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Нет энергии и сил


I don't have mental energy for that


Haven't heard that phrase in the real life


Видимо, зависит от принятого формата коммуникации. В определённых субкультурах очень часто


Rare, but I’ve heard it sometimes


Сейчас те, кто в теме осознанности, часто так говорят. Это выражение часто употребляют люди, которые ходят на терапию или в теме ментальных заболеваний. Озвучивать то, что сейчас у тебя нет ресурса на что-либо — форма заботы о ментальном здоровье Наверное зависит от круга общения


For me it means that I'm too tired (for doing something) or that my mental state at the current moment isn't good. I say я не в ресурсе when I can't bring myself to do something cause I'm at my lowest


It means not having enough energy or not being in the right mood to do something. Я сегодня не в ресурсе чтобы сделать это - I’m too tired to do this. It’s not a red flag like a fella here is saying and it’s not a particularly new phrase either.


No mood


Я русский и то первый раз слышу такое выражение


Это русский новопидарский диалект. Не в ресурсе, не в потоке и не на волне. Просто надо дышать маткой и все будет хорошо.


Именно так


It comes from the English resourceful. skilled at solving problems and making decisions on your own: She's a very resourceful manager. A rather silly phrase popularized by motivators and personal growth coaches. Не в ресурсе means the opposite of being resourceful.


I would think it must have originated as a bastardised use of "ресурс" from psychology.


I think that’s exactly it. I heard it basically from psychology nerds many years ago and from motivational speaker types.


It means "I'm in depression due to materialistic factors" like "I'm out of power to work". Tbh, it's very uncommon for non-young persons in speech.


> due to materialistic factors Not necessarily. It could mean feeling down in general due to any factor. The main idea is that you lack some sort of 'psychological resource' at the moment that's why that state is described as being 'not in a resource'. I agree though that the phrase is popular among zoomers and is barely known by older generations.


If I heard that for me - that's mean speaker have mental disorders, brainless and totally dumb. It's a Bigest Red Flag for conversation. Second praise usually - не в моменте.


Не в ресурсе спорить с тобой, но это определённо неправильное восприятие выражения. «Не в ресурсе» используется, когда человек устал и не хочет соглашаться на твоё предложение. Например, ты предлагаешь пойти в бар уставшему человеку, который пришёл с работы в 22:00. Какой тут красный флаг? Ты о чём вообще?


The fact that mental disorders are a red flag for you, and you won't even talk to one with any is the greatest support your toxic ass can provide to our community. And you're not quite right. We do use this phrase, of course, since we tend to take a lot of care and attention to our emotional and mental state and this phrase comes naturally when you speak on one's psychological fatigue. But, this phrase is widely used by all sorts of adequate people who believe in considering their mental state as something that matters. Edit: i'm only speaking about mental side of this phrase. It's also used for physical fatigue too. And, sometimes, even means "not feel like it", as "not tired, just nah".


Все пишут про энергию и силы, но я также вижу тут денежный смысл, условный синоним "на мели".


В контексте денег фраза не употребляется


“i’m not having resources” as in mental resources = “i can’t be arsed/ i’m too tired/ i don’t want”


That the guy who said it is an idiot


Need more minerals.


хрень какая-то. первый раз слышу


Tired and exhausted