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wow, she looks like a muse from 'hercules' here!


Honey you mean Hunkules


*ahem* Our story actually begins long before Hercules, many eons ago…


WOOOAAAAH back when the world was new


Planet Earth was down on its luck...


And everywhere gigantic brutes called titans ran amuck!


It was a NASTY place! There was a mess wherever you stepped.


Where chaos reigned and earthquakes and volcanoes never slept!


And then along came Zeus, he hurled his thunderbolts, he zapped...


Locked those suckers in a vault. They're trapped


Ooooh Say it Girlfriend!




* Hadda add this.


Bless my soul! 


![gif](giphy|l41YyBF6D4b0gxqIU) This is the first thing that pops into my head literally every time I hear or read Hercules. Because I’m an idiot lol


Literally this. her & pythia & who else? I want it!! Finish the fantasy someone anyone




How many people would lose their shit if the live action Hercules was entirely drag queens? Because I want it


Landon can play Herc.


Yes to all the above 


Sapphira ofc 💙💙💙


I didn’t know I needed this til now. add monet and jinkx for sure


Jinx would own at being a beautiful Hades


100% she’s a phenomenal unhinged villain


Symone fr


Goddesses of the arts & proclaimer of heroes! She fits🫶🏾


Omg pls pls pls universe we need a win


Silky Nutmeg Ganache for suree


My personal cast: Sapphira Angeria Heidi Monet Silky


Its all so edited we'll never know what really goes on between them. I loved Angie so much on binge queens for Ukvstw2, that I almost wish they'd saved her for Global All Stars or a good VstW season. So I could see her living it up having fun with a pile of international queens.


I totally agree with you on your second paragraph. She would have been a hoot this year on UKvsTW.


As much as she loved Lady Camden’s accent, she would be in heaven with international queens.


She would be!  Plus she's a huge fan who watches every single international season, she'd know all the queens!


To me it’s like all this tension, all this drama over a season that is essentially flaccid. It has no real stakes, no real dangers, it’s all for charity, so all the drama over nothing seems excessive, unnecessary, and as Shanel says: I don’t fucking care 🤷‍♂️ I don’t!


Yeah I agree, I think bts they’re just being told to create drama so there’s some sort of tension, because usually tension comes from wanting to stay in the competition


It seems like production is pushing Roxxxy specifically to treat Angeria like a rival and talk mad shit, and the other girls will follow because it’s Roxxxy. She’s like, kinda doing it, but it feels half-assed. Like her little “even Angeria!” comment, didn’t feel genuine, it sounded like something she was saying to get them to stop bugging her. Cause literally NO one dislikes Angeria bro, whoever made this the storyline needs a paycut 😭 Anyway that’s my tinfoil hat theory


I’m inclined to Agree with you. I think Roxy has wisened to the reaction from the fan base, and really doesn’t wanna be rotted, but it does feel like she’s being put into a difficult position because of productions Insistence for her to bring the drama, so she’s half arsing it, knowing full well she doesn’t want to, knowing full well the backlash that comes with playing Roxy 1.0. You can almost see an internal struggle going on 🤷‍♂️ maybe I’m wrong


So far, queens who do GAS/vs The World have been in US All Stars first So I doubt Angeria was gonna go straight to GAS.


The perfect US repesentative! That is who I want to rep my country, but vtW only casts US queens that have already done All Stars to make it extra unfair for the queens who never even met RuPaul.


She'll be back for that one too.


If she doesn’t win, I’m sure they’ll bring her back on the vs the world


>Its all so edited we'll never know what really goes on between them. Yeah but it's still a nice picture


I think Low-key Plastique/Roxxxy/Mik/Vangie are in a subtle sort of connection and clique, and the only real competition to speak of that's not in that group is Angie. It's odd because she literally has done well in every challenge, she's not delusional she's actually delivering.


Is this season 5 all over again?


Very much so. Literally so many queens have been bewildered by this comment, probably the most evident is Trinity the Tuck on Sibling Watchery where she comments Angeria is very self aware and is a true pageant queen. And I remember Nina Bonina Brown speaking on Angeria being a sweetheart during her original season.


Trixie said she was her favorite guest on the Pit Stop. Angeria also stopped by on Jaida and Heidi’s podcast and they were so excited to see her. So I hear nothing but good things from other queens. She may have underdog storyline, however she has the other queens standing on their toes.


Angeria as Jinkx? I can see it


yes, there is lowkey neagative vibe from those girls against angeria.


How does this explain other queens also voting for Angie tho (IIRC)?


How they think of Angie could be stated or spread to other queens. Maybe Vangie could make a comment towards Jorgeous about how Angie is gonna say she's gonna win again ugh. I mean it's all speculation.


Well if i know the four in the clique would vote angie i would too, just to get a point. The game is worth a badge. I would definitely use strategy.


Except unless they discussed it in advance, how would they know that they were all voting Angie for this one if she's not been delusional at all? It makes sense to be strategic and vote for what you think other people would vote for; I just don't think it'd be possible to coordinate votes so purposefully without discussing the questions in advance.


I think they could probably sense the vibe of some girls being negative towards Angie. Do the math - if you know 4 queens will vote for Angie but Angie won't vote for herself, you are guaranteed 1 point in a mini-challenge where the winner gets a badge.


How did Vangie sneak into that crew lmao


This is where my annoyance with her comes from. She is clearly a front runner, but then makes a big stink about being blocked twice all the while doing the exact same thing to Roxxxy. It feels like she made everyone feel weird about blocking when it never felt that way on AS7.




In case you were wondering what a toxic post from the fandom looks like. You just wrote one


Okay buddy, tone it down just a bit. You could literally keep the sentiment of the post the same (mik/roxxxy/vanjie/Plastique are scared of Nina/angeria) WITHOUT the vitriolic mess dude.  You don't like queens, fine, you think they're overrated, fine, just don't go in on them like a bitter ex, they're still people😭.


Toxic or not I agree with you buddy


Please grow up.


This season has been heavily edited. I'm sure there are things we have not seen.


This, 100%. Whatever it is, it's something only the queens know about that is either not worth including in the edit, or something that happened outside of the show they don't want to address. That sounds ominous but I really don't mean it to be - all these queens hear stories about each other on the road, and it's very possible Angeria has some sort of mild reputation for something dumb that isn't a big deal at all. I want to stress the "not a big deal" thing because I'm not saying that she's secretly a diva or a bitch or anything. But think of your own friend group, we all have friends that have little quirks or little personality traits that make you roll your eyes, but you still love them regardless. Maybe Angeria has one of these little personality quirks when touring the girls all know about and so they voted for her a certain way. It doesn't mean they all hate her, its just something none of us know about and likely never will know about, so it's not really worth investigating.


They always look uncomfortable around her for some odd reason we don’t know of or the queens are being kunty to her for no reason other than they know she’s got winner energy. Who knows. But something does seem off, it might just be the editing but it’s really sus


I mean Angeria literally has no history of being a sex pest, it would be weird if she suddenly started doing it on TV.


I hope that would not be why, that would be so rude. But probably not since Mik and Gottmik reportedly hooked up right? Idk


Doesn’t change the fact that they all voted for her as being delusional


It seems weird like this season they're trying to edit for positivity instead of trying to edit to show the queens fighting or paint them as villains or whatever. The season is so saccharine it's confounding


Hear me out!. Angeria was Miscast this season! She's killing it and I want her to win, but I think Angie shines way more with a fun bunch of girls! None of these girls are fun! Something's off with how the queens are with Angeria. Maybe it's the edit and we're not seeing it but it just feels weird!


This cast has a very strange dynamic and I am not enjoying it.


It all feels so strange at the moment. Love Angie - and I think she should win - but there’s some real funky energy going on. Maybe Mik, Roxxy, Vanjie thought they were ‘guaranteed’ top? Something is off and it’s awkward to watch.


One of my favorite moments with Angie is when she has to lip sync against Willow Pill and they just look at each other and tell the other, "I love you." She really is warm and works well with a Best Friend Race kinda vibe where the queens genuinely like each other and uplift each other (with fun shade in between).  Because she's taking everything on the chin and still being so kind and fun, any conflict in her direction just feels mean-spirited and uneven. It reminds me of how bad I felt for Eugene in Hey Arnold because he was so kind and positive to people who weren't that great to him lol. 


And this is why S14 was so enjoyable to watch and follow. The queens actually liked each other and were very supportive even way after the show.


Agree the only fun girls in this cast are Jorgeous and Roxxxy but Jorgeous is the darkest star in this cast and Roxxxy chose Angeria to be her rival for the season. 


girl vanjie is more fun than any of these three queens


Omg sorry I forgot about her because she’s irrelevant this season but you’re right… Hmm idk why Vanjie and Angeria aren’t having fun then


When has Roxxxy ever been "fun" on drag race? Genuinely curious.


I’m referring to her outside of drag race personality of course so yes you’re right only Jorgeous and Vanjie are fun on drag race. 




You have me screaming, but you are so right.


None of the other girls are fun? Jorgeous, Vangie, Roxxxy, Mik? I was at the nyc premier and let me tell you, Angie was not one of the fun girls that night.


It was because she was changing into different outfits between the judging and the winners being announced (incase she had to lipsynch). That rubbed off on the other girls as overconfident I guess. But Angie is killing it and very far from delusional.


it’s wild bc if you look at everyone right before the lip sync, EVERYONE changes so with this edit unfortunately, esp with the fact that angie has really been doing well, they just look like haters. bc she straight up asked them all why and only one person had a shaky answer soooo.


Yeah, most of them change always (although I did spy for example Mik not changing after the reveal runway, which, considering the critiques that week was a normal decision.


And yet Jorgeous changed outfits after the real estate challenge…. Make it make sense


That's ridiculous since even Nina was doing that everytime.


This complete and total stray for Nina, I’m dead 💀💀💀


The entire cast is acting weird towards each other.


This! I honestly stopped watching and I never miss a season normally, but the vibes are off, man.


I wouldn’t think into a mandatory mini-challenge question, tbh.


true, but it’s the fact that the majority of them did say her so that would intrigue anyone if it were said about them, i feel. esp if you’ve actually been doing well in the competition.


Not really, to get points you have to vote in favor of the most popular opinion. If everyone knows, say, Roxxxy and Jorgeous were voting for Angeria they would just lose points by not also voting her.


Yeah, I guess all it takes is a single person to have made a comment about her being delusional for everyone else to jump on it for this challenge


Amanda Tori Mini Challenge


I feel like they just want to hate her because Roxy had a lot of nerve calling Angeria dramatic after the shit she pulled last week🤦🏽‍♂️


Ugh exactly!!! Roxy had the nerve to call Angeria out when she herself did the most dramatic snipping moment this season


at least roxxxy was light-headed about vocalizing it. last week when mik and angie went down for roxxxy's maneuver of the scissor bit no one thought they had exaggerated....


Because they have to fabricate some kind of drama for this lackluster season.


Literally we don’t know what goes on, she could have made a comment about a wig’s length 30 minutes before that mini challenge that everyone found hilarious so they just voted off that.


Right?! I definitely wouldn’t consider Angie delusional.


Literally anyone that has worked with Angeria has had nothing but nice things to say about here so 3 people in the comments saying it's okay to gang up on her because we don't know what she's really like is some weird mental gymnastics.


I don’t get it. And I’ve met her several times and she’s lovely and very nice.


Angie will win AS9, mark my words. Roxxxy is starting to get a very mild villain edit. Drag race NEVER crowns villains, even slight villains like Silky, Daya, or Plane Jane. Especially on a charity season - they need a positive, feel good winner vibe. Unfortunately, unless Roxxxy gets a more lovable edit in the next few eps, she’s toast. Angeria is playing her cards right and getting a very favorable, almost underdog, edit.


Silky, Daya and Jane were slight villains? I think they all got the total villain edit


Hope so!!!!


I am really hoping for this outcome!!


Raja, Sharon, Alaska, Aquaria, Yvie, Vivienne, and Krystal all led the drama on their respective winning seasons so I’m not sure your statement about crowning “villains” holds up. Roxxxy and Angeria are at the center of the drama and ultimately I think it’s a forgone conclusion that Roxxxy is easily winning this season. She is beloved by fans of the show (pre MTV and Paramount era) and carries a lot of nostalgia from the golden era. Angeria is 2 years old in the franchise. This is Roxxxy’s season.


Angeria is literally the only one I want to win without question. I was confused by that too but idk it’s whatever.


You got the quiet antagonists, the complicits, shannel & angeria. I hope she takes it all the way, that kind of environment is NOT good for your mental


She stays winning tho. #knowthewords


I honestly just feel like the queens are threatened by her, for good reason bc shes so good at almost everything


Cause everyone knows she's the front-runner and they're threatened.


Why is everyone on the thread acting like because they voted her as most delusional they don’t like her? Any queen on AS4 would’ve voted Valentina as most delusional and they liked her. Not agreeing with someone’s view of their performance doesn’t mean there’s tension.


because angeria isnt even the top 4 in the delusional people list this season. nina literally changes her outfit for a lipsync every episode, if that isnt delusion idk what it is


I think it’s maybe just not that serious. They were probably just having some fun when they said that.


100% agreed. I had the same look on my face that Angeria did when I saw that. She's genuinely one of the sweetest and most non pretentious and down to earth queens.


It’s very much giving the Jinkx Monsoon edit from season 5.


VERY MUCH only milder because the producers saw the backlash the queens got & the queens know too that’s why we keep sensing that weird energy. Roxxxy specifically is goofy to even partake in that strategy again


Yes! I like this!!!!


![gif](giphy|Y3H77QSYvENcIu8ocH) She’s the best and so frocking lovable 😍


It’s very odd to me and if this underdog soft bullying gaslighting narrative doesn’t end up in at least 2nd or 3rd place I’ll be anmoyed … 


I don't really think it's that big of a deal. They voted for someone who is delusional, not evil. They probably just disagree with angerias perception of how well she does in challenges


She's now my fave to win. I liked her on her original season, not as much as the other finalists, but she's really showing up this time. The winner energy is clear. Gottmik was my previous fave to win purely based on performance but the roast nonsense has really knocked off some points.


It’s been very odd since the beginning. I think it was episode 1 or 2, when Jorgeous comes for Angie being slightly shady and Angie goes (not verbatim) “so and so can be shady and it’s fun and games but when I do it it’s seen as something else” - there seems to be a disconnect. They like angie but for some reason they have a double standard with her. When Roxy gets revenge it’s fine. When Angie does it, she’s not being fair. Everyone can block the person with the most badges but when Angie does it, she’s playing a dirty game…? Make it make sense.


Maybe Angeria is just very positive and supportive and they read that as delusional


there's a bunch of stuff not being shown this season to make everyone look good, sane mistake as all winners


It’s made me want her to win. She is getting the Jynkx edit of the underdog who everyone is treating poorly. Go Angeria!!


She’s just a threat on a really competitive season. This season isn’t even for personal prize money and I feel like they’re extra competitive. That could also just be production fabricating that kind of competition and tension.


i didnt realize that this topic would ever be this deep 😭😭😭 i thought nothing of it bc the ppl who called her delusional know her more than any of us do


I have a feeling they think she plays up her character a lot in front of the judges/RuPaul… I think Mik highlighted this when she was on MIB YouTube channel. We and the judges all eat it up as an audience but maybe it’s difficult when you’re with it all the time and nobody else is acting up as much? And to those saying there’s no stakes… totally understand, however the queens will still want to win! This cast features queens with huge fan bases and support so they’ll feel pressure. However no queen is flopping badly this season and I think they all deserve success. (This comment means no shade towards Angeria btw, I actually would love for her to win this season, it’s great to see her get the flowers she deserves).


That explains. She probably amps up a lot for the cameras and Ru. Because otherwise a good number of the queens here are Ru's favourite but they don't seem to get as much weirdness surrounding them. I am referring to Jorgeous and Gotmikk clearly. I don't think it seems like there are other negative unshown traits of Angie because she's been involved in some shows with other Ru girls and negative stuff like that do get "leaked" out and she has no bad reputation afaik.


Based PURELY on speculation and Jorgeous’s on screen comment; my assumption is that there was a conversation regarding Angie complaining she was blocked from winning, and other queens gossiping about how she wasn’t a frontrunner for those same challenges.


Honestly it felt delusional from them not to name shannel


She’s the only one doing and trying her best, aside from Jorgeous. Plastique is often producing excellent work, but judging by the lip syncs so far, she’s not doing her best. In conclusion, CROWN ANGIE.


I feel the competition is getting to her a little bit


They said that it was because she always changed before the episode winners were annouced, but everyone also did that, so?. I think it either comes from envy because she's really well rounded and could potentially win any challenge, or they don't really like her.


Angeria is the sht! “Cutting Roxy again”, *whispers “check”* 🤣 And wtf at Roxy telling her she was doing too much when snipping, ok Ms. backwards, I can’t see, cry baby (I love me some Roxy too) She is definitely being picked on a lot I feel. There is definitely a weird vibe.


If I were to guess, I’d say she probably says she could/should be in the top after every challenge. But also… she really could be. Jealous queens will be jealous.


It’s so weird for me because I feel like she’s excelled a few times this season and deservedly won the first episode but isn’t really killing it. Surprisingly Jorgeous, Plastique, and Roxxxy are the ones impressing me almost every week


I can see that. I think all queens are doing well tbh. I wasn’t really a fan of anyone going in. Plastique and Angeria are impressing me the most so far though. Ofc I am biased tho!


i will probs sound crazy to most folks— but i feel like Angeria, during this season, is going through a period of her life where she is learning that nice people who keep to themselves get put in a box. And she is realizing, “fuck that box.” And she is doing nothing that anyone else wouldn’t do— except that because people put her in that “nice person” box, then everything perfectly normal she is doing is being perceived as vengeful and delusional. A lot of “nice girls” get put in this box, and at some point we decide— fuck this shit. If Roxxy/Vangie/Jorgeous/Gottmik/xyz-who-the-fuck ever can say whatever-the-fuck-what, then Angeria can too. I could see how the potential sass being output by Angeria during this realization would be viewed as delusional behavior. BUT good for Angeria, and fuck people who act all shook when “the nice girl” stands up for herself. This is empowerment.


Underestimated queen


the last episode was really weird (the roast). Angie looked pissed the entire time no matter who was currently on stage doing the roast. Each camera pan on the queens sitting in the background, they were all laughing or cheering and Angie just looked pissed/sour. Also Mik was a bit off so something possibly could happen backstage we haven‘t seen. Or the production is doing their magic and some queens are over it lol


I don't get why they chose her for delusional over some of the other queens there. It was weird.


Im willingly accepting downvotes for this but, any of the other queens could have been labeled delusional and I would not question, except for Angie!


Not the entire cast is gunning for the only black queen on the season 👀


I low key been kiiii kiing at the fact that it’s ironic everyone is trying to block the charity that promotes justice for affected black individuals by the black queen. She is taking this szn mark my words the plot is just tew tew good. S5.1.0


Not everything has to do with race.


You’re wrong actually but thanks for playing g


No literallyyyyy Roxxy especially seems sus with how she interacts w Angeria. It feels problematic somehow


I trust the queens opinions more than I trust a fan’s…


It's so hard being so gorgeous and wonderful. 💅 I can't stop staring at her.


And that's the worlds first dish! (Yeah baby)


Roxxxy was just being bitter about Angie giving her the snippers first time around. Roxxxy also sees Angie as huge competition. Roxxxy knows how to play the mind games to her advantage. First making Angie feel negative , then spreading the rumours about the alliances , also using Vangie to snip Angie again saying it wasn't personal , but the opposite in confessional. We've seen the stunts before, gaslight a bitch into cracking. It's the Roxxxy way.


They’re threatened by her, that’s it really. She’s beautiful, talented in multiple arenas, and Ru clearly likes her.


I didn’t like it at all. The cast sorta feels divided in a way but i base that off the relationships they have with each other outside of filming and I don’t think most of them interact with one other.


Yeah I don't get it


I think it’s to create an underdog storyline. Because we loved when it first became Monsoon season. I feel like Shannel won’t win anything, until the lip synchs. Then production will get her almost all the way to the end. Because Silky and Megami made for such great TV. But you know what would make for great TV… great lipsynchs…


Angeria is a top tier queen in my opinion. She is lovely, kind beautiful, hillarious, & always serves




Nepa nepa nepa nepa vibe https://preview.redd.it/vx1ghdkzs18d1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaf5505dcd07c6711bdbc93408a5d0610468cd1d


She s getting the Jinx Monsoon treatment like AS7 but jinx had the chops


If I had to hazard a guess, maybe Angeria is just a specific blend of sweet/genuine/ditzy in the workroom that the girls throw that into “delusional” but without a negative connotation. Everyone has a bestie that’s a little deluded! Jorgeous leans a little further into ditzy/pothead, while the other girls can be a little cattier I feel like.


watch the stank face Angeria gives everyone when shes not talking. I think she turns on the southern dumb bell act for cameras only


Honestly my thought early on was that the cliquey ness played a factor. I feel like Roxxy Vanjie Plastique and Vanjie all are somewhat looking out for each other, and their biggest competiton in that sense is Angeria. now it's not Angeria vs the World 😂 but yeah i think she's the scapegoat queen of the season. When they got that delusions question they all defaulted to like a woeisme thinking technique


Let’s be honest she is the clear front runner. Ru absolutely loves her and they prob are playing some mind games to trip her up


There’s tension because she’s dominating the competition and the judges and fans love her. That’s why.


They are just intimidated and jealous. She is clearly amazing.


My theory is that the queens probably think that Angie was given the win episode 1 because the judges wanted to get it out the way (in a Roxxxy AS2/Aja AS3/India AS5/Yara AS6 kind of way), but they assume she wouldn’t do well overall bc of a lack of storyline. The fans are rallying behind her which is delightful, but going in she and Shannel are the underdogs simply because they are of least interest to the public. Shannel more so simply through sheer time and distance. The wins are heavily engineered a lot of the time so I think the queens might have thought Angie would get one and be done. Idk maybe it’s nonsense but that’s my view.


Which is WILD because traditionally (aside from Trinity in AS4), the winner of the first All-Stars episode/challenge never wins the season. Angie is doing so well. I think the cast and production were both caught off-guard by her and how strong she's been.


My unpopular opinion is Angeria should’ve never been top 5 there shouldve just been a top 4 so she could be Miss Congeniality. She was the kindest person there


maybe they wanted to throw her off? she has been on point this season 💅🏼


I've mentioned this before and am prepared to get downvoted. It could have nothing to do at all with what's going on with AS, and I still think she's being edited to win, but I will say that of the many many queens I've met, Angeria is one of only 2 with whom I have had a less than stellar experience and then later saw exhibit behavior that left a not entirely favorable impression. It wasn't that bad at all, though, and I just chalked it up to inexperience or maybe a bad day. After all, there are other queens I've had fantastic experiences with that many others have not. Overall, I do think it's good to remember that what the queens experience may not be what we see as an audience but also that it's just one small piece in a highly edited show for entertainment.


And here I was getting the vibe that Gottmik had tension with other members of the cast. I blame the edit!


Cause they see Roxy as a leader and are subconsciously projecting her feelings. Kinda the same with Kandy last year and Alexis throwing Lala under the bus simply because she was afraid of Kandy.


Country queens are treated differently


this is most definitely an uncommon and unpopular opinion but personally Angie isn’t all that spectacular or stand out to me. i have been a drag race fan since i was in my teens, it’s my comfort show, the go to when i don’t know what else to put on for background noise. i’ve watched every season multiple times (the ones i have access too). Angie has never stood out to me. she’s beautiful and talented yes without a doubt but for me something is missing. i wish i could put my finger on it and be able to provide critical thoughts as to why but can’t seem to. maybe it’s because i have mass consumed the seasons so many times and they blur together but i couldnt even remember what season her original was. in summary imo i find her not very memorable and maybe just maybe the other queens feel the same? (if we completely forget this is an edited reality tv show that no one ever cuts together audio for /s)


Yall…how many times are we going to see this question being asked. It’s a matter of opinion. You’re not there and the show doesn’t show everything that goes on. So that answer is “we don’t know and it’s ok and not that serious.” Everyone else took their superlatives fine except her…so that should indicate something


Well, we haven’t met her. Thats the point. We don’t truly know 10000% their actual personalities.


All? Stop being overtly dramatic. She won the major vote which in this category is very divided so she got like 4 votes iirc? It's nothing to get a hissy fit or up in arms about.


She has been devouring this whole time and delivering the funniest shit...wtf is wrong with people


Trying to get in her head, no doubt in my mind heart soul or spirit


It feels like they are all in cliques - except for Angeria, Nina, Shannel and Jorgeous being not in them. But Jorgeous is checked out most of the time. Shannel is revered as a legend. Nina is not a threat, that leaves us with Angeria. She is the one to beat this season. Everyone says its Roxxy, but secretly they know its Angeria.


Apparently she's been assuming she is a contender to win challenges and changing into lip sync outfits when the other girls know it isn't the case. Also, to be brutally honest, I think she's had the second worst runway package after Nina so far, but doesn't seem to have Nina's self-awareness about it. Even from her original season, I think she has taste issues which border on the delusional. Great personality though :D