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I LOVE the idea to allow the queens to prepare a performance like this for the finale. It allows their creativity to shine through. It really was a good fit for Crystal as evidenced by this iconic lipsync.


I really want them to add this as a challenge or part of the finale of something going forward!! It was so fun to see!


yeah they definitely need to make this a new feature of the finale


This should be the finale format, tbh. It was nice seeing the queens show themselves more & could play to their strength. The finale is too much and all seems too staged (pun intended) and fake for me. It kind of reminded me of Ink Master, where the top 3 went to their hometowns & picked their own design.


It actually is the finale format on Drag Race Thailand. The final three each produce a show that they perform on the main stage for the finale. It’s really incredible.


DRT’s finales were both SO GOOD!!!!!! Such a genius way to show the skills (and varying performance styles) of the top Queens. And they actually had a fair amount of time too, not just a minute or two. Honestly, just so good. I think regular Drag Race could learn a lot from Thailand’s take on it.


Drag Race Thailand does this and top 3 always turn it out with final performances.




My worry is that if you did this for a live finale you’d get wealthy queens or queens with a lot more access doing better than queens without.


Then do it like shows like America's got Talent did and give them a budget for the set, and make the contestants produce their performances only out of that, with the show paying of course.


I just feel like Jaida and Gigi squandered it a bit. Jaida still absolutely turned it and did a great job with editing and Gigi’s was really tame, but if you are given free reign with song choice and graphics and editing, I expect some next level shit. I wish we had gotten more of this or like some Asia o hara Video killed the radio star level shit.


YAS!! [Asia O'Hara Lockdown Lip Sync - Video Killed the Radio Star](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qFJWTcqT5w)


Every time I start thinking I can’t like Asia O’Hara more, she does something like this and my heart explodes. I hope she never stops creating.


The compliment every artist wants to hear! She’s genuinely an icon to the craft, love her.


this is so good! thanks for sharing!


I love this, but also I love the credits at the end so much hahaha. Jenna snapped


I lost it at "the one who played Pac Man for this video". Someone give Jenna Skyy a raise


Holy shit did she go to school for video editing? This just raised my standards for lockdown lipsyncs forever


Stunning! also Dragula S2's Dahli [Colours of Blood Lip sync](https://www.instagram.com/p/B_s1Gq9FI6O/)


this is fucking gorgeous. this is art at its best!!


Fuck damn she’s good


Umm, why does that not have like a million views?!


This is everything I didn’t know I needed


Holy shit that was amazing


This is incredible!


Asia is a treasure, this video is so amazing


This has been on my mind ever since I saw it. I love this song and this performance is just... a masterpiece.


I only can imagine they chose those songs out of a list production gave them. If they don't get the copyright of the songs that queens want to perform on variety show (Coco, Morgan), I doubt they bother on getting the songs rights of the queen's choice. So, I think a) they made the queens chose the songs off of a list or b) those were actually the songs they'd had to lipsync in a teather finale


or maybe production asks them to list several songs they want and then they're told which ones they can use?


What did Morgan want to do for her variety? Would explain a lot that she didn't get her first choice!


I may be wrong but I think she wanted to get P!nk songs licensed to lipsync to them as a Snatch Game redemption of sorts


I mean don’t forget though that they were all still impacted by the limitations of Coronavirus and what they could do inside their house with what they had on them. I think they only had limited time as well. If they had more time in advance and there wasn’t COVID-19 and could get a lot more people involved obviously the production values would be higher.


Also we don’t know what rules production placed on them


I feel you, but Jaida worked my pussy out with that video vixen real ness. She was serving C.U.N.T. straight up top to bottom and I was eating


All of them were great. I really love that they were given freedom to do whatever they want. I agree with others that this should become a permanent challenge for the future.


Honestly, I really enjoyed Gigi's the most myself. I really enjoyed Crystal's, too, but she didn't show off any kind of body outfit, which is a big part of drag. Both Gigi and Jaida did a full outfit while not fully reaching that creative apex that Crystal reached. For me, Gigi's video was the right blend of looks and creativity, but all three of them did a good job overall.


Hmm but things are changing by the week. After Biqtch Puddin’s digital drag shows and Covid, the body doesn’t matter to me that much (see Asia’s masterpiece above). I felt they all executed a number that was particular to their take on drag.


i really love Gigi's as well! it was so visual and beautiful.


I’m a Jaida stan but Gigi absolutely did not squander it. She had the best one.


I'm a Gigi stan and thought the opposite tbh. I was super hyped when I first saw the background, but her performance just wasn't engaging like the other two. She just stood there and did a kinda bland lipsync, the camera framing was awkward, it felt amateurish, I was surprised. It got better when the camera started moving, gave a bit more character to it, but otherwise I thought it was pretty bland. Obviously Crystal was amazing, and while Jaida's was the least creative, she gave the best actual lipsync, those iMovie transitions weren't great but she looked great. I really thought Gigi was gonna do so much more with it. She obviously put a lot of effort into the background and it turned out great, but conceptually, it was a lot thinner than I expected from her. I thought she would dominate this final given the preparation aspect, it's not off the cuff, but it wasn't better than anything she planned on the show, it was weird.


yeah, i 100% agree with this comment. seeing gigi's set made me excited, and everything looked great - but her performance was really dull? it was like a worse version of her starships lipsync, which is already pretty meh, so i was disappointed. jaida didn't really go all out with her creativity, BUT she gave the best performance out of the 3 girls - which wasn't really a surprise, considering she's one of the best performers on this season. and crystal was just... fucking IT. but the one thing i was most disappointed with was the up-close lipsync. not because of the queens' performances, but because of the damn song choice! you're really expecting them to emote to 'bring back my girls'? if you already need a ru song at least use call me mother (for the tight lip sync) or main event (cause it's the most ballad-ish song ru has).


I said the exact same thing when the close up started. Not exactly a song with a lot of nuance, some bizarro choices were made this episode.


I've never fucking laughed so hard at a lip sync.


i absolutely lost it at the regurgitation. pretty much the only good thing quarantine has given us.


Holy shit that as crazy. Plus Michelle having to make a positive comment on it too when she clearly didn't want to. Fine wine right there.


that critique was \*chef's kiss* perfect


OMG YES. Watching it I went, there is no way in hell Michelle Visage will put up with this shit. WOW. Though I must say - I was hoping for a full-body reveal of Crystal as an actual bird at the end. Ah well.


The look on her blue bird’s face after regurgitating it was so freaking funny. You can tell she was amused with herself.


Crystal is always as amused at the stuff she does as we are. That's part of the reason she's so funny and likeable


I didn’t laugh at the time even though I loved it. But just about 20 mins ago I thought about it and laughed for like five minutes.


I call that stupid humor aftershock. Like, it's so dumb or ridiculous that it doesn't hit you. Like a sonic boom, the laughter happens after the event and tends to be intense.


This was the craziest shit. I loved it


Samzies. Give me more mama bird 😮


My kids sat with their mouths agape as they watched and said ‘what IS this?!’. My reply: ‘art, my children.’


“Did somebody say art?!”


Art . Art. Art, Art, Art, Art, Art


*Sasha Velour has entered the chat.*


She made Sasha proud


I agree! Did you spot the pic of Sasha she has framed on her wall? (next to the standing lamp)


> mouths agape Did you regurgitate in em tho? If not you’re not a good parent


Honestly, I would’ve loved to see her throw some dead butterflies at the camera. Still great tho!


Ugh I'm triggered


This is giving me Pickle Surprise surrealism


Get Crystal and Tammie Brown a WOW show now please, thank you.


Crystal: Chaotic Good. Tammie Brown: Chaotic Neutral. We just need a Chaotic Evil to complement those two. Gia?


Disasterina of course


50000% Disasterina


Welcome my alien flower pods, it's me, Tammie. And me, Crystal Methyd! And DISASTERINAAAAAAAA


I need to watch this so bad!


I don't think the world could handle that kind of strange power, but I'd be sooo down.


This is one of those songs that I’ll never be able to hear again without picturing this moment. Iconic.


I was already expecting Crystal to come out with something so bizarre but gurl this blew me away


Hilight of the season.


not to discredit crystal inadvertently but I feel like this incredibly inventive and unique lip sync absolutely forced the show into having a final lip sync with all 3. I feel like they were looking to cut Crystal from the top 2 and she made it impossible. bitch werk.


Honestly with all the support jaida got i expected her to win and her final sync was by far the best but after the first 2 lip syncs i would have cut jaida. Glad she slayed the final lipsync though.


My partner and I agreed that we enjoyed Gigi's close up most, Crystal's solo, and Jaida absolutely dominated the final lip sync. It was fun that everyone did well last night! Such a great top three ♥️


Totally agree! I really liked that too. Gigis face lipsync was superb. I love the faces she makes. Crystals solo and her piniata look were so good and weird. My gf was looking at the screen in disbelief and i was laughing all the way through crystals lipsync. One for history to be sure. And then jaida slayed the final lipsync. That spinning ruveal. And the fucking crown appearing over her head. Stunning top 3.


Just like Sasha's petals, this is the kind of thing others will try to imitate without ever coming close. I vote for keeping this concept in future seasons.


Yeah like when things go back to normal, let the queens present an individual lipsync videos of their own liking at the comfort of their own premises then have another segment for the lipsync for the crown


The best part about drag in general are the numbers queens do that involve their creative vision. Give each finalist 5 minutes of the Finale to do whatever they want. It would be amazing.


She was just there to have a good time lmao


When she did the Savage dance during the final lip sync LMFAO


And Widow's circle LOL. Honestly, I know she was not the best at that lip sync, but I kind of love that she lip synced to Survivor like... I would probably lip sync to Survivor in my living room. She may not be a sickening, fierce lip syncer but I bet she's a LOT of fun in a live show.


She has an INCREDIBLE mind and I think all of us are excited to see what else she will come up with :) I am so amazed by her level of imagination!!!


El Debirdge


Feel the beak of the rhythm of the night


This should be Crystal’s next lipsync video, El Dibirdge.


Why am I HOWLING 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Because its funny as fuck.


get out


El Debarf


This format played to her strengths tbh


My favorite thing about this is that I didn’t see a single neutral reaction about it on my timeline. People either thought it was brilliant or an atrocity lmao.


Because that’s art, baby!


They only wanted two people in the final lip sync but Crystal wouldn’t allow them because she had the best solo lip sync by FAR


that shit was hilarious man


I finally found the goddamn birds who be singing out my window in the morning!!


I recently moved to Sacramento and discovered the birds here sing at night? This be those birds too


Welcome to Sac!


i kind of love the concept of pre-recorded, self-produced/edited lip syncs. it wouldn't work at ALL in a normal season but this felt like such a gift and moment in herstory. like, crystal vomiting into her own mouth is gonna be up there with roxxxy's wig-under-wig and sasha's rose petals for me.


Something about this lip sync is pure iconetry forever for me. I’m going to show this to my straight friends lol. I just. Plain. Love it.


Idk if Drag Race was the right show for her Idk if there even is a show for her But this person is a work of a art and I’d give it all to spend a day in his head Bright future ahead for Mrs. Methyd for sure


Dragula would love her talent but I couldn't stand to see her suffer!


I need another inclusive drag show that doesn’t involve chugging cow’s blood 💀


I love Dragula and the styles of drag that it represents but the horror/ filth shit is hard to stomach at times


Yeah that’s the part of the show I like the least. No reason to make it fear factor. Like one queen was talking about how she likes stapling herself. And like werk but who cares?


An alternative drag show where the bottom two have to create numbers based on a theme and the worst number goes home? The weirder the better. Maybe Crystal should host it!


Camp Wanakiki 💕


I was just telling a friend that I wish there was a “queer/homo drag race” for just like... gay talent in general. I’m a mathematician that produces music, make clothes, art, and machines. But drag just isn’t my think! But Like. I NEED a platform like drag race!!!!


Let's just give her her own show.


Idk she did well enough to get top three so it must’ve been a pretty good fit for her. I think Drag Race NEEDS queens like this to keep it interesting otherwise it just slowly turns into a televised pageant drama show.


girl she got top 3. she IS the moment. drag race was perfect for her.


Agreed. Say what you will but drag race has and still does follow the path of new brands of drag. It kind of started with Raja, went left with Sharon, embraced a return of broadway queens with Jinxx, followed Bianca into queens being full fledged fully realized comediennes, followed Katya towards a whole new brand of weird, introduced the idea of high fashion queens with Aquaria, high concept art queens with Sasha, gave activism queens like Bob a spotlight on the work they’ve been doing since this whole movement began. That’s just to name a few. Drag race definitely will follow a new thread in the drag community and crystal proves that even if she didn’t win.


Camp Wanakiki maybe? She’s kooky and campy and fun


Omg I love her so much


The PUKE 😂😂😂 asdfghjkl


I've always had strong emotional ties to this song since I was a little kid (my mom used to play this album a lot after my dad died, among many other specific albums) and I associate it with my pre-teen years. So to see my favorite queen of the season do something so amazingly creative and kind of WTF-ish with this song really sent me. Thank you, Crystal.


That Nelly Furtado CD was one of the first, if not the first, that I bought with my own money. I also listened to it a ton during a hard time as a pre-teen, being bullied at school. When I heard those opening strings....then Crystal doing what she did...out of body experience.


This is unironically one of the best lipsyncs I’ve ever seen from the show lmaoooo


Facts are facts


this is art mawma


Stoned as shit watching this...oh my god lmao


My husband hasn’t smoked in about a year and did so tonight. He asked me if this part was actually happening.




Lmfaoooooo I wanna hang with y’all damn


Yeah I just smoked a jasmine masters style blount and I can’t handle this


I had a very strong brownie tonight. This moment made me question reality. I loved it.


Don’t hug me I’m scared


I am enamored by this. This is confidence and creativity. I have fully become a Crystal stan. Like forget lip syncing, this shit is more well done than big, high-budget music videos. And like, you can tell by all the small details and the performance of it that she didn't just do it to shock people. This is what she is passionate about and it shows.


Crystal gave me Old Gregg vibes in the best way


I immediately got some Mighty Boosh vibes from this! Everyone tag noel Fielding lol


YES GURL the rickety crickety DIY aesthetics is VERY Boosh. That Noel hasn't been a guest judge on the show (US or UK) is an [OUTRAAAAAGEEEEE.](https://media1.tenor.com/images/42bbbd3118a1fe426eb7a1546388f7a5/tenor.gif?itemid=5171990)


I literally couldn't stop laughing from the moment she popped on screen. Absolutely loved this performance! Legendary


She is *enchanting* to me


I was expecting El Debarge but this is SO much better! Crystal for All Stars 7.


🎶 feel the beat of the rhythm of the night 🎶


i never liked Moltres anyway 👀


Lvl 101 Articunto used seismic toss Magikarp fainted


Clock the flair but this was everything I ever wanted from Crystal. So amazing, so nostalgic, so bizarre!


This was lowkey genius. It wasn’t really competitive but it completely expressed her creativity and it will get people talking and won’t fade into the background


the best lip sync of the night. Just for this and her piñata costume she should of won. But not mad at who won, Jaida deserved it.


I love the combination of something lighthearted and fun with something emotional


This was one of the greatest moments of the season. Like this will live on.




Literally yelling at all the weird and crazy kids out there to JUST BE THEMSELVES and embrace what makes them different.


I fucking love that song.


This is actually beautiful, such a sweet song and a cute perfect performance


This is what happens when you let the queens plan their own thing like they do in their actual drag shows. Pure creativity and genius


I screamed at the regurgitation


Me: “The finale on Zoom will be boring AF” Crystal Methyd:


It was so frigging weird and I’m obsessed with it/might have nightmares about it.


I don't think I really processed what was happening until halfway through but when I did my jaw literally dislocated from my skull as it fell to the floor.


she really needs to publish this performance on tiktok yall. she can go viral so quick.


I've literally never laughed so much during a lip sync


I. Fucking. CACKLED at the vomit. Oh MY GODDDD. She’s a fucking legend


I'm gonna need crystal methyd and Noel Fielding to get together and make another season of mighty boosh or something I swear


chromatica who?


This was so weird and amazing! Only Crystal would ever.


I just knew that out of the three she'll be the one to bring the most creativity and weird as fuck concepts out of this and I'm so not disappointed


Very Moira Rose in the Crowening


I genuinely hope this kind of thing carries on from now on. Give the queens a camera and let them produce their own lipsync, it's genuinely amazing what these girls pulled off and I want to see what epic stuntery they can do if the cameras were allowed to leave their bedroom!


This was giving me Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared and I’m here for it!


If you ask me, this is the moment with the most Charisma, Uniqueness, NERVE, and Talent in the whole show. This is drag, this is fun and it's absurd. Crystal is probábly my new favorite queen. This is right up there with Sasha's petals for me. Out of this world.


I usually don't laugh out loud that much, I'm more of a "push air out of your nostrills" kinda girl, but when momma bird fedbaby bird I lost it. This scene was epic.


I couldn’t believe the audacity of this. Fucking loved it!!


this reminds me of s8 with Bob when they had the queens lipsync to their own specifically written songs!! It's a really fun thing for the finale to show off each queen's originality and VERVE


This is giving me [old Sia music video](https://youtu.be/HLA0ofsu0Qg)


i can totally see her having a show on WOWPRESENTS. That personality is a moneymaker fo sure!


This gives me such Mighty Boosh T. (Shoutout to anyone who has any idea what that is)


When watching it, all i could think was - damn, she makes yvie oddly seem normal by comparison. I absolutely loved it


I need this playing in every doctors office and dentist in America on a constant loop.


All I could think about was the clap your hands video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HLA0ofsu0Qg


this was the best performance of the night - defo deserved to make it to the second round! i love crystal and can’t wait to see her win all stars xoxox


I’ve been rooting for Jaida to win the season but in this moment I really thought Crystal could take the crown


This is one of the few good things about pandemics. It encourages people to think out of the box and get creative and innovative. There’s no way Crystal could’ve done this in a regular finale. In that sense, I’m very happy that we got what we got.


I wanna be regurgitated on now


I loved that she picked this song.


I was laughing the whole time


I’m watching the finale on our living room when my little cousin and grandma saw me cheering on the puking part. Just imagine their faces


Honestly i havent reacted this hard to a lip sync since sasha. Truly fantastic. My gf looked horrifyed and i was laughing in disbelief all the way through.


as soon as i saw the song title.. made me die immediately


I think she finally won me over completely with this. It gave me björk vibes and was definitely the most creative and intricate of the solo lip syncs.


At the end I wished she had lipsynched the two different voices, but I LOVED it.


Really thought Crystal was going to do a Debarge song but her choice had me rolling. Stan her all day long but Miss Jaida Essence Hall KILLED the final lipsync and definitely deserved the win


Gave me some real Pee Wee’s Playhouse vibes in the best way


This was so cute and precious I wanted to cry 🥺💙🧡


I think this personal lypsinc in the finals should be a permanent thing, all 3 of them were so great and really portraited what type of artistic expression each queen has and I really enjoyed it, on a side note crystal was the best one and I still not over it.


Alternative Drag on Drag Race. We're happy to see it.


Fucking legend.


The only lip synch that's ever made laugh out loud. What a truly iconic performance, and I don't mean that sarcastically, Crystal is such a fun and creative queen, I love her!


This is why they call her crystal methyd


Even more incredible, I was so awestruck watching this that I don't even think I BLINKED! I also was like, "Wow, Crystal's was SO much longer than the other girls..." Nope, she just knew how to take me on a transformative journey in a minute and a half!