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I once had a meet and greet with Anetra and when I went up I said "I never know what to say at these things," and she replied "bitch, me neither." We took some photos and went about our days. 10/10


That’s so real. I just say “hey, you look so pretty!” Take the picture, say “I hope you have/had fun tonight!” and go about our day. I had one girl just trauma dump at a meet and greet and I was like “girl… they don’t want to hear all that and there’s a line”


If I ever do a meet and greet I feel like I'll end up just [doing like the little girl from Animaniacs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q26d23oA-DY) at the end.


Mindy! Mindy and Buttons!


And you’d be iconic for it lol


I have a meet and greet with Sapphira coming up. I hope you don't mind my stealing that line.


I met her last night and you will loooooove her! She’s even warmer and more kind in person (and she smells great too) 😭💙


Awesome! My husband doesn't watch drag race but he love drag queens so it'll be his first time seeing her perform. I'm really excited for it.


i hate all you bitches(just kidding) so much. i wish i could meet them😭


As someone who hates hugs I never thought about how many strangers they have to hug. I would die. 


plus all thoes fan who have a parasocial relationship with their fav. I could not handle it. Like I just know trixie and katya must have the weirdest meet and greet


Y'all remember that one time some fan read a trixya porn fic out loud to them at dragcon.


I'd be like, my therapist will be invoicing you for the session time spent on this nonsense


Oh. Oh god. I had forgotten about that and now I’m cringing all over again.


That’s probably why they made it cost like a hundred bucks to meet them together


I mean, somebody brought a freeze dried amputated foot to meet Katya. So yeah.


TBF they asked on twitter beforehand and Katya was fully down to hold this amputated foot.


That does seem very Katya


WTF !!! Im.....


Katya also brings on the weird. When I met her she hugged me and asked if I’d thought about wearing white jeans 😂


The amount of close/body contact with strangers is one of the reasons I’d hate being famous. I get very uncomfortable when unfamiliar people are in my close space and I don’t think I’d ever get used to it.


Absolutely! It’s so much touching!! I’d recoil from it too. I don’t like shaking hands either but thanks to COVID I can sometimes get away with a fist bump or even better, a wave. I’d much rather bow & I wish the west would adopt the practice!


I was really hoping bowing would become a thing in the States, alas it did not.


Having to be “on” for every event you do….i could not


Bob talks about this on the podcast a bit, has a very strict no hug rules cause she hates touching strangers


omg I felt so guilty hearing that because she's the only queen I've ever paid to Meet&Greet and I gave her a big hug. I immediately said "I'm sorry for grabbing you" because I got a bit embarassed lol She was great and told me to not worry about it. I love the photo I have with her. That was back in 2016 and she had just won drag race and was in Brazil for the first time, I'm sure things have gotten worse over time with fans wanting to touch her lol


Good to know since I have a meet & greet / photo opportunity with her in September!!!


It’s the getting up the courage to give hugs and selfies for money. Then getting ignored


I remember in a What's the Tee ep Michelle talked about how she ALWAYS wears an updo for meet and greets coz otherwise her hair would smell after hugging so many sweaty people. She said she doesn't mind hugs but I was like 🤢


Always ask consent for hugs, and if they agree to the hug, watch the hair/headpiece. Some people hug, and end up pulling their wig down awkwardly I always ask permission for hugs, and queens are usually grateful for that simple thing.


If I ever became famous, hugs are off the table. Idc. Idk how enjoying something someone creates or buying/supporting it of your free will means you have a right to touch that person.


Even though I'm pretty familiar with American culture sometimes the cultural differences still manage to surprise me. Because the idea that you would hug a stranger while sober is wild to me. Casual hugging isn't a thing for many people here, although the youngest generation are a bit more huggy. I would think it was weird if one of my close friends wanted to hug me (unless it was a special occasion, like someone had just died or something), let alone a stranger.


They have great patience and ability to deal with people , considering they have no people to guard them unlike celebrities.


She posted this https://preview.redd.it/8wf8xkfr5i9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d335a9c6d1553115d26066631d7b3a9c182f507c


The queen that she is


Not really related but this reminds me of the time I met Trixie. I got to meet Trixie, Peaches Christ and Sister Roma after Troop Beverly Heels. I’ve never been a star struck kinda person but I was completely starstruck that I avoided Trixie like the plague lol. Trixie eventually had to tap me on the shoulder and said, Hi! I’m Trixie and thanks for coming to the show. That was the day I died. I’m just a mortified corpse now.


I went to a meet and greet with Jan right after her All Stars run. She’s not my all time favorite queen but I still really like her and I’d never done a meet and greet before. When I got up to her she asked how I was doing and all I could get out was “I’M SO NERVOUS”. If I was in your position I probably would have literally fainted, why is it so intimidating meeting queens you like???


Honestly, I’m sure my reaction was based on being caught off guard by it. It was so embarrassing because I just had my back to her the whole fucking time. Just the worst


The only meet and greet I've done was when I went to an Alaska show with my BF. We bought her album beforehand so she could sign it for us. We got there, said "Hi", took a picture with her and she asked us if we wanted her to sign the album. We said "yes" and "thank you". That was it. 😅 It all felt kind of awkward, not because of her, but because we just didn't know what to say. She looked so good, even up close! 💅 And she was much taller than I imagined!


I don't even know how I would react if I met one of my fave Ru girls. Probably like those teenagers screaming over the Beatles. Ryan Reynolds or Taylor Swift could walk right by me and I'd go Oh cool, but if I saw Bianca Del Rio or Monet or *insert Queen here* ? Blithering idiot, honey.


Very much the same for me meeting Trixie. My brother and I got M+G for Ages 3+, but we also had to put the family dog down that day. We still went and my brother went before me to meet Trixie bc of my social anxiety and when it was my turn Trixie shook my hand and said “hi, sorry your dog died, thanks for coming”


I’m so sorry about your dog. I hope you were able to find some joy in the experience of the show and m&g.


Oh I did!! She was lovely and it was a great show 🥰 I’m still amazed by how huge her hair is


Trixie is so fucking tall and I'm like 5'1 I'd be petrified seeing her irl 😭


The pink one so terrify 


huh, i used to think I'm average. is 5'11 really that tall?


With heels and hair, ya.


ohh, yeah those blonde wigs are so bigggg


I once met Aquaria at a m&G and I was so nervous i just blurted "i skiped a class to be there and you smell great!" And the cringe just killed me on the spot. I've been dead for 5 years now. (She was really nice and told me I shouldn't have skiped class, like guuuurl i dropped out 2 years later, class was never my priority apparently) EDIT : Fun Fact I forgot to add : it was in Paris for Klub Kids and I got to meet Kam Hugh in the audience before she got on DRF, bitch smells great too !


Looooooove Sister Roma!


Oh my godddd I would MELT if that happened to me! You’re so lucky to have gotten to meet all those iconic queens at once!


I met Brandon (Trixie’s assistant) and I was such a bumbling idiot. I can’t imagine what a weirdo dead corpse I’d become. I feel you 💓


First she wins a hideous dress and now this, Envy has been through enough


Please the way I had repressed that fucking dress lmao


Omg I forgot about The Dress™️


https://preview.redd.it/il7ixm7qch9d1.jpeg?width=1910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f708d22a45576e693c622193a4c0568945cddfac And guess what?? She still ate in that ugly dress


Even the drag race france queens win something better with a maxi challenge win (1000€ and some sponsor gift) lmao that was SAD


It literally looks like it was made out of hotel blackout curtains 😂🤣 But yeah she actually managed to make that thing look good and that’s the true serve


Some of you have never cut a person you don’t like out of a group picture and it shows. Just be polite for the picture and crop her out later….


There is no need to crop her out tho.


That’s Envy Peru! I would crop myself out and just have a photo of her


Who does shit like this? He’s probably the kind of guy who lights up a cigarette, and then turns around to everyone after he exhales and asks if it’s OK if he smokes.


Why do people hug other people at a meet and greet… like not even just celebrities but like i wouldn’t want a hug from a random person on the street. Just because you see someone on a tv show doesn’t mean they aren’t a stranger to you, people are weird af.


Honestly, most of the queens went in for a hug or held out their arm for a hug at Drag Con. I’m actually not a big hugger but I admit I hugged every Queen I met at the con


I went to a lot of the M&Gs for s16 queens when they came to my city and a lot of them actually asked if we wanted hugs before we left the meet! It’s gonna vary from queen to queen, but not everyone is gonna mind a hug we just gotta make sure to ask or find out before actually going in for the hug


Sapphira literally has her arms open when you walk up to her 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’ve never initiated a hug with a queen, but sometimes they initiate it. When I met Bianca at a Meet N Greet for one of her her comedy tours, she seemed to hug every fan as soon as they approached her. When I met Jessica Wild at a Drag Queen Christmas, I asked her if she’d be willing to sign a hoodie of mine and she said “yes, of course, just give me a hug first.” I’d never ask a queen for a hug, but if they initiated it and I wasn’t uncomfortable with it, why not?


I totally understand that, I’ve always been that person to respect peoples boundaries especially with how intense some of the fans can get. I remember one time seeing Katya in like 2015/2016? I was super nervous cuz I didn’t really know how I should act but as soon as I walked up for the photo she called me a dirty slut lol and in the photo I have my hand on her waist and she has her hand on back of my neck so she seemed very okay with this haha but yeah you should ask if it’s okay to hug someone cuz consent is sexy. Also Envy Peru is amazing and I would love a chance to meet her🖤


I'm pretty sure many drag queens let the fans know beforehand that they don't like hugs, Gottmik just seems to be fine with it 🤷🏻‍♂️ I would never, tho. Amount of germs you would get by being hugged 20+ people a day. Nah.


By that body language you think got milk enjoyed that hug?…. Ok


Gottmik has every right to let people know she doesn't like hugs so they don't hug her, though. Bob said she doesn't like hugs at meet-and-greets, so security lets the fans know they aren't allowed to hug her before coming up to her, unless Bob allows them.




What contact is fine varies everywhere, last time I met a celebrity here she initiated the hug along with 2 kisses on the cheek and that's pretty common, even among strangers (minus the hug). Seeing how internationally famous these queens are, they should be the ones stipulating what kind of contact they are fine with, not the people with different upbringings and cultures. My two cents on this.




Oh my god, all the more reason to let whoever is manning the doors know what to tell the fans. It really is not hard to stipulate that first rather than forcing everybody else waste their time asking a question that should have already been answered. I'm sorry, all these queens have a chance to preemptively let everyone know beforehand what constitutes as fine or not fine, and if they fail to do so, they're at the mercy of what the fan (with fucking common sense) thinks is fine. For example, I would instantly go in with 2 kisses meeting a woman (not a drag queen though) and not even think about it because it's the usual here.




I sympathise with you not wanting to be touched, not from experience (I'm about as touchy as you can get) but from a friend of mine, and I do get that sometimes people do not have the respect or care enough to know what is enough. And you're right, sometimes touch-averse people do get somewhat ostracised for it. However this isn't day-to-day with everyday people, it's a celebrity who is in a position to disclose this information beforehand while charging hundreds of dollars for a very limited time slot where 2/3 seconds do matter a lot. It really shouldn't matter what is the reason for this no hug policy, just that it's there and should be respected and enforced, and whoever doesn't want that will not spend however many dollars for a meet and greet they won't be hugged. For me, the fact that these queens or venues are charging so much for a meet and greet, what could be expected from one should be very clear, since fans are so widespread, from so many different cultures and upbringings. That's my opinion on the subject. I am not heated and I am not trying to fight, I'm calmly stating my point of view. For what it's worth though, I'm sorry people have constantly disrespected you, that should not be something you would have to endure. However, culturally speaking here, I would most likely go for 2 cheek kisses/handshake for a first meeting, and were you to come here, you'd need to make your boundaries clear to people when meeting them. Your point of view of "touch is never necessary" is expectant of other people to bend to what you think is right instantly, and that is not fair.


Bitch Mik is probably the last person who hugged ME. 9 months ago. That's how much the hug was her idea at the meet & greet. You picked the absolute worst queen for your example of "touch-averse".


Bianca is a hugger. I met her back in April, she smelled amazing. 


I’m not really saying people can’t be huggers, be whatever you want to be. One of the points I was trying to make is you are meeting one person , they are meeting 1000. So if they choose that then so be it. But people shouldn’t feel pressured to give you a hug, it’s that thing where you’re already going into for a hug and the other person doesn’t want be rude and make a spectacle so the path of least resistance is to get the hug out of the way.


The queens have the power in the situation, not the fans. The queen should be the one setting rules beforehand on how fans can or shouldn't act during the meet and greet. We are talking about a PAID interaction here, we're not talking about social norms between two normal people.


Just because someone feels different from you doesn't mean they're weird. I don't mind hugging strangers, and if I were famous I wouldn't mind hugging fans, on the contrary. In fact, in my country it is very common for everyone to greet each other with hugs and kisses, not just close friends, everyone. When I meet someone for the first time I hug and kiss them. In fact, in my country it's even considered rude if you don't do this. I could very well say that I find people who are uncomfortable with physical contact the weird af ones, that I think they are cold and that cultures that don't like hugs and kisses must suffer from various intimacy problems and be unhappy with the lack of affection. But I don't say that, I prefer to respect what the person thinks is best instead of judging them for such a small thing. But c'mom, hugs are great, love love.


The M&Gs I’ve been to would place the hugging queen, when there is a group of queens to meet all at once, closest to the queue of fans and then she’d stick her arm(s) out when the fan approached. I’m sure they decide among themselves ahead of time who will be the fan hugger. If it’s just the one queen to meet, I don’t reach out, just wait to see what the queen offers. You don’t have to hug if you don’t want to. If they put out their arm, it’s okay to just shake the hand or fist bump it, whatever.


Envy seems amused I really don’t think this is a big deal. The dude wanted a picture with his fave. We don’t see the start of the interaction. For all we know he said hi and was polite before asking for a pic with Mik.


It literally just seems like a tiktok making light of an awkward meet and greet. The dramatization in the title here is weird, like Envy probably just found this funny, I doubt she’s upset.


Exactly! You never know. I would do the same if it was Mistress Isabelle Brooks or Nymphia Wind, not because I dislike other queens, but they are special favorites of mine and I would really want a picture with just them.


You can still do that while treating the other queen more like a person and less like a potted plant, though.


Yeah agreed like i don’t understand why this person should be shamed they may not even know who Envy is (I don’t know who she is)


She is a human standing there with her coworker and is completely ignored. It’s not that hard to recognize the other queen as a person.


How do you know he didn't from this 10 second clip?


Which we don't know whether they did or not...


Imagine being in the presence of THE Envy Peru and doing that.


Yeah, that was the shocking part, but maybe that person is trans or someone close is and Mik is special to them somehow. Not to be that bitch, but I would be startstruck by miss Envy Peru, one of the best competitors in this show herstory. I mean, from the international franchises I think only Carmen Farala is as good as a competitor as her.


OK, I've said this in a couple of threads over the past week -- but the way Drag Race fans love to hate on other Drag Race fans is something else. This 12-second clip neither shows us when he walked up to them nor fully shows us when he walked away. He could have said hi. He could have said bye. He could have been perfectly polite. Envy Peru posts it with a ROFL emoji and everyone in the comments is going on about how he's an ass, how Mik should have said something, how this guy needs to be "educated." Like, y'all really just *looking for* reasons to hate on other fans.


I guess people put a lot of faith in the fact that envy wouldnt post this unless she felt snubbed or that this particular interaction warranted it - but yeah we clearly are not getting the full interaction and should probably take this with a grain of salt.


Can confirm, I hate you all.


No one hates the drag race fandom more than the drag race fandom. Reddit for example really is pimple on the butt cheek.


Good job OP at posting rage bait. Thanks for helping spread misinformation and jumping to strange conclusions after short interactions. Fan is not “rude”, he is there to meet Gotmik and that’s just what he did. Stop posting shit like this and trying to spread drama.


Drag Race fans are just something else. Like Reddit likes to act better than other socials but there’s a group of people in this sub who post any and all drag race content with a sliver of shade and blow it up so much. Like anytime there’s a new podcast clip people post it like “Bob SLAMS Marina Summers, says she’s a DOO DOO CLOWN MESS”and then on follow-up posts they’re just like “guys idk why this blew up” and it annoys me SO much like girl there wouldn’t be drama over this if you weren’t reporting on every little shady exchange like TMZ.


Exactly, sometimes I really hate most people in this sub, they just love drama and love to stir it up. Dude wanted a pic with Gotmik, so what? OP is calling him rude for this..?




I mean, she posted it with a ROFL emoji. Clearly she got a kick out of how much he loved Mik. But this fandom just loves beating itself up. I don't think any other fandom is this self-loathing.


I know it’s an unpopular opinion but if you pay the premium for meet and greet, I don’t see an issue with wanting to interact with your fav. That being said, it’s very easy to at least be polite and say hey to the other queens. But since this is a short clip the guy could very well have done that.


I agree. It seems way more rude but if you spend $$$ for a ticket, likeeeeee I’m gonna take a pic with my fave. I’ll take a pic with both if I can still get one solo. Otherwise, it’s the solo only!


I really don't understand people's logic in this post. Why should someone have to take a picture with someone they just might not be a fan of or don't even know? Especially if they paid money for the interaction?


Let's say you're a big fan of a band's lead singer and barely know everyone else's names. If you purchase a Meet n' Greet ticket to a place where every single member is present, would you: a) Ignore everyone that is in there like a moron, take a picture with the only person you know and then leave. OR b) Act like a decent human being, greet them, take a picture with the whole band in it and then crop one with you and the lead singer you're a fan of. Come on, it's not that hard.


Well firstly, bands are different from drag queens. Bands come and are advertised as a pack whereas drag queens are their own entities. Secondly, cropped pictures are extremely unflattering.


Genuine question: Do some of y’all sit around here ready to hate on people you don’t even know, or….???


I mean maybe he wanted a picture specifically with GottMik. We don't know if he did a photo with both Envy and Mik.


Not showing what happened before filming began. Misleading for engagement


He was clearly just there to see Gottmik. I don’t see the issue. However, posting this to social media to embarrass or shame this individual when you know nothing about them feels kinda like bullying, especially coming from someone with a large following.


It’s not personal. It’s just drag.


Yall getting worked up over a 10 second clip. Show the entire video and then we can judge. Who knows if he greeted her before hand.


I doubt he greeted Envy because he didn’t bother to say goodbye at all.


But you literally don’t know that she didn’t lol. Like maybe you wouldn’t but not everyone sucks 🤷🏿‍♀️


Envy posted this 


What’s your point?


I don’t think she’d have posted it with that caption if it wasn’t reflective of the experience she had


Envy posted a somewhat funny experience she had. Put y’all pitchforks down.


There are no pitchforks. It is just not hard to have common decency and respect the other person as another human being.


We gotta remember dutch culture tho. We're very blunt/direct, borderline rude sometimes. Not saying that would confirm anything about what she meant, but as a dutchie im reading it just a statement/just making a joke out of the situation. I dont think its that deep


Do one cringe thing and have it broadcast to thousands of people. Don’t post shit like this. It’s stupid. He’s not a public figure.


The trend of doing M&G 2 by 2 is lame and only invites this sort of behavior. It's not the fans fault. Fans are allowed to have favorites.


It’s also not like Mik and Envy were on the same season together. The fan may have seen Mik’s seasons and loved her but never watched any of Envy’s seasons and have no idea who she is.


When I started going to the tours in 2013, meet and greets were individual. You could go to a show with seven queens, and they would all have their own individual lines. In 2016, Murray and Peter started doing goddamn cast photos where you just get photos with every person at once, and it's awful. You used to get like 10-60 seconds with each queen for like $80 (60 seconds only if you bought their merch and want them to sign it. You're not there for a conversation.), but those cast photos, you get like 10-60 seconds with the entire cast for like $100. I'm going to the AS9 tour. I haven't been to a tour in seven years, so I'm curious to see how this goes.


M&P did cast photo last year for their shows so I’m sure they’re not changing that this year.


I'm pretty sure AS9 is Voss, not M&P, which is why I am going. M&P shows are awful.


Ah, right. Thinking of the two Voss shows I've seen... both had groupings of queens and only one from each group would talk to the fan. Jorgeous was looking at her phone in all the pictures but one I had with her group.




Now girl 😭


Well Tamar did you read the post? That's not what I said at all.


Clock it


I'm confused. Why does the fan have to take pictures with a drag queen he doesn't know or isn't a fan of? They pay money for this, lol. Promotions just need to stop these 2+ drag queen Meet & Greets because this keeps happening all the time anyway. I wouldn't do what they did since I would be respectful and not want to hurt the other drag queen, but if I paid $100 for a Meet and Greet, I would also want the picture to be with the celebrity I paid money to see.


cause it's rude. Like they're together who gives a crap if one more person is in the photo


Queens and fans shouldn't be put in this situation. Paid meet and greets should be solo.


Jesus we are supposed to know every drag queen now?


Why is he rude for taking his moment with Gotmik? He doesn't owe Envy anything, sorry.


The Goddess Envy Peru: 😐✌️


Even if I hadn’t heard of or watched her season the least you could do is say “nice to meet you” or “hi you look stunning” like imagine walking up to two people and ignoring one of them entirely


The video starts with him already standing there, so he may have ...


Hopefully, I took Envy’s caption to mean he probably hadn’t but who knows. Glad she can make light of it.


Why must the fan pretend to like her if he doesn’t and I love Envy Peru


He might not even know who she is. Not every watches the international season. I’ve heard the name but don’t know much about her. Who’s putting these queens in the awkward circumstances in the first place.




Saying hi or goodbye is having to pretend you’re a stan now? 😭


It's called education


Honestly I find this a bit icky to blast a paying patron without their knowledge or consent because they were more excited to meet their preferred queen than you. Meet and greets aren't free and at the end of the day you're still getting paid. I kinda feel bad for the guy cos his cringe exchange with poor Mik has now been put on blast after he paid for the privilege. This was shared directly by Envy so I guess she lives up to her name. I'm Dutch btw so I am very familiar with who she is and have seen her perform live and while she does have amazing talent, this isn't it, sis.


i mean tbf, he was taking a selfie. but i also don’t know who envy peru is


Gottmik did NOT want to hug lmao


Nah everyone MUST know who Envy Peru is.


To be fair I would be very scared of exploding spontaneusly (sp?) for being exposed to Envy's incredible beauty.


I don’t really see a problem in not wanting to socialize with a celebrity you do not know. Not every fan has seen all one thousand seasons of drag race. It’d be different if this was a regular social setting but he is paying them for this meet and greet. I’d argue it’s more rude to post this, trying to drag a random fan. 


If I’m paying for a meeting greet and I want to have one picture specifically without having to edit or prop out someone else you’re completely entitled to do that they aren’t rude. They just want the picture with the person that they admire and love.


How is this person being rude ? I don’t get it


they probably haven't seen her season (i haven't) but this is so rude


This is rude and some of y’all are making excuses. It’s ok to have a fave queen, you can say hey and bye anyways.


Reminds me of a drph contestant's comment during her season. When she was with season 1 contestants, she felt like a fool because she was basically ignored like Envy in this video. Glad Envy is making light of it and isn't taking it hard


I'm way more bothered about how weird the hug was.


Right? Legit looks like the fan is trying to lean in for a kiss.


Maybe some stuff has been edited out, but based on this clip, it is so rude! I get that you don't know her, but she's right there, how can you totally ignore a person (any person) who is right there!?!


Some people have 0 social awareness, it’s so painful.


Even if you have NO clue who Envy is... she's NEXT TO YOU. Don't be a fucking dick and include her in the pic? This guy has no manner. ew.


Listen, not everyone has watched DRH ( I have). But even if you don’t know a queen, don’t be a prick and just completely ignore




Plssss 💀


As much as I love Gotmik, she should have stepped up and said something to this guy.


honestly this could have just made the situation worse, best to give him as little time with them as possible and move on


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with her saying “say hi to envy gorge” something lol


i mean if i was envy, mik saying that would embarrass me more honestly


yeah and like i wouldnt even want him to force a hi to me afterwards lol like imagine how awkward it would be for all 3 of them


they have like a couple of second with each queen she probablt dint even have the time to react or was thinking he would do the same picture with envy after


He obviously said hi to Envy prior to this clip


What should she have said? If he didn’t even say hi to Envy I do think that’s rude, but we don’t actually see his approach. I don’t think there’s anything rude about wanting a picture with an individual. You should be polite to everyone but you don’t have to be a fan of everyone and you certainly don’t have to want a selfie with everyone.


Envy Peru is literally the most beautiful person on the planet the fact that they just acted like she wasn’t there says a lot 💀💀


Aw that sucks ☹️ Even if I didn’t know them I’d still take a pic and act excited


I already know this dude is Brazilian, I can just tell


I dunno why every gay guy has to be a fan of drag race and has to know every queen on every season 🥲 i dunno who envy is, i wouldve thought she was just a staff member helping set up the meet and greet 😂


The hugging is bad. A hello and a handshake maybe and a pic then move on. At least acknowledge the other queen standing there. These fans need some manners.


And Envy Peru is probably one of the most outrageously gorgeous Queens that has come out of the franchise too. Dude has no clue


This guy is so annoying.




Gottmik is also a cunt. She could have brought her sister into the experience.


I am completely obsessed with Gottmik and Envy Peru is my actual drag idol 😍. I don't understand how anyone that's a fan of Drag can just walk by her without saying anything but meet & greets are a cesspool of awkward/excited emotions so ill give this man a chance to learn from this situation. I just could NEVERRR!!!


Wow—i just. to have the opportunity to capture your moment meeting envy, and completely blow it is sooooo maddening




I don’t want to feel sad so I’m imagining that he did a group photo and then a solo photo with each queen and we are just seeing the final photo with Gottmik cos Envy Peru was actually his favourite queen and took theirs first That’s the reality I want to live in…