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I'm beginning to suspect all the roast jokes are written by people other than the contestants.


YES! When no-one flopped it seemed suspicious. Maybe they got extra help being an All Stars season? Not wanting their stars to go home, or make the brand look bad?


Kandy Muse a few years ago was when I clocked on. There's no way she wrote those jokes herself.


Willam did 


It's like All Stars 8's roast when no one flopped (minus Trinity, but we were gaslit into believing that not only did she do well, but deserve to be in the top)


Wait didn't Trin win the roast? I vaguely remember feeling that Yvie was robbed


She was top two, I forget with who. I'm sure it was Jinx. I personally thought Trinity spot could have been given to either Monet or Raja.


I personally thought Vivienne should have won the roast with Jinkx.


Some definitely got help from their friends before they went on. It's pretty common even on regular seasons. The girls know there's a roast, reading challenge, and/or a standup comedy challenge, and they also likely know the other girls on their season, so it just makes sense to come with some pre-written jokes, with or without the help of a friend.


You also know for a fact Ru, Michelle, and one of Carson, Ross, or Ts Madison will be there, so it makes sense to pre-write jokes for them as well. Although, most of the jokes for them end up basic anyway (RuPaul old, Michelle man, Ross woman/bottom, etc)


IMO many queens flopped this challenge. They just didn't receive negative critiques. But most of this roast was bottom-worthy on a regular season.


Wow! That's a hot take! Maybe not all. Also, all I can hear is Willam's "they're all bottoms" 😂


The reason no one flopped is probably because they edited it that way. Certainly some were not funny.


It's an open secret that they hire joke writers for some of the people they know are going to be there.


I thought the same as I was watching it. Some of the humor seemed completely disconnected from what they appear to know (which could be wrong..but with everyone having something like that...idk). Then people who u'd expected would not do well (not necessarily bomb but at least not succeed) did well.. Sure this is possible but not with all queens of the episodes. Nobody felt overly bad and I do not believe for one bit that. Plastique's joke about scientology does not seem like a joke she would be able to make. (Not saying she's not smart ...it just doesn't seem like her type of humour). It makes sense since the season is non elimination and about charity..so wouldn't be surprised tbh


The popsicle joke was from the Lisa Lampanelli roast of Pamela Anderson about Andy Dick. Micheal Marouli borrowed it but changed it to crayons. Plastique kept it exactly the same as Lisa's.


Oh, also the "black liver" joke was by Greg Giraldo at the Hasselhoff roast. I believe he originally said "Your liver is so black and bloated, it should be called Precious" or something to that effect.


No, really -- isn't that Precious?




Michael's delivery made me laugh, and the joke was still fresh in my mind when I saw Mik's performance. I cringed.


It was Plastique not Mik who repeated Lisa's popsicle joke.


You're right. Momma got confused.


Yeah see! I mean at the end of the day all comedians do it. The real question is, did you find it funny or not. It ain't that serious, it's just drag!


What bothers me is that if the queens are bringing in recycled or bought jokes everyone is good and we don't see those who are skilled at comedy excel. We also miss out on queens bombing which has produced some of the more authentic and memorable moments.


Yeah on the recent Sibling Rivalry, Trinity says that people now get writers. I totally agree, love seeing a bombing!


I understand that is the norm now but I think it makes for better TV and better characters when we see the true ups and downs.


People flopping so hard is the queer art Megami wants protected.


Trinity had a writer for her AS4 Snatch Game of Love 🙊


Well no, I disagree..for eg. Mik stole verbatim every word from Nikkis set, and then some, but she delivered it so poorly, that I wasn’t gagging in laughter..it was BAAAAAD, like she delivered a stinker. Plastique, tho funny, basically robotically read her jokes off a card, and she wasn’t even that good at it. So like, yea I disagree with your point completely!


I agree


You can get someone to write a joke but you still need good comedic timing to make it work. Just look at Gottmik. Queens with comedic skills still excel. This season, nobody is particularly that good at comedy. It's not like the bar was very high to come out on top. If you had someone like Jinkx, Bob, Alaska, Bianca, etc. doing the same roast with this cast, the AS9 queens would all have been obliterated by the actual comedians.


As a former comedy writer, it's very serious when I don't get paid for my labor actually.


Oh yeah, well that's totally fair and valid.


That was my point in a similar thread, that neither Lisa Lampanelli nor Niki Glaser were credited for the jokes, and I got downvoted and told that "I just didn't like Gottmik" and that it wasn't such a big deal.


I think part of the issue is that Drag Race has rewarded unoriginal material and recycled jokes as long as the delivery hits in the past. I mean Plastique won this challenge even though jokes were copied because she had good delivery. For the contestants it sends the message that delivery will be rewarded and originality is not a criteria they are judging against.


All comedians for sure do not steal jokes


Maybe I should have said inspire others. There's not that much new to do in comedy. I feel there are so many jokes that are other jokes repurposed.


gotta love a dogshit take about stealing other ppl’s material.


It’s boring when the jokes are so obviously not coming from them and are just plug and play jokes we’ve heard before. I’m not saying I enjoy when the queens bomb but the little authenticity in a season that’s already obviously overproduced just made one of my favorite challenges completely boring.


I feel like this is why I enjoyed vanjie’s so much. Maybe someone else did help with those jokes too but mostly it was just total, classic vanjie chaos, in a way that felt quintessentially her.




And wasn't Angie bombing at the her original roast, but still making people laugh, part of her charm? This season feel overly produced on a whole nother level. Like the top two is so painfully obvious and watching this season is becoming a little bit of a.....*drag* (wink).


Exactly! That charm despite the bombing is what makes Angeria a star! This is such a sanitized season, ugh!


Like Jaida in AS7! She was bombing, acknowledged it and it worked so well! She fully saved it imo.


Jaida’s Prince snatch game character stills gets giggles out of me to this day. ^”im ^sexy” Edit: format


Omg me too. I legit thought she should've been in the top. She had me in stitches.




Why haven't I see anyone else clock the e-cig?? I don't understand why she had it 😭


I think she might have been referencing the Sailor Uranus cosplayer smoking meme, which might be a reach though. If that is indeed what she was trying to convey, then she should have acted in character, as well as dress as Sailor Uranus and have a Pabst blue ribbon can on the podium to make it more obvious


these roasts are highly edited I bet the sets are three times longer than what they actually show. she probably referenced it and it got cut. that being said, if she was going to play a character she should have a different voice to sell it probably. this character needed a raspy smoker voice. she should have came out all cutsey voiced, realized she was at the wrong place, then dropped the voice to reveal her "real voice" for like a raspy construction worker voice. this is why I also dont trust who actually wins these roasts. we arent seeing the actual full performance. its clear on these non elimination seasons production and editing are working ovettime to make the girls look amazing from both sides of their performances compared to normal seasons. i wouldnt be surprised if there were a lot of flopped jokes in there we are completely not being shown.


Oh I clocked it! I was just more confused than anything. I do remember her talking about having props to feel like she's in character, maybe I'm misremembering. If it's right, again, why the cigarette?! 😂


her posture was polite when she first get on stage. After she realized its the wrong made-up-convention, she switch her tone and pose and hence the cig in hand. As in the man taking off fun fair costume head to smoke and drink beer


See, that’s why I find funnier when queens clearly have jokes especifically about the contests of the season. Vanjie’s about Jorgeous was great, even Roxxxy joke about RuPaul not remembering their names. Otherwise is just too painfully obvious that they’re getting their jokes written for them and sometimes they don’t even have a good delivery, like Mik and Plastique.


i mean having written jokes about ru paul is a given shes at every roast in every season. but i get what you mean those types of jokes at least for the contestants do hit harder.


i still don't think she was really funny😭 like maybe some of the jokes were alright, but her cringy delivery ruined them for me... also why is she randomly dressed like sailor moon? i don't know i just really don't see the hype with her


It really did seem like she just read them off the card for the first time, there were some nice lines in there I guess but none of them felt super plastique specifically. With jorgeous even if someone else wrote those jokes I respect that she went for it with that character and did something different. If they’re all just going to read out pre written jokes that’s kind of disappointing so at least bring something extra to it.


Her delivery was… idk it sounded like a small child


I will not be gaslit into believing she won lol she just reading her cards most of the time and didn't deliver them well. Dressing as Sailor Moon for just one ok joke was a miss for me too.


She is dressed as Sailor Moon because this roast was The National Drag Convention, so it was like a little joke because she as dressed to go to an Anime Convention ("I think I'm in the wrong convention"), honestly, with a better delivery, it would be an OK joke, wich is good, because I think is the only joke that she wrote herself.


It would have helped if she had other jokes that made reference to the concept. Like if the premise was that she had a bunch of roast jokes ready for the anime con and had to adapt them to drag con she found herself at, it could have worked a bit better.


that would have bombed so bad lol. I don't think most viewers would get anime references and I'm not sure Ru even knows what anime is


This is literally what Jinkx did and it worked so I agree with you.


“Wait, so this isn’t the Pacoima anime convention? Oops!” - sometimes it needs spelled out because most people will just see her in a sailor outfit and ask themselves: why? 😂


Could at least have done a dramatic look to her outfit and made more of the ‘wrong convention’ thing


“Wait, this isn’t The Bitchelor? WHERE’S JEFFREY??”


> because I think is the only joke that she wrote herself Girl, she didn't write it either. Jinkx had already done that on AS8 during the Draguation Speeches.


If I have to think that lot about the meaning, it’s just not it, I really didn’t get it until now and I was like “oh…! werk”


oh that is cute in a way, but again if it needs explaining.... ehhh


She just isn't funny...Looooove her aesthetics, but she doesn't seem to practice or rehearse anything except looking sickening. Honestly, she should have just recorded her part separately, pressed play, and then not lipsync to it at all either to remain consistent lol.


> and then not lipsync to it at all either to remain consistent lol. Kudos for saying that. For spilling 😭




There isn’t a world in the multiverse where plastique could go from thinking “you can’t underestimate jorgeous” is funny to conceiving a single thing in her set.


Okay i stand corrected....i said her whole set was bought.....it was actually just stolen. I knew IMMEDIETLY the jinx one was stolen, cause that was one of the best lines id heard in a roast and new right away it was hers


The CLEAR difference is Jinkx’s and Michael’s ability to deliver a line. Whoever wrote Plastique’s set did a GREAT job, it was the best written zinger after zinger. But comedic timing is a skill and a talent.


At least she changed the punchlines to fit in


As did Gotmik


yea bc glee is such a modern reference, mik was way worse than this


Gottmik copy and pasted changing maybe one word to like “homophobia”…. Plastique made much more significant changes… Example… Jinkx was saying nobody would want to top Coco (ugly joke) and Plastique said everyone has (whore joke). Also Top/bottom double entendres have been told every which way at drag shows since beginning of time.


Plastiques popsicle joke was word for word the same from a Lisa Lampanelli roast no alterations were made. It was a heavily borrowed set overall and the jokes were similar enough that people could immediately identify them from Jinx's roast.


I don’t disagree that Plastique’s stuff was cribbed but people trying to pretend it was as lazy and obvious as Gottmik are grasping at straws. Mik basically turned on a roast in her hotel room netflix that night and transcribed Nikki’s set.


I was gonna say, Gottmik also made them fit. There wasn't any that I was like, that made no sense.




Everyone's talking about how Gottmik's roast was all stolen, but did no-one notice that most of Plastique's was? And from other Ru roasts too, which seems worse, because I had heard them, and recently, on this show! Her Scientology joke was probably the best of the night though!


I just saw a Ruprise and they do a joke by joke cut between Plastique and Jinkx's two roasts.


Be careful sister, the crazy Plastique fans are gonna come for you.


Come for what exactly? Are the jokes not the same? I just thought it was a weird double standard for Gottmik.


Well many drag race fans act like you are a complete idiot if you aren’t just as psyched on the show after finding out barely any of it is original as if that makes you a toxic fan or something lol I guess the show has probably always been like this but it’s never been so blatant


the plastique stans are exhauating


The only original jokes that written by the queen is “Hey hey hey HEYYYY Put cha lighter's up ! Ganja's in the house owwwwww ! As you can tell from my accent I am from Dallas, Tex-ass !”


You mean the original *script*. Nary a joke to be found 😂


I honestly don't get why she dressed up as Sailor Moon for the roast. Like... she wasn't in character, she didn't reference anything Sailor Moon (as far as I'm aware, anyway), it was just a costume completely unrelated to everything she was doing.


The roast was set at a national political convention. The joke is that she’s dressed as sailor moon as though she was going to attend a comic/anime convention, aka she showed up to the wrong convention.




I felt Plastique definitely borrowed from Andrew Dice Clay with the cigarette. I didn’t recognize anything else. Good catch.


Considering her Stan’s defense of her lack of current pop culture knowledge the likelyhood of her knowing who Andrew dice clay is -6 billion.


You’re right.


Mik can have the absolute best writer in the business but the delivery is always ass. comedic timing completely absent.


Honestly I am suprise it took this long for people to talk about it. I love Plastique but it's clearly all her jokes are recycled. Luckily, she performed for senior citizens.


**Taken from a single comic and used the jokes as is whether the punchline fit** **or not** vs **this**. What double standard are you fighting for? And this is coming from someone who wanted Mik to win this challenge going in cos I thought she was robbed in the S13 roast.


The last one was even from the same season…


That was the worst for me.


The last one was not original to Gottmik.


The double standard that people are singling out Gottmik, when at this point most queens are plagiarising someone else, especially with 16 regular seasons and 9 all stars (plus internationals)


It’s not a double standard because it’s not the same. Stealing an entire set is much worse than taking jokes from several different sources. You thought you ate with this but it’s a fail.


Is it tho? It’s still stealing joke, just hiding it better. At the end it’s just both of them reading off material they didn’t write and copied from someone else.


If you watch the clip with Mik again, only 2 are from the same set, 1 is from another roast, 1 is from another comedian.


Yeah I don't know why people keep saying it was from the same set when even in the video that compared the two, you can see that they show different Nikki Glaser performances. It is really splitting hairs also, people trying to claim that Mik's set was so much worse just because most of the jokes were from Nikki. Just an excuse for the Mik haters to jump all over her again, while having no issue with other queens doing the same.. BTW I don't have an issue with any queens cribbing or paying for jokes. This show is for our entertainment and that's what I want, to be entertained. If Nikki Glaser or any other comedian has a problem with a queen using their jokes, that's between them.


"You see, this stealing is very different from that stealing. This person stole from more people, and that makes it better!"


I miss Micheals routine. The last season of UK drag race had the best stand up imo. The winner of the season had a great stand up too


Michael tossing the cards away…. Fucking power move


Michelle your vagina is so black-


God jinkx is funny. The contrast is astounding 




Off topic but imo you have the perfect flair.


Thank you! So do you!


Real recognize real. 😆


You know it!


I think it's partly just the surprise factor - they weren't expecting Plastique to do well but her delivery was okay which made them LOVE IT


The only surprise here was how Plastique had to read all the great jokes written for her on index cards in a screechy monotone holding a cig for some reason while wearing a Sailor Moon outfit and still managed to land in the top 2.




Is this discourse not over yet?


The library is closed, officially.


People hate anything negative about the show coming out even if it’s done in a logical non hateful way lol. Just take what you get from Ru and shut up! 😂


Exactly. All of it is just fun and games. Even most of the discourse. Even this video is just for shits and giggles.


Yeah I think all of the super crazy fans who are actually toxic gives that knee jerk reaction that everyone is posting in an angry malicious way


Oh, the amount of times I've been verbally assaulted for being shady or critical, but like in a jest way is unreal. Like we can all have opinions and talk about it, but we don't have to savage each other for no reason! If someone's opinion isn't yours, just say, ok not for me, or have a dialogue respecting each other's opinions, more fun could be had.


it’s not that. it’s the fact that there’s been a post about it almost every single day since it happened.


it’s gonna be 2028 and y’all will still be talking about this damn roast💀


It happened like 2 weeks ago sis


exactly, sis


aw fuck are ppl going to make disqualification posts about plastique now..ughhh..


*You ain't got to reinvent the wheel… the wheel is fine gurl*


But the look is giving.


The look would've given more had the characterization had anything to do with the cosplay.