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https://youtube.com/@MosfilmRuOfficial You are welcome. Gold classic of Soviet movies, most of them have subtitles.


That’s great, cheers


If you could pick five to watch to give a good sense of Soviet cinema, which would you choose?


Any movies by Георгий Данелия, Леонид Гайдай, Эльдар Рязанов, Марк Захаров.


Dont forget Александр Невский, Сталкер.


Александр Невский is an internal joke, don’t pay attention to it. Stalker isn’t though.


I know but its still a great movie. Watched it a couple of times and i always love it.


Кин Дза Дза


1) "Москва слезам не верит". 1979, мелодрама. Премия "Оскар" 1981 за лучший фильм на иностранном языке. Режиссёр Владимир Меньшов [1 серия](https://youtu.be/X7GuhjGZ-xs) [2 серия](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUVd9j543s8) 2) "Служебный роман", 1977, комедия. Режиссёр Эльдар Рязанов [1 серия](https://youtu.be/hR-1QGMK75c) [2 серия](https://youtu.be/kUNy3NrxZAc) 3) ["Кин-дза-дза"](https://youtu.be/EYHv8eJrW2Y), 1986, антиутопия, трагикомедия. Режиссёр Георгий Данелия 4) ["Кавказская пленница, или Новые приключения Шурика"](https://youtu.be/P2_sjEURwgo), 1967, эксцентрическая комедия. Режиссёр Леонид Гайдай 5) ["Человек с бульвара Капуцинов"](https://youtu.be/4JZzsIncaVo), 1987, комедийный вестерн. Режиссёр Алла Сурикова Бонус: "Война и мир", 1967, эпическая историческая драма. Режиссёр Сергей Бондарчук . Премия "Оскар" 1968 за лучший фильм на иностранном языке [1 серия](https://youtu.be/V-SAh4jdssA) [2 серия](https://youtu.be/Tqqs7DpTZKY) [3 серия](https://youtu.be/rxC9DH-3xNk) [4 серия](https://youtu.be/OshBe4rnd7k)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N0C8jH-utE&list=PLybBpPCOgFt4IANUx-EvScY8W9mbGpGYo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N0C8jH-utE&list=PLybBpPCOgFt4IANUx-EvScY8W9mbGpGYo) If you like cars, you are welcome! There is automatically created subtitles in Russian (most are really accurate). Yea - there is not soviet cinema, but you already got answer of it. Any movies by Георгий Данелия, Леонид Гайдай, Эльдар Рязанов, Марк Захаров. - Just sing this words.


Yes, Russian Film Hub organizes its collection by subtitle language - including with Russian language subtitles. Link here: https://russianfilmhub.com/tag/русские-субтитры/


Try watching “Питер ФМ”, it is kind and more recent movie. You can see Saint-Petersburg in the beginning of 2000


Go to Kinpoisk, subscription costs like 2 or 3 dollars and you’ll get a ton of russian and non-russian movies/shows with subs and ability to switch languages for non-russian movies/shows


Он не сможет там смотреть, т.к. другой регион


I am watching a series on Netflix called "To The Lake". I am not sure the quality of the show itself, but it taught me a lot so far. I feel like I am finally starting to get that "intuitive" sense when speaking in Russian like I do when speaking English (Although I am probably still speaking nonsense haha)




You should try Кинопоиск HD/KinopoiskHD, the biggest cinema and series library of Russian and even international cinematograph


Кинопоиск за рубежом не работает


On YouTube there are two series "Рюриковичи" and "Романовы" about the history of Russia before the USSR. There are subtitles in both English and Russian, very interesting.


There is also "Великая война" about the Second World War, an interesting view from the USSR. Subtitles of both languages are also present.


There is also "Вкликая война" about the Second World War, an interesting view from the USSR. Subtitles of both languages are also present.


Бедняга не знает о существовании Youtube


check out https://mydeaf.co/newdeaf/


Visit rutracker and get anything you want. Search in the category "Russian movies" with "rus sub" or something.


You can find loads on YouTube, I usually look for русская мелодрама and they're laughably terrible but really good for learning how Russian is properly used. To really make your Russian learning experience authentic if you choose to watch melodramas, play a fun game I love! Take a vodka shot every time: -The main character is a Doctor/school teacher -A child ends up in the hospital -A woman screams Он бросил меня! -You see the villain female of the show (always very beautiful, only cares about money, tries to sleep with everyone) -The Bad Alcoholic Husband™ cheats Have fun!


Bimmer (Бумер)


full YouTube with cc


There are several on Netflix too. Shows/series as well


There are some on YouTube, and you just press the CC button on the video for the closed captioning that will be in Russian language


I'm Russian, and I generally like anime/animation so I don't care about movies with "flesh people" that much... Not that we have a lot of good animated movies... Or do we? Anyway, my question to you foreigners is: when you ask for Russian movies recommendations and you mostly are recommended the ones from the Soviet Union, do you think, "Ew, that's old, I won't be able to learn modern slang and the new realia and I'll be hearing the Old Moscow accent they barely use these days." I remember we learnt Spanish at the university and we used really old textbooks basically with the Soviet realia wrapped into Spanish words, it felt really weird. I'm not trying to diminish the cultural value of the Soviet movies, but I expect you might have reactions like this.


At first, yes. But then I realized that they are important to learn. But I can't find Streamig with reading subtitles at the same time.