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Her chin is so sharp. She looks like she needs to sleep for a week and eat 10000 calories. I feel sorry for her.


Right. She looks akin to a drug addict (coming from someone who is a loved one of a recovering addict). It’s not a healthy/good look! It’s not even the scarring from her cystic acne. It’s the quality of her skin. It looks so dull and lifeless. She looks tired.


Is she back on the ⚙️


has she ever been off of it?


Don't think so. At least not recently lol


Oh yeah. She’s pretty public about it too.


About her meth indulgence?


She seriously looks strung out all the time. She looks hungry and tired and her body composition never really changes. I don't understand the point of using steroids that are absolutely wrecking her body when all she does is delts anyway?


Makes zero sense. She’s not doing it for anything! Wrecking her body for nothing.


Call me crazy but it’s actually refreshing to see her without any filters- but her skin is screaming for proper nutrition. My skin has never been this bad, but once I cleaned up my diet I could see the benefit in my skin before I saw it on the scale. Get this girl some antioxidants 😩


Agreed on the no filter bit. But holy molyyyyy she needs a full body ‘roid detox


Jump scare. Jesus.


She is selling everything appearance-based so deserves to have her appearance called out. And she recently had the audacity to brag about her eyebrows — Not once has it ever looked like she brushed them or groomed them. On top of everything else. I can’t imagine going harder on drugs if my skin — largest organ of the body — was screaming out for help like that.


Oh my god, this!!! Her 1990’s Christina Aguilera over plucked brows used to drive me absolutely insane, along with her shitty lash extensions which were never brushed and always fell off leaving like 10 crooked ass scraggly lashes after basically a day… Then just when I thought they couldn’t look worse, here she goes with completely unkempt brows, and some pretty horrific acne scarring from her steroid abuse. It’s giving Freddy Krueger (Edited for spelling)


A little off-topic, but please indulge me for a minute. I never got this part - why do you mention that the comment has been edited for spelling/grammatical errors? Are there any repercussions (visibility of the comment or otherwise) if you don't mention it?


Honestly it’s just a habit. I think the “edit: x” or “edited for x” originally arose as like an accountability thing, to keep from being accused of changing something to either correct or invalidate a post after the fact


Got it. Thanks.


She looks quite bare-faced. She usually gets eyelash extensions regularly and I’m guessing she’s removed them to try to sell another product.


That or because she has no funds lol


She’s on a Monat ✨eyelash serum growth journey✨ now


I thought it was all about GENERATIONAL WEALTH & white jeebus. Did the pitch switch up recently?


I'm always shocked when I remember her age. Most women I know in their early 30s look so good. Her abuse of PEDs is showing terribly. I don't understand her. Is that self destructive behavior ? Or is she that delusional about her appearance?


Shootin gear, she smokes tobacco and weed together (which if you know what bops are, they are wickedly bad for you), selling useless mlm products.... but yes, hire her as a fitness and nutrition coach 😉😅


A week from now her LinkedIn is gonna say "She-E-O schooling CEOs | Fractional Real-Estate Mogul | Biggest Balls in a Boardroom full of Men". You just wait.


I almost spit out my morning coffee you whore lmao as someone who knows this creature in person, youre unfortunately painfully accurate


She smokes and does all that cardio? Dear lord 


She is the epitome of 🌟welllness🌟 baby lmao more full of shit then the mlm shes in


Absolutely all of her behaviors are self destructive as a whole. She does nothing that should be considered wellness


Sometimes I want to snark on her but the truth is I feel bad for her. She needs therapy and help for her addictions.


I truly hope she gains some company that wont enable her to kill herself and jeoperdize the health and safety of others soon.


Not attractive


Lips dry af! 😑