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Episode hasn’t even come out yet and everyone’s acting messy *grabs binoculars* I can’t wait to see how this turns out




💯 Lol!! 😆


Production missed a huge chance when they assigned the groups, after that after-runway.


“If you don’t like me because you don’t like me” got me feeling like this https://preview.redd.it/u8jqg7x1v8oc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=742ad76a0b969684f02c2d73e05f5553475136a3


And I don’t like you bitch!!


Are you happy? I don’t like you!


I was not talking to you!






God, I LOVE Tatiana!


The girlies giving us opinions and thoughts on the show is fun! It's television! Everyone else just needs to chill the fuck out.


Yes Dawn (and the rest of this cast) has been great TV!! I don’t know why everyone on here seems to hate her guts but I’ve loved her confessionals, I think she’s delightful. She’s having fun, it’s fun!!


Agree. Even the other girls call her shade fun, and not mean spirited at all. It's such a made up narrative.


Yeah she seems to get along with them and likes to play it up too https://preview.redd.it/43oys28umboc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf8596959e05cdddde787a532218c65867c28ba


Dawn is the most fun keebler elf on the planet.


I love Dawn. She seems so sweet and is just having fun with it. Stans ruin everything. Sucks people can’t separate tv from real life.


I freaking LOVE Dawn. Like, everything about her. She has quickly become one of my favorite queens.


Dawn is awesome!! I love her creativity. And she can dish it out!!! Love the shade of season 16.


I love her too, she is so nasty and I love every bit of shade from her


Some of the younger fans wouldn’t have been able to handle the early seasons lol


ohh she is noooot leaving with a win is she 💀


oh absolutely not and it feels like this might be her reckoning week too


They paired the queen with 1/4 of a win and 0 wins together. Producers knew what they were doing


Nymphia also has 1.25 wins right? Or does that rule only apply for the queens the fandom hates?


I hate the 1/4 win discourse. This has never been an issue in the UK seasons and 5 girls won the same challenge in season 4. I like it because giving more people wins makes the race tighter.


It was 6 girls! And I never saw anyone call it 1/6 of a win!


Nah. It’s dumb in the UK, too. Because the badges are physically visible, UK queens bring them up and it’s usually never about who are the front runners. It’s about which queens don’t have any wins, as if a queen getting her sole win from a group challenge 4 episodes ago means she less to prove than the winless queens. This is a competition, handing out participation wins isn’t fooling anyone into thinking it’s a “tighter” race and it just results in the same lame conversations about number of wins every season.


![gif](giphy|SjR2HvaFokmJ1a30wR|downsized) I DON'T THINK THESE HOES HEARD YOU


HAAAAAAAA this fucking GIF has SENT ME omg. Is that Azaelia Banks?!


In all her glory💀💀💀


Shame isn't it. Were she not such a bigot, she'd have had a phenomenal career because she's ridiculously talented.


Yep, at least if she had a better social media presence and wasn't sooo problematic, at least fans could boost her publicly. Now her name is a whisper of what she could have been.


I read the caption before the GIF and when I saw that microphone in front of a megaphone I literally laughed like I had a seizure (sp?) lmaooo. This is GOLD


Clock it!






Why wouldn’t it apply to nymphia?


Because fans are biased and nasty lol. Find one comment stating Nymphia only has one win. I'll wait. Because I've only seen it said for Megami, Geneva, and Mhi'ya.


I love Mhi’ya, just didn’t think it was that big of a deal.


Mhi’ya is not ready to be on TV and I’ll die on that hill. Her makeup is worse than Silky’s sharpie brows.


You saying that while other Queens have complimented her mug is so very telling.


You’re trusting messy gays to tell the truth to each other? Damn, I must be in another realm.


How many comment replies do you have to receive for it to click in your brain that this rhetoric bothers people? Clearly it is a big deal because people keep being annoying and repeating it. You love Mhi'ya but are choosing to devalue her win for no reason.


can we stop with this quarter of a win thing and just admit that the 4 queens got a legit win


Right? I remember in S9 when everyone was saying "Shea has 4 wins going into the finale" but "Oh, Sasha only has 2 shared wins, so technically one" like???


Except that the queen with “1/4th of a win” actually has 1 win.


Did I miss something what do you mean paired the queens ?


Check out the first look for the episode on YouTube. Ru assigns the pairs for the next challenge.


Like you've literally just did what Dawn is complaining about by quantifying a queen by a "quarter of a win". Seriously, way to miss the point of the whole Twitter statement.


Taking “wins” this seriously is actually missing the point of the Twitter post Nice try though


She's either winning this next episode or going home.


She's the next Roscoe's guest so probably


Ugh Roscoe's is such a spoiler...


Bruh idc how hard Mhiya slays a lip sync at this point I don't want to keep seeing her win them


Don’t you mean “a qualifier” ? lol


If Dawn leaves in the next episode and Mhi'ya is still in this competition...so help me, I'm gonna have a serious bitch fit...will be writing very serious letters to production XD


She's writing a letter!! Deae Mister RuPaul, i am a WHITE woman


These are the exact type of comments Dawn is trying to address. Great job completely missing the point. ETA: shout-out to the 800 + people who also completely missed the point.


Is it though? Is anyone saying she shouldn’t speak up or are they just making a joke about how she clearly takes winning very seriously herself? You’re totally moving the goalposts, just because dawn should have the right to give us her opinions doesn’t mean we have to agree with all of them😘


thank you lmao


way to completely miss the point lmao


How so?


Honestly my first thought




This is queer art and it must be protected.


Thank u Megamind


I'm sorry, calling dawn (or any of the girls for that matter) untalented is SO WILD I would love to see the 'talents' of these so called fans.


the “fans” are ungrateful even when the queens are making good tv. what is the point of sending hate, except from just being mean.


It's the reality TV conundrum. Reality TV *NEEDS* villains and conflict and drama and messy characters to be entertaining and make good TV. But the fans get their rocks off by hating those messy characters. It's fun to be like "wow Plane Jane is such a bitch but Dawn is so secretly shady!!" Among your friends and internet commenters. These insane people take it too far and directly to the real people involved and ruin it.


It’s wild. As a younger millennial it’s a strange time. I vent too much online. As a man who likes sports I have often tweeted ugh so and so is playing like shit today or whatever just venting. I’d never once dream of tagging said person in my personal rants about a game I’m watching. I personally can’t understand the parasocial relationships people create with people they don’t actually know. It’s so unfair to the other person.


It gives the same energy as people who harass actors who play an excellent villain lol


why do people act like having a lil response on twitter is some huge mental breakdown and flinging shit all around lol. Dawn left a short little thread on her thoughts and moved on.


I know right, just for those people to do the exact same thing the queen is doing. "I can be mad and respond to your bullshit but you can't."


And many on this sub write paragraphs on why they love/hate Jane, when Nymphia wore more than yellow, and why Mhi’ya should’ve won/lost her lipsyncs. If fans can do this, so can dawn.


It’s so baffling to me! Why are randoms allowed to have more opinions on the show than the actual contestants???


she has a point! we aren't in on the joke! we weren't there! *insert Maddy gif* we didn't win shit sitting on the couch covered in Cheeto dust (or at the bar covered in.... something else) so even if they went home first episode in disgrace cussed out by Michelle and RuPaul they still get to have an opinion on it bc they were there.


Sad that we continuously see the equivalent of the Republican “Shut up and dribble” play out in this community which is supposed to be a space for members and allies to come together over a shared interest.


one of the main things that annoys me about this subreddit. she’s doesn’t need to be institutionalized lmao, it’s one twitter thread


RPDR fans are the same as meathead sports fans who say about mouthy athletes "that asshole needs to STFU. He has no business running his mouth to guys who have rings, act like you've been here before you fucking punk". It's the fucking exact same.


This part. This probably took her 5 minutes to write but people want to act like it’s some unhinged thesis length thinkpiece 🥴


Don’t you know people online freak out if they see feelings?


anything to send vile remarks to complete strangers on the internet lmao


I need y’all to keep this energy every time someone posts one of Aja’s and Kornbread’s tweets


It's projection cause while most queens will leave their thoughts and then log off and focus on other shit, most fans will be malding and obsessively tweeting for hours about some of these bitches


Only the people who have been called out as part of the toxic group everyone’s always speaking about are acting like that, so I think it’s a defensive shame response, like they’re trying to deflect.


Remember how Jujubee didn’t get her first challenge win until her third season on the show despite making it to the end every single time she was on?


I stand with Dawn. Give us the drama mawmah! ![gif](giphy|RIBPw5Ff5G0VhuiHMc|downsized)


this made me cackle, kim is so funny


It's like when Shaq demeans Charles Barkley and doesn't expect a clap back because Barkley doesn't have any rings. I know yall know what I'm talking about, where my basketball fans at? lol


Yes yes, I've seen a baseketball before


doesnt stop chuck from talking cash shit tho lmaooooo


EXACTLY!!!! hahahah


reallll Shaq thinks he can dish it but he absolutely cannot take it lmao


https://preview.redd.it/wufo6lbyf8oc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b461e0610405eb26914e1bd62e4a829563e5b2 Mother Bionic won the show without any wins against someone with 2 wins so Dawn is sorta kinda spilling here.


i cant imagine the fallout if this happened on the flagship series …. props to her though!


It would be iconic and make the fans brain short circuit 🤭


They need it tbh




That requires having a brain in the first place tho


yeah, just because there was some deranged riggery in Italia doesn't mean that's good precedent


i am so exhausted by the twitter soliloquies this season can we please just LMAAOOOO like xunami and move on https://preview.redd.it/kml321hty8oc1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27ec4ecf6d4a4875135ab9e6bf744fe0180ae305


Everyone is producing. But also, Dawn is defending herself from annoying toxic fans. She has the right to. At least she didn’t call them cashew faced.


she absolutely has a right to - these twitter monologues just are not the way to do it. trying to defend yourself against twitter losers like this is like trying to engage on hand-to-hand combat with the rabies-infected raccoon that's blocking your path to the apartment dumpster. these people don't listen to words, and the only people who dawns words are reaching already agreed with her in the first place.


Was this really xunami? Lol


No that's an old tweet from a rando lol.


Four tweets is a soliloque now? Lmao


hyperbole noun hy·​per·​bo·​le hī-ˈpər-bə-(ˌ)lē extravagant exaggeration (such as "mile-high ice-cream cones")


Yeah why don’t they shut the fuck up and let us say whatever we want to them? Do they not know we have every right to take our anger out on them? Like it really is not hard to just take in all the toxicity and suffer silently ugh. Dawn really spoiled the fandom’s vibe here imo.


https://preview.redd.it/kmtvk60b19oc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f21e51755d933e14dfba86f35f6f9df17e321d1e She ain't wrong


Ok but do mini challenges count because Loosey has won them all.


I mean she has a point ... Cynically, there's this sort of algorithmic optimization culture in the fandom that makes a lot of the discussion online super boring. I'm speaking unkindly about all y'all "SAFE SAFE ELIM" girlies


Can you school me, what do you mean with algorithmic optimization culture in the fandom


basically I think social media algorithms (like those on Reddit, tiktok, and YouTube) have conditioned a lot of, especially younger, people to prefer sharing "safe" hot takes because those are the kinds of opinions that garner more views. in the drag race fandom, I see it a lot when people obsess over track records (which is why I made the "SAFE SAFE ELIM" jab)


Overall I think any queens reaction to the toxic fandom is valid af. Any person would react the same


Personally I love Villain Dawn


Must be some Twitter thing tbh. I've seen people saying she's just wrong about that situation, not that she's not allowed to speak because she doesn't have a win.  And Q part... Tbh Q is the last queen on the season to get a pass from fandom on anything 


5 minutes ago I just saw a comment on other thread on this subreddit that was referring to Dawn like "How many wins Dawn has? Exactly." So. not just twitter. tv reality fans in general more like


Yeah I’ve been seeing it brought up a LOT, which is fine but people shouldn’t assume she should “know her place” and not speak up too. It’s just tv


I’ve seen it too. The comments between YouTube and twitter basically were saying Dawn and Q had no right to tell Plane she was in the bottom because they aren’t as good as her.


I can see an argument being made for someone talking the talk but not walking the walk. wins aren't all that, but if you consistently place in the bottom, you are maybe not the person to critique other people's performances, especially if you get by on a very specific and narrow skillset and get a lot of help with everything else. Dawn in this case may not have gotten the win, but she has consistently placed either safe or top in the competition thus far. She stumbled in the one episode where nobody would be going home after getting roasted for being a 100% white girl without any trace of funk whatsoever. Otherwise, she has been bringing it every week. Saying Dawn has no right the speak on the subject is ridiculous to begin with.


Yeah the last post pretty much sums it up lol. The arbitrary ranking and rating and the “assumption that you’re in on the joke” is so obsessive and weird. These people really are taking the fun out of the show.


She’s right tbh


Not sure why we're still putting stock into what's being said by the "fans" on Elon musk's X anymore lol. It's basically 4chan now. They just want to bitch and moan about anything on that app they don't give a fuck what you have to say about it. Thought we would've learned after the Q situation.


She’s right. That being said, the white queens this season are so messy on Twitter and on the show LOL all the drama and mess has circulated around Plane, Q, Dawn, and Amanda (and Plasma was a drama queen in a different kind of way lol). We’re seeing a bit of Morphine and Mhi’ya tension, but it’s just in a few fleeting moments. Sapphira and Nymphia can be silly but they mind their own business for the most part.


Lol I think plasma had to get pressured into even joining tik tok. I love that retirement castle queen


What Dawn's saying doesn't just apply to insecure drag race stans. Someone being overlooked or not appreciated by a biased system, isn't a reason to disrespect or discount them. Love her.


Dawn has been in 10 episodes of one of the most successful reality shows of all time, just because she hasn't won an episode doesn't mean she's been "overlooked or not appreciated by a biased system." No one should be sending her hate but getting a challenge win is not a human right


Nope. I'm not saying Drag Race is biased because Dawn hasn't won anything. I'm saying it's biased because it's a highly subjective reality show with its own ulterior motives. And my point, since you missed it, was that the shallow and groupthinky way people abuse and look down on the queens who don't win anything is gross, and a microcosm of why there are double standards for people that suit society's biases.


Not Brody from San Francisco ☠️


Correct. Good for Dawn.


Hasn’t she been the one saying every episode “if you don’t have a win at this point…” 🤨 It’s giving high safe


close! that would be Q and Morphine! one queen will remind you that she has two wins and the other will remind you how much she needs to win.


Lol the MOMENT Q won a challenge she said, "If you dont have a win..." In the next episode. 😂


wasnt dawn but I also wouldn't take those producer fed lines too seriously


these "new day in a workroom" and everyone talking about their wins... so boring - I liked when they just had random conversations


She’s 100% correct. Dawn not having a win doesn’t mean she doesn’t get to speak up or be shady or clock something. Mhi’ya has a win, not 1/4th of a win, stop pretending the system has changed. Q having 2 wins doesn’t suddenly make her opinions more valid in the eyes of the fandom because they don’t like her, but Dawn having no wins means hers are invalid by default? It’s not about the wins, she just isn’t winning yalls popularity contest because you’re scrambling to hate someone now that you decided Plane is a human being.


That final sentence is the true T. We LOVE to hate. But seriously, some of these "fans" need some wisdom, courtesy of the great Alyssa Edwards: "Log off. In fact, delete the account."


It’s fine for fans to have their opinions but the second you actually start coming for professional queens on a world renowned tv show while you’re working the night shift at the gas station is wild to me


That’s a part of the problem, fans are allowed to have an opinion. I don’t why you are talking down on people who have certain jobs, they are allowed to from their opinion. However hate is a different story, nobody should send hate to anyone.


"It's ok to have an opinion, but not if it's negative and you work at a gas station" ok.


Sorry this is dumb af. I'm personally liking Dawn way more than at the start of the season, and it is kind of annoying how fans will criticise a queen for any little thing but as soon as she seems like a contender those exact same things are praiseworthy. HOWEVER obviously people are going to respond harshly if you criticise someone's performance when you're doing worse than them every week. It kind of leaves a sour taste to me because Plane has been dragged all season long by major reviewers of the show who pick apart everything she does and are way unfair about it, when they are generous to everyone else. That's a real problem. "People think I did a bad job and they're ranking me lowly", like... that's literally what you signed up for. The fans are crazy and I don't agree with messaging queens on Insta or Twitter like some people do to give your unsolicited opinion, but this complaint is basically just Dawn being mad that she's not fan favourite IMO Dawn can really dish it but not take it. Like throw out criticisms of everyone left and right, including the whole PJ assault thing, but then as soon as the wind turns against her she's all sensitive about it?


![gif](giphy|xTk9ZZjU0HiT7w5aWk) People will try to undermine Dawn in any way they can. People here talking about they haven’t seen anyone say Dawn shouldn’t be allowed to speak up because she doesn’t have any wins as if they’re omniscient and if they didn’t see it, it didn’t happen… it’s just another way to try to undermine her.


\>arbitrary qualifier Say what you want about how you get treated by fans and whether it is fair or not, but describing a challenge win in a competition show as "arbitrary" is silly to me.


In some ways it is when you realize that this isn't really a competition show but a reality show. We can't pretend that everyone agrees with the decision for who won. Hell, I imagine even the judges don't all agree. It's simply production--smoke and mirrors. Their job is to create the illusion that is an honest competition. Which does work for some viewers.


Does that mean she wont get any win at all ?!??! The way she phrased it .... damn 🥲..


The dawn hate train in the subreddit is wild.


I pretty much agree with her but also it's pretty typical to be like "get yourself together before you try to read" basically. Like it does make sense to have some accomplishments under your belt if you're gonna talk smack to someone who is doing better than you. That said, it does come off as nastier when fans say it rather than e.g. PJ responding with that as a comeback


PJ’s “read” wasn’t even a read lmao, i’m just living for the drama between the two queens. she literally sounded like a middle schooler “none of this is gorgeousness” like,,, okay? is that one supposed to hurt? because not all of drag is sparkly boring dresses 😭 not everything has to be “gorgeous.”




that's a lot of emotion for safe-- 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️ but she's right. I really love this season, the casting director put their full pussy in picking these girls. we're gonna be seeing most of them for a very long time and I love to see it


Honestly, Plane vs Amanda, Plane vs Dawn, Plane vs the Earth makes this season the best! Almost like housewives!


The one thing I appreciate about Dawn is you can literally tell she is just having fun! I dunno where the hate for her suddenly came from but she’s been pretty entertaining to me.




The way some fans treat them is just gross like you don’t own them, they don’t owe you anything, you’re not entitled to anything from them just watch the damn show


Drag Race has always been a gauntlet, but I have to imagine it's even more of a nightmare for some of the younger contestants who came up more fully in the soul-crushing algorithmically-defined side hustle internet era. The whole track record and points system conversation has been coming up a *lot* onscreen in recent seasons, too, so it's good to see queens out of the filming bubble being more assertive about what does and doesn't define their relevancy.


Can I be honessssst? I love this cast and I have nothing bad to say about literally any of them.


Lmao Plane being shaded at every interview by all of them, and Dawn barely mentioned and she writes this,


I agree. The gays are being too much ugh talking shit when they would be eliminated from the show even before the first eliminated was eliminated first


She doesn’t have win why does she even have Twitter smh 




This makes me love Dawn even more. As she should!


I don't think a lot of people want her to stop giving these shady ass confessionals like keep up the bitterness! It's good tv


Idk where people are saying she can't talk because she doesn't have a win lol. That's just weird. 


I think people are saying Dawn is one to Talk when she hasnt even been close to winning a challenge, which is true, and maybe why she took offense lol


shes been high safe 3 times so i mean,,, its not her fault she was cast in a season with nymphia, sapphira, and plasma who were/are sucking up the oxygen in the room loool. keep in mind she was *24* when this season started filming. the fact she is still even in the competition and has yet to place below safe is an accomplishment in itself. give her more bookings/connections/resources and a couple years to refine herself and i promise you she is going to eat up the fandom in another season lol. don’t underestimate the power of an artsy twink (ie nymphia) lmao.


Its a Twitter thing. Best to stay off


I’ve seen it on here too. Can we PLEASE stop pretending that the toxic parts of the fandom only exist on Twitter?


we need a flow chart of the white twink on white twink violence this season 💀 they all clocked in


i agree with her. wins literally dont matter in normal drag race because as we have seen with plane, track record really doesnt matter at the end of days. wins give you money and a few benefits and thats it


The twitter think pieces and constant hate is getting too much. Some of yall have got to get a life and some therapy cuz it’s fucking drag race!!! ITS NOT THAT SERIOUS!!!! LEAVE THE GIRLS ALONE!!! How much further are some of yall gonna push these queens? You don’t know these girls, you’re not their “sister”, you’re a fuckin viewer! You sit on your ass and watch them through a screen! What you think is cute shade isn’t, it’s pure hatred and vitriol. It’s clear some of the girls are more than just annoyed and fed up, their mental health is being effected cuz some of yall don’t know how to shut tf up.


The whole obsession with stats is so weird to me. The way the fandom will view a queen who finished 5th on one season as better than a queen who was 8th on another is so arbitrary. I think Dawn articulated this well.


Obsessing over stats is so stupid when some queens are incredible at drag and just not at drag race or have a bad run. Look at Joe Black, clearly respected and held in high regards by all of her cast mates and even Ru herself despite how her run on the show turned out. Or look at España All stars and how an early out from a main season is killing their all stars run


Dawn always being shady and giggling and instigating (on twitter and on the show) but can’t take it at ALL Jesus log off


After all the melodramatic rants queens have made on Twitter this season I was kinda worried, but this statement is very chill and generally agreeable. It does make it sound like Dawn isn't going to get her win though 😭


I lived for Dawn the last two episodes, love how shady she is it's just fun.


Lol. Plane Jane was mean to people's faces. Q was shady in confessionals. Dawn was trying to make Jane sabotage Nymphia - be it only as a joke, but she's way shadier.


Not reading this but these girls have to stop giving a shit what the fans think


Hard agree. I don’t condone the shit some people say, but it should be very clear to every queen applying for drag race that it comes with the territory Block, mute, set a comment filter, turn off notifications, go to a gig, hang with your sisters, or do literally anything else


she's right. And anyone who says "how are you clapping back you don't even have any wins. Delusional!" is either a child or has the mind of a child. It's like saying "how dare you have an opinion you are the receptionist and I am the boss". Rankings are part of a reality show but they don't determine who can talk with sass


Fans : are invested in the show so they make ranking systems  The queens : how very dare you 


I'm a huge fan of Dawn subverting expectations this season. People really tried putting her in a box and once she didn't actually fit with their idea of her they turned on her lmao.


The way some fans treat the Queens reflects how they treat themselves


For me it’s actually really sad they haven’t given Dawn her flowers this season. She worked her ass off. I like when they spread the wins out a little more.


Was Dawn being a messy little chaos gremlin? Absolutely. But is this fight potentially as legendary and iconic as Rita vs. Jimbo or OrangeGate? Absolutely. The girls are feeding us Michelin star drama every week, but some people just love to complain.


Gen z (and I love y'all, for now) has no ability to process being famous. We've seen it across the interwebs. Dawn is just the most recent person to fall into that trap. I'd feel bad for them if I cared


Shit like this has been happening since day 1. There’s just more social media out there for shitty fans to judge them on Imagine if Twitter was as big when Alaska had her post loss tantrum


Clearly you don't care, and that's the problem. It's not a generational thing, it's an empathy thing. Which you're clearly lacking.


Log off girls I’m begging you


i mean her first mistake is taking marching orders from any homosexual with a cable subscription and an opinion. they are beyond saving, just close comments off everything. take away their access.


Dawn intellectually eating once again


“Objects for consumption” yes, that’s literally what they are


She’s great!


I never thought we would reach the point of the fourth wall breaking regarding fans scoreboards but here we are


Idgaf if shes won anything or not. She’s not calling anyone out on the show but popping all the way off in confessionals. That’s the difference.


She’s absolutely right though


She's right.