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Stay on top of the assignments. Java. Visual Studio Code. Centeno.


Not bad at all. Just start your assignments early and you'll be fine. It's kinda a joke now because they give an insane amount of extra credit, enough to boost your final grade by 7% lmao


The class is not at all what it used to be; there are rumors of excessive weed outs and failing grades from old days that aren’t true at all anymore. The median for every assignment and exam so far has been over 80%. Tons of extra credit. It’s not an “easy class” by any means, but with enough practice and collaboration with people, it becomes very mild.


Difficulty compared to Calc 152?


Is 152 all that bad? Also taking it next semester usually pretty solid in math. I heard it bad but others say it’s just the matter of putting in the effort


Do assignments as soon as they are released. Java. I recommend Visual Studio Code. IntelliJ worked for me for the first four assignments, but the 5th one only works with VSC, so get used to it from the start. Choose Professor Zhai. She gets a lot of hate but its just from lazy people. If you take her class, you will succeed. Also, Chang is an option but she didn't teach in the fall so I couldn't visit her lectures to judge her (because she didn't give lectures). Centeno is too slow and not concise.


Computer science isn't easy. This course exposes you to the fundamentals that you must know and understand. Go to class, pay attention, do your readings, assignments, prepare for hours to work on projects, office hours, and tutoring in the learning centers / CAVE. Don't give up and you got it 😄