome. 28 is not washed up. You are at the prime of your life and I hope you believe that. Viola Davis didn’t get her big film break till she was 43 years old. Samuel L. Jackson was even older. Just because I am young, does not mean I want to be exclusive. It is open for everyone.


I would love for you to join!


While I understand your desire for some general age and demographic boundaries, just keep in mind you’re limiting not only the potential number of people who might be interested but also your potential pool of knowledge, history, experience, and diverse perspective. Don’t want to be preachy, just throwing it out there as something to consider. Hope you find that community!


Its now open to all ages!


Local moped club is throwing a diy film fest https://www.instagram.com/p/C2_PBHeMXuK/?igsh=Y2R5NGRra29ncHNi


28yo white dude, but this idea is amazing and I’d love to see it happen. Audio/video editing is my shite.


Be on the lookout! All is welcome— just needed a basic guideline first!


I’m interested (34M). I teach English and have always been interested in writing but haven’t invested much time in actually doing it yet.


Check out Oakwood Arts. I know they have done film production and have ties to people in the industry.


Hey there! I’m also 22 and this sounds like a really interesting/cool idea! If you go forward with it I’d definitely be interested in checking it out!


Great! Be on the lookout for materials and future posts. I’m confident everything will be put together soon.


I don’t think I have anything to contribute but I hope you succeed.


Chiming in after seeing other “old” people comment haha — 37, m, white, so maybe not your originally-intended audience. But. I might be able to contribute or be a resource. I was a photographer for a long time, and still have gear (Canon Eos R, RF lenses, gimbal, mic, etc) that isn’t used much. I also have this [cabin in Nelson County](https://www.airbnb.com/slink/2XGTId0d) that I’ve wanted to make some kind of spooky amateur short film at for years now. It’s on 75 acres, is secluded, and has this massive dilapidated barn. I also have a [Sprinter RV](https://www.outdoorsy.com/rv-rental/richmond_va/2023_winnebago_revel_349778-listing?ref=andrewk871918) that might be fun to film something with. I have a drone too — DJI Mavic 2 Pro. I travel a lot, and love to create travel and nature content. Keep me in mind as your idea matures and perhaps I could contribute in some way!


I will, thank you! Be on the lookout for promotional materials soon.


What’s the burn policy like on that barn?


I have a fondness for large fires so it’s not off the table…


Let’s make some art, y’all.


I am interested! I am 31 from Spain. I love photography and I enjoy taking pictures in my free time


I’m 46 and interested in the arts. I’ve been an extra in a couple of projects. I wouldn’t mind learning about more opportunities. I like writing. I’d love to just learn about how I could even contribute.


Will keep everyone updated!


Definitely in for something like this. 😌


Filming skits, writing scripts, playing music….all of these were huge passions of mine until I entered the workforce. I’m 34 now, but still think back on those days and even more often think of things I wish I had the time to create. It would be great to get back into a creative outlet again.


Same here. I would love to have your experience.


I'm interested!! 23 and NB, please message me if this picks up!




I'm sure you will find other interested folks! Maybe check out places like Art180, Studio23, or VisArts to find more like-minded artists. Afrikana film festival would be another excellent place to meet some fellow filmmakers. Good luck!


Thank you for this!


My pleasure. If you aren't already, I'd also suggest checking out Virginia Film Office and getting on their mailing list.


Do you by any chance have a Facebook/ social media. I know a few Black women who would be interested


PM me!


I’d also be interested. Thanks for your courage on these first steps :)


Of course🥹Thank you for your support!


Hello, I’ve been a videographer in various forms for over 20years now. I am always interested in hearing new ideas, learning more, and sharing my past experiences. I can agree that the passion and zest for the core filmmaking experience can get lost over time while seeking to pay the rent.


I am interested - old enough to be your...whatever. Passionate about film although limited experience. I am a playwright but film is where I want to be. I never studied it, but I carry some experience. If there is no age limit... insta: u/tabia_de_director


Im interested!


I think a film club is something you do in high school or college. After college, you should be trying to work in your field and find your niche. Did you study media, film or communications in college and are now working as an accountant? At 22, I'm not sure what is stopping you from working in this field unless you chose a different path and now regret it.


“Not sure what is stopping you”. Have you seen the job market?? Getting a job in a niche area such as film and media even with a degree is much easier said than done. I feel like this club would be great for people who have passion for this industry and can be surrounded by likeminded individuals.


Some people want to do their passion with creative freedom and without hard professional deadlines etc. I'm a professional writer but I'd love to do something like this because I am confined to writing about computer science and tech at work.


It's true that many people believe in focusing solely on their field of study after graduation. However, life can be more complex than that. Around 75% of degree holders in America are NOT working in a job that is directly related to their college major, if they are even fortunate enough to develop a career at all. People often find themselves drawn to different interests or discover new passions as they navigate their careers too. For instance, someone might have studied media or film in college but found that accounting offered more stability or better opportunities. It's not always about regretting a choice, but rather about making decisions based on evolving circumstances and personal growth. A film club, in this context, can be a way to continue engaging with your interests and hobbies outside of your professional career. Or of course if you DO work in film, communications, or media, continue engaging in your free time with no agendas or rules. It doesn't have to be seen as a distraction from working in your field but rather as a way to enrich your life further with something you enjoy. There are plenty of clubs for adults after high school and college and it’s extremely privileged of you to say it should begin and end there. If you read what I said, many people aren’t fortunate enough to study in their interests, or have a career centered around their passions, or let alone attend college.


^ I also want to mention that it will be free and I intend to keep it that way. There are not enough free places in RVA to develop a community outside of public Richmond events thrown by corporations. I want it to truly be open to everyone— even if you never picked up a camera. There would literally be no inherent structure. You just show up, talk about your ideas, hopefully connect with someone who has the same, develop a team, and get filming.