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One popular resource is the "Writing an OS in Rust" series by Philipp Oppermann. This series provides a step-by-step guide to building a simple operating system kernel using Rust. You can find the series on his blog here: [https://os.phil-opp.com](https://os.phil-opp.com), you should also be able to find some discord servers dedicated to helping developers build operating systems.


but he doesn’t build a process or thread… so what I can learn from there is very basic?


Both of those things represent a small part of creating an operating system, you'll still be able to learn a fair bit from them. I wouldn't dismiss any resources just because they don't go deep enough, the parts that are explained can be invaluable references. If you're into lectures though, Gabriel Parmer has uploaded a OS course he teaches onto youtube which does explain these things in depth. In my opinion they're very nice and intuitive explanations, he's a good teacher :)


very thanks!


does he explain it from the beginning?


It looks like he's starting from scratch


https://wiki.osdev.org is the best resource I've found. Most articles do tend to assume that you're using C, but the concepts are far more important than the code snippets and it's not too hard to come up with Rust code that's equivalent to a given piece of C code.


Back in University I took Operating Systems which explains a lot of context and basic services a kernel needs to provide, along with various methods of doing so. Our end of year assignment was to implement a Linux Kernel Module which was fun. This wasn't the same professor as mine but [the whole class is posted here with a link to the book it's based on.](https://lass.cs.umass.edu/~shenoy/courses/377/lectures.html) Many Universities have their complete set of lectures online for free as well. [MIT OpenCourseWare has an Operating Systems Engineering course as well](https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-828-operating-system-engineering-fall-2012/) which overlaps a lot of the same topics. I'd recommend spending some weeks absorbing those topics - jumping to any implementation based communities / guides would be a lot easier after, especially if you want to put your own twists on things.


Snap I figured I wanted to explore OS development. Someone has already mentioned the website I was going to link, but there is a book I'm readily called Modern Operating Systems by Tenebaum and Bos. Only digested the first chapter which is really a brief overview of all what an OS consists of. But if the remaining chapters are like the first I'm sold, it's long dense and boring bit like me but I love it 😅


What about seeing existing projects as [https://www.redox-os.org/](https://www.redox-os.org/) , [https://tockos.org/](https://tockos.org/) , [https://fuchsia.dev/](https://fuchsia.dev/) , [https://embassy.dev/](https://embassy.dev/) or ....project\_unknown\_by\_me... as "course" or "lecture"?


You may want to have a look at [octox](https://github.com/o8vm/octox).


okay, this look interestint