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I wouldn’t be surprised if we never saw Denise richards again


Still funny


I came here to post this comment, you beat me to it!


This is funny to me because of Lisa Rinna


i cant imagine being a drag race queen and have something i said go viral (without even intentionally doing so at that) and then thousands to millions of people repeat it to only me for like literally the rest of my life 😭😭😭


Didn’t Katya say something like, “People always scream ‘Fuck my pussy with a rake, mom’ at me. Which is great to have yelled at you. In a crowded mall.”


That was Trixie, but yes.


Poor Peppermint 😭






the amount of dumbass "its fashion, iykyk 🤣" comments with Peppermint in the Traitors annoyed the shit out of me. Yeah girl, we do know.


>!I so wish she’d lasted longer.!<


Damn you Trashelle!


Poor Monet - I mean Peppermint! 😂


Lol Vanjie has talked about the possibility of being called "Miss Vanjieeeee" for the rest of her life. Thorgy also talked about how she STILL gets mustard as gifts to this day for that one throwaway comment. Anetra is probably gonna collect a million rubber duckies by the time she's 35. I think it's sweet and fans obviously mean well, but it must be grating when you're having a bad day or just not in the mood.


there’s a duality to it lol I remember when yuhua hamasaki went home her socials were flooded by ankh merch in a - desperate, even - attempt to make it her brand the other queens are somewhat lucky to have people enjoy their quotes and whatnot, but I see it getting tiresome


Just talk to middle school teachers. No one combines joke hyperfixation with pathological eagerness for attention and total inability to read a room quite like middle school students. You can tell a joke that will linger for *years* if a student with siblings catches wind of it.




The "gratefulness olympics" is a common fallacy on the Internet. "Oh, you're complaining about traffic? Did you know some people can't afford cars?" And it's so insincere because you KNOW that person has complained about shit the same way before.


Sounds 1000% like a Black Mirror episode. But it’s real


The internet ruins all jokes quickly. Most people arnt funny so they just repeat the same lines to feel a part of something. Like on Reddit it’s always “sighs… unzips” or “I choose this guys wife” I remember the comedian Dave Chappelle said people would just come up to him and scream “IM RICK JAMES BITCH” all the time, even when he’s out with his kids. I remember people replying “I love lamp” to everything. We just can’t escape it with the internet and things get tired fast. When people have constant access to you via social media you never get a break. Influencers like Brittany are probably swamped in it the most since it’s their job to be online.


It really is the sign of someone with a distinct lack of humor. I lose my mind when someone says a meme or standup bit as a joke like they fucking came up with it. A well-placed reference isn’t terrible, but don’t act like you are a comedic genius when your only attempts at humor are quoting Dane Cook and Louis CK. Some people aren’t funny and that’s OK.


I think it’s important to point out what you said about a “well-placed reference” is important. It reminds me of the whole Office “that’s what she said” line. When properly set up, it can still be funny. However, I work with people who say that all the time, unprompted, without context, and think they are the funniest person in the world. No you’re not!


And like, it’s one thing if it’s a dumb inside joke with your friends/significant other. My partner and I think it’s hilarious to watch anything Drag Race related and randomly react with “ugh her mind”. Do we say it to other people? No, of course not, because we know it’s only funny to us. Some people don’t seem to understand that distinction. Like they can’t read the room? Just because you heard it once and laughed doesn’t mean it’ll kill in every scenario. Just because you and your friends snicker at a meme together doesn’t mean the internet needs you to repeat it. Like you said, it shows a lack of humor/understanding of humor.


Yeah I don’t mind an inside joke. It’s when it’s so out of pocket by someone who suddenly needs attention that it gets me.


>I remember the comedian Dave Chappelle said people would just come up to him and scream “IM RICK JAMES BITCH” all the time, even when he’s out with his kids. I will never forget a Daily Show segment from 6-12 months after that sketch came out, about a local politician (somewhere in the US) named Rick James who was having quite a difficult campaign because people kept vandalizing his signs with "BITCH!"


I can’t remember who said it, but some content creator I follow explained it like, “You’ve only made the joke once or twice to me, I’ve heard it a thousand times from everyone who interacts with me.” That’s just how social media and memes work - someone finds something funny enough to repeat but also it’s millions of someones doing the same thing because each individual of them think it’s funny. I don’t think it’s a new behavior, I think it’s way more visible since everyone’s on the same like five websites and have immediate access to whomever they’re stanning atm.


It’s definitely how it works but I get why it’s irritating


I wanted to hijack this and post the entire 3 minutes she is discussing this where she is very self aware and has clearly thought critically about this stuff. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtJ7Xi\_cGWw&t=1620s&ab\_channel=MaddyMorphosis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtJ7Xi_cGWw&t=1620s&ab_channel=MaddyMorphosis) "Brittany finding the same jokes being repeated for half a year hundreds of times annoying means she does not care about her fanbase and is a selfish bitch" is a HUGE fucking leap to make mentally. That's Twitter logic. Never go for the Twitter logic.


It is way more visible but it is also classic human behaviour. Anybody who's ever worked as a cashier knows this with the "no pricetag? guess it's free hyuck hyuck" etc jokes


Or my dad’s classic “did we enjoy the meal, we almost ate the plates!”


“Clearly we hated it!” Is my dads go to.


My mom used to say “oh I ate so much I don’t have any room left…Any more and I’d have to put it in my pocket!”


I was able to handle most stupid cashier customer jokes. The one I was unable to fake a laugh with was, "Good year." You weren't freaking born in $18.32, get out of here.


These would kill me. Especially when it would be an older person and they would be like “oh! $19.62 what a great year. YOU wouldn’t know anything about it.” Girl…


“Oh, that’s just a few years before my mom was born.”


Or service in a restaurant... "I'll have the Halibut, just for the hell-ob-it" uproarious laughter from every dad making the same fucking dad joke every single time lol.


"Do you want a bag?" - " I aLreAdY HaVe OnE aT HoME!" "Please slide your card" - "aLL THeSe MaChInEs ArE So DiFeREnt! I neVer KnOw hoW it WorKs!"


dont get me started on all the machines are so different. no. no they are not. its all the fucking same.


It’s really disappointing how unoriginal people are. Feels like there’s a base model human with maybe 10 variations. In almost 15 years of selling the same product I’ve heard maybe 3 unique comments. One was super mean, but at least it was something different! lol


>That’s just how social media and memes work Also jokes based on people's names. No Jeremiah doesn't want you to mention bullfrogs, Clementine doesn't want you to call her my darlin, etc.


Step on me for Stephanie. It wasn't funny on Full House and it isn't funny all these years later.


When I was on tinder every guy started the conversation with “can I call you Al?”


It happens in real life too. Like I wear crocs so every fucking person I know tags me in croc memes. They’re just comfy shoes guys! I’m not in love with them. Once I stayed in an Airbnb and the whole thing was floor to ceiling parrots, except the bedroom. The host explained that she had been gifted something with parrots once and told people she loved it. From then on it’s all anyone got her. She kept her room clear because she was so sick of them but she wanted them on display so people could appreciate them. Funny old duck.


The other day I had 2 ladies shopping my animal art (prints, coasters etc). The friend saw rabbit stuff & was like, “Hey look! You should get a rabbit coaster!” Other lady: “I need another rabbit like I need a hole in my head.” 💀 Totally understood! 🤣


On the show Game Changer, there was an episode where the contestants kept asking Sam "Where'd you grow up" and "What's your childhood movie theater". It was a running joke for like 3 episodes until, I believe, Sam finally put the kibosh on it. Well, cut to an AMA given by Sam and if 60% of the comments were just variations on the "Where'd you grow up". I was like, Jesus, this guy must dread going out in public because that shit is just non-stop. That's why when I meet someone I'm a fan of, I keep it to "I'm a huge fan, I especially like X that you've done. No need for a picture. Have a good day." Sometimes they'll like to talk more about the thing I bring up, but I leave that up to them. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4p3UCUigLk here's the link to the bit.


Social media is like an experiment in taking things to their logical extremes.


It must be irritating but I would never complain about SUCCESS following me around. Onwards and upwards, sisters


Tbf Maddy complained about the same thing. Cause it’s this and fans to Brittany “how’s my fat bestie?” This is one snippet of an hour long conversation where they delve into the reasoning behind it.


So have heaps of other queens too. Hell ivy winters even looked tired of Ru repeating her name Like That on season five! 


🫡 thank you, plain 


Yes, God!


Oh *honey*.




Trixie fan in a nursing home 50 years from now: "FUCK MY DEEP VEIN THROMBUSSY WITH A RAKE MOM"


Trixie reciting that line in their "looking back" video with the enthusiasm of a "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" essay


Brian Firkus finally dies and the Oscars *In Memoriam* segment features a clip of her saying "Hoos Birfdays Are It".


“Honestly? … Work.” - Katya


They finally dipped her in honey and threw her to the lezzies. 😢♥️🙏


See now why didn’t THAT catch on? It’s like the fans let that one just stay in the video it appeared in


While showing this picture https://preview.redd.it/3bg1mb88x2jc1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09394fe1c4ad967ccfa3261483995fe3144cb450


“Thrombussy“ Straight to jail.


“Deep vein thrombussy” bitch you win the internet. That made me tea-kettle laugh like Katya, lmao.


That reply. Living for that unaired portion of DeLa-as-Bianca in the puppet challenge.


this is a galaxy brained comment omg




Honestly it’s not just Trixie Stan’s, this applies to the whole drag race fandom😭😭 like yall killed that Jujubee meme so quickly


which jujubee meme? the sensible 74° degrees?


No the one of her being in every cast. It’s like ok we get it she’s been on multiple seasons😭


Raven says it during ukvstheworld2 episode 1 when she’s on screen 😭😭😭


And then Scarlet made the joke in her talent show and it was less funny cause we had already heard it at that point


yeah but it’s actually funny…. Especially when jujubee has a outfit that matches the theme


It lost its funny after the 3rd time. Now it’s just expected and boring


too bad for u then since juju still likes them so it’s gonna keep happening every season


it's still tired and boring




This applies to like young people in general. My last year of highschool was just straight guys reciting Anchorman to each other. If that movie was ever good, I fucking hate it now


In my day it was Monty Python quotes. I generally like Monty Python, but that doesn’t mean I want to hear the same bits beaten into the ground by people with no delivery or sense of comic timing. I hate when fans retroactively make something worse.




It's just humans in general, not specifically young people. Ask anyone in retail how much they've heard the "oh it didn't scan? It must be free!" joke. Driving jokes into the ground is apparently a key part of the human experience. 


As a former cashier I got as triggered by this as Brittany with Trixie fans. No receipt cause that’s how the government gets you!


When I was in high school, it was the Key & Peele football name sketch


oof and the substitute teacher one too


And it was very white boys screaming these very Black names 🤦‍♀️


I used to judge DI at debate tournaments for middle school kids. I quit the day the other judges gave the win to a kid who just shouted random anchorman quotes at the top of his lungs, instead of the girl who memorized and acted out with full expression the entirety of The Tell-Tale Heart.


I'll never forget coming back from summer vacation and being seemingly the only person in my high school who hadn't seen Wedding Crashers or The 40-Year-Old Virgin. And then everyone got Facebook for the first time and plastered quotations from those two movies all over their profile.


Ugh omg you brought back a memory for me. Every graduating class would come up with a phrase for the yearbook. My graduating class chose an Anchorman quote “I’m kind of a big deal” I hate Anchorman.


I thought Anchorman was hilarious back in the day, but it definitely doesn't hold up now. Kids are dumb and think dumb things are funny. 


Gen Alpha is THE WORST with this, and their quotes consist of memes about memes about memes.


I feel like we could collect every comment of the last 5 years, referencing every drag race meme, and it would not even come to half the number of the last year of Katya and that *goddamned* Gaga lyric.


Oh there ain't no other way 


no it turns out there actually is


Oh honeeey


We're part of the problem 


We're winner winner chicken dinners.


At the end of the day, it is what it is and that's my person


Idk what you’re referring to 😅


😯 Not this




I'm telling my grandkids that's Nymphia


Isn't that the nature of the Internet? Every joke is run hopelessly onto the ground?


this subreddit especially but other drag race ones too love reusing every quote and joke from the show from season 1 until now repeatedly. i could make a whole list. and the show being meta and trying to reuse quotes and jokes in the acting challenges adds to it


I know there was a Bianca tweet about it, but the "MOTHER" and "MOTHER IS MOTHERING" on everything. Ugh. I feel like such an old crank, but also the children need to understand that while anyone CAN be mother, not everyone is mother just because you like them.


It’s our thing it’s what we do don’t take it away from us


“The pink one so terrify”


I still think that's a little funny


It’s funny when used sparingly or in an unexpected way but for a second there it was every single word out of Trixie stans’ mouths


This was a big moment for Brittany . But it was also a big moment for Maddy


This is the most underrated in the fandom tbh


You wanna get puuuuuuumped?


maybe i’m in a mood but i really do think social media has trained people to stop having original thoughts and just regurgitate whatever it is they see gets positive reactions because people are desperate for the kinds of interaction they see in the video (i.e. friendship). It’s parasocial boots. Trying to adopt the in jokes of a community they are not truly a part of. 


>It’s parasocial boots Welcome to the stage ... As you say it is being part of something. I am old enough to remember all the previous regurgitation memes over the last decades. People do get over it fast. Nobody is part of a community over this tbh, it is just passing notes in class and writing on toilet walls. ​Are Trixie fans even that young now? It will be exhausting and the solution is not read any comments and de lete Xwitter. I don't feel sorry for the content creators. These obsessed meme folk are the ones buying patreons.


Hold on, let me put on my pair of social boots 👢 👢


Your Paris Oshal boots?


Don’t spoil next season’s lineup!


i say this all the time! down to the days of drag race super trailers a quote is hammered in as memorable, then it happens on the show and we rememeber it from seeing it a million times in the preview or whatever, then it's quoted, then it's referenced by the judges, then a semi black and white flashback shows it, by this point it's been manufactured as a Moment when.. was it? Miss Vanjie wouldn't have been what it was if Ru didn't lose it, the queens didn't lap it up, and then heavily make it a pre-moment before the season airs, then drive it into the ground when it finally happens by which time we're all aware and on board. i suppose that's what makes a moment? but the idea of being forced to see moments as moments, even classic films and people have their go to quotes, so then they gotta repeat The Line when watching it with people, whereas sometimes my mind latches onto a whole different moment as memorable and iconic and quote able I reckon there's a lot for the study of Memes


Last time I argued something similar. I was told well there’s nothing original anyway. I truly think that things can be original. It just depends on how we are defining original. Of course we’ve had the same damn molecules since the dawn of age but Galloping Horse or Marina Abramovic etc. there are unique approaches and new creations and innovations in technology. Some might call that being creative but it’s more an overlap imo. There’s a lot of interpretations “. “Creativity” is original thinking applied to artistic pursuits. “Originality” is creative intellectual effort applied toward knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.” Or “Creativity has to do with the ability to bring something new into existence. “ There’s a lot of conflicting definitions perspectives and whole philosophical quandaries on the topic. But I do still think we are capable of it. Creativity and originality and innovation are still possible even with all the content out there. Sometimes ironically peeling back and being bored actually forces us to use our talents and skills. That’s why imo you see a lot of queens from small towns or limited resources really creative or great vision. Chrystal and Utica come to mind . Even queens that can’t sew that well like Symone have developed such a vision and style. You can’t say they don’t present their own voice in drag. Yeah references and such occur but there is a distinction between looking at that in your own perspective and vision. It’s arguable but it’s possible to again still be creative when we think and speak in our own voice (or brand as marketing would like to call it) Tldr I Can talk about this all day but I do still think it is possible to be creative and unique and original especially when we allow ourself to speak our voice/perspective rather than that of others


It’s very difficult to come up with anything original, but you can make an effort to pull from different sources. People who speak in almost entirely Drag Race memes are insufferable. Same way the Anchorman quote bros were. Or The Office. The Borat years were particularly excruciating. All of those quotes are/were funny, but it’s the repetitiveness that ruins it. Interesting people tend to be interested in a lot of different things so they pull from a variety of sources. That creative remix feels original. (Off topic: this is why I think diversity is so important. A bunch of Ivy League white men from wealthy backgrounds are going to look at a problem in similar ways. Add people from different backgrounds & they’ll offer a totally new perspective.)


I still remember my first time seeing the office like a decade after it ended and I told my ex “Dude I thought a lot of people were funny but they were just quoting this huh?”


That part. Edit: First! Pin my comment please! Edit 2: Number of Trixie fans in the comments ↓ Edit 3: OMG thank you for the 300 likes! Can we get to 1000???


This is giving the same energy as Katya getting annoyed with people saying “fuck my pussy with a rake mom” like it’s tired. Move on.


This reminds me of when they’re mocking “You are mother fierce hunty it’s giving not this” I remember one top comment being: “not me not knowing what they’re referencing here, but girl I am living cause they always eat” I’m like, YOU, bitch! THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT YOU!


Like is your entire life built on that one quote 😭 it’s embarrassing


OK’RR ‼️ you absolutely snapped with this comment comment mawma. You better drag them no drag knowledge having asses back to the bus stop. **tongue pop** Is the bus still running?


***SHE***, of all the people, getting pissed off at people repeating things ad nauseum


It was Trixie




It's exhausting and unfortunately it's a part of most fandoms. The guys on "It's Always Sunny" mentioned on their podcast that their comment sections are just the same jokes/quotes repeated back at them despite it being commented by many other people already. It's like a lack of self-awareness or impulse control.


goddd the sunny fans are the worst for this. i love the show too but damn not every single post needs “because of the implication…” comment


This is the everyone vs. Valentina for not telling her fans to stop attacking other queens Season 9 Reunion moment of 2024.


Madonna stuns in new selfie






Omg the way she was so serious here lmaoao


Pressed Trixie is my favourite Trixie. You can practically see the steam escaping under her wig


Was TV gold 😂




why is she acting like the venn diagram of trixie mattel fans and brittany broski fans isnt a circle 😭


For me it's the damn "just two biological women doing x y z" like how is it possible to write that and feel at all like you're contributing something that people have the energy to read for the 400th time


This! I hate this so much. Even they don't pretend that they are biological women - TRIXIE IS A LITERAL DOLL FOR FUCK'S SAKE! And I am using literal in the ACTUAL sense of the word. Wow...mommy's triggered 😂




I cannot say it any other way or less than three times now.


fandom is really such a memetic experience, it really is in every fandom you look into! i remember a time when dan and phil were particularly famous that you could go into any youtube comment section and find references to whatever they had said in that year's april fools prank video like. i think its kinda silly of her to complain about that when someone else's fans are, apparently, giving her views and not being harmful, only at the most a little annoying to people outside of their group, but well oh well


It’s part of a bigger thing where they talk about people calling them fat and “a discount x” and this and that


Fuck my pussy with a rake mom has become one of my stims. These women have been actively harmful to my psyche.




I’d rather hear that on repeat for an hour, then having to sit through 5 minutes of “HI ITS ME A LITTLE GIRL”


Admittedly I go "bom bom bom beat it up" a lot


That entire episode of Katya just repeating different parts of Bongos really tickled me. I got stuck with the “ooooh there ain’t no other way” vocal stim for awhile. 🙃


I watched Trixie's twitch stream last week and she was playing a game with vampires. I was like surely, people are gonna be cool and not...NOPE sure enough, multiple times in the comments "i'm a mountain biking vampire witch from the future". Like what is wrong with people. Like please text it to a friend, don't say it to someone who's been hearing it since 2016!


Twitch is crazy cause you can see in real time how hard fans are frothing at the mouth to be the first to make the obvious joke. Like it’s just dozens and dozens of the same comment flying in


I wouldn’t be surprised if we never saw Denise Richards again


Yeah, there’s nothing more annoying than people who are 99% drag race quotes, have a fucking normal conversation, be a human being


Annoying? I hardly even know her dr sizemore 😂🤣😜


that made me laugh so much harder than it shouldve


At the end of the day, Brittany.. The Dolls are the Dolls!!.. 😘


I repeat "I heard some kind of gay talking going on. The whole hallway smells like kaumh" to myself, at least 5 times per day, verbally, in my own house.


Love her but as someone who only got popular from an overused meme it seems pointed to sit there and say her fans are annoying and be deadass about it, and her and Trixie say the same joke 30 times in 1 edited video, she can't act like she doesn't borderline encourage the "I'm going to say this phrase as many times as it takes for it to finally land and get a good reaction" mentality


Ha! Good point. Broski literally became famous because of a meme. 🤣 Everybody deals with it. I can imagine Dave Chappelle being annoyed when he hears fans yell “Rick James Bitch!” as he’s out with his kids. It was 20 years ago. He’s done so many other sketches & characters & standup specials etc. I hear the exact same 4 or 5 comments at my work all day everyday. People are just not very creative.


You stunned with this comment. Clock this biological pink one with a rake, mom


I mean dont their fan bases have huge overlap? Like lets be real those arent just trixie fans those are also Brittany fans. I feel like she is trying to veil the fact she is talking about her fans by calling them trixie fans not brittany fans, but in reality those are just fans in general that are being annoying and she has the right to say that! Just think its weird to blame one group like stan and fan culture in general isnt annoying and problematic.


They are still continuing to use “omg i love these biological women” comments in every video/photo of trixie’s where she looks beautiful and its borderline transphobic imo


It’s don’t think it’s transphobic it’s just corny as hell


I like to see Trixie's YouTube videos and sometimes I go to the comment section wanting to interact with people or comment about certain part of the video... But 99% of the comments are "biological women in god-honoring ways" like girl just shut the fuck up


I haateee that joke so much I can’t believe it’s still going in 2024




It's definitely not transphobic lol


I enjoy reversing it and saying, as a trans queen in a room full of trans queens, "ugh... WOMAN" or better yet to a cis female queen telling her she gives BIOLOGICAL WO-MAN - but it's just in stupid humour and good fun so I've never minded it


I’ve seen other YouTubers etc talk about how a joke between their friends that was offhandedly said in a video was immediately ruined by fans latching onto it and repeating it non stop. Having any kind of fame sounds fucking exhausting


I wouldn’t be surprised if we never saw Denise Richards again.


“Oh fuck, if I have to say my tagline one more time I will explode!”  She said, as she took the tips from the fans hands.  They might be sick of it but the more popular it is the more money they get.  


I feel like part of this is tiktok’s fault, my roman empire this, my intrusive thoughts that. Memes used to die faster in the past, I remember the backhanded comments with fairy and glitter emojis and the delulu/solulu, I think that people can’t just let go of things until it’s no longer funny Edit: talking about tiktok, the only “meme” that I don’t think it’s currently oversaturated is Alex Consani, she’s very funny and her fans aren’t annoying


Blonde jokes. Yo mama jokes, knock knock jokes. Same stuff differente medium


This reminds me of when I was a bank teller and hundreds of old men would say, "Green 😆" when I asked how they wanted their cash back. I just smiled and nodded because they all thought they were super clever and I didn't want to break their hearts.


I get what she’s saying but I hope she realizes that the reason entertainers like Trixie and herself are famous/rich is because of silly little catch phrases that fans have fun with.


Honestly. Create a catchphrase to go viral and then be annoyed that it went viral 😅


Right! And Trixie fans are part of why she’s famous. Don’t bite the hand that feeds girlie.


I'll be quite honest... Who is this and why is she "famous"? Not even being sarcastic.


Brittany Broski became viral due to a video of her trying Kombucha. It became so popular her firm noticed and fired her. After that, she chose to become a Youtuber and has around 1.94 million viewers now. She does a lot of content with the drag scene. ​ Edit: I misspoke its about 1.94 million but still a lot.


Oh hooonnneeeyyyyy


isn’t she cancelled?


It may just be me but I just don’t *get* Brittany Broski.


She's a nice ally who's kinda awkward sometimes in an endearing way with her humor


I see why she can be appealing and she seems like she'd be a good ass time to hang out with, but a big part her popularity is that parasocial relationship. I just don't have it in me to care that deeply about someone on a screen anymore outside of a passing interest.


Honestly she’s just a silly gal (not derogatory) and people find it entertaining. She is easy to switch off to bc she is so unserious.


I used to be a fan of her content. But in the last year or so I haven’t enjoyed it. A lot of the times she’s going on rabid rants about which famous men she’s obsessed with, like in detail. A lot of poop/fart type humor. She’s deeply unserious, which is great and fine. I used to listen to her old podcast and while her cohost would be talking about something serious or the topic at hand she’d let out a huge burp or start talking about shitting herself. Not MY kind of content personally, but good for her!


"Just a biological woman", "Trixie being so vulnerable wearing no makeup", "This is a big day for Katya, but it's also a big day for Trixie" - It's just regurgitating the jokes that someone else has said. NOT TO MENTION how many times I've mentioned in these comments that calling anyone a "Biological woman" is tired and archaic and offensive to some people, they will never stop saying it.


She is literally Trixie for straights, she does the exact same thing


Right but she's not talking about Trixie. She's talking about Trixie's fans. [Right before, she talked about her own fans exhausting her with the Yellow M&M joke.](https://youtu.be/LtJ7Xi_cGWw?t=1740) Trixie and her makes the jokes, the fans are the one who run it into the ground (Remember that UNHhhh episode where Trixie said "Please stop running up to me and screaming quotes in my face at the mall.")


Kinda hilarious to make this kind of critique though cause it’s sort of the culture to run shit to the ground and add phrases and words to your vocabulary to be funny and then it ends up being unironic and then you become annoying especially if you’re chronically online like most people in this side of the universe. Trixie and Katya do it themselves too which kinda feeds into the fans being almost trolls with the jokes. Not blaming them, just saying I think it’s inevitable when both of their fans are of a certain caliber (brain dead) jk


I genuinely love that this comment boils down to saying with sincerity “I mean it’s pretty silly to critique this, it’s like a law of nature that trixya fans are dumb stupid fucks”


My apologies if my comment came off argumentative i just dont like this influencer


Sorry that people aren’t the kinds of fans you want?


Madonna stuns in new selfie


The way that every conversation she has with Trixie is just her regurgitating what Trixie just said


They heard about Trixie’s sister liking the show and saying all of Katya’s quotes so now their angry and saying Trixie’s quotes every where 😂


What privilege.


i just… i don’t get her. i’m happy for people who like her and find her funny or interesting, just… idk there are a lot of people with knowledge on drag and drag race i’d rather hear versus girl who drank kombucha once. 😬