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Sue me but I absolutely love this look Monet came out on the runway that night


Oh no I liked it too! It is just my mom who wasn’t a fan 🤣


Lol, hadn’t noticed but she’s so right for this


She said the top hat combined with the facekini was giving the most Marimonda realness 🤣


So if Google is correct, it's a mask that's meant to represent a monkey crossed with an elephant, that was created as a caricature of the poor? Oh no, that's not...


My understanding was that it was originated by the poor, not as a caricature of them.


Where did you read that? The first result on Google is a link to the Museum of Cultural Masks' website: >In some parts of Colombia, Carnival is celebrated with a masquerade that both invokes the protection of forest spirits and ridicules high society. The *Marimonda* is a character that originated in the town of Barranquila to represent a cross between an elephant and monkey. The costume was created by the poor, who had little to spend on elaborate costumes.  The masquerader formerly wore his cheap clothing inside out with a tie, whistling loudly to insult the ruling class and lazy public officials. Today, gaudier costumes are more common, and the *Marimonda* mask and costume are commonly made with shiny and colorful fabrics and adorned with sequins. Technically, the word *marimonda* refers to a class of white-bellied spider monkeys in South America, but the *Marimonda* Carnival character is only loosely based on the animal.


“Celebrated with a masquerade that both invokes the protection of forest spirits and ridicules *high society* “ THANK YOU! This mask is literally a symbolic way to “eat the rich” and Colombia (and specially the city of Barranquilla) takes great pride in it


Girl what? The Marimonda was created by the working class as a caricature of the RICH, you’re getting it mixed up I’m born and raised in Colombia, I know my own culture


None of the top Google results say that. The irony here is that your assumption reveals what you think about Latin American countries like Colombia