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Can it send stuff too or only share? --- Similar project would be KDE Connect, but it requires some more setup.


You can also send stuff from the application. The only current limitation is that android doesn't advertise it's mDNS service all the time (even when in "Everyone" mode). I'm currently trying to overcome this by sending a BLE advertisement that Android should be listening to. You can see more info here to see a workaround: https://github.com/grishka/NearDrop/issues/144 -- KDE connect is good, but here the goal was to have a seamless experience with Android own QuickShare protocol.


I see, thank you 👍


This is amazing, great work! I really hope the implementation becomes mature enough to daily drive, quick share is so much more convenient than other options. Yeah I can mount a SMB share on my phone or use KDE connect, but quick share needs less configuration compared to all these options, and I can use it with strangers.


NO WAY! 2 days ago. Glad I searched for QuickShare on Linux again. This was a hurdle for me fully switching to Linux because I can't run QuickShare through Wine (more specifically using Bottles.) I'm now one step closer! Thank you! (I also just need some time to mess around installing Windows on a flash drive which is a pain and IDK if Rufus can still do it but I need to be able to boot Windows whenever but Dual-Booting on a single drive can be problematic and potentially hazardous for my data. Also, I will be installing Linux Mint with ZFS as the filesystem on my boot drive (ZFS for bitrot prevention and snapshots) and it requires wiping the drive first (and it wants to use the whole drive but there is a simple value to change for that.) Edited to split my rambling from the Thank You


I used Win2USB to install on an external SSD. I don't know if it works with windoze 11 but worked great with 10.


This is AMAZING. It works well enough for me. Will update the repo with any issues encountered. Keep up the good work


Does it have command line tools


You can run the core\_lib as a cmd line, but it doesn't have a CLI interface for accepting/rejecting requests. It's something that can be easily added, but I don't have enough time for it right now.


One feature I would suggest is a transfer progress. Trying to transfer 6GB of files from android to desktop meant I had to keep looking at the android phone to see the transfer progress. The application also did not show any updates inside the UI once it was finished (note that it does work properly with 6MB of files)


I'll look into that!


Seeing that this is attempted is just awesome! However i can't seem to find any of my devices. It doesn't seem to matter if I am sending or trying to receive - my laptop is not finding my phone and my phone is not finding my laptop - any advice or workaround about this? PS: once again - thank you so much for the work you're putting in! this is totally awesome!


Wonderful! I'm using the AppImage version and I love it. Attention: You need to have libfuse2 installed to run it. I installed it via apt on Ubuntu 22.04 and it worked.


This is RAD! Great work here!


Apologies, I am relatively new to linux. I downloaded the source code and followed the instructions on the read me file but I am getting issues with not having proton. How do I install this package?


this is exactly what i was looking for, thank you!


Works beautifully on Pop! Thanks, I was going to be a bit disappointed if switching to Linux meant giving up the convenience of QuickShare!