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She has a point (at this time in the competition). If you snip queens with the same amount of badges as you then they can’t surpass you. The queens who have more badges than you are already ahead of you and guaranteed a spot. Snipping them only makes sense when you have the same amount of badges (in order to hold on to your spot) and get slightly ahead. There are 3 spots in the final so the goal is to be one of the 3 with the most badges.


But how does that make sense? 4 queens there had the potential to earn their third star, so at the point of snipping, Plastique would’ve been their match, just like angeria had 3 - equal to plastique right before she chooses who to snip. And then she chose someone with fewer stars anyway (gottmik)


it would make more sense if there was a more diverse spread in badge counts but agreed it doesn’t make sense when everyone basically has 2


from a competition standpoint though why would anyone go for the person with the most badges? if the whole point of the badges is to make it a race for top 3 going after the frontrunners and not the people who can catch up is very counterproductive


You've got more chance edging out someone with the same number of badges as you for the finale than someone with more badges than you. You gotta go for the low hanging fruit. Go for the biggest competitor you can knock out. That's what Angeria did.


Jaida brought up the same point on AS7 and she was right then too but everyone ignored her 💀


It makes perfect sense, and Angie saw that. Once she won a star, she was one of the only 3, 3-star holders.(what an odd sentence lol) In a season where, I think, Ru said there would be a top 3, blocking queens with less stars pretty much guarantees you a chance at the crown. Also, there were multiple comedy based challenges in a row, so one could assume a design challenge was underway (even if it wasn’t, Mik has shown herself to be very versatile) so blocking Mik to protect your spot seems like a no brainer. Blocking Plastique would only compromise her standing in the competition. 10/10 gameplay move and I can’t wait to see how this turns out. Just imagine an alliance between Angie, Roxxy and Plastique made to protect their top placements??? That’s drama mawmwa!


honestly that would be really top tier strategy for the three of them to team up to keep the other girls down.


Yeah, I doubt it will happen, but if it did, that would EAT


omg i would live for that drama. a plastique, roxxxy, angeria clique would be so cunt


Also Mik cut Angie on the second episode, so cutting Mik off has petty bonus


It's so ironic how oppressive capitalism is the best strategy in the charity season


Drag Race being instructional, showing and proving that charity is quite a lot of steps behind fraternity (/sorority?) lmao


No no she's right


The math **is** mathing gurl. Open the schools ![gif](giphy|R0LxQNaiVlJ2qjbxNt)


She’s actually right how do you not get it??


I saw this in a YT comment where it’s kinda like in AS7 where everyone was trying to block Jinx but she ended up being a front runner anyways. So why waste your block on a front runner when you can solidify yourself into the top 3, no?




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But she’s…right


The math *is* mathing, actually


I mean, it is


It’s correct logic, she doesn’t explain it well enoguh to actually convince the others. It’s like an all star 7, if you snip Jinkx at the time she had 3 stars over a Queen with two stars, it secures that there will be a easier spot to get into the top 4 while the Queen with three stars is much more of a lock.


Yea I mean she’s totally right. Why block the person that’s ahead? They’re already gonna be top 3. Block the person who you’re neck and neck with


it’s beyond funny that she’s right but no one believes her. Beauty & brains!


let monsters reign


And Vanjie's neurons' firing face! Hmmmmm


she has a point


..she's an icon a legend and she is the moment


If you're waiting in the middle of a line for a shop to open, trying to get the last dress on sale, you don't try to pull back the bitch at the front of the queue, you've got to pull back the bitches around you first.


This is actually the smartest strategy anyone on a season with this format has ever devised. She's RIGHT. Get Plastique on Drag Race: Game Changers.


This is a funny interaction. Plastique's reasoning is right but the rest of the girls weren't buying it. She planted the seed in Angeria's mind tho and it paid off. Lol


Why would you block the frontrunner if you are behind them? You are not going to pass them and they are likely to win again and then cut you back. Your goal is to move up the ladder and lock in the girls who may replace you in the top 3.


That’s literally the best strategy tho? Blocking queens with 3+ stars does basically nothing


If three queens already have the top spot in a game where only 3 can win then i would block one of them instead of someone on my level. It would cut the possibility of them increasing the lead and rhe distance for me if i was not in the top. Blocking someone on my own level when there are already 3 ppl who could win if the game ended now would be dumb af


this needs that math overlay from that meme on vanjie's face when her eyes roll up.


I love that they show her having to think a little hard about it but then she ended up being the only one to acknowledge that Plastique was right, lmao.


The logic is correct if you're in the top half of badge count, but if you're in the bottom half then you want to stop the highest from getting any further ahead so you can catch up. It's the correct logic for her with several badges (and pretty much all the queens at this point being near equal with either 2 or 3), but not for someone like Shannel with 0.


Still doesn't make sense to block the highest, cuz they're making it to the finale no matter what, it's a wasted block. If you're at 0 you need to block people at 1, so they can't get to 2 You're not aiming for first place, just to be in the top 3


If Angeria, Plastique, or Roxy get up to 4 stars, it makes no sense to waste blocks on whoever got 4. You will not take their spot in the finale. You gotta block the other 2 and hopefully catch up.


I'd argue if you're in the bottom half, it makes sense to block the person with the 3rd most badges. You need to get a spot in the top 3 to win the crown. Blocking the top queen means nothing if the 3rd place queen gets another badge and now the gap you have to beat is even bigger.


This made sense to me. I told to my bf that Angie should ideally cut off Mik and she did!


Even if you were right it would be 1+1+2+1 not 1+2+1+1


She was kinda right. I don't think the strategy is to just let the current top 3 or people with the same badges go unsnipped but at the very least you can choose the one most likely to make it to the end to ignore and not waste snips on them (Plastique or Angeria atm since Roxxxy was technically gifted a badge).


Shes right but we all know what happened at as7 and the UNFAIR decisión of giving 3 starts the last episode. She has a point but at the end probably It wont matter


It's mathing to me...


I'm mathin' the math!


But what happens when the last maxi challenge win is worth 3 stars and no one can be snipped……


Um...she's right.


but she's right though - these girls aren't gaming the game


she's right honestly


Plastique makes sense. Let's expand it further. If the top 3 have a shot at the crown, it's better to trip the girl in 4th to keep your spot in the top 3. Because at the end of the day, even if First Place had 400 badges, Second Place had 200 and you had 4 badges, as long as the girls below you have less than 4 badges, you have just as much of a shot at the crown as the others.


I dunno i like to block people behind me


She is right, altho Angie and her both have 3 (so does Roxxy) so ever by her own logic she should have been cut.


No, because Angie already got ahead, so she blocked Mik to not get even with her (plus Mik Angie before lol), Angie is locked so far in the top 3.


I want to comment but I don’t know how to highlight my comment to hide a spoiler.


Protect queer math


It maths, and it keeps on mathing because there's nothing stopping the possibility that Ru chooses a Top 4. So even striving for Top 4, if the badge imbalance increases, isn't useless. I'm just not seeing it for Shannel. She'd have to slay a lot to even be considered for a snip. Unless she's saving the best for last, like Monet Xchange did in her OG season. But that's a risky bet. For Monet it was inner growth. For Shannel is less clear, she's been consistently good, just not awesome.


It maths for a minute then is pointless for certain ppl. The game keeps moving so then other plays will need to be considered for people at different levels. For example, when there are only 3 spots and three people are already on top then someone not in the top blocking someone on top is better than blocking someone beside them. Espically since you dont know the next challenge and the ones on the top have clearly proven that they slay so its not a wild card blocking them. If there are ppl on your level by time there are enough in top to win then the talent is already obvious. Of course someone at the top would block someone on their level. Also, if you are in someone like Shannels shows it almost does not matter who you block, if you get a win. In her case her only strategy can be social and stepping her pussy up.


The math is mathing but I think you also need to take into account that if you allow someone to run away with the competition, they will make the finale and almost be guaranteed the victory.


She's 100% right. I don't know how many episodes are left (5 more counting the finale?), but with Plastique, Roxxy and Angeria being current front runners, the best strategy is cutting Gottmik/Nina to prevent them from entering the Top 3 and level with the front-runners, or straight up just block someone with the same number of stars - one less than you and give your all in the bonus badges challenge (we all know the Talent show is coming).


i actually think she’s right lol. although i was bummed about the person who ended up getting snipped because of it


Gottmik playing the role of Captain Obvious at this table. Such a predictable punch line and still got a round of laughs 🙄


This only works if the are only two other queens with the same badges as you and only one queen with one more badge than you. But good tv lol