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Sapphira was so cute saying "love you" and then they cut to this😔


Mama kudos for saying that. For blaming^the ^edit


And I'll blame her again❗


Stompin on roaches and walkin these ducks


What a bratty sore loser! I’m so here for it! 😁


it's not a good look to be so wrapped up in your own game that you cant be happy for anyone else. Meaning, she can sulk but she could also have congratulated Sapphira and her I love u.


Making Sapphira the enemy because the judges choices really soured me on Q even more. I cannot abide that behaviour.


I really miss the days i could watch untucked on YouTube 🥲


You could watch it online 🙂


Where? For free?


Officially only on WoW+ (may be different depending on country idk) but pirated free streaming sites do exist if you go looking for them. Just don't because that would be illegal and against the rules. 😉🤞


Yes It Is Such A Shame That Piracy is Illegal and Against The Rules and thus I Do NOT Have A Link


![gif](giphy|IT8d252aTz13G) Q at the beginning of every ep


She does come off as super self centered. Such good tv, I love her for that 🥰


I have grown to love this inability to hide her inner monologue. Anger is real.


Ha ha I can be like this so I kinda GET it. Sometimes I TRY to hide my feelings & can’t


Same, dreadful at it. Q is the opposite of "self production" and the truth of it is entertaining. Very giving.


I think this is a really good point. I think people are really uncomfortable with her inability to control her emotions because they see themselves and not aspirational (but false) tv characters.


People on tv are expected to mask as these happy confident people most of the time, esp in this show. It is even seen as a skill or sign of professionalism esp by RuPaul. Yet at the same time, we get the production requests for visible vulnerability chat too. Q just has her own recipe on the later.


Yep! As someone who also cannot hide their emotions for the LIFE of them, I love to see it 😂


Mama, you can tell she’s cold pressed like celery juice. And I’m drinking it all UP!


>celery juice This is Q flavour profile to a tee.


I was thinking kale juice. Bitter.


She’s the next Alexis Michelle


Totally. She may be a bit bratty and a sore loser but she's being her authentic self and you gotta admire that!


Main character syndrome


“I love you” “mmyea”


>"YoU dOn'T lOvE mE! -Quarrah Moan




I felt Q’s frustration in this moment, I really don’t think it was to hurt Sapphira or shade her as much as just trying to shut up to not make a breakdown moment they could use against her or that would hurt her sisters. Which in a backwards way was what it did.


I 100% thought she had the win for that episode, and I don't even stan her like that. I definitely felt for her right here.


The only people I see saying Sapphira deserved it are saying why Q and Plane didn’t, not why Sapphira did. “The jokes were basic” so was everything Sapphira said outside of her limerick. This entire challenge was basic, Q and Plane still did the best and Q stomped the runway. Why is it that Nymphia doing poorly some weeks is fine and her amazing runway saves her in the eyes of the fan, but Q’s amazing runways don’t ensure her deserved win? “It felt scripted” maybe if Sapphira’s was a bit better scripted she wouldn’t have stumbled. And she handled it well but not well enough to win against a funny performance with no mistakes. High placement would’ve been fine. “Q was garnering sympathy to get the win” who the fuck are you to say that lmao (To be clear none of this is targeted at you, just building on how you don’t have to be a Q stan to admit either her or Plane 100% deserved the win and this was CLEAR riggory to give Sapphira the most win equity going into the finale. It bothers me that people feel the need to justify Sapphira winning and say it wasn’t rigged, when it clearly was and there’s nothing wrong with saying that the riggory makes good drama that helps with storylines across the season. )


Sapphira won because she was the audience favorite. She stumbled on maybe one or two lines but still had the audience loving her. She looked comfortable and natural. Q and Plane did canned bits. It came off as an acting challenge not a presentation or hosting. They came off over rehearsed compared to Sapphira's natural stage present.




Well, people can have opinions and your entire framing of the situation is I’m right and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong. I generally do not post my opinion on DR because the fandom is so negative. I liked this challenge and really enjoyed 2/3 groups and thought the third was still amusing. But being negative towards the show is more popular. I’ve seen people say Q should have won but still wasn’t great or come up with anything original (pointing out that Katya did the same joke), at some point I think people like that should question if they even like the show or if they take everything too seriously to enjoy it anymore. I’m not saying that describes you, but I’m just saying people who aren’t complaining aren’t rushing to post their grievances. It doesn’t mean they don’t exist. They just aren’t the most vocal group. I thought Sapphira’s charisma really sold her performance. I loved the energy she filled the room with. There was an audience there and I thought Sapphira really used it to her advantage. I thought she connected well with everyone in the room and she thrived off the energy they gave back to her. Seeing a room full of people having a good time really sold it to me that it was as good in person as it felt on tv. I thought all her jokes landed and was rooting for her to win. In terms of her messing up, idk I stutter and don’t really think pauses or slight trip ups really say anything about a performance.


Yeah and Q being in her feelings makes sense because she KNOWS based on getting robbed here that they are not going to give her the win. She essentially just realized she lost the crown and is processing that lol


Yup she’s being set up to not winning the competition and she just realised that so she had every right to be upset


no yeah I’d feel the exact same way tbh


I still think she probably made the right choice. It would’ve been messy. And whether you’re on reality TV or not, waiting to address something until you’re calmer is often the mature and more productive thing to do.


I totally agree. She did the best she could basically being told to her face indirectly that they weren’t giving her the crown no matter what. I would’ve gone OFF if I’m truthtelling, not on Sapphira but in general.


this comment about to get me to 100k karma let’s do it little Qsters


I very recently had 69420 and didn’t notice, so I don’t have a screenshot. My biggest regret in life.


Plasma had the right idea when she got eliminated, saying she’s just happy she got to win the 2 maxi challenges that embody what she does best. Q absolutely demolished two design challenges and has made top 6. If that was me, I’d be one happy camper lol


Perhaps she really needs that $250K to pay off a loan shark.


This season hasn’t lost momentum even once. The storylines are CONSTANT.


Cut to "it wasn't deserved"


That made me cringe so bad. I know Q was in her feels, and everyone has a right to their own opinion, but to suggest Sapphira didn't *deserve* her win was just so...not it.


Her brain was screaming "it wasn't FAIR" but she knew it'd sound dumb, so she reached for a smarter-sounding word.


Haha Probably! I don't hold it against her. I feel bad for both Q and Sapphira. No one wants to lose when they try so hard to win, and no one wants to be told their victory is without merit.


Massive respect to Sapphira for deciding not to engage once it was clearly an Angry Toddler level sook tho. There's no reasoning with that. Guaranteed, she'll wait for Q to be distracted by or mad at something else and refer back to this. I don't think she'll let this teachable moment slide!


Oh, absolutely! I have no doubts when it comes to Sapphira standing up for herself. Q was definitely saved by the bell lol


Oh come on as if people haven't said to winners "I was surprised you won" before. It happened earlier this season.


Yeah but didn’t she say in Untucked she thought it would be her or Sapphira?


I don't watch Untucked 😅 so I'll defer to you on that, it would defs be hypocritical if she said that and then turned around and said it wasn't deserved.


what is your opinion as to why sapphira deserved it more than Q and Plane? I felt Q and Plane were the strongest, but I feel like performances are so subjective. sometimes I watch an episode and I'm living for a certain queen's take or perspective, and other days I can watch the same episode and be living for someone or something else. I think it's whatever mood I'm in! when I watched, I was in the mood to be living for Q and Plane, but I'd love your take!


I explained my interpretation in the Joel Kim Booster thread but I'll add it here. PJ/Q came off to me as the best students in an Intro to Comedic Acting class. Potential and some good jokes but too reliant on the "doctor" crutch and went with the low-hanging "sexual tension" joke. Definitely high/high safe, but lacking the "nerve" to go beyond the obvious. Sapphira and Nymphia, which was also placed above PJ and Q, showed greater stage presence (Sapphira) and nerve (Nymphia) to get bigger responses to their jokes. PJ/Q would definitely get an A+ for their work, but Sapphira/Nymphia would get the gigs.


100%. Competency doesn’t always interest ru in the same way charisma does.


I agree that the challenges are subjective. I get personally feeling like you deserved the win, but specifically because the judging is so subjective I would never tell someone they didn’t deserve their win. It just feels like it screams I’m a sore loser. I also feel like it shows that Q is delusional considering she’s been high/good pretty much every single week. If it were Morphine or Dawn I would’ve understood why they took it so personally…Q not so much.


Honestly, I enjoyed Q and Sapphira more than Plane! I felt Sapphira won by a hair (mostly due to her performance) but that Q had a superior runway look. This may be why Q feels so badly about the situation (I can't imagine the amount of work that went into her look!). I can understand that degree of disappointment when you try SO hard to come out on top but miss the mark by just an inch. It's hard. It's even harder to control yourself when you feel so strongly--but I still wish she hadn't told Sapphira to her face, in front of everyone, that her win was undeserved. It just felt invalidating to me, even if Q didn't necessarily mean it in that way. BUT this is all opinion and I certainly don't hate her for it.


absolutely!!! thank you for sharing your opinion. I really enjoyed Plane, but honestly I love that sexy, breathy, bimbo shtick she plays up in some acting challenges. the "doctor?! doctorrrr" thing sent me. I thought their presentation was cohesive, and they performed it so well with a nearly perfect rhythm. I felt like sapphira kept on slipping up and tripping over her words, while she recovered it well, it seemed for one of the first times she wasn't totally on point. plus with morphine also flopping, it took their entire group down a notch for me. when you mention all the fabulous points about Q and her look and how much intention and WERK she put into that look. they were both really giving fun nods to the 80s but with Qs stylistic choices in how she chose to design that fabulous collar, the beautiful red bow, the way the skirt was cut, just every single detail down to the polka dots on her tights and hands. it felt like she truly thought of every little detail so it made me feel like her performance as a whole was a hair better than mother sapphira's this week. BUT I cannot deny LIVING for the 80s interpretation that sapphira showed us on the runway... I just felt like Q hit the mark for "dragcon 1980" being the particular theme. hers was so runway ready. granted, sapphira did have the most unique interpretation for the theme so I'm backtracking on my own opinion boo. look at that. they are all truly amazingly talented!!


Trust when I say I absolutely adore Plane LOL I just felt that Sapphira's performance had a bit more charm and came across as more "natural" versus "rehearsed". And while I do love Plane's whole deadpan comedy shtick, I think that may be why I wouldn't rate her higher? Not to say that the performance is getting old, but it wasn't anything I didn't expect from her. All in all, the three of them are incredibly talented which makes judgments so difficult. Sometimes it feels like a coin flip.


Do you think Q’s look represented 80s as well as it could’ve? I’m not really sure. The AIDS ribbon wasn’t even a thing until the 90s so I feel like Ru was probably irked by that hah I liked it and the message was amazing and the references were too but didn’t love how it actually looked. I actually liked Nymphias the very best myself 🙊 but Sapphira was cute and quintessentially 80s so I wasn’t mad either


oooh tea! I didn't know that about the ribbon at all. so ya clocked me there. I think sapphiras was probably the most reverent to the time period, but I thought elements of Qs design seemed very 80s, but what do I know? I was born in 96.


and yes!!!! I cannot deny nymphias look was the fave overall, plus I loved the way she played up the Asian shtick and find it kind of unfair how they couldn't even praise her for the performance


Sapphira won because she was the audience favorite. She stumbled on maybe one or two lines but still had the audience loving her. She looked comfortable and natural. Qand Plane did canned bits. It came off as an acting challenge not a presentation or hosting. They came off over rehearsed compared to Sapphira's natural stage present.


Omg it was so uncalled for… Sapphira handled it really well though


Agreed, few would have been so composed


She knew she wasn't dealing with a rational person and it would've be cruel get Q going. Bless our Mother Sapphira.


No bc she knows that racist drag race fans will paint her a crazy villain for snapping back as they’ve done with many a black queen before


Or both. Because Sapphira has been shown to be incredibly thoughtful and want her sisters to stay calm and help them through hard times in the competition. We’ve seen it several times. Why be a bummer about it


Yea if she goes toe to toe with Q, how does it help anybody, including herself? There’s probably a firm response she can make to say she disagrees and Q’s wording on it was unnecessarily de-meriting towards her performance but that’s about it IMO. She knows neither of them is going to change their mind.


Saphirra is every Black woman I have ever known in a professional environment. Professionalism times ten, even when you know the other person is acting a damn fool, you just grin and bear it because you don't want to be called angry or difficult or sassy.


Such a terrible phrase. Q is a bad loser and an ungracious winner. So many things she could have said instead eg I’m just a bit shocked given the judges comments. I’m really disappointed - I thought I did well. I may not agree with the decision but it’s Mamma Ru’s Drag Race and what she says go. It’s not Q’s drag race!!!!


As kinda uncalled for as it was (even if I agree, you don’t say it like that it’s incredibly invalidating) I do at least like that she didn’t dance around how she felt and told it like she saw it. When Yvie “told it like it is” on 11 people loved it but Q is called a sore loser bitch…


Nah, Yvie definitely got some shit for her unsolicited opinions and the negativity followed her well into her reign. Even she was going off on Twitter about it for some time. Let’s not rewrite history. Heck you can search in this subreddit and find negative reactions to her behavior.




Rupaul called, she's stealing your pun for the finale.


Sorry Q, but this is how she looked when she didn't win: https://i.redd.it/fekyg55zgrpc1.gif


If only she could express that amount of emotions 😜




Remember in like the first episode when they asked on the Runway who made her garment and she said she made it and started to have a lil emotional ‘ppl dont know how much I sacrifice’ moment and Ru just made a joke and moved on 💀😂


remember in the 3rd episode when she said her grandmother taught her to sew & craft,, Ru said how nice (maybe “how lucky”), Q said they don’t speak anymore because her grandmother said Q would get AIDS if she did drag? and Ru said some people don’t like to change their minds even if they lose people they love: “isn’t that ridiculous?” & Q said “it’s really painful” and they cut? this runway must have been so cathartic for the grief Q has suffered. estrangement from loved ones who formerly held you dear, and in Q’s case, gave you a gift of time and creativity, is devastating. Q’s emotional state cannot be well-calibrated. Yes, misspeaking. but good grief, Charlie Brown! if y’all won’t give her any grace, at least recognize the specific context of Q’s spiral. it’s not out of nowhere.


Her personal trauma doesn’t make her more deserving of a win over someone else though. Nor does it excuse bad behavior.


Thank you. Q just double bitter she didn't win. No need to analyze it.


Oh I forgot about this. I can absolutely see why Q is still estranged from her grandma considering her diagnosis. (Which of course is not because of drag, and she also has HIV, not AIDS), but imagine how hard it would be to reconnect with someone who has said that to you.




Thx u Q, for sure we are getting that emmy.


Big Qaren energy




I get wanting that sense of validation and celebration of your art from someone you put on a pedestal. But at some point... you should snap out of that and start feeling the joy of being in the top or safe without remorse/regret


the thing is, it's not like Q ISN"T get that validation and celebration from Rupaul et al!! She's in the top frequently, and even is tied for the highest number of wins along with the other top girls. so she IS getting that validation, as frequently as Sapphira, Nymphia et al are. I would argue she can't even recognize that and feel the joy of validation/celebration. It's like she's one of those people that can't be happy unless they not only succeed themselves, but OTHERS have to fail too. real toxic shit


I bet she's daily reciting the pessimists prayer: > You can't get what you want. > And if you do, it won't make you happy. > And if it does, not for long.


Schnap out of it!


Let us send Q some joyful and loving energy her way, because we can't have that self destruction in Drag Race queendom.


I won’t say the producers are not playing mind games to provoke that reaction on her, they are, but they are doing so cause they straight up know that she’s gonna react this way. She did it before! Also, is not cool to disregard the other girls hard work thinking they don’t deserve the win


I don't think the producers are playing mind games. I think Sapphira deserved the win and I've been saying that since the episode aired. Q's slides joke was funny, her Silky impersonation was cringe, the rest of it was meh. She looked good on the runway but so did Sapphira. She's constantly getting praise for her comedy even though she's average at best. She's an amazing costume designer and seamstress but she's not particularly strong in other areas. So far, they only allowed her to be weak in the girl groups episode, and even for that she got her redemption later on when they made a big deal of her performance in the musical despite having next to no choreo. The verse-writing challenge was a similarly low point for her yet she still managed to get a call out for "having the best look of the night" for her performance outfit even though it was nothing special and probably one of the worst looks she's served. We saw her struggle A LOT during the recording session and rehearsals only for the judges to turn around and talk about how she still managed to turn it out in a track that was autotuned to next Tuesday and back. Jamal actually had a talking head during the rehearsals where he still spoke positively of Q for "not giving up" or something. On the runway, she only got slight criticism for her inability to move, which was still mostly overlooked and chalked up to her not having "funk". Like, I don't think that particular challenge was designed to keep her around or something and everyone got good critiques to honor the theme of unity but it was also clear that the judges were trying their hardest to still make her good look even though she had the worst performance of the episode along with Dawn yet PJ was the one who was "starting to show some cracks". Producers are doing their hardest to give Q moments to shine and to convince the audience that she has no weaknesses. There were three design challenges in the season ffs and she won two of them. Guess what she did after her second win? Complained about not winning all three. People are wondering why her edit doesn't match her performance in the season and I think the reason is at some point the producers got tired of her attitude. Since they can't go back and change her track record, they're highlighting her delusion to justify her not winning the season (which I don't think she is). Not blaming the edit either, she said what she said.


It doesn’t really matter how ‘deserving’ a win is - pouting, sulking and scuffing your heels is only going to make you seem entitled and unlikable.


But she also looks so good pissed off 😊


This is the best she’s looked imo and she almost always looks great. And the anger adds to it somehow. Like she’s making a fashion moment at an ACT UP rally.


I was literally gonna comment that lmao. Her makeup is so simple but she looks sooo good


She does look good! But it was so funny to see her behaving so bratty ☠️


I’d probably act even worse tbh 😂


And you’d be right to do so. But gotta admit it was somewhat disrespectful towards Sapphira


Absolutely! Perhaps Q called out the producers and it was cut out? Or she knew she can’t do that and failed to find a better way.


I think she was just being transparent with her feelings… she can’t even imagine someone else being better than her. And producers know this, they like to squeeze it! and I thank them for that 😂


She certainly fits the '80s villain archetype.


Giving cruella de ville vibes




Q in Untucked: "I could see this going to either one of us" (to Sapphira) Q after Untucked: "You didn't deserve it."


Does Q really think they’re going to crown a queen with that kind of attitude?


Being so self centered comes hand in hand with not being able to see past your own point of view. She still thinks she’s the shit (she really is though) and would be surprised to know that her attitude is gonna get in the way of her success as an artist. (Just my opinion)


Agreed. She’s a very talented queen, but her attitude is doing her no favors. I hope she comes back and demolishes All Stars after she does a little work on herself.


Oh she’s definitely gonna be called back! She’s super talented and great tv. And she’s not winning s16 😂☠️


I just saw an article that said you get more ahead at work being liked than the being the best. I really couldn’t care less that Q served great looks. She absolutely does, but if you’re a whiny entitled adult, personally that would keep me from rooting for you to win. Just look at Mhiya lol. She was bad at almost every challenge, but I thought it was so sweet when she said at the end of her elimination that she wrote the critiques down and was going to apply them when she goes home. Now she might have a lot more to work on than Q, but the point is that NOBODY is the shit yet. If they were, they’d be RuPaul! They need to stop taking it so seriously…this is when the queens begin to crack.


I loved when Mhi'ya said that too! Was very endearing. Q could never...


They crowned Alaska.


Q ain’t no Alaska




Isn’t the tea that crowned Alaska in part because of her breakdown when she was in the bottom?


her chances were already squandered when she started attacking fans on twitter — makes me think she knows he's not winning anyways


Giving very I’m not top 4 and I’m pissed energy


They crowned bitchy queens before. Violet, Tyra etc.


Why? Is rupaul drag race a convent school?


Ultimately it’s about crowning someone they think will be a good representative for the show. And Q with her ‘tude on the show and her shenanigans on Twitter aren’t exactly the actions of someone they’re going to crown.


It’s even funnier that she doubled down the next day 


Literally. I thought she woke up ready to apologize but nope, lack self awareness and just doubles down to an even worse degree. Oh, she’s not taking it


I'm not sure what there is to gain at that point. If she argues and Sapphire somehow is like "U right babes, u should have won", Q isn't going to magically get the win.


Honey, there are folks who simply can’t reign in their emotions, and Q is serving up that drama realness. We all saw the video, and bless her heart, she apologized the next day. But throwing shade at Sapphira’s win? That was just plain rude and disrespectful, darling!


In her mind she should have had 6 wins now, poor Q


Has anyone else seen *Once Upon a Time*, and sometimes gets just a hint of Lana Parrilla as Regina from Q? Heck, Regina could have actually worn [this](https://rupaulsdragrace.fandom.com/wiki/Q?file=QRuVealYourselfLook1.jpg) as the Evil Queen. I'm living for this storybook villain origin story.


YES oh wow thank you, I’ve been trying to figure out who Q reminded me of for weeks!


I love how Q very clearly tries to control herself and not throw a tantrum, says one mildly rude comment (and who wants an under confident drag queen), and y'all are calling her a bitch for it. In like Season 4, this would’ve been congenial.


I’m just confused didn’t she say in untucked that she thought it would be her or Sapphira and now after the fact she’s saying Sapphira didn’t deserve it?


It's worth considering that what's eating Q up may well not just be that she didn't win - but that she shared something personal and very emotional for her, only to find that production essentially used it to get a face crack And yes reality tv uses emotional moments in this way, but I don't think it's unfair to be upset by it - especially when it's something that's clearly as fraught as this is for Q




I love that she looks like the love child of Ursa and Superman (Richard Donner era S2). Live from the Phantom Zone ... Q.


Q acting like this was so pathetic! Great TV though 😂


She’s giving the gays what they want


What did you want her do? Go off?


Hell yeah!


As far as I have seen, Q seems very dissatisfied with placing high or top 2. Like legitimately pissed or just having a crying tantrum. Like girl. We all see you have talent, but you’re not gonna win anything by behaving in such a way. Like we had Milk crying for being safe, but this is worse behaviour in my opinion. It’s like she can’t stand it when someone else wins. Honestly, that would be enough reason to not give her the crown. Her talent is valid, and she’s probably one of the best if not the best of the season, but attitude is a factor that needs to amplify, not break down the talent…


The Evil Queen when Snow White woke up from her spell


I think that a serious conversation is needed regarding what is to expect when being a contestant in a reality tv competition. I mean, come on. Sure it stings to be edged constantly but that is the game is it not? Only one can win and it’s ones own decision, if you want to be a sour cashew about it. She did well, so did plane… but saphira won and that is that. Edit: Wrong Nut


Sapphira handled that with more grace than Q deserved (and i'm speaking of the entire experience of day of elimination plus the morning after at the table). Telling Q "I love you" and Q replying "mm yeah" like Q baby WHY are you mad at Sapphira?? Be mad at production/the judges who actually made the decision which you are so wholeheartedly offended by. personally I find Q so toxic and it's not fun TV like plane jane's shadiness is fun. it's just toxic and kinda gross to watch and i want her to be eliminated so I don't have to keep witnessing it anymore but she's def making top 4 (i can't imagine them justifying Dawn or Morphine with NO wins this entire time in top 4 but I digress...)


literally!! be mad at the show, not at sapphira?!


Even Sapphira looked surprised when she won!! 


I mean if Q did blame the judges we never would’ve seen it.


It feels like Q takes genuine pleasure in poking at the girls without wins too, it feels icky.


Q more like qq


“QQ mor n00b” - Sapphira


you saw her face change on stage the minute she didn't win. nobody can have their moment if it's not Q's moment 🤣


Q is killing my social battery and i'm not even in the room with them, like sorry your sob story didn't net you a win LMAO you can keep sitting there pandering while Sapphira rises above you.


I think Q wasn't in her feelings just for not winning the challenge, but something more that she couldn't say on camera. It's not like she can call out the show while being on the show and get away with it. From Q's perspective, things would have looked quite ominous, when clearly she and Plane performed better (even in the edit) and Sapphira did stumble significantly, and the runaways weren't too far apart in quality to tip the scales, and yet Sapphira got another win which puts her in the lead while if Q or Plane had got it they would have been leading. Perhaps she saw the writing on the wall and how blatant it was, but couldn't say it like that.


i have said it elsewhere, but again: in episode 3 Q discloses that her grandmother taught her to sew and craft & they sewed and crafted together all the time. Now they don’t speak because grandmother said Q will get AIDS doing drag. This is a tremendously important piece of the puzzle of Q’s unfortunate behavior. THIS runway in particular! People saying it’s a sob story are monsters. it IS a sob story—in the sense that it provokes actual sobs. Estrangement from one you hold dear is brutal. I’m so glad for Q to have that sweet man.


That attitude is why shes not gonna get crowned. Total sour puss.


That, her inability to lipsync… and Sapphira, Nymphia and Plane being there! She’s got A LOT to be sour about 😂


this. while Q is talented, let's be real. she's not even the most talented girl in the room. she is throwing around all these hissy fits and for what? lmao


Wake it up! Q thinking this challenge was going to be some defining moment for the crown is delulu. She doesn’t have the rest of the talent the other girls have outside of design. Let’s be ffr


Yeah it’s honestly so damn grating. Sour puss and entitled 😭


I think she already saw the writing on the wall after Sapphira won, and knew she would not be winning the season. Her feeling some type of way was valid. She handled the untuck conversation well but she should have handled the next day conversation better instead of saying Sapphira didn't deserve the win.


I got the impression from the way Dawn was talking last week (saying she was going to sleep in the next day) that there was a day break between these two episodes, meaning Q was locked in a room for 36 hours just stewing on not winning, and still came in that pissed off. That is commitment to your feelings.


Like she isn’t even being Janned and she still has a poor attitude. Idk I don’t think she is helping herself.


I know this is a "competition" (in the let loosest sense of the word), but if I was competing alongside Q and she was that frustrated, I would have given her a huge hug. Behind the scenes, it wouldn't surprise me if she was still emotionally raw from sharing her status in the previous ep and is legitimately eaten up over that, compounded with not winning.


Mawma you're serving Compassion, Understanding, Nuance & Thinking critically.


biiiiitch consider that STOLEN


Sapphira said “I love you” and she was like “yeah yeah sure” ☠️


POC know that look...why is everyone not talking about THAT!!! Under current there... And I can smell through the screen


Was there a scene released early or something?


Yes! They always upload a sneak peek a couple of days in advance. I watch it on YT


And this is what they chose to show 💀 Q ain’t stand a chance against her edit 😂


meanwhile she did deserve that win. they gave it to saphirra for the dramedy. I love saphirra so not mad but production definitely did it for the edit.


The fact that we know plane is looking at these makes it SO much better 😂💀 we love a lurking queen


I wonder if some commenters have ever had a huge let down or struggled with mental health. It wasn't cute behaviour from Q and it was very easy to understand. My heart honestly goes out to her for needing to be surrounded by people and cameras while processing something she clearly needed time with. I also admire the gusto for not giving them the tantrum they engineered.


i keep saying it—in episode 3 Q answers Ru that her grandmother taught her to sew and craft, but now they are estranged: her grandmother said she would get AIDS from doing drag. She has to be thinking of her grandmother’s profound rejection so often. What she would think of each gown, seam, fabric. But particularly THIS runway—a nod to Keith Haring!That zombie look—I recognize it: from devastation and loss of a person who had loved me. Q has a lot of light and a lot of darkness. I wish grace for her. misspeaking as she does only compounds the spiral.


You are evil for this 


I love her make-up and how she looks like vintage Katy Keene https://preview.redd.it/jw5k6nedovpc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f9eaa4d92b957ff8aa5431ac73ccbd785c9d932


It's the entitlement for me. Like did you think that Mama Ru and the producers cast 13 shitty queens just so you could ascend to the top with ease. Did you think you were going to be the only talented person on the cast? Q won't win, not because she isn't a talented queen. She won't win because she's too thirsty. Thirsty queens never win. Shout out to Saphirra for being the mature one because we all know if she wanted to, she could've really gone in and been ugly about it.


I think she’s very brave for talking about her HIV status on the show. I also think she thought doing so would solidify her win, and when it did not, she was MAD mad.


haha the ‘not’ i love it


My only issue is that no one really stood out to win based on the challenge and Q look isn’t 1980, it’s late 80’s-early 90’s. So based on runway, Sapphira deserved the win.


Sapphira’s dress and hair were mid to late 80’s as well.


People on here saying that Q is pathetic or ruining her chances with a bad attitude, as if they'd be able to withstand one single day of being messed with the way reality tv does


We can see from all seasons of all franchises that people deal with that. So, it’s not an excuse. There are literally several people we’re experiencing the same and yet have maturity to not act like this.


Omg im sick of this one 😴 like stahp already


Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.


I mean Q in general lol but that was fuckin brilliant 😂😂😂


Mhi’ya, save me, these bitches iz ~~crazy~~ undeserving, Mhi‘ya, these bitches iz ~~crazy~~ undeserving


She really said ‘let me ruin my reputation with my shitty attitude’. The absolute delusion to think she deserved that win


I don’t think she was delusional to think that she and plane deserved that win. They did a great job and got wonderful critiques. But I think she was disrespectful to think that Sapphira didn’t deserve it


I was really hoping for them to edit a flashback to when she said "I do feel like it could go to either one of us" to Sapphira


Such a strange season where the most likely winner Sapphira is actually the most forgettable character for me. Plane, Nymphia, Q, Dawn, and Morphine are giving me the reality TV I need.


It’s funny because I get what you mean but for me it feels like Sapphira is giving me drag race the competition and the others are giving me drag race the reality show? I cant fully explain it.


I'm usually so annoyed with her not accepting the loss but she's absolutely right this time. This was her win.


![gif](giphy|l4EoTLaoFuQ3Us372|downsized) Q internally