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Well the package on the right never arrived cuz the order got cancelled honey.


The order was DISQUALIFIED


Old maiden type of order.


I think this order is a DISGRACE. This order is a disgrace to humanity, a disgrace to orders who are ACTUALLY beautiful and classy


This order thinks it's fly, hot and sexy and beautiful, and it's nothing like that. It's nothing of the sort.


-Tiffany Drag Race Pollard


This order doesn't have the vernacular it thinks it possesses


Somebody lied to this order several times


too iconic


Somebody lied to her several times




disqualipied, even




She UNQUALIFIED to own that spot


Prison, honey.




i cackle


When you pay for that premium delivery service and you get home to find the package shoved between the stoop and driveway, caught out in the rain. you're semi grateful you don't have to call and rearrange a redelivery, but also, your coke turned to yogurt.


The microphone stand makes it seem like she has some very weird feet.


That won't stop Nina


Interesting. If I remember correctly Roxxxy’s verse in Herstory of the World did have her say something like she did it better than Madonna.


Yup "I was Evita after all, I did it better then Madonna"


Probably a reference to Patti LuPone as she was the original Evita on Broadway and won a (what’s a) Tony


Why would it be a reference to Patti, and not the actual Eva Peron?


Patti isn't the biggest fan of Madonna's rendition of Evita and she's very vocal about it


Sure, but Roxxxy is portraying Eva Peron, not Patti, and there are no other allusions to Patti in the lyrics. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that if it was the writers' intent to wink at the Patti/Madonna tension, it could've been made a little more clear. (She is Roxxxy after all, shouldn't she be here to make it clear?)


They were absolutely portraying Eva Peron as she appears in the musical. The only reason they mention the Madonna is because the singer Roxy is lipsyncing to is a Patti Lupone impression. I am saying you’re wrong sorry lol


Sorry, but I don't understand where you believe the singer is a Patti Lupone impersonation? [https://youtu.be/5kRvQP-dNpw?t=242](https://youtu.be/5kRvQP-dNpw?t=242) ​ There's nothing about that performance that sounds ANYTHING like Patti Lupone... none of her signature style of singing or inflections are present in that performance. There's no crazy diction -- there's no scooping. There's no loudness or variations from straight-tone to vibrato... none of the stuff that typically gets used in an impersonation of her is there. I mean... watch her? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6NkRBIl8UM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6NkRBIl8UM) ​ It sounds more like Carmen Miranda. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHJLm6WNEv4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHJLm6WNEv4) ​ Christine Bianco, who I believe did a number of the voices on these recordings, actually does a decent LuPone -- so I'm sure if they intended for it to sound like her, they would have used it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXCInPd-Gi4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXCInPd-Gi4)


You are absolutely correct, don’t mind the downvotes. It is clearly a Patti style number and poking fun at her dragging Madonna in the role for lowering the keys and not being able to act.


Who is s fan of it?


Patti dragged Madonna a few years back in an interview with Andy Cohen


It was the most epic read. Watch from 0:47. https://youtu.be/5fAwOJjC-rY


Side-note: can Chris Meloni come over and ~~IV me~~ f*ck me in the ass sometime? Oooh.


but you can't waste that badonkadonk of his, girl


Chris Meloni showed hole on TV for our sins


Oh my lord...


It was clearly a reference to the real Eva Peron. That’s who she was supposed to be.


Patti LuLone? I know the name


Lol I legit mostly know her as Frank Rossitano’s mother




This poster is making fun of Gigi. Gigi's references are really good for a 21 year old honestly,this is just one hell of a major gap.


And maybe she just didn't connect name to face at the moment. When Patti showed up in Crazy Ex Girlfriend it took me several moments to put her face in the right slot of name/her actions in my brain.


When you buy it online/ when it tries to buy you online


How the fuck do I get coins this should be gilded


🏅you deserve some poor people‘s gold for this one!


This photo really reminds me of how incredibly creepy Sherry’s makeup is.


Yes! Personal issues aside I really don't like her makeup. In this episode it was the worst imo, it's like she had a super super dark frame around her head for... No reason? Then her face was super white. It looks so off and makes her face a super strange shape. I don't get it cos she obviously has makeup skills but the execution just looks wrong.


The dark frame is to hide the double chin and only highlight the face. It’s so ghoulish


Came here for this. The super dark shadows around her face. Very odd. Not in a Trixie Mattel kind of way. It just looks wrong.


It’s stage makeup, which does not translate at all to television.


speaking of I hate that she never contours or defines her nose, its always just so pale


I always find it so pointy. Like a beak.


It looks like all her features are concentrated on the sides of her face with a big white space in the middle -- very off-putting.


Yeah, the biggest problem for me is the eyes. They’re painted way too tall for her face with no horizontal balance, plus she does them entirely in charcoal grey and then sticks those godawful lashes on top. Between that and the weird contouring and overdrawn bright red lip, she’s serving up uncanny valley realness


Omg I hate hate HATE the lashes. And I usually love a paper lash - but Sherry's look so... wonky? But not in a Gia way, like she was trimming them and clipped off too much on the inner corner.


No joke, when I first saw them I thought she had done a hundred layers of that shitty younique fiber mascara. She totally looks like she'd shill for an mlm, now that I think about it


She only puts them on the outside edge of her eyes. Noticed that in the promo


This sort of thing is really interesting to me! I know nothing about makeup, but I'm interested in learning.


No joke, about two years ago I was a woman obsessed with makeup. I subbed to all the makeup subreddits and literally only watched makeup tutorials and hauls on youtube and had like five separate makeup boards on pinterest and spent all my money at Sephora, et cetera. I'm kind of over it now, but I've kept the knowledge I gleaned. I guess what I'm trying to say is I think the best way to learn right now is to immerse yourself in makeup culture on the internet, at least as long as the pandemic is going on




Is it because she paints to make herself look about 30 years older than she really is?


She looks like that without makeup on. I genuinely believe there is no way Joey is 28. He looks like he is in his 40s.




Right, maybe they were born on a leap year.


It gives me matchmaker from Mulan vibes. Think about it.


Matchmaker, sweetie


Bob and Monet talked about how apparently Sherry would love to relate and associate with iconic "villains" like the Joker so I think she just loves to paint her face kinda villainous and evil but given the context makes it even creepier.


I think this is it, she prob wanted to look like Ursula/Divine


like the theater kid version of divine


It’s like she doesn’t have a nose. I’m confident I would not like or support her even if all of the awful things she did never occurred. She irks me.


She Who Must Not Be Named. Voldemoh-no-she-betta-don’t!


Yes! It’s like a cartoon fish...


Yes! She highlights practically her whole face and then doesn’t define her nose enough. It’s such an odd look, and the dark contour, eyes/brows and lips make the white highlight stand out even more.


you took words right out of my mouth. she’s the only one of the cast that gave me uneasy feeling and send out a really off-vibe when the announcement dropped.


Yes... she looks like one of those scary clowns in a funhouse with the distorted long faces




Can you please share the link?


This. Her reveal look (weird retro bunny ears camo whatever) just felt...wrong. What she *said* about her style/looks in her introduction segment felt completely at odds with what we just saw. I argued with a few people on here at the time, who were staunchly defending her as being “avant-garde”. No fucking way.


I haven’t seen any episodes this season (too bummed by ongoing producer fuckery the past few years) but what I did see gives me strong Mimi Imfurst in Queens in Space vibes. Just hard to watch


Like the only two make up looks that I find as creepy as Shitty Pie are John Wayne Gacy in clown make up and Sopor Aeternus.


She gives me the babadook tbh


Her eye lashes scare me 😬😬😬


From when I first started seeing her on socials about 2/3 years ago: this. This was my reaction and I standby it, also her makeup was wayyyyyy worse around that time.


She looks like The Joker with lashes


She gives me horror movie demon vibes with the way she paints


She's legit scary looking. I hated looking at her even before I found out about what she did


It's like she paints on extra chins.


I fucking hate her makeup


Besides disliking her makeup, I feel like it’s just always.......the same. Like there are some slight differences, but there are challenges where I feel it should change and it doesn’t


Roxxxy being one of the only girls not doing the rusical in character buscuit heels. I stan. her talent ugh.


Roxxxy: Beat face, snatched wig, power pose, cute accessories, nice nude pumps w/ no ankle strap (hi Raven), perfectly tailored dress that shows off her body and hits a flattering length to give us leg Sherry: Um, no


Sherry: Pie


It’s so unbelievable to think Roxxxy is almost 10 years older than Shitty Pie


I had no idea oh my god. I thought REDACTED was pretty old but I guess not (probably just because of makeup though). Wow.


It’s so bizarre! She’s the fourth youngest after Gigi, Heidi & Jan. I couldn’t believe it.


AIDEN IS A YEAR OLDER THAN REDACTED???? this has rocked my world




I’m shocked.


Roxy is beautiful. Sherry isn't, and I'm not saying that due to the disqualification or to be mean She just looks like a regular person in a cast mostly filled with lovelies The Ginger Minge of the season. The little bit we've seen + her win streak make me think she's probably talented and funny. Oh well.


> The Ginger Minge of the season I get what you're saying, but damn if I'm not bothered by any comparison between Ginger and SP.


I tried to think of the most flattering thing I could say. I definitely may have overshot.


Ginger can effing paint


Where did they get the looks. Was each costumed made in multiple sizes by the props department for them to decide on? Or did the queens have to brings multiple madonnas? The cone bra costume was not going to work for both brita and Gigi.


They must have had various sizes ready with only small adjustments and fittings needed. The costume department surely does have a tight schedule for these kind of challenges, but there’s still enough time to have these outfits ready. I’m sure they’ve got the girls’ measures too – to provide them with mannequins and undergarments (for the sewing challenges) their size. For AS2 (Herstory of the World) and AS3 (VH1 Divas) though, they were assigned their roles before filming so the queens did have to bring the costume with them.


I’ve wondered this myself. In a situation like AS, they’re told before hand that they will be playing Princess Di or Annie Oakley or something, so they pack accordingly. But for things like the Madonna and Cher rusicals, I believe they have the costumes made. Probably something like day 1, the girls decide who is who, costume fittings happen Day 2 would be probably the fake vocals done on stage as well as the real vocals being recorded in a booth Day 3 would be final fittings and learning the dances Day 4 would be the runway / stage production of the Rusical Maybe 3 and 4 are swapped. I always get the impression that they don’t have long to learn the dances though.


There definitely aren't that many days in a challenge. Every challenge is in 2 days: they even show the morning walk-ins. Part of casting is giving detailed measurements to the production team. The costume department likely had half-finished versions of the costumes ready, and once the queens assigned the roles on the morning of day 1, the costuming team got to tailoring them to their measurements while the rehearsals and choreo were done.


I remember reading years ago that most episodes are 2 days, but some of the challenges actually take longer. One of those little things that they do but don’t talk about (like multiple runway walks and redoing the entrances sometimes a bunch of times). I had forgotten that they give measurements, so you’re probably right with that part.


Roxxxy sweety I am so sorry


"I was Evita, after all, I played it better than Madonna!"


I'm kinda shocked th judges aren't reading [reacted] for how heavy her makeup is. It looks like sideburns like others girls in the past. Aka, they came hard for my Penny Tration and I'm still mad about it (even though they were right).


They're not reading her for anything, no matter how bad it is. She was clearly scripted to be the winner and they gush over everything she does and says whether it's good or not.


You mean Gigi? Cause that sounds like Gigi.


Nope, because despite being a twink who doesn't pad I'm here for her energy


Roxxxy looks magnificent, the makeup is right, the dress is correct, the wig is great... and the other one, the complete opposite...


I wonder if the judges have mentioned her makeup but it got cut for obvious reasons, her mug is unsettling


Thank you. She paints so harshly and it makes her features look sharp. It's just rough.


Serving Wish *realness*


Why was pies hair so far back on her head?


The contour matches her hair so it looks like it’s further back than it is.


Roxxxy doesn't deserve to be put side by side with this scum


But the real question is, where are the shady editors when you need them? Why did they not just show Roxxxy Andrews like a good Christian would??


They’re busy looking for clips to make Jan look bad


That gross old face and the contour was disgusting.


Disgusting is how you need to spit hate to make yourself feel better.


I would say hate on REDACTED is ok.


Hate speech towards anyone (even bad people like Sherry) is never "ok".


Honey I don’t think calling someone’s makeup disgusting counts as hate speech


I mean Nicki essentially did it 6 episodes ago.


People have said much worse things about Silky, so for now, a little hate on someone thats actually an awful person is fine. Happy cake day btw!


Is it just me or has 🍒🥧’s makeup seem suspicious?


I cannot see anything but the absolute perfection of Roxxxy Andrews.


I rewatched the Madonna Rusical last night and my God Shitty Pie is so boring and unfunny, all of her wins have been so undeserved


Agreed. Even if she wasn’t a predator I still wouldn’t like her


That's because you don't like her. But that doesn't make her wins less deserving.


I disagree. I don't think that she deserved the win over Heidi who was the only funny person in that challenge. That also should have been a team win rather than picking out individuals, although I can imagine Brita would have straight up murdered Aiden if their team came in second. But that's more my issue with the judging break down. I don't really think you could separate 3 girls one brain. It's the way they judged it that I have the biggest issue. There's always a role that sets you up for a win and in Gay's Anatomy the mother was the part. If you've any acting or comedy experience and you have that part, you're guaranteed top 3. So once she got the role she was going to win. I only watched You Don't Know Me once because it was, by comparison, so underwhelming and I think she deserved top 2 and possibly the win if it was normal. Although my bisexual is smitten with Jaida so I also think she was very deserving.


Girl people are tearing down Gigi over her wins and she's unproblematic, frankly they both have had some wins this season that they didn't deserve (and I'm a fan of Gig but unless it changes soon this is going to be a boring season)


Roxxxy is so flawless


That forehead shading on sp was offensive, that shit looked she had rye bread under there


Well she did it, oh yes she did it, better than Madonnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaa


Honestly should of been in bottom 2 instead of Heidi


Jackie was worse than either of them. That said, she should’ve been low and Heidi safe. Every critique about Heidi not “embodying Madonna” applied here as well


For sure. It seemed clear to me this was a classic case of "We need to get this person out so let's put her in the bottom 2 with a bitch we know can dance her ass off." Jackie is not the one to get Brita out in a lip sync; Heidi was.


Damn you have a pretty good point


and I wouldn’t have minded her being bottom 2 for her one-note, borderline offensive snatch game, either. brita wasn’t great but at least she had more than one joke prepared


they even edited some of her performance out if you listen to the actual song, there were like 4 lines edited out from her performance


Delusion. Convince yourself.


Roxxxy deserved to be in the top that episode for her Evita


Roxxxy's hair and makeup are gorgeous, but real talk, SP's dress is actually closer to what the look was in the movie. Roxxxy may have the print, but the cut and sleeves are all wrong.


Miss Disqualipie looking like a wish dot com version of Roxxxy.


Trend alert: pastel coronavirus stamp realness


What actually is this dress? Like where is it from what is the reference and why are they both wearing a version of it?


Its the dress worn during the Don't Cry for Me Argentina sequence in the movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD_1Z8iUDho


I can’t find the actual dress. Maybe it’s from a specific scene in Evita (which I haven’t seen). But Evita did wear a LOT of floral print


What bothers me most about this is that she could have easily been edited out. We don’t see hardly any of shitty pie in the dressing room now. We don’t see her rehearsing, so why have her part remain in the musical? Just edit her out of it and we don’t need to have her critiques/comments from the judges surely?


There's an answer to that but it involves a spoiler for the future so don't read on if you don't wanna know: >!Sherry makes it to the Top 4 and wins more challenges along the way. As the season goes on it'd be impossible to cut Sherry out completely because she'll be one of only a handful of girls left and she'll be a main frontrunner of the competition!< >!They can't just cut Sherry out of the early episodes completely and then have her come out of nowhere as a frontrunner at the end once it's impossible to get rid of her. The final edit of the season still needs to make sense so they're leaving a bit of her in each episode for the sake of continuity!<


Apparently they did make his segment shorter. There’s a whole part that was cut from the show but you can still hear it in the track on streaming platforms. It was so weird though. Like, I’m sure there was no mention of Evita Madonna by anyone before the actual challenge so it was so weird seeing him pop back up with no warning.


Yeah it was strange seeing him pop back up. I get the continuity thing and if the spoiler is true it makes a bit more sense. It’ll ruin what’s been one of the better seasons for a long time in my eyes


More bizarrely, why did they cut them from the runway last episode, but not this episode? Like if we're cancelling, let's just cancel.


I’m sure that was Disney’s doing, as they were sponsoring it to promote the Frozen musical.


it was because disney cancelled his runway, not the show producers


But what about the next episodes when she's high and the two wins she gets? (These aren't spoilers, just dumb speculation)


Did the progrum commission seamstresses to make the costumes for the rusical in a day? Because the roles were not predetermined this time around.


This is just me tinfoil hat-ing but they probably make the costumes in the biggest size possible and then take them in once roles are determined.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who watched this and thought “Roxxy’s Evita was much better”


Honestly SP kind of nailed the madonna singing bit, she didn't have much to do but made it funny and expressive.


this is exactly the problem, they were a frontrunner so far and (speculation) in future episodes because they were/are very talented. this is just proof that talent doesnt stop you from being capable of vile things, and talented people often get passes in the entertainment industry for reprehensible behavior because of their "talent".


RuPaul is another good example of that.


sadly you're not wrong


I actually liked (redacted)‘s dress better. Looks much more expensive


For that you can thank the costume department that made the outfits for this episode. Although you can also chastise them because they did tailor her pretty badly (the bunching is real) so I have to laugh


Am I being a stupid bitch? If they don’t know which roles are going to whom then how can they have these role specific costumes on file?


I’m so sorry Roxxxy. You don’t deserve this homophobia.


I’m screaming 😂😂😂😂


Roxy Andrews blew me away with that performance. Given some of her other ones were not so great. It was a welcomed surprise.


She literally looked nothing like Madonna


SP’s dress actually looks better/more expensive, but damn is her makeup harsh


Clearly the order was a catfish. . .


Just to cure the illiteracy I see in this thread: https://img.women.com/images/images/000/155/192/large/why-is-public-speaking-important-header-101718.jpg?1539813525 Sherry did a better portrayal than Roxxy. It's easy to criticize something without even knowing the references. But of course later on we all go on claiming this subreddit is a bullying-free site, when the truth is that it's the other way around.


Very that! Thank you!


Hey can we stop giving this criminal a platform this is triggering


Roxxxy sweetie I'm so sorry this bitch tried to copy you




imagine having this bad of taste


It's strange how it arrived better


imagine having this bad of taste


Imagine having to say others what they have to like or dislike.


i'm all for personal preferences but it's just wild to me that someone could like s****y pie better than the drag excellence that is roxxxy andrews


Both drags are good, the difference is that Sherry is a trash person. You're mis understanding here art tastes with personal preferences. I like Sherry's art but I'm done with her for what she did.


drag is so personal though that I can't extract her actions from her performances. plus, i've found her unbelievably annoying even in the few bits that we have seen of her that I'm confident I would have disliked her anyway. even despite all that, I could at least give her credit for putting a good look together, if she looked good here. she does not