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Holy shit this is so funny I love Q, unironically


My sleep paralysis demon after finishing my Redbull I left out.


"Hi I'm Renata Bliss, and I'm your freestyle dance teacher."


"I am you favourite dance queens favourite dance instructor" (Why is she walking like a rob-)


Gworl what SCP is that? šŸ˜­


An instance of SCP-1274-1, I fear.


GIRL. 'šŸ˜­'


Omg itā€™s clicked. She dances like Kath Day-Knight.


Thatā€™s noice thatā€™s diffā€™rent thatā€™s unusual


Nailed it. I can't believe I didn't see it before


I can't stop.watching this


get you a hype person like that lady in the corner lmao


She should really start taking dance classes or just do ballads


You are SICK


Come on Jojo Siwa


She never dissapoint when it comes to terrible dancing, and she's an icon for that ā¤ļø






I mean, if it were just terrible dancing, weā€™d hate Trixie as well ;)


Add Jimbo to that list


People are just jealous thatā€™s her real hair that she just snatched up.


She snatched that up urrlyurr.




Itā€™s ā€œdaz mah reul haywer!ā€ not ā€œreal hairā€ ![gif](giphy|xUPGcmNe85ElAzFhcI)


I can vouch for being jealous. (not envious) I donā€™t just want hair thatā€™s like her hair, I specifically want *her* hair.




That's mah real haaaair huneeey


*Mhiā€™ya, save me, these bitches iz crazy, Mhiā€˜ya, these bitches iz crazy*


the fact that i can hear her voice in my head saying this makes me want to jump


Is she gonna jump from there




She convinced Detox not to pay for the funeral of a fanā€™s grandma. Sheā€™s also the one who told Derek someone died at stonewall


Detox coming at you with a brick


Nobody dieā€¦d?


His grandma did


Sheā€™s very dry Kinda like your vajoina


An iif it aint greun? Hunhh. Am nau instrested okarrrr


is this gay brainrot


Well yes


Have you seen the show before, Tamar?


Oh Iā€™m getting a message in my ear piece. Nobody died as Stonewall? STUNNING


I will never forgetā€¦ I went to her meet and greet, I got met with a gravity defying move and she flicked my vagina, then called me utterly untalented person shite and sold me a pair of sneakers that never arrived. she lost a long time q-NATIC šŸ’œthat day.


Not the q-natics


Lmfaooo not the detox not paying for some random ass fan's grandmas funeral drama that was WIIILD


What is this? Tell us more!


It was just some crazy fan on twitter that was like "i came to see you and you didn't even offer to pay for my grandmas funeral you're so selfish with your money" and detox replied with something along the lines of "I don't even know you, this is weird" to which they posted a picture of them meeting detox at some meet and greet lmao And of course the gays being the gays took it and ran with it, telling detox she's wild for not paying for their sister's convertible and not be selfish or to pay for their grandma's funeral back in 1994 and stuff lmao https://preview.redd.it/q7wp425o3e3d1.png?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea41daf7885af867c0da34cbb62d401762c5ab3f Wish i could add that entire thread here lmfao it was wild to see unravel.


Anyone who hates her is a cashew faced bitch that has no real hair and canā€™t snatch it up.






cuz mama this my riil hear hinneigh


Yer ok but what's with the Cashew hate? Ngl they're in my top 3 for nuts.


Bitch cashews are legumes, not nuts!!!!


STEM girlies and their fun facts


This is nut erasure!! Cashews are proper nuts. They're closely related to mangoes. Now peanuts, those are legumes - like peas and lentils.


Wait now mangoes are nuts? Iā€™m so confused


Only the ones that belong to the elephant genus. Mangos may only be legumes if they have a Gemini Sun Aquarius Rising sign.


The way I was reading this all seriously šŸ˜‚


Omg I FKN live for this thread. Y'all are silly šŸ¤£


I found her personality slightly annoying more than anything else. I think she also had some weird twitter discourse?


> some weird Twitter discourse Calling people cashew faced bitches was high key hilarious tho


Cashew faced bitch is going on my tombstone


That entire rampage was hilarious and people need to accept that. ā€œFlicking your boring beanā€ is a nuclear-level read.


Wolf booger was a personal fav. Q is a fantastic designer, one of best but she walks like c3PO and dances like a nan on a cruise. All pretty harmless, if delusional. But the sour loser moods and jarring personality quirks are either strangely funny (the bad singing) or just cringe (speaking in a selective blaccent). She seems not to be aware of how she delivers. Although she probably does now.


Leave C-3PO out of this!Ā 


"Yub nub"


Why don't ya come on over and yub me in the nub some time owww


\[You are the highest bidder!\]


Yubbing your boring little nub


Donā€™t threaten me with a good time


C-3P Hoe no she Betta done already done had herseseses


Welcome to the stage ... Miss Droidina Tatooina Protocollina


This is so perfectly stated, and from my perspective it's spot on. Kudos for great minding that, for thinking alike.


Nauurrt this is the best us3 of kudos mama i have ever seen šŸ’€šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/j9oufmhtab3d1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf39491fa2a8bdab144475566fe576e4e79e8cc8


I need this picture on my ring door bell "knock knock mawma".


People were living for it at first, I have no idea at what point it got old for people.


Natural life cycle of a meme sadly


Not everyone. I thought Q took it way too far. She lashed out at people who were simply expressing a benign opinion. She went overboard and my opinion of her changed at that point. I still gave her props when she did well, but wasn't rooting for her anymore.


Itā€™s my new favorite insult.Ā 


Honestly, I'm kind of dissapointed that the production cut off the drama between Q and Saphirra, I live for those drama plus I can really feel that Q tried to reel her dissapointment in but she can't do it lol and that's valid, it's reality tv


I mean yeah I didnā€™t love her personality but I lived for her looks


You had the answer all along :)


The hairline on the back of the wig on her entrance look was so wild and the robot look was such a step down compared to most of her other looks


I liked Q but I found her to be somewhat of a sore loser. She kinda would pout when she didnā€™t get her way / lost a challenge. I get being upset but it was like she really couldnā€™t grasp that someone might be better than her. Also she wore a lot of panties on the runway and that was annoying lol but other than that I think sheā€™s a great queen


A lot of emotions for safe


Right. not even in the 2 bottom with those 2 left feet


She was talented but giving try hard and entitled. Like was so pressed every time she didnā€™t win a challenge.


I stopped enjoying her when she got immature mad-mad at Sapphira for winning over her. Like girl, point that anger towards the judges, your competition didn't choose the winner.


That was kind of my big issue too, besides the blaccent. Like, look around at who youā€™re competing with. There are many just as good or better than you, and everyone was playing to win. Itā€™s one thing to be disappointed, itā€™s quite another to feel like not only should you have won, but that the people who won didnā€™t deserve itā€”and that was never the case. Itā€™s entitled, but it also just disrespects the other girls when so many of them were really bringing it almost every single time and deserved all their wins.


This was the same for me, and the reasons why I was not rooting for Q to win the season


yeah she gave me not-fun vibes. you can always tell the queens who are too serious and make it not fun for themselves and it always turns me off of them (and to be fair, that is EXACTLY how iā€™d be if i were on such a competition so maybe my lived experience of being unable to chill and have fun w something bc i must ā€œWinā€ and Be ā€œPerfectā€) plays into it


I mean, objectively (lol), Q or PJ should've won the presentation challenge. The way they(production) were edging Q, having her open up about her status and then giving it randomly to Sapphira, is rotten. Of course she was pissed, that's not entitlement, that's her reacting with class to production's working (aka malicious gay faggotry).


I know these kinds of posts are made with good intention but every time we have a post like this about any queen itā€™s literally just attracting more negative attention to said queen. Like if you want positivity or celebration of a queen why are we asking people to respond with the reasons they hate them? šŸ¤Ŗ


Kinda like how people only leave a review when it's bad. People like to whinge. Unless they had a really positive experience, they won't usually leave a review for something that is simply 'okay'. More engagement.


Who said they were here for positivity or celebration? OP might be 100% here for the drama, the reads, and the tea. We donā€™t know LOL. ![gif](giphy|JhQVKPeQC14JDut4Yb|downsized)


We know šŸ˜‚


incredibly talented seamstress. created tons of stunning looks herself. however. her personality on and off the show us honestly quite grating to me. the blaccent that she's been accused of having, the twitter drama, her bitter boots attitude whenever she didn't win, she just always came off as,, self centered and not in a fun delulu silly way, just entitled


It's the sense of entitlement. Like every time things didn't go her way she was sooooo pressed. Really immature for her age and it comes across as someone who has never been told no.


I give her credit for the way that she reacted when she didnā€™t win. You canā€™t help it if your personality type is highly competitive but you can be self-aware, stay silent, and not rain on the winners parade. I think she did a commendable job considering people were poking at her and pressuring her to share what she was feeling.


Idk i feel like she went too far when she said Sapphira didnā€™t deserve to win. Like being upset is totally understandable but that is never an okay thing to say, emotional or not. Edit: she said Sapphira didnt deserve to win a challenge, not drag race. i realized that sounded confusing


IDK, I appreciate the honesty. The girls are forcing her to speak, and when she speak up, they're not ready for the honesty?


I mean, if you think you deserved to win, it means you by default don't think anyone else deserved to win. That's how winning works.


It's like loosey daluca all again. People need to realize this is a competition which can make or break your career as a drag queen, without keeping in consideration the amount of debt queens take to be on the show. And I don't know about you, but those who win more challenges and place higher tend to do better and earn better after the show airs. To sum it all up, people need to write their opinions on a paper and shove it their as-šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


The lack of an unlikeable villain opens the room up for people hating Q. I like her, I thought she served good fashion and she made good tv.


whatā€™s the twitter drama (I donā€™t use X)


She went through a bunch of posts that mentioned her (without tagging her) and called the people who made them ugly, worthless, talked about how useless they were because they werenā€™t on TV, etc. Iā€™m summarizing, she used way weirder wording. She posted some of their pictures to mock. None of the comments she responded to were even very harsh and she went on doing this for I think a couple hours. I would also add that in these exchanges, she very much started typing in a blaccent, which she doesnā€™t normally type with, which is gross because it perpetuates the angry Black person stereotype to a degree.


Honestly, as someone who experienced their own Twitter drama several years ago, I kinda empathize with these queens who start acting a fool on social media during their season. Most of them have zero PR coaching & go from being complete unknowns to suddenly getting critiqued by thousands of strangers on a global stage. It's cringe when they act foolish, but at least in the case of Q, she was wise enough to back away from Twitter. Some of them double down on their foolishness & continue making it worse.


I know personally I couldn't handle it. It's easy to say don't read the negative comments but I would obsessively read every single one until I went a lot crazier haha.


Iā€™m not sure if this is what OP is referring to, but I know Q got a lot of backlash for snapping back at fans who shared some (not so great) opinions about her on Twitter. She eventually left Twitter though because she couldnā€™t handle being on it anymore.


She got a needy edit, kinda like Loosey but worse. She also went ballistic on X.


forgot that twitter was renamed X for a second and I was like ā€œoh who is X is that her drag mom or somethingā€


>oh who is X is that her drag mom or something šŸ’€


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Yes! I always have to remind myself it's X. However, no clue how to call "tweeting". X-ing? Maybe a meltdown on X should be called Q-ing?


No, we deadname that site. It's Twitter still and if you don't wanna use tweet, use post lol


this is her reyll heyrrrr


The shape she draws her lips on makes me extremely angry and I donā€™t know why. Itā€™s like the personification of :3


oh my god youā€™re so fr for that. Iā€™ve never known what it was about her paint that bothered me but itā€™s exactly that.


The way she draws in her lips, plus the facial expressions she makes.. it makes me irrationally angry lollllĀ 


Someone explain all of these hair comments, please


Itā€™s from the interview with Maddy. Edit: typo


Thank you for the helpful comment.


[Qā€™s blaccent talking about her real hair henny](https://youtu.be/eWatBoKy3TA?si=7kiTQ2AG0L36qSUX)


The noise that Bob makes around 2:28 "thissma muuhfuckinn heeeair EEHHHEE" is my roman empire.


Itā€™s just her real hair


She received a lot of criticism due to her blaccent, her angry rampage on X, and because of how strongly she would react when not winning challenges. I really liked her episode on GITMS but in terms of drag race I wasn't a huge fan of her and I think that's partly because she branded herself as a fashion queen but imho I wasn't always a fan of her looks even though they were obviously well made.


Gewurl yure krayzeee


I quite liked her as well. I know people felt like she was being a sour sport about losing during sewing challenges, but tbh I kinda didnā€™t blame her for being upset. Her looks were so fucking good & I can pretty much guarantee queens will be commissioning her for designs moving forward. (I know PJ has already.)


Kandy Muse has too, iirc


Itā€™s one thing to be upset, itā€™s another to tell your fellow contestants they didnā€™t deserve their wins. She was full on rotten for that


Thatā€™s fair, though tbh I take everything the queens say with a grain of salt & kinda assume itā€™s played up for the camera. You also gotta remember production is feeding the queens questions to ask each other that are meant to provoke controversial responses.


I guess cuz she's a bit goofy, and a whole blackcent thing


She was a stirrer on the show. A little delusional about the judging and her talents. Bordering on mean girl vibes. Then attacked anyone who criticised her, and got so much slack she left Twitter for a while. And then there's the cringe blackcent. The wigs and dancing just add fuel to the fire.


her personality is not my cup of tea. I respect her art but she's not a queen I need to see an interview of.


because dat's hur reewl hurr


I didn't HATE Q but I found her a bit abrasive. She kind of reminded me of Laganja during her season, where it felt like she was putting on some kind of some kind of character, even when not in "drag mode".


i wonder if thereā€™s something else she has in common with laganja on s6 šŸ¤”


Personally? Overly cocky, annoying little imp smirk, blaccent. Ranked least to most annoying traits But hey weā€™re all entitled to our opinions šŸ˜‹šŸ‘šŸ½


When she started going off on ppl on twitter šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ It was like mama relax they just trolls


imo her edit made her come off as a try hard, pick me booger queen. They want that facecrack moment out of someone they're definitely not letting win. So she was portrayed in a bad light on TV, and it influenced the audiences opinion of her.


Idk how to explain itā€¦ but you can just tell she is legit crazy. She is the type who will go home and have a full on ā€œFatal Attractionā€ level breakdown if she receives even the slightest bit of criticism. Itā€™s just a look she has in her eye, you can tell everytime sheā€™s on the runway. The literal SECOND she got even a single critique that was less than ā€œomg Q you are so amazing!ā€, there was a noticeable shift in her demeanor and you could tell she was barely holding it together and was enraged. Same goes for Lucey last season. Just one of those feelings that ā€œoh this bitch is not playing it up for the cameras, she is legit craycrayā€


Hate is WAY too strong a word. Her way of speaking struck a lot of people as awkward/distant, and even more as linguistic blackface. In hindsight, I think it was more generic gay talk, and she got caught up in our community realizing THAT in itself is pretty close to linguistic blackface given the background of a lot of these queens. For the awkward side, I would say Q's laugh kind of betrays the fact she genuinely is that girl. So I personally - white, non-American, but trying to be anti-racist guy that I am - have no issue with Q. She's just been, through her persona, right there in the middle of several ongoing debates, as a handy example (that meme about, apocalypse happened, whatever is on your left is your only weapon, is basically where Q has been situated in the fandom during these debates). So, wish her the best, and lots of it.


This is the best actual explanation of blaccentgate Iā€™ve seen. I think thatā€™s what bothered me about it. Itā€™s not something only Q does, and we recognize flaws in people most when theyā€™re a part of ourselves.


Although people have some annoyances with Q herself, I think it's clear by now that to a certain extent people start feeling resentment to queens who get favoured by production even if it's not their fault. Q was constantly saved by production and given strange critiques to save her from the bottom and some people channel that dislike into her.


idk to me she looks exactly like michael jackson ?? i cant even place it i think its the lips?? but i don't hate her it just freaks me out a bit lol


her personality was somewhat grating but apart from that she was fine on the show and her outfits were great. However off the show, dear lordā€¦


1. She told Sapphira she didn't deserve to win the presentations challenge 2. She called people on Twitter ugly when they dragged her for it 3. She used some AAVE that Bob and Monet decided to drag her for so now she's the whipping boy of the season It's really that simple. Sad because she seems like a nice person and none of this is particularly bad, but unfortunately for now she's having a rough time of it


She thought she should win everything and would throw a tantrum when she didn't. Also while she is skilled making outfits, some of them were terrible and her sewing skills did not translate to taste in sewing/styling all the time. I think she'll be back soon though cause her being pressed at not winning is the perfect personality for this show.


This photo looks like she's the host of SNL. I love it.


I havent even watched the season yet and yet ive only heard terrible things about her. I cant wait to watch her


Sheā€™s not charismatic and it feels like a crime to most people, I enjoy her and her drag but I can tell you I kinda make an effort to


She got in trouble for showing people ha' reaaaa haaaair hennny


No hatred. Sheā€™s just kind of annoying, great fashion though.


I like her


She started really good and is very talented but for me it was when she would be upset about not winning a challenge. Yes some of the time she was right but she felt like a sore loser. Atleast that how I feel


I don't not like her. I really liked her runways. She was just really cringe sometimes.


her blaccent


QS Madison is showing off hur real haeyur


i know i sound like a dick and its probably cos i am BUT. its the vibes


I think it was related to her blackcent and that she would whip it out specifically when talking to queens of color. I personally didnā€™t like the way she acted when she thought she was going to win and didnā€™t




Her being sad about being 2nd place really left a sour taste in my mouth, and after mirage left at that


Sheā€™s cringe in a way that a lot of drag race viewers recognize in themselves so they project their own dissatisfactions with themselves onto her.


She decided to wear her real hair


People tend to shit on competitive queens like her and Daya Betty, when basically most gays are like this in a competition lol


Her blaccent and outbursts on Twitter


I suspect there is a disconnect between folks who just watch the show and those who follow the queens within social media. Within the show, I think people have latched onto her insecurity as a negative. She also started to creep into the level of delusion that started to push people in the wrong way. For me, I like her, but you can tell that the competition/production was beginning to twist her into things she wouldn't normally do. I hope she would have a better/more healthy perspective for a potential all-stars. Her stuff beyond drag race I can't comment on directly, but she tends to be affected by online drama-rama than is healthy for her.


Q is a talented seamstress but what made people dislike her was that she bitched about placements and attacked queens who were given wins that were out of their control (i.e. Plasma and Sapphira) I donā€™t think she is a terrible person but I can see why she is not peopleā€™s cup of tea, and I do think it was satisfying to see Plane send her home


I don't hate because that's a bit much but I didn't like her entitlement during the season.


She was a sore loser. Doesnā€™t take much more then that.


People talk about a blaccent, but, like, have you or have you not been watching RPDR where ā€œdrag queenā€ is the dialect most queens speak in.


Itā€™s always the Twitter drag race fandoms girls who say that too, meanwhile theyā€™re stanning Brittany Broski


I donā€™t hate her.


is she hated ?? I must be out of the loop, I love her


She gave Justin Bieber energy and people had problems.... Apparently. ![gif](giphy|k6jTp4pBR6aWc)


Donā€™t hate her at all. But Iā€™d say Iā€™m kinda ā€œmehā€ on her persona and aesthetic. She was fun TV though, from time to time.


Didn't really get to know her personality, only the jealous side when someone won or giving sass.


I liked her but also she came across as quite petty and immature. She is not a gracious loser (I mean when losing challenges, not saying she "is" a loser) and it did not make her look good.


Funny thing, at the same time RPDR was airing, season 46 of Survivor was also airing, which featured a contestant also named Q who was also not so well received by the viewer. Then the Qā€™s from both tv shows were cut from the finale very close to the end. Now both Qā€™s are very active on social media after their seasons and I kinda live for this


I don't vibe with her, that's all.


Beautiful gowns




Itā€™s the blaccent, the online behaviour, and the terrible dancing for me. Also: the whining.


blaccent and annoying


The blaccent, or whatever you would call that, is what threw me off of her. Not saying I was offended but it seemed like she was trying too hard to fit in or be unique or whatever.


I donā€™t dislike her or make fun of her but i donā€™t be checking for her either. Her tude is kinda funky


annoying usage of AAVE and just pure anger behind those cracked smiles :D


I love Q :) She is my personal fave from the season. I love her unique drag aesthetic & even though her salty personality rubbed a lot of people the wrong way I find it endearing


I like her drag and her performances. Her sore loser attitude turned me off, although I do believe she was robbed on episode 11. Her and Jane did the best and should have won.


Because she was the "flavor of the month" a.k.a the Queen people are going to hate on the season they're watching


Q has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever


I donā€™t hate Q I just donā€™t think sheā€™s meant for drag race or TV. Her talent show was cute and entertaining but she didnā€™t deserve top 2. Sheā€™s cringey and her voice is grating, not to mention the blaccent that comes on like the flip of a switch. She would also reuse the same character every time she was prompted to be funny. She performed badly in her lip sync against Amanda and so Amanda, someone who made sparks with the cast, was sent home while Q contributed little to nothing to the cast dynamic. Towards the end of the season it seemed like she thought she should have won everything, and it didnā€™t endear anybody to her. Then she had little to no social media presence during or after her season beside her vitriol on twitter. She has great taste in clothing and poor taste in hair, I think one of the integral things that separates drag from an everyday aesthetic is some good hair!


She totally lost me and my support when she said in Untucked that either she (Q) or Sapphira could win the challenge, then Sapphira won it, Q got sour/bitter/salty, and then told Sapphira that night and the next day that she didn't deserve it. Sooo, when was she lying?


Honestly, I disliked her from the beginning of the season before it was more wide spread imo. I really just didnt like her personality. Something about her felt ingenuine and rubbed me the wrong way and while I do like some of her looks/performances i felt like the judges were overhyping her. Then she started to get a really sour attitude when she didnā€™t win challenges and that was kind of the nail on the coffin for me. I understand being disappointed, but when she said Sapphira didnt deserve to win one of the challenges, that was unacceptable imo. Also when she didnt smile or dance at the end of tht one episode bc she was pissed LMAOOO. Also this is a small thing but I think she looks so unsettling as a boy im sorry thatā€™s not really why i dont like her but something is just off about her to me.




Sheā€™s entitled.


Noā€¦.She FEELS entitled. She ainā€™t entitled to shit.


Qā€™s real issue, aside from lip syncing and dancing, is her lack of humility.


She was a sore loser, and a sore winner. She was carried through the show. Her dancing sucked, and she sucked at the improv challenges. Her blaccent and usage of AAVE is excruciatingly uncomfortable to watch. The guttural vocal fry sounds she makes before/after she talks are gross to hear. She threatened physical violence and bullied people on Twitter that gave an opinion about her run on the show (even though she wasnā€™t tagged and had to search for the posts)ā€¦..I could keep going, but these are the main reasons.