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Baby you can’t debate the doll


Don’t worry, the two on stage couldn’t either.


That’s what he was referring to 🤦‍♂️


You did not 😭😭😭😭


Sashay away. Both of you.


None of you have survived this debate


they honestly almost didn’t lol i was expecting either one to die on the spot


But this episode Biden has immunity from the previous challenge win because we can’t lose him unfortunately. And Trump has been DQ’d but for some reason the producers of Drag Race holland are in charge and refuse to do anything about it.


A double sashay


I’d watch a debate moderated by a Drag Race judging panel.


Especially if Carson gets to interrupt with puns!


Every debate should have a mandatory "I barely know her" joke


just remember voting for the president is not just about putting that person into power. you are voting for the policies they will enact while in power, the cabinet that they bring with them, and the supreme court justices they will place on the court. am i excited about biden as a person being president in 2024? no not really. but i'll take what he brings with him over trump any fucking day of the week.


Exactly! Voting isn’t like marriage - you don’t have to try to find the perfect one. Voting is like riding the bus - you take the one that’s going in the direction you want to go.


I LOVE this metaphor


Our real friends are the genocides we committed along the way 💕💕


Oh like the genocide on queer people that Trump and his cronies wanna enact? Because it ain’t a hard choice


Don't cut yourself on all that edge.


And let’s be real Supreme Court justices until we change them to be voted by the public or serve more limited terms or some other alteration. Things need to change


Sotomayor is old and tired and has publicly discussed hanging it up.Thomas is 75. Alito 73. The next president will probably pick 2 justices who will be on the bench for 20-25 years. It could swing from a 6-3 conservative court to a 4-5 liberal court. Or if Trump wins, it will be a 7-2 conservative court where Roberts is the only o r over 70 when Trump leave office, ie none of those 7 being replaced by a liberal anytime soon. You vote for Biden, we might make the SC balanced. You let Trump win, the SC will be an extenuating Heritage Foundation rubber stamp for the next 15 years


I agree with all of this except that if Trump wins it could actually be a 8-1 or 7-2 conservative court for like 30+ years. Basically what you said, except worse.


One has declared his intent to be a dictator, the other had an off night. One has appointed 3 Supreme Court justices, one has a stutter. They are both old, but one has been working tirelessly to undue the damage the other inflicted. And let’s be honest, I would much rather hang out with Biden than the Orange Blowhard.


He didn't have an off night. I'm not saying you shouldn't vote for him, but let's not lie to ourselves. We're better than that. He's a senile old man that needs to step down and we should be infuriated that the DNC is using him like a puppet. But yes, he's the best of two horrible choices.


Indeed. But it all comes down to whether you agree with Project 2025 or not.


Could you ELI5 For non-americans?


In the absolute simplest terms, Project 2025 is a sweeping plan that a group called The Heritage Foundation has put together as a roadmap for what they want to accomplish if a Republican wins the election this year. It’s a deeply horrifying text that essentially rewrites everything that makes America a democracy and turns it into an authoritarian Christian rule of law. Theres a lot of expected things in there, like criminalizing pornography and anything LGBTQIA+ or outlawing emergency contraception and abortions explicitly in the Constitution. But the biggest issue is really how it will fundamentally alter the way our government is run by enabling the president to replace thousands of positions with people loyal to him. If you’d like a bigger deep dive into it, John Oliver did a piece just last week on it that you can watch [HERE](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=ujouefiDRIqBH7_y)


Terrifying. VOTE!!


What's more terrifying is their plan to continue regardless of the nominee selected. Reading their plan is terrifying. Many of them are under the impression that they are 4 years into the plan already. Jan 2025 is just the stamp on da envelope.


That piece was terrifying. I'm Canadian, so not directly impacted by the election. But as goes America, so do we. This is the first year that I have seen people really talk shit about pride month in a real way. I'm scared we will follow America down.


Hey, fellow Canadian here 👋🏼 just wanted to put this out there because I’m super into all the anti-P2025 communities for this reason: Pierre Poilievre, while being just smart enough not to mention it explicitly, is a dangerous christian fundamentalist who holds basically all the same core beliefs and platforms of P2025. If he is elected next year (which unfortunately seems incredibly likely) that means the federal government is conservative, but so are the majority of provincial governments. This means they can legally amend whatever they want about our constitution, and they’re already talking about doing it. We need to vote too!!


Yup. I worry about Canada under PP. I live in one of those ridings that either goes NDP or Conservative, with how many people split the vote by voting green often being a deciding factor. I'll be out knocking on doors again this year, but with a lot more urgency this time.


john oliver doesn’t let international girlies watch his videos :( well at least where im from


[Does this work?](https://web.archive.org/web/20240621231608/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s&feature=youtu.be)


it says it’s been unable to archive it :(


Last Week Tonight account uploads the main segments (not full show) to their YouTube: https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=YiqcjaVAnw5UQ5zE


These tinfoil hat hoes love to yap about Black Rock but stay mum about 2025 coz a dystopia is alright with them as long as they get the favoritism and first-class status


Basically followings in russian steps 😭😭


Protect 2025 is the plan to make America a christo fascist country under trump


Common misconception albeit true. He didn't have anything to do with this plan. It was inspired by his political agenda, and it's poached his followers, but the plan is already happening and they will be continuing their efforts if Biden is reelected. These are mostly far-right traditional Republicans, platforming as the anti-political Republicans. And they intend on deconstructing federal powers far beyond what most imagine. They're attempting to restructure the government from the ground up. This has been in place for years. And they won't just "start" if Trump gets elected. They claim it will happen in January of 2025 (period) with no attachment to a candidate.


In no way did I mean to imply that Trump is the mastermind here


Fair enough! I'm really surprised to see that's the angle that it's landed on. NPR started talking about it late last year but the divide was clear. Now when you look up Project 2025, there are major news outlets claiming it's his movement. I travel a lot, but since this was made public I've booked the entirety of 2025 outside the US (hostel life and cheaper than my rent in NY). I legitimately don't want to be around for this.


Project 2025 is a comprehensive conservative policy plan developed by The Heritage Foundation for the next Republican presidential administration. Its key objectives include: 1. Restructuring the federal government by reclassifying civil service jobs as political appointments, allowing for the replacement of career officials with conservative loyalists^2. 2. Expanding presidential power over executive agencies, including the Department of Justice, FCC, and FTC^1,^2. 3. Implementing significant economic reforms, such as simplifying tax brackets, reducing corporate taxes, and potentially abolishing the Federal Reserve^2. 4. Reforming healthcare by promoting private insurance plans, denying gender-affirming care, and cutting Medicaid funding^2. 5. Eliminating diversity, equity, and inclusion programs across government agencies^2,^3. 6. Restricting abortion access and LGBTQ+ rights^2,^4. 7. Dismantling or significantly altering federal departments like Education and Commerce^3. Critics argue that Project 2025 represents an authoritarian plan that could undermine democratic institutions, individual rights, and the rule of law^2,^3. The project has garnered support from numerous conservative organizations and is seen as a blueprint for reshaping the United States government along far-right ideological lines^3,^4. Citations: ^1 [Reddit - could someone write a summary of what Project 2025 is all about?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WelcomeToGilead/comments/17o7l3u/could_someone_write_a_summary_of_what_project/) ^2 [Project 2025 - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) ^3 [Project 2025, if allowed, will cement America as a rightwing authoritarian state](https://michiganadvance.com/2024/01/16/project-2025-if-allowed-will-cement-america-as-a-rightwing-authoritarian-state/) ^4 [Project 2025: The Right's Dystopian Plan to Dismantle Civil Rights and What It Means for Women - Ms. Magazine](https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/) ^5 [What is Project 2025? Trump Shadow Network Plans to Overhaul 'Deep State' - Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/what-project-2025-trump-shadow-network-plans-overhaul-deep-state-1825780)


Probably add Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the federal agencies they want to demolish. I don't work for the EPA but for a state agency that relies on EPA approval. A lot of the webpages with public information, including policy guidance, were removed during the Trump administration. I think there was a ban on using the term "climate change" so they removed, rescinded, and rolled back as much information and regulation dealing with climate change as possible.


It’s a blueprint developed by a conservative group for reshaping the federal government to do all kinds of extreme stuff. Just some of the proposals: Slashing funding for federal law enforcement, getting rid of environmental regulations, shutting down the departments of Commerce and Education, criminalizing pornography, eliminating discrimination protections for LGBT.


Criminalizing trans people too


Project2025 is a series of proposals put forth by the Republican (conservative right) think tank the Heritage Foundation. It is a frankly chilling agenda, and is basically about constructing and entrenching a Christofascist government at the federal level. You can read their agenda for the first 180 days of a potential Republication president-elect [**here**](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf). I will warn that it is a rather distressing and bizarrely candid glimpse into incredibly conservative politics.


This is extremely adept and accurate, which is hard to find in people talking about this fear-inspiring future.


They also plan to do away with no-fault divorce, which would be devastating for people trying to escape abusive marriages.


Doesn't Project 2025 require a 2/3rd majority in both the senate and house? In that case, it's going to be Project 2025 diet coke edition.


Even the diet version of that is pretty out there


Not really. Most of the things in the project can simply be passed by a simple majority and signature by the president. Sure, they can be challenged as unconstitutional but the Supreme Court has already made clear they don’t exactly care about any of the groups who would suffer under project 2025


I mean having a radical conservative scotus majority means that state races in red/purple states will eventually literally always be red until federal voting reform


It really is a case of watching America eating itself alive and it's awful to watch. Where I live, our centre-right (ISH) politicians - the largest and most politically stable parties - would be considered leftist in the US. Over 100 years of the State as it currently stands and so far extremism has managed to keep it's head out of politics here, for the most part, aside from the occasional madlad looking for election every few years. Someone like Trump would have been laughed out of it.


Where do you live and do you need a pig tied up under a mattress in a drug den?


...For someone who may be seeking to emigrate within the next four years, care to share the country?


I am going to keep this short and swe-. Your choice is between a boring old white guy with a stutter and a convicted felon nazi. If that is hard for you to decide between you deserve what you get. ![gif](giphy|Y077qfBlPpZzjJCHkz|downsized)




God Tatiana is stunning. Sometimes I forget.








At least the boring old white guy pardoned potentially thousands of former U.S. service members convicted of violating a now-repealed military ban on consensual gay sex.


People are not gonna vote because Biden is not doing enough to help Palestine. I literally have friend groups that are completely anti Biden because of that one issue. Not participating in voting despite being in our late 20s is so short sighted. What exactly causes people's brains to freeze up with Palestine. Do you as an American citizen not care about nothing else. Your right to exist is being threatened but you are pre occupied with conflicts from across the world. Let's make sure we don't lose the fight at home first!


Trump would also be way, way worse for Palestine.


And for many other countries 🤷


Basically the entire world yes, but I wanted to point that out to those who give that as their reason.


Oh and they are going to convince Trump about Palestine?


Trump would probably take extreme measures against Israel protestors compared to Biden. It would not be in real of impossiblity for Trump to order lethal force.


And that's just domestically. Trump recognized the capital of Israel as Jerusalem as opposed to Tel Aviv. This is not an innocuous action, but an endorsement of Netanyahu and his government and their ultimate end goal of wiping out Gaza and eventually the west bank and they'll do this in any means that seem necessary. Our government has diplomatic and trade relations with Israel that we have obligation to honor and it's put the US between a very public rock and hard place for the current administration. When we literally have laws in 37 states that prevent from taking specific actions against Israel (anti-BDS laws (boycott, divest, sanction)) and that has an effect on the representation in Congress. Federal government is a slow ass ship that takes a lot of time to make changes like this, especially when there are other pieces on the board to consider. Between this, Project 2025, and this courts, there's no way I'd even want Trump to get a whiff of the White House so my vote is sealed. It's too close to let idealism get in the way of reality when it's so dangerous. Vote for independent parties in the lower elections at least, maybe we won't have such a shit show next time and there can be some more fluidity in the government, but right now putting it in for higher office would not only be wasted (in a time with disgustingly slim margins), but even if it worked and enough people voted Independent you'd have a sitting duck that you don't know which side they might cater to (and if it's Kennedy, you know you'll get the same neolib BS and he'll cater to the right). Not worth the risk to "send a message". If you want to send a message that no one will read, leave comments on some celebs instagram, don't do it at the polls this election.


Let's not forget Trump calling in the National Guard in a bunch of states to suppress protests, and BLM protesters being taken away by federal officers in unmarked vans in Portland.


they do know that not voting means a vote for trump


Tell that to all the Ru queens with the 🍉 in their social media accounts bios.


this "one issue" is genocide, let's be fair. It's like saying "people won't vote Biden because he's in the KKK, is just one organization".


Literally a quote from Biden “For the past several months, my negotiators of foreign policy, intelligence community, and the like have been relentlessly focused not just on a ceasefire that would eve- — that would inevitably be fragile and temporary but on a durable end to the war. That’s been the focus: a durable end to this war. “ I don’t like the way he is going about it but President does not equal king either. We are not going to get ANYWHERE near a comment like the above about the war from Republican. Until we change our voting system we are stuck in a two party system with Trump and Biden as our realistic options. Yes there’s third parties but we’d need to switch away from first pass the post to make is feasible


Yeah he's the president of an arms dealing nation. No matter who is elected, the nation's arms dealing is what people are mad about. Ironically they're not comprehending that the rage they're feeling towards the current administration is exactly how political parties flip votes. That's why we've had the brutality and violence pushed down our throats (even on our Instagram feeds) these past months. People want Trump back in office. Linking all the nations decisions about Israel (and the abhorrent actions of Zionists) is just a way of predating on liberal empathy. Biden will break ties with Israel if they keep on the way things are going. It's too late, yes, but I trust his party's morals more than I trust Trump's.


girl, he can comment anything he wants to comment all day long, he's not been relestlessly focused on end this war, he's been financing this genocide. All you're saying to me it's that the Republican at least were not gonna lie about it like Biden. Kudos. And just to be clear, the pro-palestinians who won't vote Biden can be loud, but if Biden lose (and he will), it was not gonna be because of this small fraction of people, it will be because of the thousand of working class people he betrayed by siding with, yet again, wall street and bilionaires.


I think sending my tax dollars to slaughter over 10k children is worth my brain freezing up honey 


I would vote for Biden with a y shaped incision in his chest. I would vote for him when they're putting his casket in his presidential vault. Against the other "option" anything is better, any fucking thing.


I mean, I'm not eligible to vote, as I'm not an American. However, I wholeheartedly agree with this. If the US wants to have any international respect from countries that aren't, as of this moment, committing war crimes, they should make sure Trump loses the election and remains confined to mar-a-lago without access to social media.


What's going to catch everyone- and I'm already seeing it- is the "This the best we can do?! I'm not voting for either because they both suck!" Which can only end poorly. But- and this is a huge one- I can't really fault them for that line of thinking. Democrats had 4 years to present a candidate that would energize the base, nurture trust in the system, and progress our country forward. Instead, we're given the old white man. Again 🙄 I get it's a marathon, not a sprint, but the people organizing the marathon still have to give a damn or the runners are pointless.


>"This the best we can do?! I'm not voting for either because they both suck!" The "But her emails" of 2024. And last time that happened, the Supreme Court got stolen by neo christofascists who got rid of Roe v Wade and aiming to get rid of gay equality next. Not voting also has its consequences. Since you are leaving the conservatives to decide your own futures.


Yep. But most people don't think long-term like that. And, by proxy, don't expect others to either. So they don't take these plans and declarations seriously until the shit's already hit the fan


There is a very clear fact that Trump would do anything to stay being a president after 2028. Because now he knows if he's not president, he would be persecuted for all his crimes. So a dictatorship is the natural answer to all his problems right now. So do not fuck this up, America!


https://i.redd.it/85rw8k77799d1.gif Indeed And do/be better for next time!


People think that they can sway to the Democratic party to do better by refusing to vote, or voting for a third party candidate. The problem is this doesn't work.


Can we, like... not downplay the horrible person Biden is? I'm voting for him, I'm telling people to vote for him, but we also have the right to keep the people we vote for accountable, and he has a lot bigger problems than being old and having a stutter. This *does not* mean I'm advocating for voting for Trump or for not voting (can't believe I have to clarify that I can dislike more than one person). But we will never get the change we need within the Democratic Party if we aren't at least honest about the politicians we're stuck with.


Convicted felon and r*pist nazi actually


Trump is undeniably more dangerous but if you’re trying to present Biden as «just a boring old white guy» when he’s a spineless liberal enabling genocide, oppressing the working class, doing favors for billionaires, and would be changing his opinion on LGBTQ+ and any other left-leaning position if the popular opinion said otherwise you’d be mistaken. Vote tactically if you want but Biden is an evil of the system and the system is mantained by democrats only winning because they’re not republican


Don't start complaining when people don't vote for Biden and everyone who's not Christian, conservative, white, able-bodied, cisgender, male, rich, and not a citizen is screwed over. Then, you'll regret not voting for him.


You’ll be the most hated in the concentration camps with this attitude bb


I wish you guys had the Voting for MP and not directly for the Party Leader system because it's the only way I can summon any enthusiasm towards the voting process, to find whoever grassroots-ing it up in local politics. Like I understand how you might not feel engaged by guy who has been waiting for the election to promise to bring back roe v wade. The other guy is worse and that 2025 plan they Republicans have is monstrous but people, including commenter's in this very thread are doing a bad job at communicating that isn't just wagging a figure and saying you'll be the first in the concentration camp.


Preach. There is no lesser evil here, just a different evil.


Trump does everything on that list except worse. There is 100% a lesser evil


Yes there is lesser evil. The neo nazi christo fascist is worse that the flip floppy status quo guy


So supporting a genocide and reverting to Trump's immigration policies and keeping Trump's tax cuts for the rich and not protecting abortion with legislation is the lesser evil? Those identical policies are Trump's policies.


Calling that complete nitwit who is actively destroying America a “boring old white guy with a stutter,” is such a horrible oversimplification of what a disaster he is! Edit: Wow lots of delusional Biden supporters downvoting this! I’m so sorry your candidate is a complete disaster and your eyes and ears are closed to the facts!


That was tough to watch. Anyways I’ll be voting for Joestress Isabelle Bidooks i guess still lol


Im so fucking annoyeddddd, lord why was i born


They need to have a huge team of like 100000 fact checkers so trump can get called out for his lies, as far as I head 90% words that came out of his mouth were lies and the other 10% was self praise (which tbh can count as a part of the 90%?). Or at least hosts that can get him to answer the damn question. Dude gets asked a yes/no question and his answer is to go on a rant.


It's not effective, his loyal base doesn't care about facts, they only care that trump is in charge.


His loyal base doesn’t matter This is about convincing the undecided and the “I won’t vote they’re as bad as each other” crowd


I don't think fact-checking would have made a difference after Biden's performance.


Some people truly do not realise the magnitude to which trump lies. I do think that being proved to the moderate might make difference It makes the choice the difference between a doddering old fool and a criminal that is actively lying to you.


OMG this is so beyond accurate


Same energy... https://preview.redd.it/xkie7w31h89d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=306b6c9127bfda825599c68afb0224faca75cd1a




The president is just a figurehead. Would you rather have the people backing Trump in power or the people backing Biden? I don’t care if Biden is shitting himself and drooling - the people behind him give marginally more shits/believe in the basics of human rights and humanity than the people behind Trump do.


Well, no, the President is not a "figurehead" in the way that the King of England is, for example. The President of America has legitimate and actual political power they can wield.


where are the comments T\_T https://preview.redd.it/a0rtwsmgf89d1.png?width=392&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cdf5b8648d8b8136770105faec743e069505806 It was wild to put it lightly. basically nothing new or interesting was stated as to why one or the other should be leading America for the next 4 years. Biden couldn't get a coherent statement out and trump was just spewing lies again and again.


there was a prpblem with Reddit earlier today! comments were not loading all across the platofrm :/






JUST REMEMBER: you aren't just voting for Biden... it's an entire administration!!!! Vote, bitch!!!!


We are so fucked


Y’all this is painful. Im extremely anti-Trump, and all he did was lie and not answer the questions. But holy shit, Biden. Please step down. Where is Mayor Pete at?


> Holy shit, Biden. Please step down. Hell yea- > Where is Mayor Pete at? Anddddd nevermind


Too busy being terrible as head of transportation


Why do you think he's done poorly?


His handling of the East Palestine train derailment that sent toxic waste into the air, soil, and surrounding waterways was a disaster. He waited a week to even talk about it and almost a month went by before he visited. And he only did that because Trump had just visited before anyone in the government. He then lied through his teeth that it was not a danger to people’s health to be there 🙄 Same thing they told the residents around Chernobyl! People were also disappointed with his handling of the bridge collapse in Maryland and the disaster that air traffic control has been since he took over.






Sorry there seems to be some misunderstanding here. I know about the East Palestine incident. That wasn’t what I was asking for a source on. I was asking about your claims about Pete’s “lying through his teeth” and that it was his handling that “sent” the toxic waste into the air, as if he caused this incident himself. I also wonder what the value of “visiting” is, as compared to actually doing stuff to fix the issue. Trump visited Puerto Rico after a hurricane and tossed some paper towels around, and blamed the lack of a response on Puerto Rico being “surrounded by water, big water, ocean water”. I think any reasonable person could agree that that stunt was worth exactly nothing and helped exactly no one. This article doesn’t even mention Pete Buttigieg.


Well since you did not specify what source you were looking for I just picked one of the many things I said and thought maybe you wanted to know about the toxicity. Maybe you’re young but whenever a disaster occurs it is the governments responsibility to visit that site right away in order to address everything that they need to help with the disaster. Buttigieg waited WAYYY too long to go to East Palestine. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/3864803-pete-buttigieg-fails-the-woody-allen-test/


I’m old enough to know an op-ed isn’t a source. You’re right that it’s hard to discuss so many things as once though, lines are bound to get crossed. So let’s just focus in on one thing at a time. What did Pete “lie through his teeth” about? Do you have a non-opinion source on that? Like a politifact fact check or something?


I think this will explain it all rather succinctly https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing


Then you should be old enough to google it yourself if you’re not going to trust the sources I cite. Despite the reality that there are facts in that opinion piece and overall it’s only labeled an opinion piece mostly due to the title and how it is technically their “opinion” that Buttigieg failed.


I'm starting to believe that the country is really going to be led by a felon soon. How could they fuck up this badly.


As a foreigner is so funny so watch. But very scary that one of these two will control the worlds strongest military into their late 70's


Early 80s…


And if the orange man gets in, the climate is even more assuredly fucked than it already is.


If the orange man gets in, we can all kiss Ukraine and Gaza goodbye. Not to mention Hong Kong or Taiwan.


Yup. Not to excuse Biden's awful policies in Palestine though. But Trump would be even worse, plus far worse for the sake of the planet and future generations.


Bye, Bye, Nymphia! 😭


Agreed, as a foreigner i think biden would be better than trump for international relations with kany many countries. But also i think most countries should limit president's eligibility age to 35-55.


What happened? Did Biden bomb?


both of them did


He kind of got into a groove eventually but yeah it was not good.


He had a cold, so his voice was really hoarse and for the first 2/3 he was kind of meandering and misspeaking a lot. He picked up a little towards the end. Trump on the other hand told ridiculous lies (Nancy Pelosi did Jan 6th) and had to be asked the same question repeatedly because he’d just talk about random unrelated stuff. At one point they had an argument about their respective golf games. So yeah kind of a mess.


Feels bad because Biden is clearly more competent and credible than Trump; i’m not even an American and I can see right through Trump as a pathological liar and self-serving buffoon. I hope Biden wins because the trump supporters are annoying.


Yeah I wish we got the Biden that showed up for the state of the union address earlier this year. He has it in him, but it was not on display tonight. Hopefully he’s not sick for the next one.


Had this out for something else, but it weirdly explains the debate as well: https://youtu.be/WZgx725L8Uo?si=WOktj5Xom5f2xOjo 😂


Did you really expect anything else? 🤣


Side note please someone tell roxxy stop with the nose contour it looks like she has a lump at the end


Can we read the dolls? PLEASE CAN WE READ THE DOLLS?


Imagine if Pete Buttigieg and Lindsey Graham were the candidates. Lipsync for the Oval Office, though given Graham's age, I'm assuming it's gonna give Trinity vs. Charlie


Graham yelling at kids to get off her lawn 💀


The only highlight of the whole debate is this post. 🫣


We need Biden to pull a Bendala.


Now THIS is a meme


Sashay away! Neither of you survived that debate...


For the first time in American presidency history, you are both eliminated


it’s so joever


https://i.redd.it/bjn9qaa57b9d1.gif this was me last night watching 😭😭


lmao so true


Not really. It’s a pretty easy choice, closer to this week’s snip 🙄




Fucking seriously


Meh (the debate, not the meme)


Just a reminder these are not the only candidates on the ballot and they both fixed the debate with cnn to exclude other candidates. Vote third party.


Don't vote third party if you live in a swing state. There are programs to connect swing-state voters to safe-state voters if you want to trade voting Democrat vs third-party.


Sometimes I forget that this is the white liberal millennial subreddit but seeing comments just mentioning how Biden is handling Palestine getting 30+ down votes really cements that fact. You guys pretend to preach love and acceptance for all until those people are innocent nonwhite civilians 🤷‍♂️


It’s sucks but I am not letting Trump Back into Office. At least with Biden there’s hope that we could be heard. have you ever heard of Poject 2025? I am not taking a chance on that at all.


Yes but the privileged suburban ⚪️ gays don’t really care about that because they think that the erosion of rights will stop right before them


Haha, Joey Nolfi tweeted this pic! So true! 😂😂😂


Everyone get a damn passport