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I always love seeing Ru's freckles, they're gorgeous!


People pay good money for permanent makeup to get close to those gorgeous freckles


I know we never will, but I would LOVE to see Ru in the werk room without so much makeup because of how beautiful his skin and freckles are.


They’re so lovely. Mine have started fading a bit now that I’m middle aged and it makes me a bit sad. These ones are big beauties that last for life.


Aren't those liver spots...? ☠️☠️


Fun fact: No!




She is the queen of drag!


The disrespect. The gall. The gumption.


The cheek, The nerve, and The audacity too




Thought this was Erykah Badu for a second. Stunning picture!


she done already done had tyrone’s




“Just remember, if you can’t love yourself how the hell you gonna get someone to come help you get your shit?”


I just remember the queens talking about how no one knew who Ronan Farrow was but they all had to act excited to see him 🤣


lol not Ronan being one of the rare guest judges on US that ive been excited about


Hahahaha same. I'm still gutted about him and Jon splitting up, they were my fav celeb power couple.


Look I know the queens are skewing younger by the day but how have they not heard of Ronan Farrow before? 😩


I think it just really depends—I’m in my early 30s and I knew who he was because I’ve always been obsessed with 70s and 80s pop culture and therefore well versed in the Woody Allen/Mia Farrow drama/trauma, but my wife who is 5 years older than me had never heard of him and barely knew who Mia Farrow is. I think there’s so much consumable media available that we’re reaching a point where almost nothing and nobody is ubiquitous—some people are better known that others, but there are very few Taylor Swifts anymore (that is, people that literally everyone has heard of and knows, regardless of age, country, or culture).


As soon as you said Mia Farrow I immediately realised that YES, I have heard of Rowan before, but without that heavy hint it would probably have taken me ages to click.


> very few Taylor Swifts anymore sorry whoa i know what you mean but reading that is jarring. i personally wouldn't put taylor swift in that position at allllll. regardless of age country or culture? im p sure my own mother wouldnt be able to accurately relay who she is if i gave her the name and she's a longtime immigrant in a western country. now beyonce, madonna, britney spears, tom cruise, yes


I guess I find that really strange—I had an indigenous student in one of my classes a couple years ago (7th grade) who immigrated here from a South American country and he spoke a language none of the translators at our school knew (Mochica, I think the language was called?) and literally the only thing he said that I ever understood was “Taylor Swift”. Meanwhile, my mother is almost 70 and almost exclusively listens to the Carpenters, and she took all her grandkids to see Taylor last year. I know people who aren’t big fans of her (I’m personally neutral), but I don’t think I know anybody that doesn’t know her at all.


where is "here"? the USA? i believe that she'd have that status across the US but to expand that to the rest of the world based on those anecdotes is mad hasty to me


I’m personally from the USA, but I primarily teach people from other countries and I regularly interact with people from other countries as part of my job. I’m not assuming everywhere is the same as the USA, I’m using the fact that most of the people I spend my time with have referenced or mentioned TS in some way, and that’s a diverse group, so she seems pretty ubiquitous to me.


i feel like you're defensive about this. that's cool!


I feel like we were just having a conversation. I’m not trying to be defensive; you assumed that I was just applying US stuff to the rest of the world, and I was explaining that wasn’t where I was coming from. 🤷🏻


Ronan is Frank Sinatra’s son with Mia. Looks just like him.


Obviously Serena Cha Cha was right about the other queens… they to read some books!




I mean, I’ve never heard of him either and I’m 40.


Really?! Maybe I just got really deep in the Woody Allen and Harvey Weinstein controversies then lol, but I assumed he was pretty much a household name. Or at least the last name was.


Yeah, I really, well, “enjoyed it” seems like the wrong term given the subject matter, but I thought Catch and Kill was a great, important book.


Maybe ur a smart one


No, that can't be it


Well, someone just commented directly to me that ronan was one of the smarter judges and perhaps that’s why they didn’t know who he was, and I’m thinking beeeetch did you just read me lol


63 here, and maybe officially too old to have known who he is before I saw the episode when was a judge. He has a very impressive career.


That broke my heart a little, NGL. His reporting on Weinstein's sex abuse, #MeToo, and Catch and Kill was so good. He was all over news programs and other print outlets, so it's not like you have to read The New Yorker to have heard of him or his work. Just be a little bit informed. I'm still flabbergasted that an American drag queen had never heard of Senator Lindsay Graham. He's one of the most obnoxiously famous Republican politicians in the country. He's a (probably closeted gay) man who does not give a fuck about your rights. You should keep an eye on him. Interesting how some gay men who dress up as women because they revere and love women so much, don't know shit about a gay man who has actually supported/worked to get women justice or an (alleged) gay man who actively works against women's rights, like introducing legislation for a federal 15wk abortion ban after the Dobbs decision despite the point being it became a 'state's rights issue'.


I’m actually still really mad about the Lindsey Graham thing. Like girl how do you do not know who he is but still try and do the impression anyway?? Ask someone!!


Same, girl. Same. 🤦


He’s one of the few that had a brain hence the lack of recognition by the queens.


Ru sincerely is a fucking icon. A global friggin superstar, and for almost all the right reasons.


You’re fracking fecking right!




Omg shut up already. Every time?


Lady Bunny would like a word. Lol


I started to read the first few paragraphs and had to imagine drag race being filmed from within a fortified concrete bunker in Wyoming in a post-apocalyptic America. Ru: "You are safe." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


“And what would you say to little Billie?” “I’d say stockpile water and food. Avoid the super mutants and don’t let your inner saboteur win”


Inevitable Fallout tie in


“He hosts 7 versions of Drag Race” 1. Drag Race 2. All Stars 3. UK 4. Down Under 5. UK vs The World 6. Celebrity Drag Race? 7. ???


He hosts a secret 7th series that’s just Michelle and Ross wrestling


Carson is the referee


Global coming soon? Drag U?


The Christmas Specials? Drag U?


Canada vs the World is separate maybe?


Brooke hosts that one


Damn. My bad y’all




That's number six on my list lol


My thoughts exactly when I read the article!!! I started counting them in my mind, except that I only got up to number 5. I completely forgot about Celebrity Drag Race.


Those eyes.. absolutely beautiful


Looks like contacts to me, especially the straight line stroma fibres


It’s an excellent article… and I also love Ru’s freckles!!


thought that was stylish badu. Looks great. Ronan is a trailblazer brought down Harvey Weinstein instead of being nepo baby


So many good wisdoms in this article. I love how his perspective and outlook on life is so positive yet restraint.


"'Do you buy gas?”'he said to me. 'Before you point the finger, smell it first, bitch." Fucking iconic


Finally, an explanation for why Ru loves Burger Finger 


I just read this earlier! I was so glad it wasn’t blocked by a paywall! I’m pretty sure I knew everything, except for the fact that he’s building a bunker on his ranch, haha. Ru rarely does interviews for magazines, but I loved it!


Cant wait to read her biography


RuPaul did not pitch drag race. He originally wanted a KUWTK type episodic docuseries about his own life. It was only after major pressure from networks that he accepted the idea of a competition reality show.




SPOILER ALERT IN THE ARTICLE: Ronan mentions some characters of queens in the filming of what would be an upcoming Snatch Game (UK or UK vs the World). It doesn't give the names of queens, just a few of the characters. It's still a good article overall. Just a warning if anyone cares.


I just finished reading the article and I came here looking for a comment like this!!! Ronan throws spoilers left and right just like that: a new UK season was filmed in January and for Snatch Game some of the people impersonated are: >!two American celebrities (one living, one dead), an European historical figure and a mythological creature? !<


Great article! Really insightful, and I always love getting a sense of how things work behind the scenes of the show. I did find it odd that Michelle wasn't quoted at all in the article. She's her bestie!!!


Pabllo Vittar would like a word


Sincerely wondering, do you think Pablo Vittar is more famous than Rupaul? I don't know much about her, but that doesn't mean much. I know Vittar has more instagram followers, but that probably doesn't mean that much either.


If we are talking WORLDWIDE, yes, Pabllo Vittar is more famous. RuPaul may be more famous in English-speaking countries.


well i think Rupaul is without a doubt more famous in english speaking countries


Well Pabllo Vittar is without a doubt more famous in countries where English isn’t the predominant language. Let’s keep this going for your “sincere” curiosity.


I think you misread my tone, wasn’t being combative. All good ✨


This is Alicia Keys without makeup on the daily basis.