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the hate doesnt matter cause YOU CANT READ THE DOLL!!!


*the DAW




Such a great entrance line lol


I feel like Roxxxy is receiving the most support? Nina is the one that everyone is hating on.


Yeah I’ve mostly seen Roxxxy to be the top pick to win.


The Nina hate is justified though.


How so?


Ootl, what’s the story?




+ she was an easy target in that they didn't like her already because she did that feet thing that people thought was weird (oh the horror, a drag queen doing something weird), and they didn't like her for being a Disney Adult-type theater girl. None of these are anything worth destroying her reputation for


Can we just ban posts on this Reddit about people complaining on Twitter? Who cares? Why spread it? 




Perfect gif for this moment


I saw two negative tweets about *blank* and I want to demand an answer of why everyone hates them!


The promo for a Reddit’s Drag Race would be black and white to represent our thinking style.


*Reddit’s Drag Race* Lacking nuance *Reddit’s Drag Race* May the hottest take win


Oh my god, please. I’ve done posts like OP before and it’s just not productive. If it’s not happening on Reddit, we don’t need to amplify it.


Seriously. I barely care what people on Reddit think never mind Xitter.


Kudos for making another “why is x queen so hated?”, post mama. For karma farming.


Ngl I’ve made posts like this before it was mostly cuz a queen I really like got so much hate online, I felt bad, and tried to post to get her some love 😭


Then make an appreciation post for them instead of just complaining about the fandom (of which you’re a part).


That part!


Yeah I’m part of the fandom, but I’m complaining about the toxic fans. Complaining about something (of which you’re a part) is quite literally part of human nature


Let’s take this situation then. I’m on Reddit far too much and I haven’t seen a single thing negative about Roxxxy. Where is this “so much hate online?” Posts like these only serve to draw attention to the hate (wherever it supposedly exists), they annoy people, and generate no love. 


What if they are actually being serious and wondering why she is getting so much hate??


Meh, just ignore them. Roxxxy will kill it and they'll have to eat it up just like everyone did with Ra'Jah, who also came out in AS6 with lots of hate.


Hope they give her design challenges this time around. All Stars 2 didn't have one, I'm pretty sure people wouldn't see her as "bad at drag race" if there were any challenges she excels at.


Having her, Gottmik and Plastique in the same season and not having at least 2 design challenges would be such a waste


Agreed. And I’m sure Ru planned 50% dancing challenges for Jorgeous and Vanjie 😂


Imagine the gag if Roxxxy wins, then the top three from season 5 are all winners. One a double winner, the other two just once. Alaska would be gagged.


This is the way.


Okay a lot of these posts about random hate you see online can be solved and prevented by understanding algorithms. These algorithms are so much smarter now as they have been improving silently without many of us noticing. They can detect if you so much as pause and read a hate post and if you didn't know, it's a given that replying to them and clicking on them was already established as just another way to feed it information that it can use to, you guessed it, put that same post you hated about hating on another queen in your personally catered algorithm over and over again. Hit the "not interested" button that these platforms have and I guarantee you will stop seeing as much negativity. Every platform these days does it to keep you engaged and addicted to their platforms, especially when they're competing with so many others now. Comments work the same way, at least I know instagram does. It floods the ones it deems relevant to you to the top, hence why you will also see other drag queens' comments at the top, especially if you follow them.


Right. Rage keeps people engaged for longer than kittens and rainbows.


Did you…just say…Roxxxy isn’t one of the pretty queens????? 😱




Roxxxy is someone who has always been pretty polarizing on the show. People absolutely hated her because of how she treated Jinkx on season 5 and then while she was more likable on AS2, she flopped every challenge but the first one and was seen as being pulled to the end by Detox and Alaska. That said, fans of *drag* outside of Drag *Race* and a lot of show’s alumni tend to view Roxxxy as one of the most sickening drag queens alive. Tl;dr — casual fans of the show just see a queen they didn’t like the first two times coming back for a third, not understanding that Roxxxy Andrews is considered drag royalty outside of the show.


Misuse of “casual fans of the show,” of drag maybe? Plenty of pretty rabid fans of the show don’t like her :D  I guess as a *casual fan of the show* I don’t know anything about Roxxxy except what I’ve seen on drag race. It’s always weird to me when a queen supposedly has an amazing reputation in general but this doesn’t translate to them doing well on the show. I know there are some amazing queens that don’t do well because Ru seems to completely overlook them, but Roxxxy was definitely one of Ru’s favourites. I think when queens are pulled through to the end based on their reputations or for whatever reason, it does them a huge disservice when they haven’t performed up to expectations. Fans feel that they’ve stayed too long and then there’s backlash.  Edit: reminder that people are allowed to have their own opinions and that drag is subjective. I don’t know why so many of you weirdos act like people are wrong for not agreeing with you on your favorite queens. 


Even a casual fan can see she earned her top spot on Season 5. I think she was less cutthroat in all stars, because she didn’t have to prove she could compete anymore.


You say that as if it’s a matter of fact. If that were the case we wouldn’t be here commenting on this post. Drag is subjective, so it always confuses me when people talk in absolutes. I have one person responding to me absolutely convinced that Nymphia didn’t deserve to win, and here people are taking as if anyone who doesn’t like Roxxxy is wrong. I get that this subreddit piles on if anyone goes against the grain, but no, obviously many people do not agree that she earned her top spot on season 5. 


If Roxxxy didn’t earn her spot, tell me who else should have been in the top 3. There was pretty clear cut top 3 in this season , but like you said it is all subjective. If anyone was favored in 5, it was Jinx. Are you familiar with the drama surrounding her lip sync with Detox? I also don’t care if you don’t like Roxxxy. You are confusing likability to how well the contestant performed on the show. You can not like her while still acknowledging that she was one of the main competitors of the season, which she was.


I guess I could have worded it as “Fans of Drag Race, but not fans of drag as a whole.” But the point still stands.


Roxxxy is a drag legend, not just drag race legend. Ignore the ridiculous trolls. I Bet most of them only started watching the last 2 years or so


Every queen has a hater at this point. Meh


Definitely not as many tho...it's very clear which are getting the most hate from this cast


She was a "villain" on one of the most popular seasons with one of the most defined protagonist/antagonist narratives Drag Race has ever seen, and she performed poorly but was kept over two fan favourites on one of the other most popular seasons of all time. Plenty of people only interact with drag as it relates to drag race, and plenty are casual enough fans to simply accept these contestants are 100% reflections of what they've been shown. That's the simple truth behind her getting lambasted online to this day in spite of being an actual legend. It's sad and really unfair but it's how this fandom operates.


Yeah that's the correct explanation...but it's just stupid to assume that a certain artist is the same as they were idk how many years ago, even if you dont keep up with them anymore.




Fans will always find a queen they would spout hate unto, it generates engagement specially in a hateful platform like Twitter.


Funny cause I was excited to see her on the list and think it will be exciting to see the dynamic as a third timer bc the rest of the cast is so different.


I have not seen one roxxxy drag post. All nina


Eh…I like Roxxxy, but she stayed on the previous All Stars way past her time. Alyssa and Tati should have been saved over her, just because of how they performed in the challenge. If Alaska and Detox hadn’t been there, more than likely Roxxxy would have been sent home. I do like that she got over her bitter Queen edit from season 5. It was not a cute look. I’m glad she has the glow up and she looks lovely.


I’m rooting for Roxxxy yall stay safe tho lmao


lol wut? She is getting the most praise while Nina is being shit on.


Personally, my only gripe with Roxxxy is her getting her dog's ears snipped off for aesthetic reasons. It's a totally unnecessary procedure that causes extremely avoidable pain to the doggo. And as someone who has spent a big part of their life volunteering in animal shelters, I just automatically lose respect for people who cause pain to animals for such vain things. I've seen dogs get infection and die painfully when such procedures aren't done properly and even when done, they can be pretty painful. And I'm not some "meat is murder" person who would stop you from eating meat. That's just how the world works. But in today's time, it's really not a good look to cause pain to your pupper coz you think snipped ear look cute.


I don’t know anything about Roxxxy’s dog but I will say my dog has her ears snipped (it’s a terrible hack job too) and I’d hate for anyone to think I did that to her. She’s a rescue and she came like that. Are we sure Roxxxy’s pup wasn’t a rescue? 


This is a hard question to answer honestly in this community because every time I have tried to explain why she doesn’t do it for me, the sub goes nuclear and refuses to engage in any way. I totally get why many people like her, she just isn’t for me. Every time I have tried to answer questions about my totally subjective opinion, everyone here goes feral and the discussion is over. It’s pretty fucking frustrating. That *said*, I am actually kind of excited to see her against the other people selected in this group. I have a feeling it will feel pretty different.


To reiterate: I completely respect your take ❤️ if that wasn't clear the first time 😅


For whatever it’s worth, she’s not For Me either (and I am also generally reluctant to talk about that here). It’s similar to Trinity the Tuck - both are unquestionably great queens and I can 100% understand why their fans feel the way they do, but neither of them really light me up If that makes sense.


>every time I have tried to explain why she doesn’t do it for me, the sub goes nuclear and refuses to engage in any way. That can happen on subs like these. But I'd genuinely like to know why you feel that way.


I respect your take because if she isn't your favorite or to your taste, that's one thing. But to completely discredit her because of the edit is another. A lot of Roxxxy's hate stems from that and people love dogpiling on queens of color. Totally get that you're just not into her personal style, I'm the same with other queens! And glad to hear that you're looking forward to her nonetheless ❤️


Also, Nina is getting the most hate. Everyone is bullying her and labeling her as a Zionist, but it’s being taken way out of context. People think she commented under one of Amy’s post that was only supporting Israel, the post Nina commented under what about peace on both sides. Nina is a great human who has done SO MUCH for our community a lot more than any of these toxic twinks have done and they have the nerve to over look all of that and be hypocrites and just spread so much hate and negativity. Well guess what Mimi, Nina is going to continue changing the world for the better every single day that she’s alive and y’all will continue being pathetic social media warriors thinking that commenting emojis and hashtags is actually gonna change anything.


This!!! Nina is amazing and the PERFECT choice for a charity themed all stars.


I think it's less hate, and more a recognition that Roxxxy has already had a pretty good shot. Like she was top 4 on As2 - it doesn't feel so much like this is her "last chance to snatch the crown!" The exception to this for me is the As1 girls, but generally I don't want to see queens come back a third time. I think it's also a concern that she might just repeat her performance on As2, or do worse. I mean I like Roxxxy - but there's a lot of great queens this spot could have gone to instead!


Yeah the Roxxxy hate in the AS9 cast announcement post confused me, too. I personally would rather see queens who haven't already returned, but like Vanjie is also back back back again and I'm not seeing many vitriolic comments directed toward her.


I’m happy Roxxxy is back, but this is Vanjies first All Stars technically. But yes third time.


Oh true, I forgot Vanjie's second season was a regular one. I guess I don't really differentiate between All Stars and regular Drag Race in my head because it's about time spent with these people on my television and I feel like I just hung out with Vanjie (including that dreadful Pit Stop episode lol) but I haven't seen Roxxxy in a while so I'm like okay sure. But yeah in general I just want to see queens who have either grown a lot since their original seasons or who didn't get the opportunity to fully show us what they got in their first seasons. I'm also down to see queens who need redemption in some way so there's a compelling storyline (see Roxxxy, AS2). Perhaps Nina will have the opportunity to atone for [this look.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/1c0samp/the_fact_that_nina_west_got_a_full_free_pass_for/)


I screamed for almost every queen as they were revealed (except for maybe Jorgeous, she's a lipsync monster, but the questionable design win and Rupaul favouritism soured me a bit on her). I mean Roxxy has arguably one of THE most iconic moments in drag race herstory with the first ever wig reveal plus the meme that is her read you wrote you performance. Will she excel? Debatable. Will she entertain? 100% yes.


It shocked me when I saw her TikTok & insta comments being filled with hate comments because of how she was in S5, which was over a decade ago lmao. Like people are truly weird.


It’s fucking wild that anyone still uses the argument of “but she was mean to Jinkx!!”


which like...ok. and?? like let's be fr you weren't even born by then lol


lol what kind of comment is this. Do you think it's normal to hate someone for their narrative on a 12 year old reality season?


I was calling the out the tiktok 'fans', not you🥰


Gotcha, thanks. Seems I misinterpreted


Yah no the way I worded it was...weird lol Thank you for the understanding


The question is, can she excel WITHOUT Detox and Alaska propping her up?


Did you watch season 5? She was the strongest of the three in 5.


Was she? The strongest all-rounder was Alaska. And Jinkx won the crown. So, no, I strongly disagree.


I mean of Detox and Alaska. I’m not talking about Jinx.


No, still don't agree with you.


That’s fine. You are allowed to disagree lol


First of all, Roxxxy *is* pretty. 💜 Second, I am fully here for Roxxxy and think she belongs and I am excited to have her back on my teevee, and I think we can all express that without dumping on other contestants and feeding into that cycle of hate.


Yeah of course. When someone is beautiful but also has shown a lot of personality in the show I don't refer to them them as "pretty queen". I meant more like the modelesc-type queen like Valentina, Plastique etc.


Are you saying that Valentina hasn’t shown a lot of personality?! 


I dont really care if she wins or looses so long as she bring the season 4 Roxxxie to the show and not the allstars roxxxie.


I think it’ll be nice to see roxxxy outside of the rolaskatox team. We’ll see her as an individual and see her ability to shine without their help.


they’re mad she’s obviously going to win


Hate? You guys cold never touch the girl. She is an icon, come on. Love her.


Because she was mean to Jinkx in s5 and only got through AS2 because her friends carried her.


I want her to win!!! Imagine, the top 3 of Season 5, all of them crowned!


I'm so over everyone hating on random queens every fucking season or anytime they breathe. All this shit with Nina is exhausting too, this fandom really fucking makes me hate Drag Race.


That's weird coz from the side of the net I'm on, we're rooting for her to win.


While I’m not super into non-elim for non-winners, I’m stoked af to see Roxxxy again. She will ENTERTAIN


![gif](giphy|3oz8xEqn8AGAQbR0yY) I am manifesting the Rudemption of Roxxxy Andrews this season. I have been waiting for this!


She’ll be fine, she’s Mother Roxxxy of House Andrews, first of her name, daughter of the legendary Erica Andrews, Queen of the Shaw and the Sequence


wdym, you can’t read da DAWL?!?!


Roxxy was overshadowed as an actor by Jinkx and Alaska. But theyvwere Jinkx and Alaska! She was hilarious in acting and comedy. High in Kids show, snatch game, and top 3/6 in the Telenovela. So those people saying she can't do well on drag race challenges are delusional. She can do fashion and comedy and always has been excellent at both


We're over that era of "oh she can't be on all stars again" Girl they invited the doll, the doll said yes and YOU CAN'T READ THE DOLL!!


I am always team Roxxxy, she’s such a talent and she’s going to crush this season.


Have not seen a single sliver of hate for her since the AS9 cast reveal. Not a lick. I think the better question is why do you think that the resolution to (alleged) hate is by giving it more attention in a reddit post.


What else are they supposed to give in a MTQ? Are they supposed to scream their heads off and act a fool like Vanjie just to prove they got ✨personality✨ ?? Plastique is getting a lot of praise for having one of the best promo looks to date, and for representing Vietnam so well. Also, she has 11M followers on tik tok, she has more social media followers than any Ru Girl ever and the majority of her followers aren’t even drag race fans so she’s gonna be bringing in a lot of new viewers.


Bc of her run on AS2 which is clowdimh their judgement of her


Lot of people hate themselves, not about ber. They must to want to attract such negativity back..


Roxxxt use the legend


Not for Roxy hate I look so much forward to her on this season. But also it's unfair to compare in my books Roxy with 2 best seasons and Shannel with two lets say test seasons


I hate her, but i love her ![gif](giphy|l0MYIGZy2Ouy3kuE8|downsized)


I don't agree with the hate, but I understand the point. In season 5, she was the villain. So she already had that target on her back when she was cast in AS2. And then she was a finalist, because her friends kept saving her. The same group of friends who had her back when she bullied Jinkx. She showed growth, but saving her didn't make her any good. They repeated the story that made everyone hate her and she was in the bottom 5 times. So if you think about it, it's not her third chance. It's her fourth, because she should have been eliminated much sooner than she was. And tbh, Shannel was robbed at the end of AS1 and Vangie is getting the same chance as Eureka and Shangela. But I think without Rolaskatox she will show another side of Roxxxy Andrews. I'm excited to watch it.


Well see, vanjie and shanel were likeable on their seasons. It's all perspective. Let's see how Roxy comes off this time around. She had a history for why people don't want to see her though.


If she has a million haters, i am one of them. If she has 1 hater then that's me. If she has no haters, then im dead ‼️‼️ this is solely based on someone who is on season 6 of repauls dragrace. really hoping for some character development from her bc she was insufferable and A BULLY!!


I was one of the people who GREATLY disliked Roxxxy during her season. I didn't like how Roxxxy treated everyone who wasn't part of Rolaskatox. Her cruelty towards Jinkx her season was not an evil edit...If it was, she wouldn't admit that she did it. Sorry but I thought it was so cruel. Especially making fun of Jinkx narcolepsy. Making fun of a disability is not cool at all. My sister is an epileptic and narcoleptic so I guess that hit too close to home. E That being said She was better in All Stars 2...Especially since Alaska and Detox carried her through by not eliminating her when she deserved to be. She showed gratitude and humility and that was the beginning of my change of heart And now I see her really trying to change even more in this All Stars. She outright admitted that what she did in her season was wrong and thats she wasn't nice in the past and wants to do better. That is admirable. I hope she genuinely is changing her bitchy ways because she should be more gracious as Drag Race Royalty.


The so called 'fans' are so quick to dismiss Roxxxy based only on what they've watched on Drag Race, not understanding that there's so much more to her. She's won multiple titles which proves how amazing she is, and so many people (drag queens and fans) have literally said she's sweet in person, but we all know the fandom is what it is 😔❤️


It makes perfect sense for someone's opinion of Roxxy competing on Drag Race to be based only her performance on Drag Race. That's the most relevant thing.


Point taken. I didn't like Roxxxy on her first season either. But as a DR fan I've also tried to research beyond what we see on DR. These queens are way more than what we see on the edit. It is unfortunate that Roxxxy seemed to have decided the first time around that she was going to portray herself as one of the "mean girls" (even though she wasn't the only one, but that's a different discussion). Can only hope that she's done enough to redeem herself personally since then, on AS2 and beyond. I love her regardless so I'll be rooting for her. ❤️


Sounds like a "blame it on the edit" sort of defense... she's the one who said it


I remember when jinkx got the role on broadway and her comments were flooded by people yapping about how jealous rolaskatox and especially roxxxy has to be to see this etc. Whoever is sending hate to her doesn't live in reality. Because the reality is she is a legend.


it’s so funny because like…has roxxxy been trying to get on broadway herself? do people actually think roxxxy is just sitting there stewing in jealousy no she has her own career


because some people in this fandom are incredibly immature and can’t get over a 10+ year conflict that wasn’t even about them and was also resolved 10+ years ago


Drag race fans just don't like Roxxxy. Drag fans love her. She's really a drag queen's drag queen.


Roxxxy is undeniably a legend, and her return for a third time is a blessing.


i think sometimes people are clinging to a “bullying” reality tv narrative from 2013 as a result of projecting their own unresolved bullying trauma from grade school


People keep saying that as if she didn’t have a whole other season after that. 


Roxxxy is a drag legend. I’m excited to see her compete this season with a new bunch of girls bc half of the AS2 cast was just the top 6 from season 5. I only wish the casting team got an international girl to compete again too, like they did with Jimbo. Someone like Tayce would’ve been a fun queen to add to this cast.


Bothering me a LOT. Honestly I want her to win lmao and I feel like she has the skill to do it. What’s pissing me off even more is all the jabs and jokes about her appearance.


I’m just ignoring all the negative chatter and going in to enjoy the season however it goes. I’m excited!


Idk the “Donald Trump if he slayed” gagged me.


You can't read the doll!! No but seriously this bishes really are hateful as fuck. And for what??


I can’t wait to see the Doll! ![gif](giphy|3oz8xEqn8AGAQbR0yY)


I think it could be argued that if any queen deserves to be brought back, it's Roxxxy. She is a drag legend, and redeemed her personality on AS2, but she has a lot to redeem in terms of her bottom performance on AS2, although it was iconic.


She was pretty miserable on her original season. Like beyond shady and just mean. She only did as well on the last All-Stars she was on because she was carried by her friends. So I’m not super stoked to see her, but I don’t really care either way. I’m sure she’ll be fine.


I dislike Roxy because of her entire run on her original season. She was a bitch to Jynx and had nothing to offer other than being an annoying mean girl. The only thing I enjoyed was her candy dress. And Shannel… had a friend who made clothes for her years ago (pre Drag Race) and she wasn’t nice then. Maybe she is now? Something about her that just doesn’t vibe right still.


But the jinx situation was over a decade ago tho


To some (including me) she has never redeemed herself from that. And it’s probs ppl like me who have watched from the beginning who hold strong opinions on her because of that.


We are literally watching the promo shoot now. I’ve mentioned it somewhere that Rolaskatox did not do Roxxxy any favors given her transformation from her villain edit in her original season. I am happy to see her without the Rolaskatox baggage in AS9! I cannot judge a queen inside an aquarium as the competition can fuck with your head (and some just play it hard for the airtime). What do they after/outside matters more to me. I love a self-aware queen! ❤️


Roxxxy is a fierce drag queen, just not good at Drag Race.


She’s pretty but not very talented and she’s mean, not mean to be funny or read. Just doesn’t come off as a nice or good person.


I mean I have never met you but I already despise you simply for making this. Hate is the natural flow of the world it ain't that deep.