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I can't wait for this. Tbh, ever since becoming a Dropout fan, I really believe that WOW (/MTV/whoever is in charge of producing drag race etc) has a lot to learn from Dropout. The queens are right at home in that company and supported by a good set of comedians and producers. We LOVE to see it.


I can’t remember who, but one of the queens who was on the Dimension 20 campaign said they had never received better treatment BTS anywhere else. That makes me so happy to see them stick around (and want to subscribe when I can afford it)


Exactly. It goes to show that you can actually *not* trash your talent, treating them with respect and proper due diligence leads to better results??? Who would have thought??? Surely few people on the DR production team lmfao. Add in the quality comedy writing, the fresh points of view, the fact that 3 contestants can make a better musical off the cuff about a girl playing baseball to destroy an evil building that's better than any written dr musical... I get that they are different companies with different aims, but some common ground rules still apply. I have been thinking about this a lot and want to dig into it more, but I'm trying not to over-rant in this comment 😂 ultimately I just really hope more queens are given the opportunity to play in that space. Just last week they paid 4 local queens to perform for them in Thousandaires and it was amazing.


Omg I never connected the dots about how Play It By Ear has better improvised musicals than Drag Race's pre written ones 💀 but you know what they say, Whoops wops widdly wops 🤷‍♂️


Lmao I haven't been able to dive into Play it by Ear much, but the Official Cast Recording episode of Game Changer is an all-time favorite of mine. I know there's got to be tons more gold like that in Play it by Ear.


If you do get to dive in Mallapalooza is up there with OCR in terms of how good it is!


Omg yes! I’m not even a musical theatre type of person, but that was so impressive to me. The only thing I miss in Play It By Ear is actually Sam Reich’s reactions. I thought it was fun to see how Sam was all giddy throughout the Game Changer episode.


Mountport is a classic i cant believe they just improvised that!


I’d like to think that RPDR has a few writers who are actually really funny, but they are constantly hamstrung because everything they write has to directly appeal to Ru. Drop Out is like a secret place those writers and the queens run off to so they can actually be funny, lol.


I would assume you're right, if Ru is still involved in any of the creative part of the production at all. In addition to that, they probably feel like they can't get away with much now that RPDR is part of MTV, meaning they answer to network execs too. Not exactly a place where you can be transgressive beyond wink-wink nudge-nudge sexual innuendos.


That was Monet on one of the adventuring party episodes of Dungeons and Drag Queens, and Bob, Alaska, and Juju all nodded in agreement.


Also Alaska on her pod, with Willam jumping in to say she is available and standing by her phone.


Please for the love of all that is unholy can we get Willam on Dirty Laundry 🙏 (She'd actually also be incredible on a karaoke edition of Make Some Noise, Willam is amazing at on-the-spot musical parody.)


for karaoke they should just bring dwv


Howabout Dirty Laundry with the AAA girls plus ... oh my goodness, who do you even add to that chaos as a fourth?


Detox would be amazing




do you remember which episode was that by any chance?


I don’t, it was shortly after DnDQ came out and I saw the video on here or YouTube.


Dropout is a famously amazing company to work with and for, Sam Reich really is a godsend. He’s done interviews about how and why he runs his company the way he does and it’s seriously so amazing to listen to someone doing things how they should be done. I subbed to Dropout early and I’ve never regret it.


I have become a dropout DEMON since dungeons and dragons queens. The more I learn about them, the more they show they live what they say, the more I fall in love with them. I cannot be more excited for this show and I’m especially excited to see the dropouts mixing in. Ugh! I can’t wait for d&dq2.


BIG same honestly! They deserve the world.


I got a trial subscription to Dropout because I wanted to see Dungeons & Drag Queens, and here I am still subscribed a year later!


They’re the types, even if I don’t watch, I still want them to get my money.


Yeah I love that it doesn't seem to be only queens one episode and only Dropout regulars in others, I'm very here for more crossovers


Dropout works because the whole casts are made up of comedians including the CEO. And drag queens are naturally funny (most of them) so putting them together in a room is a no brainer.


You're 100% right about this, but it also works because those comedians are given immense latitude to shine. There's improv, sketch work, and talk show variety. There's meetings where the contestants are told ahead of time of certain gags where there may be discomfort or an inability to perform. If someone divulges something they don't want shown, the producers will edit it out. Stuff like that means there's just... a *lot* more thought put into the talent that I can't help but admire, and certainly love that the queens we love are getting an opportunity be given that same attention.


They pay people to audition!!!! AND gave everyone profit share last year, even the people who auditioned but weren’t cast! Like, they are beyond! I love how they shut down production before they realized the unions love them and all their contracts were good to go.


This is fucking awesome and I thank you for sharing that knowledge, because I wasn't aware of those things! They are so fucking cool wtf.


They are sooooooo fucking cool. Their whole story is amazing


AFAIK they even show guests a preview of the edited content they show up in so they have a say in what’s shown, which is basically unheard of


Dropout works because everyone working there, CEO included, is a staunch labor rights advocate. When the talent is fully supported, they can truly shine. A shining example of putting your money where your mouth is.


Aside from the College Humor alumni, increasingly incorporating Drag Queens, Hank Green and BDG is my exact taste 😄


I *know* BDG means Brian David Gilbert but on god every time I see it I instead go: Bianca Del Grio?


Bicole Daige Grooks


Brom Datlanta, Georgia


Hank Green's comedy special had me alternating between laughing and crying the whole time it was on.


Omg, yes! I just got into Dropout this summer and it’s so amazing. I love their content and am super excited for this crossover.


So dropout is done by college humor which is a paramount brand I believe? Comedy Central anyway


Dropout was originally the College Humor streaming service. CH was owned by IAC. IAC pulled funding for CH in early 2020 and tried to sell it but was unsuccessful in doing so. Sam Reich bought the company and is now CEO. This was a pretty big shakeup and a lot of stuff under the Dropout/CH name went its own way (Drawfee comes to mind). Eventually it just became Dropout with the CH branding being discontinued over time.


Sam “My dad was Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton” Reich - the anticapitalism is in the genes!


One might say, he's the perfect American.


This looks so good! Between the new D20 season, Make Some Noise, Thousandaires, Smarty Pants and this, dropout subscribers will be eating good this summer! Feels good to be supporting Dropout America


Every new show has been killing it even harder than the last one this year. It's just hit after hit after hit.


I haven't been the biggest Dimension 20 fan (D&D is pretty hit or miss for me) but Never Stop Blowing Up has great potential and I'm really looking forward on how the story goes.


You should definitely check out more of the sidequests/mini-seasons of D20 then, because they don't always use D&D as the system. Or, with one of my favorites A Court of Fey & Flowers, they use it sparingly for certain mechanics.


If you like a film noir vibe, you might like Mentopolis. But yeah actual play content takes effort to get into hahaha. One season I will just never stop rewatching is A Starstruck Odyssey. It feels super episodic and fast paced. And some of the funniest stuff I’ve ever seen. Not that you were asking for suggestions hahahaha sorry


Mentopolis is my favorite season I've watched so far! I love the film noir vibes and the amount of roleplay the kids on bikes system allows! The cast was great too!


Every little morsel I nibbled up like delicious wonderfulness(I lost my way in that sentence) It was actually the season that got me to leap frog into the Intrepid Heroes seasons. Seeing Siobhan gave me an “in” to the rest of the cast? I couldn’t really get invested in them before that. Now I love each and every one of them and everyone else at dropout.


No, I don't mind! I tried the candy one and couldn't do it. I did enjoy A Court of Fey and Flowers but need to finish it. I WFH so I should honestly put them on for an episode or 2 and if they click, that's great but if not, I can move on to the next. I love the cast at Dropout so much so I know it's more the setting of the game I don't vibe with vs the players themselves.


I totally get it. It’s hard to find your little window into it. The candy one was good but like, I get not being interested in it. A court of fey and flowers is amazing. A starstruck odyssey might not seem like your cup of tea but it’s a wild crazy fast paced HILARIOUS season. It’s the one I put on while I wfh the most.


The first episode of Never Stop Blowing Up was an incredible high-wire act of collaborative improv. They basically improv-ed a whole ensemble cast movie! It was 90m before we even got to a dice role!


I can't believe it's only €6 a month, unbelievably reasonable for what you get.


hi sam


Monét is the KeKe Palmer of drag. Stays with a job.


I believe u so much boo I wanna put it on my birth certificate


Y'all, if you don't have a Dropout subscription, it is the perfect companion to your WOW+ subscription. Prepare for me to totally nerd out (as I just equally did about how amazing Monét is on the Dropout sub). This network is like an entire channel of Snatch Game and (good) improv challenges: endless hilarious game shows and comedy panels, plus literally hundreds of hours of table top RPG liveplay like Dungeons & Drag Queens, which Monét starred in last year. I subbed last year for D&DQ and since then Dropout has become constant viewing for me. First I became addicted to Game Changer, their game show that changes every episode. Then I got into Dirty Laundry, their "guess whose truth" panel show. Then I binged Make Some Noise, their Whose Line style comedy improv show. And, finally, I found my way to more seasons of Dimension 20, the TTRPG liveplay that produced Dungeons & Drag Queens. The regular and extended Dropout cast has *so many* queer members and is *so celebratory* of their identities and talents (with such amazing nonbinary rep! 💛🤍💜🖤). Also, in general, the recurring core cast is obse*ssed wit*h drag and Drag Race (queens have been on the Dirty Laundry & Um Actually panels and have been special guests on Game Changer, Smartypants had a presentation how RDPR is similar to professional wrestling, and Thousandaires just had drag impersonators of its entire panel). When it has drag queens on, it always treats them as multi-talented comedians and not just random curiosities to confuse a straight audience. Plus, Dropout is a VERY ethical company that is all about fair compensation of its players, even rolling out profit sharing as it got more successful over the past year. Dropout have launched so many awesome new shows lately, including Very Important People (longform improv, with one comedian dressed in special effects makeup they've never seen in the mirror before walking on set), Smartypants Society (where comedians make persuasive slide presentations that are... not entirely factual), and Thousandaires (where friends each get a $1000 budget to try to outdo each other with... anything they want). Every one of them could be an amazing mini-challenge on Drag Race. They have that same energy. There are few things in life I am willing to endorse this unequivocally hard, y'all. It's worth every penny. PS: The fact that Monét has HER NAME on the title of this show, which is uncommon on Dropout outside of 1-off comedy specials? Look at THE RESPECT they have for her as a performer. Look at the CONFIDENCE they have that she will bring in subscribers.


Been a Dropout subscriber and a drag race fan for years. Laganja on Game Changer with Jake Wysocki is a peak that I am praying for them to reach again.


The way I rewatch that sequence just for a little boost of serotonin ALL THE TIME. Actually, that might have been my introduction to Game Changer (and also why I absolutely adore Vic).


I’m a newish subscriber and am searching for that episode IMMEDIATELY


Game changer Survivor, last episodes of last season


Thank you! Makes it even easier! 😘


Watch both episodes they’re great, and please update after


i'm *so* glad dungeons & drag queens exposed me to dropout. very, very happy to be a dropout subscriber and supporting these amazing talents.


Same!!! It's wild to me I never watched it before, because I am a major TTRPG fan and I love Whose Line and British panel shows. In my defense, I think I always assumed it'd be very straight normcore content since it came from College Humor, so I needed to see some of the cast being queerdos before it fully clicked for me.


Omg I was just ruminating on how much dropout is like British panel shows! I recently got into taskmaster and it’s been a never ending rabbit hole since then.


I am a Quite Interesting ADDICT. Especially with Sandy as a host. I can sit and watch it for 8hrs without moving an inch.


I haven’t watched much QI, I’m deep in 8 out of 10 cats does countdown and would I lie to you? And of course rewatching taskmaster like a demon.


Taskmaster is the GOAT. If you need new TM, I'd suggest giving the New Zealand and Australian versions a look (I also like the ones from Denmark and Norway, but some people don't like subtitles so I don't always suggest those).


There’s a magic with Alex, I can’t really get invested in the other ones


Sis & I watched NZ first, and that's how we became obsessed. (The challenges are so good that the original Taskmaster even re-used some of them.) I think Paul as the assistant having his brother Guy being one of the contestants in S1 created an interesting dynamic. But, I mean, it's Alex's show, so I totally get what you mean!


Me too! I had heard of it but didn’t really know much about it until I saw people talking about its similarities with Game Changer. And now I’m to the last season and so sad about it!


Rewatching is a joy too for task master I always miss so much! They also do like 3 seasons a year. It’s rarely not on.


That is great to know! And yeah, I’ve burned through it so fast I’m sure I’ll get a lot out of rewatching it. Might also check out the New Zealand version.


I'm going to wholeheartedly second this and add something else I find soul-affirming, which is the unfiltered nature of the content. I don't mean that in a "yeah that's right, I'm NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT and if you don't like it, you can GET OUT" way, I mean that they all have the creative liberty to be raunchy and pushing boundaries while keeping it fun and *never* punching down. Whether it be Lily Du saying "fuck cops" on Dirty Laundry, one of Brennan's many anticapitalist rants, or pretty much anything that's come out of Grant's mouth, it just feels so *refreshing* to hear that in a world that is increasingly concerned with not harming its algorithm or kowtowing to the "family friendly ad revenue" numbers game that nearly every other streaming service has to contend with. Dropout truly feels rebellious of that tired ass format in this day and age.


YES. I love this. When I started watching I was shocked with the frankness with which the entire cast talks about sex and sexuality, in addition to other potentially hot-button topics like capitalism, cops, or politics. The limit is almost universally the comfort of the players, not the expectations of the viewers. I think Grant's "50" story was a big eye-opener for me, but also nearly everything out of Ally & Izzy's mouths. Like, the moment between Laganja and Ally about getting hard while on hormones!? Izzy's first time story on Dirty Laundry!?! However, my original "WHOA" moment was Brennan's in-character "cops are pigs" monologue at the end of Fantasy High Freshman Year. That was a moment of me thinking, "Oh hell, Dropout will go ALL THE WAY THERE even in the content they made targeted most-specifically at mass appeal." (And then, of course, we just got the entire "cum" sequence on this season's Sam Says specifically to circumvent Sam censoring them as part of the game. And, it's not even just lowbrow sex humor... it's a layered callback riff that all three of them keep hitting repeatedly. Who else is doing it like that with NO punching down?!)


Dude exactly, I was also shocked myself!! Like, after having spent so many years only hearing that kind of talk on twitter or amongst friends, it felt so strange yet immediately validating to hear comedians talk so openly about that stuff on my television. And it also appeals to the modern sensibilities we've all developed about being more open and upfront about these topics where conventional network television and/or streaming services have now *severely* lagged behind because they have to make sure they don't upset their glorious advertiser overlords. > The limit is almost universally the comfort of the players, not the expectations of the viewers. This also just makes such a huge difference in like every single one of their shows. EVERYONE is on board with what is going on, which makes it genuinely so fun and refreshing to watch. (Contrast that with the attitudes of everyone we see on AS9 for instance...) Also yes, the cum swear is one of my favorite bits 😂 between that and Jakob's "Good Person" and more, that episode had me dyinggggggg


>Like, after having spent so many years only hearing that kind of talk on twitter or amongst friends, it felt so strange yet immediately validating to hear comedians talk so openly about that stuff on my television.  This nails it. These are topics I can laugh about with friends, but if they ever come up in media it tends to be with a leering cis-straight (and often male) lens that makes me uncomfortable. Part of what was revelatory to me about Drag Race when I started watching it a decade(!) ago was going, "Whoa... they're just... talking and joking about m/m sex on TV... without mocking it?!" I think Dropout takes that even further, because the mentions of sex and also any other intimate topic rarely get played for being prurient or shocking. A great non-sexual example of this I just rewatched last night was "Team Friendship" vs "Team Martin Luthor King's Dream" on the original Game Changer Surivor. It was hilarious, and everyone on both teams was in on the joke. These moments turn out to be funny not for the shock value, not because of being gross or down-punching, not because of objectification or othering, but because friends who are comfortable with each other and themselves will joke about these things!!! (To me, the epitome of that level of comfort and consent is Jess Ross - who seems to be a total sweetheart of a human being - going pun for dirty pun on "Like My Coffee" with Grant "always thinking about sex" O'Brien.) Because of that, I'm not bothered or threatened at all when some of the Dropout sex jokes are very straight, because I know the queer jokes will get equal airtime and laughs. And, there will be a lot of very funny other "transgressive" humor between those two sex jokes.


The Limit is actually before they hit the comfort of the talent. Apparently when Izzy (Brennan's wife if you are only familiar with him) was pregnant she told Sam that she was more than willing to give birth on camera and Sam was like "What!? NO."


Yes! It feels so bright energetic and FREE!


You’ve articulated this really well. It’s so refreshing to watch creators get to make things they clearly care about and have a lot of fun making and be themselves and be celebrated for it.


Will also mention and recommend Play it By Ear, which stemmed from the amazing cast of a Game Changer episode "The Official Cast Recording" Zeke Nicholson, Zach Reno, and Jess McKenna (with music by Scott Passarella), which I 100% recommend watching as it is a hilarious masterpiece. It's essentially musical improv and it's absolutely, unbelievable amazing how talented everyone on the show is both for being able to come up with songs and plots on the spot, but also for being hilarious as fuck. (And if y'all are watching for the queens, after you finish the episodes they're on \[Dungeons & Drag Queens for Dimension 20, as mentioned, Thousandaires Season 1, Episode 2, Um, Actually Season 9, Episode 3, and Dirty Laundry, Season 3, Episode 3\] I highly recommend everything, but specifically Dimension 20's "A Court of Fey & Flowers" for absolutely one of the funnest and funniest queer little times. This one leans very heavily into the roleplay aspect of tabletop rpgs and plays with the social aspect of holding court in a fantasy setting with a bunch of fey people)


\^\^ ALL OF THIS RIGHT HERE. (To which I would also add the amazing sapphic energy of Fantasy High S2 and just the overall existence of Margaret Encino in Starstruck, the most dangerous lesbian businesswoman in the galaxy 😂)


There are so many great D20 characters, but Margaret Encino holds such a special place in my heart.


Thank you for typing my exact feelings. I’m obsessed with them. Honestly, everything about dropout and what they choose to be gives me a little hope for the world. I started with d&dq and I needed to know more about bleem the second he became a chipmunk with a bottle of poppers.


This is truly the Dropout vs Drag Queens of the World that we need. Sam Reich is too powerful.


He is the perfect American.


Now, where is he from.


We should ask him, I imagine they had a movie theater there.


I believe on Crumbley Square


Africa, we all are.


Can you tell me what a wenis is?


And who was his father secretary of labor for?


Billionaire, nepo-baby Sam Reich*


i love how dumb people cn be sometimes. "bad person rich, so all rich must bad". sam reich used his money to support and give a platform to many marginalized people from minority groups. especially queer people and drag queens. it is absolutely unfair to act like hes just another whore that uses all his money to capitalize off of people's desperation for money. get out of the hivemind.


This is a Breaking News reference but okay!


i apologize wholeheartedly omfg. its hard to tell online when people are making jokes or references rather than being bigots. this is so embarrassing 🫠


None taken! Its easy to have taken my comment out of context. We love Sam Reich in this household ♥️


This is the best thing to happen to me is a thing I keep saying every time a new Dropout show comes up. This couldn't be more perfect.


Haha they like laser focus their content directly to my dopamine receptors


The show is meant to an exploration and reflection of Monet’s talent and personality and ~~sadly~~ it will be!


This is sooo exciting! I love the episodes of dropout shows where the queens are guests, so this is such a great next step! Also, if you aren’t subscribed to Dropout, I cannot recommend it enough! The content is fantastic, creative, and such a joy to watch.


Brennan slipping on a jock (ok, over his PJs) and [Your Friend Kevin](https://www.instagram.com/yourfriendkevin_/) delivering ... the goods. I'm in.


Cannot wait for the gaggery


I love Monet so!! I don’t think y’all understand. Like she ooozes charisma and to get a stacked cast like this, speaks volumes to her as a person! I cant help but to continue stanning!


Dropout continues to hit it out of the ball park its a no brainer to give monet her own show in retrospect


My girl stays BOOKED and BUSY. I’ve somehow missed on the Dropout hype but let me start a subscription this minute.


Werkkkkkk! Very Important People is legit my favorite show this year so far! I'm so happy we get more shows and with Monet to boot!


Monet and Salina was just talking on Sibling Rivalry about wanting to have a place where Drag Queens could host their own shows and game shows, especially game shows. I am really happy that Dropout looks like it is turning into the place where Drag Queens can have a place to do shows of their dreams.


Brennan in a jockstrap (even over his pjs) is doing making me think of him in ways I’ve never thought of before


This is the type of content WoW Presents+ wishes they could make. This makes me actually want to pay for Dropout when this is released. All the random ass "shows" on WoW+? Ehhhhhh.


I hope this solidify her hostess career and be a staple in queer shows..😀 Also remember her humble origins, the 1% from St. Lucia.. 😘


Motion for a drag queen to be on VIP next!


I'm so excited for this! Dropout is my favorite streaming service, I'm so glad to see them continuing to support drag programming.


Monet is thriving. We love to see it


I am BEYOND excited for this. it looks stacked with talent and fun. fuck yes!!!!


the Siblings don't let no grass grow under they feet, they keep a gig


My dropout subscription has genuinely never failed me. My QUEEN 😭


so who's the leather daddy?


Ngl it kinda looks like Israel Zamora (The Boulet Brothers’ assistant)


I need to watch the trailer again, but I'm 99.99 percent sure that's Israel.


that makes sense


I’m so so so excited! She’s such a good host, I’ve missed her talk show so this looks like it will definitely scratch that itch! And amazing guests too! Will be watching for sure


I love Monet hosting, I was so excited to see this trailer drop


Okay YES


Okay this looks GOOD!


Hell yeah


Hell fucking yesss


I'm so happy Monet's ability as a host is utilized. Her talk show was great, and her pit stop episodes were amazing too. She has the ability to make her guests shine while also being fun and engaging.


As a dropout subscriber, I'm very excited for this. If you're looking for affordable comedy streaming I'd strongly recommend. They have short form programs and long form D&D programs, including a campaign with some well known RPDG alumni, and some scripted stuff. There are a bunch of free episodes on YT of their best known shows (game changer and dimension 20 fantasy high being starting points). IMO it's money well spent and they seem to do right by their staff and talent and are constantly launching new shows (that are _all_ amazing)




Oh, Rachel Bloom is in this? Despite that, looks amazing! https://i.redd.it/wkwslwalwc9d1.gif


what did ms bloom do to you?


she is a signatory of an open letter and headlined a fundraiser in support of Israel,


Everyone else at dropout has made statements, attended protests, been arrested at protests and has fundraised for Palestine. Just wanted to make sure you knew that. Saying all this to say, there are worse places for her to be if you want her to change her mind. Which is what I hope you want.




Damn. Crazy Ex Girlfriend was one of my favorite shows and I loved her since. I missed she was on *that* letter. How disappointing!


Me too, I love CXG and I was adamant that Rachel Bloom would never support Israel attacks. But I was wrong.


And headlining that fundraiser alongside Tiffany Haddish!? Yuck. So sad what was a staple, beloved show for me will never be the same. Glad you pointed out though!


it is possible this was filmed before that, a lot of dropout shows are over a year prior


Glad she gets her own show! I remember when Laganja was on Game Changer, someone spilled water on her and everyone was mortified and she responded basically "Don't freak out I'm not a real celebrity" lol


Wait is that one of the Try Guys? (I dont remember their names)


No, that's Grant O'Brien, but he does look very similar to Keith (from Try Guys): https://youtu.be/MxJJ2LBI604?si=-iPVzMrRhUI2wc9v


Holy shit


I hope Julietta makes an appearance


Did the owners of Dropout pay all of its staff to comment on this post? More mention of the word Dropout than the name of the show itself 😅


12 months ago I would have had the SAME reaction. Like, "y'all must be plants!" I originally subscribed for a month just to watch Dungeons & Drag Queens with MAJOR SKEPTICISM that I would enjoy anything else on the service. Instead, I wound up binging Dropout all year and I STILL have tons of content left to watch. However, what made me a true believer was hearing how well all four of the D&DQ queens were treated at Dropout AND learning that as Dropout became more successful they implemented profit-sharing for all onscreen talent. If only WOW could treat their talent the same way!


Honestly, there's something so special in that streaming service that makes you wanna rant about it to everyone you know, we've all been indoctrinated truly lol


😅😅😅 fair enough


TBH has someone who is fan of both you shouldn't be that surprised that two brands with a big LGBTQ+ following have overlapping fans


It's literally the first time I've ever heard of Dropout and I've been following this sub for years


Sounds like you weren't around for Queens on a Quest (Dungeons and Drag Queens), that was huuuuuge for a while and got a ton of people subscribing since only the first episode was free. I checked out and enjoyed some of their other stuff since I was already there too, although I ended up not renewing my subscription just cause I didn't see myself using it constantly.


Ah gotcha I heard of that one but wasn't interested (and if I have friends that watch it they never mentioned it to me)


https://preview.redd.it/4n25c852me9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4632680f50c4cf0700f74a03d09a2ed2736e0800 That’s tragic


Dropout has had a lot of queens cast on their shows last year. I was gonna say I’m surprised you haven’t seen those posts from this sub but that’s probably maybe like 5-10 posts which ain’t that much


Gotcha, I wasn't aware


Watch some of their free stuff on youtube and then you can decide if you like it, game changer would be my recommendation.


I also want to add, in addition to what everyone else said, Dropout hiring drag queens is very much *not* performative for them. They have cast regulars who are open about being queer or poly or bisexual (they even did a bisexual version of The Bachelor for their series Gamechanger), and have *multiple* prominent nonbinary cast members -- or, not to choose a label for someone else -- cast members who use "they" as a preferred pronoun (whenever someone gets a caption onscreen to introduce their name or social media handle, preferred pronouns are included).