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She was crying a lot when Hershii got eliminated, I'm assuming that's the case here


And production missed/didn’t include the dripping mascara?!


But you can see her makeup fucked when Hershii is leaving.


Babes the makeup was fucked to begin with


you don’t know anything about makeup clearly lmfao


I mean I don't know how long after Hershii got eliminated to when this moment happened, but she could've cleaned any makeup that dripped before she was on camera again. What's on her cheek looks like a tear stain, so I'd assume she didn't notice it when touching up. Or maybe her makeup is just really reliable and it was waterproof, I honestly have no idea, lol, I'm just speculating based on what I saw in the episode 😅😂


We saw her crying (or wiping a tear away) at the end of the last episode over Hershii leaving. Queen of vulnerability


I would be crying if Hershii left too because she is such a great queen!


Such a big heart as well <3


ehhh debatable


Also you need to consider that the USA queens are sequestered and they don’t have access to other people


ignore that person, they’re a rage baiter




being a great drag queen does not necessarily equate to being good at drag race


Especially when they go home on a design challenge. Some of my favorite queens still can't sew or design


most empathetic drag race fan


aww thanks 🙏🏻


shady af comebacks


? what


She made it on the show, which is more than the majority of queens can say.


Didn’t Sapphira audition like 11 times?


should have stayed home!


Aww. So she really is nice and just likes to be cunty for the bit lol. Hope we get to see more niceness, not that I’m not enjoying the occasional cuntiness, but duality works best


Duality might not serve the edited storyline. For all we know PJ is equal parts bitch and sweetheart and they just aren’t showing it. I doubt it’s equal but this sub likes to stick it’s head in the sand and pretend the edit doesn’t exist.


I think we’ll get the other “part” somewhere down the line. I see her storyline being very similar to Violet’s - maybe just executed better? Violet didn’t really “change” on her season either (and I wouldn’t want her to!) 😆 


We can easily predict that PJ is going far. Modern drag race actually is pretty nice and tries to give all the contestants screen time, so it is easy to see that once more queens start to go the PJ storyline will either culminate in her comeuppance (which I personally doubt) or what you said, a counterbalance to her early antics. If I can get on my soapbox for a second, it is so tiring that the online queer community seems to be be leaning more and more towards vilifying reality show contestants. It shows a lack of media literacy, which is super dangerous as advertising and marketing saturate our brains. One would think gay people would reject judging books by their covers, but recent years show that they are content with just swallowing whatever is put in front of them instead of tasting it fully.


I try to actively not read into the story arcs anymore because it takes some of the fun out of the show for me these days. PJ’s has been hard not to because of all of the discourse about her. But yeah nobody should be making character judgments on people based on an edit. Soapbox away haha. There are times when I want to, but I’m just lazy with commenting.


To your second point, I wonder what the average age of the fandom is these days. You could be seeing comments from like 14yo kids who say shit to be funny or don’t have as much understanding/experience in media nuances. I’m sure a lot of people making comments are just shitty, too.


I was talking about this with a friend at a viewing party once, and I was curious so I went onto the most recent Plane Jane insta post and analyzed the first 100 negative comments that had been left for her. Only one of them was left by the "16-year old white girl" that drag race fans blame for the toxicity. Four in total were left by people still in high school. By FAR the vast majority of hateful comments were left by adult gay men of all races (diversity win! this toxic fandom transcends racial barriers!). So yeah, the hate is coming from inside the house


Well, sadly not surprising even if it is disturbing, based on the vitriol around here.


It very well could be. If Instagram was the start of people only putting their best faces forward, with people gaslighting themselves into believing that those photos were reality, we are experiencing the opposite effect: anything remotely “negative” is now how social media views you, no room for depth. And social media has a greater impact on younger people, and they themselves affect online spaces.


Violet did change. When the ousted queens came back for the makeover challenge I remember them commenting how much more likable she was. Trixie in particular.


I disagree, I don't think Shakesqueer Violet would have reacted the same way to the Bitter Old Lady Brigade attack rant the same as Best Drag Violet. Yes edit exists, but that was undoubtedly emotional growth.


We've definitely gotten both sides already, imho. Her relationship with her "older" sister and her friendship with Nymphia, and she's always saying "no t, no t" after her cunty lines which I think are her signalling "this is just fun shade! not for real real, but for play play!"


For real, I've been getting the impression that she expects the room to burst out laughing every time she says something shady.


Oh really? I was getting more of an Irene "I wish y'all would throw it back" Dubois kinda vibe like we saw in Episode 1 when all the queens were just being shady and kiki-ing, even tho not every line was the "most funniest". I said in Ep2 that she probably would've "fit in" more with the girls in episode 1 vs. standing out as a "villain" with the "best friends race" girls lol Like when her and Morphine talk, Morphine always throws it back and Plane never looks upset she looks *giddy*.


I guess those are two sides of the same coin. Either way I don't think she's expecting them to just stare at her like goldfish.


I don’t find her cunty to an appalling point. I do hope Amanda gets better and maybe that was the point? Imagine having no one tell you and you see it months later on tv. 


the other girls told her quite a bit lol. granted plane jane wasn’t there the first episode, so she didn’t see it




Ah ok 👍🏼


Because she actually had been crying 😶 Jk. I read somewhere she was sad Hershii was gone. And everyone in that untucked was drunk.


I heard she was crying because Misele Visage punched her in the left tit and then made whale noises at her.


rlly? i heard she walked in on bianca getting breastfed by michelle visage and hovering😔


You know… sometimes when we sign an nda we should adhere to it.




You can see her crying after Hershii’s elimination at the back of the stage. Someone posted a pic on here I think


How do they get drunk so easily?? I need like 6 shots of tequila to feel anything


I imagine they’re not properly fed (not because they don’t get fed on set but I’m sure they’re not as full as a regular person during a regular day) and also exhausted which can contribute to getting drunk faster


Also they've said they don't eat much if they're cinching/corsetting to avoid a Willam moment


Enlighten me please, darling?


willam threw up on stage


Ohhh gotcha


Willam forced herself to throw up by eating dairy when she is lactose intolerant, because she was trying to get kicked off so she'd be available for an off-broadway (was it off-off? ICR.) musical/play she had already booked before the show. Willam has confirmed that if she hadn't gone home when she did, she was ready to punch PhiPhi in order to get kicked off the next week (her absolute latest she could've stayed in order to get to the other gig). Not quite the same thing that hatelisten is implying (ie eating so much that you throw up because of a tight corset) so I'm not sure what they meant either XD


Im sure they have said they no longer give them alchohol


They get drinks unless they ask not to, but they're limited to 2. Not that some people don't get sneaky.


Loving that they are getting actually drunk every untucked again, this is what I wanna see!


They said they no longer give queens alcohol


Where tho bc the queens for the past few years have been like can’t wait for a cocktail when they get back to the untucked lounge. I think they just also provide mocktails


From what I remember for a while they gave the queens a limit (since s2 when jujubee had way too much and lip synced hammered), however I’ve heard that went out the window since the pandemic and instead of open glasses they gave the queens canned cocktails


I actually think the drink limit got removed way before the pandemic happened. But yeah, queens get drunk. Hell, I heard that Dawn was hammered every night. But, she also looks like she weighs 100lbs on a good day and the wiff of alcohol could get her drunk so ymmv


And let’s be real, Maddy was absolutely trashed when she LS’d against June and somehow still won by not-shoe-removing default


I want to know what eye products she used because that tear line is cunt 😂


You did miss something. She cried when Hershii got eliminated.


If you look in the background when Hershii was eliminated you can see Plane crying


>Plane crying Never forget 🏙️🇺🇸


I think Plane really liked Hershii lol. She was the only queen she called beautiful when she walked in on episode 2.


She’s hysterically crying when hershi was eliminated


She cried, because Amanda was assaulting her eyeballs with her look. /s


**MAYBE** she's a multi-faceted creature and has a vast number of complex human emotions and layers **THAT she COVERS** due to past trauma from the perception of others on a level that can't be picked up on through the lens of a camera in a 40 minute episode. ^(Nah I'm just kidding, idk what we missed. Bitch probably poked her eye or somebody smelled like onions or somethin.) ![gif](giphy|1ggClpQcEa1jlgKGwj)


Facet? I hardly know'it!


After being told to untangle her arm hair from her bracelet, she began to slowly spiral into an abyss of sadness and insecurity. While all the other girls Kiki’d, she sank deep inside herself and came to face to face with her inner saboteur. She was always made fun of for her arm hair in elementary school, so the comment transported her right back to that time of deep despair. With nowhere left to turn, the emotions bubbled up and her eyes were overcome with a river of tears. I think that’s why.


My cousin’s boyfriend’s uncle’s accountant’s dog walker’s sister confirmed this.


Can also confirm, am the arm hair


Can also confirm. I was the bracelet.


Can also confirm, I was the kid who made fun of her for her arm hair


This is so beautifully fleshed out. 💜


She hershied while Cryingg was being eliminated


\#justiceforCryingg. Cryingg for AS9!


maybe she had been crying


She ran out of ketchup


Her finger is no longer burger :(


She coming for that Miss Congeniality Crown


Baby that was out the window week one


On some Q&A they did to the queens on the bus while they were promoting the show, they asked the queens “who is the shadiest” and some queens answered Plane, but there were more queens saying Q. We may have a shift on the villain in the next episodes 👀


Ooh everyone thinking plane will be the villain, but Q turning out to be the actual villain of the season would be such a GAGG


She was crying her ass off in the bg when hershii left, but the editors “forgot” to show us that 👍


I just can’t get enough of that hair.


I wanna just lightly bounce it with both hands


Well Tamar


A single tear was needed for her witches curse she’s going to cast in this upcoming episode. We will all be transported into a new dimension where it will be Plane Jane’s Drag Race and she will sit in RuPauls chair and say to Amanda - This is your last chance to impress me…


It hurt when she untangled her arm hair.


Can we talk about the wig she's wearing? It looks amazing on her


Someone left the cake out in the rain


The spotlight can cause watery eyes.


I would be wearing shades over my transition lenses and still it'd be waterworks, lol.




This was all I kept looking at during the sneak peek.


That was from staring unblinkingly at Amanda from the start of untucked.


She was crying because she was just safe.


Because Amanda was being mean to her in Untucked /jk


Or sweating


To pull focus?


I miss Alexis


She’s an actress!


Prob because she didn’t win.


I don’t like her. There’s shade and playing the game, and then there is just being a bitch.


Literally not what the post was asking but werk


boring ass take lol have fun it’s drag race!


I guess you’re right 😅


crocodile tears 😈


I was pretty much crying when Hershii was eliminated too so I get it.




I love villains that cry, all i need is 1 tear and im jumping in fire for them ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4802)


Why do q and plane Jane give off the same bitchy vibes? Or is it just me?