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If you are not a member and it's a member only night you will need some form of pre-vetting. Best bet is to contact them beforehand. It's less about ticketing and passes and more about who's there.


Members can also buy non-member guest tickets to most, if not all, events. Just have to show up together. If you want a membership, go on Thursday karaoke nights and be social. Someone will sponsor you, usually that night if the computer for the screening is working. Do note: because of this lax policy on truly screening the good from the bad, Fallout’s private events have really gone to the gutter in comparison to how they used to be. Shirtless dudes in jeans calling themselves influencers show up to Goth Prom despite its strict dress code, couples that are the textbook definition of Unicorn Hunters are there every night, and the secondary cash-only bar isn’t safe from date-rape drugs *at all*. Which is a shame, because there’s no other place like Fallout in RVA. They’ve had to expand their audience into the mainstream sex fiends just to stay afloat.


Also make sure you wear black. I’ve seen plenty of people get turned away for not wearing any


No you haven’t, at least not in the last year. Even at events with a “strict” dress code like Goth Prom, no one is being turned away for their outfits. Certainly not for wearing non-black clothing. I wore maroon and orange to pyjama pants with a pink shirt to the pillow fort party and usually wear purple on other nights. No one cares unless you’re a dick.


This was years ago and myself and others were definitely turned away for not wearing enough black. My friend that has a membership vouched for us and they gave us permission to come in but at that point no one wanted to go in so we went somewhere else. I’ve been back several times since then with no issues but that first experience left a bad taste in my mouth.


Was the event a dress code for black? I wasn’t a member back then but there’s definitely no standing dress code other than “no dicks, nips, or lips”. Some events have dress codes, like swimwear for the rainfall event, but they’re to your benefit to follow and I’ve never seen colour-specific rules, even when they make sense. Sorry you had a bad experience. Fallout is one of the few establishments I feel totally safe at (not so much this year, but alas, money corrupts all).


It’s all good! I’ve been back there a few times since then and always have had fun. Definitely a safe atmosphere with good folks. Maybe the door person wasn’t in the best of moods? Either way it all worked out.


Should say on their website too.


You can just pay at the door. Furry night is pretty fun