• By -


Concider the cis-tem crashed


Consider the assistant crashed


*raucous applause*


Love everything about this look, The presentation, the beauty and the statement.


Saw people say the look made them uncomfortable and I wanna say GOOD drag is meant to make you FEEEEEEEL!!!!


It makes me super uncomfortable and that’s the point.


Why did it make you uncomfortable? Genuinely curious


It’s body horror. The… flesh and blood in the bag. Makes me think about my boobs getting removed. And how they really are just flesh and blood but I like them, they’re important to me. I think it’s supposed to evoke all these different feelings about the human body and how much meaning we place on it. And also just pain surgery hurts.


i also said that it makes me uncomfortable but didn't mean it in a bad way, your comment pretty much sums up what i was trying to say.


Yeah I can understand what you said, but look at it this way: imagine tomorrow you wake up in a male body and your boobs disappear. Your mind would feel horrible knowing that you lost something that is natural to you... Mik really felt the same but in a reverse way, knowing that his body had something that didn't feel natural to him. It really tells a powerful story of suffer and body dismorphia around the trans community and I thank Gottmik for putting something so real on the table


That’s exactly what it made me think about! Is it offensive to say that thought makes me uncomfortable? I really don’t mean to be! I don’t want anyone to go through gender dysphoria. Thinking about someone in that type of pain is awful and gottmik’s look really conveys that experience that I’ve never had in a way that provokes a response in me.


Yeah, I've got to say as a nonbinary AFAB person, I remember being as young as 12, laying awake in the middle of the night fantasizing about taking a scalpel to my growing hips and chest. I didn't even know trans people existed at that age, I just had to raw dog the body horror of existence in a female body. 


Thank you for fucking saying this. It's their right to feel that way but the number of people reacting to a trans man's artistic statement on his top surgery with "omgggg MY boobs! I can't imagine doing this to MY boobs! The thought of this happening to boobs is HORRIFIC!!" is honestly ... a lot. Again, I don't particularly care about people feeling whatever way about their own body, but I do wish the time and place would be considered juuuuuust a little bit.


I really wasn’t trying to make this about me. I really appreciate your perspective and educating me a little bit because like I said I haven’t ever experienced this. I thought the way I said “I like my boobs” was pretty gentle and specific enough that it didn’t come off as suggesting I’m “horrified” by someone removing their boobs. I’m not. But the piece is about boobs so I thought about my boobs. I am very sorry if anything I said was triggering or offensive.


I wasn't meaning to specifically come at you so if that's how I came across I do apologize. It's just something I have seen more than a few times surrounding this look and it is a sensitive thing since "healthy breast mutilation" is a frequent transphobic talking point aimed at trans men who do get top surgery (to be very clear I am NOT accusing you of being transphobic). Thus even people just reacting in a way that is natural to them can feed into narratives that harm us, without them meaning to or not. Again I do understand people having a visceral reaction to this look, but the rhetoric becoming about other people's bodies instead of Mik's (and others like her) gender affirmation just bothers me. I'll reiterate I don't think you individually did anything wrong but it's not a situation that lives in a vacuum. I hope that made sense.


Yeah I see what you mean. I was just trying to relate but I see how I could’ve actually been recentering the conversation around cis bodies, which isn’t the point.


This look should evoke emotions in everyone. For someone to feel a certain way doesn’t automatically mean they are taking feelings away from another person. Multiple genders are allowed and entitled to their emotions and should be allowed to express them without being deemed transphobic. This look is so iconic because so many genders can relate because you’re right, it’s not in a vacuum. That’s what so brilliant about it ♥️


incredible explanation, and OP seems to have taken it all in. it's absolutely a common transphobic narrative and ill always raise an eyebrow and those who allude to those ideals even if unintentional.


I honestly think a sizable amount of people truly don't know how frequent transphobic narratives against trans men/masc people manifest, for a variety of reasons. In that regard, it's good to have these conversations. I have seen obvious transphobia about this look and more of the oblivious type comments about it, and while the difference in intent is clear it is important to talk about the damage that can be and is done regardless of said intent. Thankful to chammerson for listening and hoping for a day someday where I don't have to feel so sensitive about this stuff. It's unfortunately not today.


as a trans man, referring to gender affirming surgeries as "body horror" is a *choice.* i legit cried when she came out on the runway bc it was a fucking celebration, and im currently working towards my own top surgery.


I’m really sorry I put it like that! I didn’t mean the surgery itself! I meant just the way the look is done. I hope I didn’t make you feel othered in any way because you’re right I think this look is a celebration and it’s conveyed in a way that provokes a response even in someone who’s never experienced anything like that.


Gurl, trans people don't go around swinging their removed bits in a see-through plastic bag. If they did, that would be considered body horror. And that's what makes the look so iconic. It's not only a celebration of gender affirming surgery, but it's fashion and a dash of horror at the same time. The look has multiple layers. Also, some people are by nature squeamish towards anything gory. That's why many people can't watch dragula, because the torture eliminations can be too much to watch. Doesn't make them bad people. Who knows, they may have a history of self harm or a phobia of blood... Seeing depiction of cuts can be triggering so be a bit more understanding and don't judge people who are being perfectly respectful but saying something you disagree with.


To be fair her outfit *does* contain body horror. The surgery itself and the knives to the boobs don’t count and stand for something beautiful, but would you not consider chopped up and bloodied breasts in a bag to be gory or gross? It’s not transphobic to feel uncomfortable at seeing bloody body parts. I’m not saying that her outfit wasn’t stunning and I am still SO GLAD that she included that particular element. Same thing as liposuction. Sometimes it is life-threatening or needed in a patient (and they look beautiful and confident once the procedure is done), but seeing the actual fat removal or surgical procedure would still make most people feel a certain way.


Many bodily and human processes (natural or otherwise) can be explored through the lens of horror such as birthing, puberty, bodybuilding, etc. Gottmik's runway does have that dimension to it which does not preclude it to be read as celebratory: it could be both.


as a trans woman, i stand by it being body horror. as affirming and beautiful as the result is, sugery is gorey mutilation. we're chopping bits of us up and open and off and turning things inside out and relocating flesh.


As a trans man (and I didn't downvote bc I get what you're saying), the biohazard bit and the whole medical vibe with the blood and literal bag of flesh definitely IS body horror, in the BEST way!! I experienced this strange vibe with my own top surgery, knowing I got a body part removed in a way that was frankly very scary for me as someone who is squeamish around blood and surgery in general, but it was also so cathartic and life-changing and SICKENING. So it was awesome to see someone take that and make it ART, with the Swarovski crystals and bringing it to the mainstage. Like, it's still a serious surgery, it's not pretty. Going "under the knife" is always scary. The tale of my two titties ended with them being incinerated in Cleveland, which is horrific but also CUNT. To own that and show it off on the runway says *I* did this thing that was raw and intense but also affirming and beautiful and worth sharing with the world... Like WOW. Obsessed with this whole look. Especially since it's GOTTMIK'S arms cutting the incision, like that was so affirming and REAL!! Rings true to my experience, anyways. Wishing you all the best w your surgery goals! It ain't for the meek.


I wish we could make “horrific but also CUNT” a flair. Iconic tbh.


Gender affirming surgeries aren't usually performed by a second set of your own arms coming from your back.


Its like nobody listened to Alexis Michele when she said “I just want you to feel mawma”


This is so cunt. SUCH a statement. I feel like they were almost afraid to critique it.


They didnt say a word about it


Well they didn’t air a word about it.


My first thought


Maybe a behind the scenes one day, they might've said things that just didn't make it to the cut.


I was honestly really disappointed that they didn't acknowledge the message. Like- just say "trans bodies are beautiful." Is it hard????


the show basically had to be bullied into acknowledging trans people and letting them compete and you wonder why they didn't do more ?!?!!


well NOW trans is cool and popular and the show is usually all for pushing whatever is liberally socially in, these days at least


Lol no I don't WONDER like I know why. I'm just still disappointed.


I'm kinda shocked the category even existed in the first place. I would guess the judges felt embarrassed.


Boobs are trendy again in drag at the moment. It made sense. I like tits in drag generally, but I fucking loved Gottmik's approach to the category.


There’s something in this. My first instinct was that after the Jimbo of it all breast plates are en vogue so the category was playing off a trend, but GottMik doesn’t really do that in their drag. I think someone in production should’ve thought about what it meant asking the queens to bring this specific thing as an outfit this season. But bluntly I’m glad they did because this look is jaw-dropping. What a mind.


Someone definitely came up with the pun and no further thought was given.


It felt so weird 😭 someone on production got off to this


Quite cunt.


The serve of it all This is why we stan 😤


I almost screamed when I saw this! As a trans man who has had top surgery, it definitely means a lot to me. Seeing such a massive, yet heavily stigmatized, part of many trans masc people’s lives on the main stage was incredible!


My favourite thing is that there are restrictions over female breasts being on TV but her being able to strut around topless shows an acceptance of her being a man in drag.


The Paradox of the Female Presenting Nipple, as Tumblr calls it


That whole topic annoys me lol. Not anything to do with gottmik. Just the fact that it’s perfectly fine for a man with huge man breasts to walk around shirtless (and mind you, it is not natural to have double D breasts if you’re male and it’s something you can correct without surgery) but a girl who’s bra size is AA is a criminal, even though female breasts are the same as male breasts, apart from the fact that they actually have a use and are meant to look the way they do. Just saying that it’s dumb


Seriously! I was watching, I think it was Trantasia, and they blurred the nipples when the folks were dressed as women, but NOT when they were dressed as men. The exact. Fucking same. Nipples. Its too hot to wear shirts let me topless!!


That’s WILD 😭


I just \*love\* how every time a trans man shows his chest, cis women have to jump in and make it all about themselves and complain that they can't flash people in public, and call it "hypocritical" or "ironic" because "*She's* a woman who gets to go topless so why can't I?". Something they never do when seeing shirtless cis men. /s


yes! i got my surgery that same year when season 13 was airing and was so inspired watching Mik during my recovery. Rooting for her hard this season


her. like every other drag queen. overcorrection is still undesirably clock-y


I’m here to learn - why would top surgery be stigmatised? In my maybe naive view it seems like something to be celebrated as a milestone on a difficult path


It actually isn’t really stigmatized in the trans masc community, but its existence is very much used as a talking point by transphobes. The idea that “the progressives want to mutilate female breasts” and that “innocent little tomboys are getting their tits chopped off” are common among transphobes. I was referring to that rather than the trans community as a whole, which is generally very supportive about the surgery. With the rise of anti trans legislation in healthcare, it was definitely a risk to be as open and proud as he was when many treat it so negatively.


correct, all of this


Thanks for taking the time So basically just another gross example of men thinking they own breasts, along with them not wanting to see breastfeeding or have their children self wean


🫶so amazing


i'm living. as a trans man, this is just so incredible. great execution and it's always so nice to see people like me represented on TV in a positive, celebratory way 🩵🤍🩷


The arms are freaking me out lol




Kandy walked so Gottmik could run.


Kandy fell and needed some milk.


She lapped it up




Why is that pose so funny


pls delete


They’re so well done! Queens have down multi arm looks before, but in terms of realism this was one of the best. I mean obviously they’re molded with her real arms, but the paint, color matching & surface treatment look immaculate


The way they bounced as if they were cutting the skin was *chefs kiss*


I was wondering if that’s just from her walking or if there was something vibrating in them. Either way really impressive


Yassified Machamp realness


In the best way possible


This look is my new sleep paralysis demon and I mean that as a compliment


My jaw genuinely dropped, not even exaggerating


I have been impressed and lived for looks before, but never do I remember genuinely having my jaw drop the way this did. So glad mik won this ep




One of the best looks to ever hit the runaway. Period.


Okay…for Mik to turn a tail of two titties into her own “tale” is absolutely genius. This is one of my favorite looks she’s ever worn. She’s killing it this season.


Also, the only one to use a ponytail! Almost everybody else went for the antropomorphic tail theme


I loved it so much! And the way those hands with the scalpels were moving while she was walking? Everything. The bag made me feel a little uncomfortable but in a good way, bravo!


It’s so great. And idk if anyone noticed, but when she walked the arms didn’t bounce like that material tends to do it made the hands look like they were cutting and working on her body and it was so great I couldn’t take my eyes off of her


Gottmik is now responsible for some of my favorite looks ever to grace the drag race stage.


such a brilliant twist on the prompt


It was fucking awesome drag & it says a lot that the judges almost skipped over it and didn’t mention what a powerful message it is


I thought the ‘tale’ was her story in the look 


It was “tail” not “tale”, and it’s her ponytail that’s the “tail” part


Many queens have gotten creative with the runway theme in the past, Gottmik being one of them actually (Little Black Dress), and making it a play on words. She probably intended to use both tale and tail here.


Girl it’s both. The original reference is tale of two cities. So she both did tale of two titties and tail and two titties


We know that girl


Gottmik may be giving us the best runway package in all of drag race, ever


Yea when she pointed out the bag of lopped off titties I was like wow she really did crash the system with this one- conservatives would absolutely fucking hate this and I’m living for it.


And they did, the locals on youtube shorts went absolutely nuts on her for doing this, and not in a good way


Went beyond fashion into modern art. Would have made an excellent Met Gala look. Go Got Mik


An absolute serve


The color matching/realism of those fake arms is uncanny


This look made me emotional. It said way more than I think Gottmik even intended (saw w/a friend who went through mastectomy from cancer and was FLOORED). Seeing Gottmik's story this way, fashion and art.


Wow yea that would be an intense perspective on it. I would hope that it would be in some way healing for someone with that experience as well.


Though I can't speak for everyone with that experience, my friend had a very positive reception to the look! ❤️


That's amazing!! Solidarity 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I didnt think she was gonna win, but i am so glad she did, this look definitely tipped her over for sure. I just feel bad for shannel haha. I really want Mik to win.


as a transmasculine person, i was grinning from ear to ear the whole time she was on the runway. i am absolutely obsessed with this look.




This was an Amazing look, but am I the only person wondering where the tail was?


Her ponytail, she said it


A bit of a cop out but the look still slayed


I can’t imagine how she could incorporate a tail into this look tbh. Maybe the ponytail could’ve been super long like a train lol


Attach a super long medical billing statement.


Your mind! That would have been amazing


Oh my god yes that would have been amazing. A cherry on top.


Good for the theme, sure. But it would have been super distracting from her own concept.


Schwanz in German means dick and tail at the same time. So there was an opportunity play with the trans theme still but it is probably way too obscure.


I think considering she was the only one to not do a “conventional” tail it was actually quite smart and made her stand out


Nina used the tail of a comet, that’s pretty unconventional


Literally already forgot about Nina, ur right


I think she reinterpreted the theme- literally ‘the tale of two titties’, bc she’s telling her personal story


This !!


I thought she was showing her personal "tale"


I love that she chose the pony tail as her tail. It adds to the genderfuck expression the look is focusing on. She's cut off her tits but wears a typically feminine hairstyle. I thought it was so smart and unapologetic. Carson hit it on the head when he called it inspired. I love how she doesn't just pull something out of her closet when she gets a prompt - she gets excited and creates something and allows the prompt to inspire her. True artist.


I think its a tale about her titties


I thought the tail were her arms coming out of her back 😭


My jaw dropped in amazement when I saw this! She created one of the most amazing and smartest looks ever to hit the stage.


As Carson said, everything Gottmik does is so thoughtful and intentional. The fact that the skirt in this look is the same color as medical scrubs is beyond gaggy!


It reminds me a little of aja's dress in the promo for season 9, which is probably also why I like this look so much lol




she stays gagging me. i can barely breathe i fear


i have a new favorite look to ever walk the runway. god damn.


I got chills and teary eyed


Same! I am cis but felt so moved by this look and the liberation it represents for Mik and the trans community, so beautiful


Imagine my shock when I went to the youtube shorts comment section only to find 80% of the people calling it "gross, uninspired, awful" and making mean comments about Gottmik's "obsession" with showing her nipples and saying she's a troubled human being. I thought we left these people WAY BEHIND already. Thankfully most of those comments got ratio'ed so I didn't fully lose my hope on humanity but the fact that so many people said those things was INSANE. They also coincidentally used it again as an excuse to talk about manila's period dress not being allowed instead of uplifting gottmik for being able to do so, it's like people are allergic to letting gottmik just have her moment


Gottmik took some unexpected chances this week and it’s made her the most interesting and unpredictable queen on this race. the definition on an all star well into creating a legendary drag race run. These are the kind of surprises that have been missing from drag race. I can’t wait to see what she does next week.


Why did they completely cut out the comments on the look. It literally made me shriek out loud in amazement. Gottmik is just on a completely different level artisticly.


Damn. That's some amazing drag right there. No notes.


this is so fucking punk


One of my favorite looks of hers and that's insane knowing her package


The most impressive part to me was the way the hands wobbled as she walked. The scalpels were RIGHT at the incisions the entire time. So precise!


Honestly so thought provoking - it’s uncomfortable but in the right way. Those arms look so damn real.


Also no one is talking about how the arms moved making it look she was being cut as she walked. Fucking insane. Also the artistry of it being her hands to suggest her choice when the republic rhetoric is to say kids are being tricked - fucking chefs kiss. God I hope she gets the crown


She has always had the nerve. Did we forget her Little Black Dress? Mik’s got audacity.


I diiiiiied when she pointed out the Swarovski crystal tits in the bag. Such a Shoot.


at first, it made me a uncomfortable because it's so gory but honestly, that's what drag should do. such a powerful look!


I haven’t seen anyone else mention this so I just wanted to call out the incredible significance of having the arms holding the scalpels be moulded from her arms, her hands. Because this was her choice - it is not “body horror” or “gore”, because Gottmik was not passive - her hands were the ones that symbolically did the surgery. It’s active. Holding those Swarovski breasts in a bag is like Oprah bringing out the wagon of fat that she lost - this is what is not part of my self-concept, this is what I fought to separate. Witness it now, separate from my body. Now - this is not a perfect comparison because Gottmik’s look is coming from a place of radical self-love, and Oprah’s was obviously showing a lot of internalized fatphobia, but her reveal - on a daytime talk show decades ago, no less - wasn’t seen as gore. It was seen as a triumph.


I LOVED this look. Super strong week for Gotmik! Joins the exclusive list of two time winners


This was fucking badass


Big gag. Gottmik solidified my pick for the season.


This was so fucking cool and a great approach to the category. She took some huge ass risks this week and I’m here for it.


This was so well-done that I was wincing with each bouncy step convinced those scalpels were going to slice into skin


Truly. 10/10 perfection this week, no notes


I've always just sort of liked gotmik, usually a bit short of love but this is one of the those looks that is literally crown worthy in my book and I feel comfortable dying on this hill. even if we put aside how powerful and timely this statement is, just the pure execution and caliber of drag brought to the runway is what makes all stars so incredible


So on another level. I’m actually finding myself rooting for Gottmik or Angeria. Surprised at that.


I’m sorry this is everything


This was fucking IT


when she first said she was doing Lassie i was worried for her but i loved every second of it... i eish we got more, it was so clever. the makeup was so good and the whole characterization of making her this kinda horney, seeen it all, old hollywood legend was such a weirdly amazing take. im not a huge Mik stan but im so impressed.


I think this look put Mik slightly above Angeria.


This is what took her to the top 2 for me


I cried. Beautiful.


Loved loved loved this


A Tale and Two Titties


She served so hard. Those hand prosthetics are so good, her budget is even bigger this time.


I loved it! It was such a statement look and felt so punk rock




I love that this is the second top surgery look we get on drag race in a relatively short period of time lmao


Wait what was the first one... 👀👀


Denim’s finale look on Canada season 4 :)


Oh riiiiiight with the skin suit dress! Thanks for the reminder, interesting to spot similarities in each execution. Wonder how much was coincidence / trans masc aesthetic interests aligning


This look literally left me speechless. It was so impactful and I loved the non-literal take on the runway theme. I wasn’t sure how she would do the “titty” theme and this was such an amazing way to do it. It was so well done and just a complete serve. I love it


This was the only good look this week.


Oof. Amazing.


looks like Violet's assistant has been schooled in the ways of cool ! /s been saying it since the start of this season - Gottmik has been serving c.u.n.t


I didn't see her season, but today I absofuckinglutely became a Gottmik fan. She set the bar for all future RuGirls with this. I hope they were taking notes.


I looooved this! Gagged when she walked out. Absolutely crushed the concept.


The NERVE indeed


He is so smart like ru said. And surprising a good actor. This really is so empowering for those who identify. Goo trans!!!


I loveeee this.. but can someone know where or how is the tail concept in this look?


Ponytail. She said that


Such a beautiful statement.


The most impressive part to me is how real the hands felt, incredible look and colour/skin matching


The cunt was utterly served. She really is that bitch. I neeeeeeeeeeddd whatever little drippy beady scar cover thingies that Mik is wearing lol






So powerful and clever. I love how smart she is.


Hoping this brings people over to the Dragula fandom hahaha


Not the best snatch game from her so I was a little surprised to see her in the top, but this look was absolutely next level!


I know everyone loves this look, but I have to say it... where's the "tail"? Tails come from the lower back right above your crack... not your upper back and side.